One-Eyed Richmond Forum

Football => Richmond Rant => Topic started by: mightytiges on November 21, 2004, 04:53:39 AM

Title: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on November 21, 2004, 04:53:39 AM
The Adelaide Advertiser

YEARS of professional running have opened the door for brilliant Glenelg teenager Danny Meyer to be a first-round pick at Saturday's AFL national draft.

The classy midfielder/small forward has spent the past five years working on his leg-power with coach Keith Aiston at the Western Districts Running Club.
The result is one of the finest athletes in this year's draft pool - a speed machine who is a certain top-20 selection and who could go as high as No. 10 to Collingwood.

"There's no doubt all the running I've done has paid off," Meyer, 18, said.

"It's helped a lot, not only with my overall leg work (speed) enabling me to get to the footy but also with my balance."

Lightly-framed at 74kg, Meyer's powerful legs were on display at the AFL draft camp where he finished in the top six for the running vertical jump with a leap of 87cm.

"He's a real good athlete, an explosive player who can burst into a game and hurt the opposition in 10 minutes," Glenelg football manager Ken Applegarth said.

"He's got that really quick turn of pace, he's terrific below his knees and because of his strong legs he's a thumping kick."

Meyer, a member of this year's South Australian under-18 team which contested the national championships in Melbourne, competed in last year's under-20 Bay Sheffield 120m sprint as well as several other high profile running races.

While his pace alone excites clubs, his ability to turn a game on its head with some magic reminds some astute judges of Port Adelaide premiership hero Gavin Wanganeen.

"Danny has a bit of Wanganeen about him," SA under-18 coach Darren Trevena said.

"He's got great potential, great evasive skills and he's smart around goal."

Strong overhead and possessing clean hands, Meyer also has a good footy brain - an attribute which is tough to teach.

An Essendon supporter, Meyer has spoken to 14 clubs in the lead-up to the draft, including Adelaide and the Power.

The Bombers, whose first pick is at 14, are his preferred destination.

"I'm a big James Hird and Matthew Lloyd fan so to go to Essendon would be ideal," he said.

"But I've heard the whispers about Collingwood taking me at (No.) 10. We'll just have to wait and see what happens. I'm happy to go anywhere."

Meyer, from great Glenelg breeding ground Sacred Heart College, played just six games (one under-19s and five reserves) for the Tigers this year because of school commitments.

The son of Tigers under-17s coach Steve Meyer, Danny understands there is one facet of his game that does need work - his frame.

"I've got to put on some weight and build up my upper body strength, I know that," he said. "I've already started working on it.",8747,11400205%255E25397,00.html
Title: Re: Danny Meyer article from the Adelaide Advertiser
Post by: cub on November 21, 2004, 09:19:03 AM
Essenscum supporter - We will have to weed that out of his system pretty quick.  ::)

Fan of Llyod - Does that mean he's also a good diver  :rollin

Ok Thats out of my system - all the best young fella and welcome aboard the tiger xpress  :thumbsup

Title: Re: Danny Meyer article from the Adelaide Advertiser
Post by: mightytiges on November 22, 2004, 09:25:19 PM
Terry's a huge wrap for Meyer after seeing so many U18 games. Plays HFF/midfielder. He's on SEN now and said Danny's such a good kick that he probably want Meyer kicking for goal than anyone else on our list even Browny.
Title: Danny Meyer
Post by: Rodgerramjet on November 24, 2004, 02:19:23 PM
By Colin Wisbey

Danny Meyer (Glenelg)

183/70 mid-age right foot (dual-sided) HFF.

*STYLE LIKE: Tyson Edwards


- Screamer.


- 6' marking forward worth early Rnd 2.

- He is not the complete package but is AFL IMHO and has a bit of "X factor". Plays very tall, kicks important goals and has a fair bit of development in him due to playing mainly school footy and trying to play tall but with a slim body size.

- Concentrating on school footy and often playing on a flank has meant he has displayed good form at that level without really being extended. This worries me a bit but I get the impression that, although reserved off-field, he enjoys rising to the occasion on a big stage and that encourages me to be optimistic for AFL level. I think he has more to offer than what he sometimes shows. The U18 Champs gave him a good guide as to where he currently sits, and what ground he needs to make up relative to his peers, when he found himself robbed of the freedom to perform his usual school party tricks.

- Currently lacks weight for the style of game he tries to play. Is slim and will improve a lot once he gains weight/strength.

- He sits at 18 in my rankings. In a typically stronger draft I would have him lower as he has a 5cm reach disadvantage and is somewhat unproven. I kept trying to drop him lower but, in the end, I could not find enough alternatives who had better credentials. Having said that, there are four other SA kids I would take ahead of him. I am rating him more on what I believe he will be capable of, rather than reading too much into his actual form to date. He just hasn't had the grounding that, say, the TAC kids have had.

I likened his style to Tyson Edwards but I think with time he might become the guy that you put your best stopper on. He has the potential to become very damaging - slippery, plays tall and kicks damaging goals..

Ready year 2.


- Generally a good set kick, especially for goal. I quite rate his kicking but not to the same extent that some others do. Overall he is a good, but not special, kick in general play. Hurt factor could be a bit better.

- Economical kicking action yet good power.

- Genuinely dual-sided.

- Good balance of kicks to feeds. Kicks are predominantly long. His accurate kicks hurt.

- Range seems to be just fractionally more than 50m but he gets the 45-50m consistently. Range is likely to improve once he adds weight and gets more power/strength in his legs and back.

- Dangerous around goals. Good goal sense - set, snap or on the run. Has shown he can kick a "must get" goal.

- Handball accuracy and hurt factor is a mixed bag under great pressure but he has quick hands.


- Generally makes the right decisions. Shows poise, has very good vision, looks for options and thinks quickly.
- Reads the play very well. Reads the ball well and roves the pack/spill well.
- Good traffic management.


- Is reasonably clean below the knee without being especially reliable. He is arguably cleaner overhead than at ground level. Strangely, he seems to be cleaner off the ground under great pressure than he is when the pressure is a bit less. (Perhaps when he has time to think, he is inclined to spend it before he gets it?)


- Loves a mark. Strong overhead for his size. Plays very much taller than his 183cm and can take frequent one-grab screamers, include pack. Took one of the best grabs I saw all year, including AFL games.

- Reliable from the front or behind but is especially effective coming over the top. Good judgement, very good hands, and generally holds his ground OK one on one. Nevertheless, those who have seen him virtually unbeatable in the air at schools level did not see the same aerial dominance once he played at the hugely higher standard of U18 Champs. Only 2 contested marks in 3 games.

- Has a 5cm reach disadvantage compared to the average player of his height and that is logically a big disability for this type of game. It does concern me, of course. If it weren't for that, I'd be more confident about his prospects. However, many of his marks come through his enormous leap, often with arms not even needing to be fully extended. He can take a chest mark shoulder high. I place a lot of weight on reach advantage, especially in a marking player. In the end, the leap versus reach disadvantage equation gave me enough reassurance. The reach is a shame though.

- Any current difficulties seem mainly due to lack of weight/strength. Once he bulks up he is likely to be an outstanding mark for his size. He attacks his marks but can currently be buffeted off the line.


- Gives me the impression of being in decent trim but very under-developed and with more potential athleticism than he has shown thus far.

- Biggest athletic attribute, by a mile, is his leap. Terrific, even from a standing start.

- Pace is OK but not special. Running action fair but could get more efficient drive from arms and he is sometimes inclined to be too bent (especially his head) in a short run. Has scope to improve but I can't see him ever being genuinely quick. Definitely has enough pace for AFL but the slippery ones will get away from him on occasions. Building up his quads will help.

- Excellent evasive ability.

- Normal agility is very good but recovery agility is a mixed bag.

- Needs to work a lot on his endurance.

- Is currently light but should finish up with a nice build. Has fairly good natural balance and keeps his feet well when tackled but currently gets pushed off the ball a fair bit when it comes down to a battle of bodies.


- Varies in some areas but overall good.

- Good 2nd efforts.

- Attacks the man. Prolific tackler. Tackles often but not always effectively or with enough physical strength behind the tackle. It is especially in that context that his recovery agility and acceleration can sometimes be found out. i.e. when he charges at a player and the tackle doesn't initially stick. He is likely to be a very effective tackler once he gains strength.

- Runs on.


- Fairly consistent game by game and has consistent stats quarter by quarter but plays a bit in bursts. Will get 3 possessions in 3 minutes but maybe none for the next 15.


- Is ideally suited to HFF or FP. Hasn't shown much inside midfield yet (and he doesn't appear to be "first dibs") but might be a chance, especially an outside role. I doubt he is suited to a defensive role.


- Has given most of his peers a head start, development-wise, by concentrating on school footy so is behind them in terms of learning curve, physical development and experience gained from playing under pressure.


- Accountability to his own opponent. (No big deal, it's just that I don't have a handle on it)
- Versatility (maybe)?


- Stats summary '04 U18 Champs:
Averaged 13 disposals and 3.3 marks in his 3 games. (Best TD 16).
Kicks to feeds: 23-16 (1.4:1).
Kicks long vs short: 15-3 (5.0:1).
Kicking accuracy: 5/23 ineffective incl 2 clangers.
Handball accuracy: 4/16 ineffective incl 1 clangers.
Total accuracy: 9/39 ineffective incl 3 clangers.
Gets own ball?: 9/39TD were HR. 6 HBG.
S.P. clearances: 4 incl 3 BU incl 1 CBC.
Tackles: 13
Marking: 2 of 10 were contested.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer Profile
Post by: Rodgerramjet on November 24, 2004, 02:21:35 PM
Sounds like he just needs to put on a bit of weight.

Compared to Tyson Edwards, I'll take that :thumbsup
Title: Re: Danny Meyer Profile
Post by: mightytiges on November 24, 2004, 05:23:47 PM
Sounds like he just needs to put on a bit of weight.

Compared to Tyson Edwards, I'll take that :thumbsup

Ditto RR. If he turns out to be another Tyson Edwards I'll be very happy  :thumbsup

Pleased to hear Meyer is genuinely dual sided. Hopefully unlike Fiora  :P we can get some muscle onto him in the gym. That's my only concern on Meyer. Him weighing only 70kg. Needs to copy Rainesy's weight program from this year :thumbsup.

Still amazing how much detail Colin Wisbey goes to each year in writing up about these U18 kids :o.

Title: Meyer wins over Wallace
Post by: one-eyed on March 07, 2005, 02:04:18 AM
Meyer's hard yards win over boss
07 March 2005 
Herald Sun
Digby Beacham

IT might have been March and more than 1000km from any official AFL ground, but Terry Wallace was a proud Richmond coach on Friday night in Alice Springs.

With captain Nathan Brown icing a corked right thigh for the last quarter, Wallace watched as his unheralded youngsters stood tall to lift the Tigers to a two-point win over a youthful, committed Fremantle line-up.

It continued Richmond's solid pre-season under Wallace, who will fine-tune his build-up to Round 1 with a hit-out against Brisbane at Optus Oval this weekend.

"We have to start to learn how to win a game and, from that aspect of the game, it was really pleasing for us," Wallace said.

"We lost our last 14 games in a row last season and we were 25 points up in our first Wizard Cup game and lost that, so getting them back into a winning experience and winning environment is important.

"It wasn't a real quality game by any stretch of the imagination early, but I thought the guys fought it out pretty well in the end.

"At the start of the year, we said we were going to try and be competitive in every game we played.

"We've played three matches now and won two of them and had the other game where we were in a winning position and lost it."

Shane Tuck and Kelvin Moore were influential as the Tigers mounted a comeback from 19 points down early in the third quarter.

Lightly built teenager Danny Meyer, selected at pick 12 in last year's national draft, also caught the eye.

"You're always looking for some quality players to come through and sometimes you may think they might come from your 27 or 30-year-olds. Then, all of a sudden, you get an 18-year-old," Wallace said.

"I thought Danny Meyer . . . playing down forward was outstanding. When the game needed to be won . . . he ended up standing under a crunch ball where he got thumped by about three or four players.

"There are just those little things you look for.

"I knew he was a player that had natural brilliance in his game, but whether he was physically tough enough to take the rigours . . . he showed he was tonight.",8033,12462151%255E19771,00.html
Title: Re: Meyer wins over Wallace
Post by: JohnF on March 07, 2005, 02:10:33 AM
Great news! Keep it up Danny boy :thumbsup
Title: Re: Meyer wins over Wallace
Post by: mightytiges on March 07, 2005, 02:58:29 AM
First time we've seen the name "Danny" and  :thumbsup in the same sentence for a while lol.

The good thing for Meyer is he'll be the only 12th pick in history who doesn't have the slightest bit of pressure or expectation on him. At 70kg he can develop his body and footy in the correct manner. Get him to follow whatever Rainesy did last year to get the weight on.
Title: Young Tiger trio catch Plough’s eye
Post by: WilliamPowell on March 08, 2005, 01:17:34 PM
Young Tiger trio catch Plough’s eye
12:14:50 PM Tue 8 March, 2005
Tony Greenberg

The form of three young, relatively untried players, was a major highlight of last Friday night’s practice match against Fremantle in Alice Springs, from Richmond coach Terry Wallace’s perspective . . .

Wallace was particular impressed with the performances of Kelvin Moore, Shane Morrison and Danny Meyer in the Tigers’ two-point win in the trial game played in warm, wet conditions at Alice Springs’ Traeger Park.

“You’ve got to have an opportunity at some stage in the pre-season of letting the younger boys actually play at the next level up,” Wallace said.

“I think, for us, a one-off chance for quite a few of our young guys to get a crack at it, was really good.

“Danny Meyer was one who I thought had probably dropped off a little bit in performance at reserve-grade level, over a two or three-week period.

“But having been asked to step up to a higher level last Friday night, he actually performed very, very well.

“I was really pleased with his courage . . . To virtually win the game, with about 15-20 seconds to go, he had to stand his ground and get crunched. The fact he was able to hold his ground, and do exactly what was necessary, was great.

“We’ve always known that Danny had the skill, but whether he had the physicality to go with that now, was the question. Well, he certainly answered that on Friday night with his effort . . .

“He played a nice, neat game. It was a low-scoring contest because it was hot and wet. But he was involved in three of the seven goals that we kicked.

“Kelvin Moore, playing mainly as a forward, not only kicked a couple of goals, he also crashed packs and showed that, if needed, he could step up to the mark as well.

“And, then, the other one who I thought was good, was young ‘Morro’ (Shane Morrison). He played very well as an extra defender.

“There were plenty of other cameo roles from other blokes in the side, but those three, in particular, caught my eye last Friday night. They showed us that they could be relied upon if needed at some stage in the season proper . . .”

Wallace added that although the practice match against the Dockers was generally of a low standard, getting a winning feeling among the Tiger playing group was extremely important.

“The supporter base up there for us was really strong, and after the match it was great to watch our players mixing with the fans,” Wallace said.

“The adulation that the players were held in – particularly by the indigenous people up there – was something that will be a lasting memory for a lot of the guys.

“What I said to them after the game was, it feels pretty nice to win and get a bit of that adulation.

“We’ve just got to get to a situation where they’re craving that winning feeling all the time and, hopefully, it becomes part of our regrowth.”
Title: Re: Young Tiger trio catch Plough’s eye
Post by: WilliamPowell on March 08, 2005, 01:24:55 PM
There's some pleasing stuff in that article IMO

“Danny Meyer was one who I thought had probably dropped off a little bit in performance at reserve-grade level, over a two or three-week period.

“But having been asked to step up to a higher level last Friday night, he actually performed very, very well.

“I was really pleased with his courage . . . To virtually win the game, with about 15-20 seconds to go, he had to stand his ground and get crunched. The fact he was able to hold his ground, and do exactly what was necessary, was great.

“We’ve always known that Danny had the skill, but whether he had the physicality to go with that now, was the question. Well, he certainly answered that on Friday night with his effort . . .

“He played a nice, neat game. It was a low-scoring contest because it was hot and wet. But he was involved in three of the seven goals that we kicked.

This is great - knowing that he was prepared to get crunched and didn't flinch - I know I've been crying out for that for yonks :thumbsup


“Kelvin Moore, playing mainly as a forward, not only kicked a couple of goals, he also crashed packs and showed that, if needed, he could step up to the mark as well.

I stil think he needs more bulk but long term I reckon he'll be a key position player for us :thumbsup

“And, then, the other one who I thought was good, was young ‘Morro’ (Shane Morrison). He played very well as an extra defender.

This is to me particularly pleasing - Morro was another one who didn't get a proper go last season. I reckon the arguement could be made the he was made a scape goat for our woeful performances when there were others who should of got dropped before him. Although the young bit had me chuckling ;D

With Schulz out I reckon he is worth a go at CHB - he is a good height and a good size. He it doens't work out then fine - at least it was tried and we wont die wondering
Title: Re: Young Tiger trio catch Plough’s eye
Post by: mightytiges on March 08, 2005, 07:00:36 PM
“And, then, the other one who I thought was good, was young ‘Morro’ (Shane Morrison). He played very well as an extra defender.

At 24 he's not that young for a footballer Terry  ;).

Agree WP. I hope this weekend we try Morrison as a main defender rather than just an extra defender. Kellaway, Graham and Jackson can do the extra defending roles as well so there's no shortage there. We need someone to hold down CHB if Gas is at full back. Not sure if Jonathon Brown and Bradshaw will play on Saturday but if they are they will provide a real test for our defence compared to the last two practice games.
Title: Re: Young Tiger trio catch Plough’s eye
Post by: WilliamPowell on March 08, 2005, 07:42:32 PM
Not sure if Jonathon Brown and Bradshaw will play on Saturday but if they are they will provide a real test for our defence compared to the last two practice games.

I don't think Brown will play. I heard Nigel Lappin on SEN this morning and he and Blinks Watson were discussing how Brown was recovering for knee surgery. From what I could understand he had a clean after last season and has only just started full competitive work.

Bradshaw will play - he played last week against the Bombers on the Gold Coast and kicked a few goals - Morro -v- Bradshaw would be a good match up IMO :thumbsup
Title: Re: Meyer wins over Wallace
Post by: Harry on March 09, 2005, 05:44:36 PM
Saw Morrison at the first intra club match play at CHB on Richo and really struggled IMO.  He couldn't read the flight of the ball at all and looked very slow and small.  The quicker we fast track a schulz, Archibald, Moore, McGuane etc for CHB the better because Morrison, Kellaway, Gaspar and Graham are not the answer.
Title: Re: Meyer wins over Wallace
Post by: mightytiges on March 11, 2005, 04:43:40 PM
Saw Morrison at the first intra club match play at CHB on Richo and really struggled IMO.  He couldn't read the flight of the ball at all and looked very slow and small.  The quicker we fast track a schulz, Archibald, Moore, McGuane etc for CHB the better because Morrison, Kellaway, Gaspar and Graham are not the answer.

This is where we are paying for poor recruiting big time and why it will take a few years yet to get our structure right.

Smalls can be brought through in 2 years say but talls need longer to develop and so we're still relying on the old guard. Our talls are either nearing the end off their careers or just starting. There's no middle tier apart from Simmonds and Morrison  :banghead. Ottens of course was in that group as well but Simmonds has replaced him. The talls Spud and even Gieschen should have drafted would be coming through now and replacing the Gas' and Kellaway's and there wouldn't have been the need to draft Graham nor fast-track one of the young blokes as a key position defender.   
Title: danny meyer....not enough credit or game time
Post by: letsgetiton! on May 22, 2005, 12:18:18 PM
danny meyer while on teh ground last night proved he could have easily also been a no. 1 draft pick. his work in close and his evasiveness, nimble feet and skills were just awesome! he reminds me of  wanganeen ! maybe with bling  injured now he will get a full game and start on the ground. his efforts last night were great stuff and even though he has a small frame he is not afraid to put his body on the line! this kid will be the surprise of the draft

ps wanna make a mention of lids too, a couple of tiem he made mistakes but he is young and willl learn but HIS SKILLS AND FEILD KICKING WERE FRICKEN UNBELEIVABLE. its a shame the fwds could not capitalise with his gr8 wk
Title: Re: danny meyer....not enough credit or game time
Post by: Tiger Spirit on May 22, 2005, 08:10:10 PM
danny meyer while on teh ground last night proved he could have easily also been a no. 1 draft pick. his work in close and his evasiveness, nimble feet and skills were just awesome! he reminds me of wanganeen ! maybe with bling injured now he will get a full game and start on the ground. his efforts last night were great stuff and even though he has a small frame he is not afraid to put his body on the line! this kid will be the surprise of the draft

Uncanny X-man. :thumbsup  I was gonna rave about him too and agree with everything you’ve said.  Don't want to get carried away too soon, but if Richmond supporters don’t love Danny Meyer yet, they soon will.

How good is it watching these young players and how good was Danny Meyer? If he got through to pick 12 then those before him must be something else.

Only had a few possessions against Brisbane, but his decision making under pressure was awesome.

Hasn’t had a lot of ground time in the games he’s played and obviously has plenty of learning ahead of him, and could do with a few pre seasons in the gym, but when he gets the opportunity, what he does, he does well.  Looking forward to when he’s getting 20+ possessions per game.

ps wanna make a mention of lids too, a couple of tiem he made mistakes but he is young and willl learn but HIS SKILLS AND FEILD KICKING WERE FRICKEN UNBELEIVABLE. its a shame the fwds could not capitalise with his gr8 wk

The good thing is that these young players are playing in a winning side and gaining experience under all conditions.  The mistakes don’t bother me, they’ll learn more and quicker by having the courage to make mistakes.

So far, most of this season has been exciting, but probably nothing compared to the next few years.  Because that’s when we’re likely to start seeing the real ability of these players, once they’ve been through a few pre seasons.  At the moment, they don’t have the necessary endurance and capacity to see out full games, so we're just seeing glimpses of how good they can be.  :thumbsup

Title: Re: danny meyer....not enough credit or game time
Post by: WilliamPowell on May 22, 2005, 09:02:23 PM
Well I am gonna rave about this kid!

Granted ge didn't get much time on the park last evening but his work in close last night was excellent.

He got hit a few times and he didn't flinch

His skills as sublime at times, quick hands, terrific skills by foot.

Obviously needs more muscle but for a kid of his size he quite a strong tackler

I reckon long term this kid is going to be a champion for us - no doubt :thumbsup
Title: Re: danny meyer....not enough credit or game time
Post by: Moi on May 22, 2005, 09:22:50 PM
It's his courage that stands above all his other attributes for such a skinny kid.
We've got a goodin' here and, agree, he has been overlooked a bit in the hype with Lids and Tambo.
He may be the smokie of the lot of them, although i'm pretty impressed with Lids at the moment.
Hopefully all of them will be guns  :thumbsup
Title: Re: danny meyer....not enough credit or game time
Post by: mightytiges on May 22, 2005, 09:53:19 PM
I'd reckon the coaching staff would love to have Meyer out there more given he's all class but are mindful that he's only 70 kgs and needs another couple of preseasons to add more muscle before having the capacity to cop hits over 4 quarters and 22-25 rounds.

X is not far away with Meyer remining him of a young Wanganeen as that was what the SA scribes were comparing him to last year in the lead up to the draft. A pick 12 from any other year would be a club's first choice and the pressure that comes with that. But Danny's had the luxury of making the transition to AFL with Deledio and Tambling taking all the supporter and media attention. Plenty of time in the next few years for him to take the spotlight. By that time he'll have 30-40 games under his belt and reaching his peak.
Title: Re: danny meyer....not enough credit or game time
Post by: Fishfinger on May 22, 2005, 10:00:29 PM
He's got the supporters' attention now MT. ;D
Agree he looks like Wanganeen but I think his style more resembles S. Black. I hope he ends up as good.
Title: Re: danny meyer....not enough credit or game time
Post by: Bulluss on May 23, 2005, 10:34:44 AM
Totally agree with all comments, this kid is going to be something special.

Cool, calm and collected.
Title: Re: danny meyer....not enough credit or game time
Post by: tassie tiger on May 23, 2005, 10:52:22 AM
With Tambling out this week I think he will get his chance!
Title: Re: danny meyer....not enough credit or game time
Post by: H* on May 23, 2005, 11:16:09 AM
Does he remind you of anyone?
I reckon he is sooo similar in the way he moves to Wanganeen, its scary.
Title: Re: danny meyer....not enough credit or game time
Post by: letsgetiton! on May 23, 2005, 11:17:26 AM
Does he remind you of anyone?
I reckon he is sooo similar in the way he moves to Wanganeen, its scary.

im totally with , did u read my initial comments :thumbsup
Title: Re: danny meyer....not enough credit or game time
Post by: Harry on May 23, 2005, 11:22:37 AM
His in tight work is great.  One passage of play where he weaved, baulked and side steps in the one motion deep in defence and found a chip kick to a teamate at CHB was amazing, something most our senior players couldn't do.  Let's hope he can put on some body mass, coz he will be a good player.  Solid in the hands, mind and feet.  Alot of Knights and Newman about him.
Title: Re: danny meyer
Post by: Tiger Spirit on May 26, 2005, 03:43:15 PM
Meyer over the moon
Jason Phelan
Exclusive to
26 May, 2005

Richmond recruit Danny Meyer has been on a steep learning curve since being drafted by the Tigers at number 12 last year but the young South Australian couldn't be happier with his move to Punt Road.

It's always a big task for an interstate recruit to settle into a new club but the transition from Glenelg Tiger in the SANFL to Richmond Tiger in the AFL has been relatively smooth for the Sacred Heart college product.

"It was a big move especially just before Christmas," Meyer says.

"I had literally half a week to pack my bags and go, so I didn't get a hell of a lot of time to prepare to come over.

"Everyone was heaps friendly and they made me feel really welcome so I fit in pretty quickly which was good. Obviously the workload was a bit of a shock because I came straight into preseason but the boys get you through it really well and it's all been very positve.

"When I got here I was really nervous because I didn't know what to expect but just how friendly and how busy it was with all the training sessions - I didn't really get any time to worry too much and so far I haven't been homesick at all."

The 18-year-old admits to being a bit starstruck when first meeting the likes of Wayne Campbell and Matthew Richardson but says the older players were a great help as he learned to adapt to life in the big league.

"It was a bit of a shock at first," he says.

"I was in awe at the first few trainings just going, 'Oh my God, what am I doing here?,' but once I settled down and just started talking to the blokes and realised they're just normal blokes it was fine.

"It's been a big step up (from the SANFL). The intensity at training has been a lot higher and the pressure and how fast the game is just a massive step up.

"The pace, the speed and the blokes are a lot bigger as well - a lot bigger!"

Meyer has a lightning turn of pace and has worked hard to add five kilos to his draft weight to allow him to withstand the rigours of senior footy.

High-profile recruits Brett Deledio and Richard Tambling have received most of the media attention since their arrival at the club and that's just fine with him.

"So far it's been pretty good because they've had most of the spotlight," he says.

"It's taken a bit of the pressure off me. I've been able to just cruise along and do my own thing which has been really good."

In fact, Meyer has done more than 'just cruise along'. His impressive weight gain was matched by a string of eye-catching performances with Coburg that led to his AFL debut against Port in round six.

And while Meyer didn't expect to play senior football so early, he's won plenty of admirers with his style of play and is working hard to cement his spot.

His pace and elusive skills have led some supporters to compare him to a young Gavin Wanganeen - a comparison that Meyer is flattered by but says he'll have to work hard to live up to.

"I think it's more looks than anything at this stage," he laughs.

"In my first game when I stood him I had my socks down, my shirt out and looked all scruffy which is what he was looking like and we're a similar height so I think that's about it at this stage.

"If I can be half as good as him it would be pretty good."
Title: Re: danny meyer....not enough credit or game time
Post by: mightytiges on May 26, 2005, 04:09:59 PM
A bit strange they would publish an article on Meyer the day he got sent back to Coburg  ???.
Title: Re: danny meyer
Post by: WilliamPowell on May 26, 2005, 04:38:00 PM
"In my first game when I stood him I had my socks down, my shirt out and looked all scruffy which is what he was looking like and we're a similar height so I think that's about it at this stage.

You know it's funny the amount of players who play with their socks down -must say personally I hate it. Year's ago it was very rare nowadays it seems like it is becoming the norm

I remember when Blight was coaching Geelong he would not allow his players to play with their socks down. He reckon'd it made players look tired to their opponents.
Title: Re: danny meyer....not enough credit or game time
Post by: mightytiges on May 26, 2005, 04:48:36 PM
Andrew Jarman went the other extreme pulling his socks above his knees so they looked leg warmers  :P.

Leon Cameron use to wear his socks down. IIRC John Northey did as well.

Title: Re: danny meyer....not enough credit or game time
Post by: WilliamPowell on May 26, 2005, 04:50:50 PM
I noticed in a game this year (Geelong IIRC) Nathan Brown played with his socks up and had a shocker and looked rather strange I must say.
Title: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: bluey_21 on December 31, 2005, 12:50:40 PM
Rumour says that Meyer is homesick and wants to return to SA, there are also murmurs that top ten draftee and ruckman John Meesen (AFC) wants to come back to VIC.

If Meyer really does want to go back to SA, Meesen would be IMO a great outcome. Meesen is a talented ruckman who is a strong mark, very fast and can provide a linking option through the midfield because of his pace. This outcome also appeals to me because our future rucking stocks don't look to menacing because Pattison is primarily a foward who knows how to ruck, and Graham is a long way off from being an AFL ruckman IMO.

Saying that i would prefer Meyer to stay because he oozes talent and is definitely something special.
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: blx on December 31, 2005, 01:34:24 PM
agree totally that this would be a good trade but to lose meyer would be a huge loss also.

the only thing i have trouble grappling is the rumour??? or is this just a hypothetical that your placing on the table?

source please.
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: Moi on December 31, 2005, 01:41:02 PM
I had a discussion with a friend of Meyer's who i can't name, but he said he's a pretty quiet kid, doesn't mix much with the others, tends to stay home and has a girlfriend back home.  Reliable source.  I suspect this rumour has some substance, but i also reckon another year at the club might bring him a bit out of his shell and as he gets to know his team mates better, who knows.  Well, he's stuck with us for another year, and he can't change that, so may as well make the most of it.
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: blx on December 31, 2005, 01:54:25 PM
... and has a girlfriend back home...

theres a knockout punch if ever there was  :(
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: Razorblade on December 31, 2005, 02:04:32 PM
*Throws arms around in the air like a teen raver on lsd*

I told you so!  ;)

I said this the day he was drafted, and i've said it all year and i still stand by my statement, Meyer will be going home at the end of next season!

I don't know if that would be a good trade though, Messen has done nothing in the SANFL this year (if he has then i haven't heard about it) and i'd rather take adelaide's 1st rounder in the "super draft".

Remember now that Priority picks are in the 2nd round so the lowest a 1st rounder can be is 16, so if Adelaide don't make the grand final their pick will be top 14, and could be a lot higher considering they have an old list and it is inevitable that they will fall down the ladder!
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: bluey_21 on December 31, 2005, 02:16:29 PM
agree totally that this would be a good trade but to lose meyer would be a huge loss also.

the only thing i have trouble grappling is the rumour??? or is this just a hypothetical that your placing on the table?

source please.

I had a discussion with a friend of Meyer's who i can't name, but he said he's a pretty quiet kid, doesn't mix much with the others, tends to stay home and has a girlfriend back home. Reliable source. I suspect this rumour has some substance, but i also reckon another year at the club might bring him a bit out of his shell and as he gets to know his team mates better, who knows. Well, he's stuck with us for another year, and he can't change that, so may as well make the most of it.

I heard about Meesen being keen on the Tigers pre 2004 draft, and him being homesick (i may be wrong, this is only my interpretation) on the Bigfooty Board.
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: mightytiges on January 02, 2006, 01:51:27 AM
Our record with interstate players and holding onto them is good. I can't even recall a recent loss for that reason off the top of my head. Torney went back home but he didn't particularly want to. Otto, Fiora and Holland stayed in Victoria. Peter Wilson about 15 years ago is one that did but that's hardly relevant to now. I wouldn't be writing Meyer off based on his first year in a new environment.

Meyer oozes talent. He just needs to add a few kgs to adjust fully to senior footy and gain confidence and he'll be fine. IMHO he's one of these footballers who'll play better in the AFL than the VFL where the faster pace allows for more naturally flare and creativity. Once he starts to cement a spot at Richmond he'll be a great get for us.

ps. I won't bring up again some supporters' thoughts of Cogs based on his perceived reaction when drafted .... oops I just did ;) lol.
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: Razorblade on January 02, 2006, 02:49:07 AM
Comments about Meyer going home and Cogs draft day performance are like stuffing magnets!  :banghead :lol

A few kg's? Needs a lot more then a "few" kilos methinks!  :thumbsup
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: Moi on January 02, 2006, 08:50:16 AM
ps. I won't bring up again some supporters' thoughts of Cogs based on his perceived reaction when drafted .... oops I just did ;) lol.
Check your PMs smartie - i have you checkmated this time  :lol  :rollin
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: Jackstar on January 02, 2006, 08:56:14 AM
Our record with interstate players and holding onto them is good. I can't even recall a recent loss for that reason off the top of my head. Torney went back home but he didn't particularly want to. Otto, Fiora and Holland stayed in Victoria. Peter Wilson about 15 years ago is one that did but that's hardly relevant to now. I wouldn't be writing Meyer off based on his first year in a new environment.

Meyer oozes talent. He just needs to add a few kgs to adjust fully to senior footy and gain confidence and he'll be fine. IMHO he's one of these footballers who'll play better in the AFL than the VFL where the faster pace allows for more naturally flare and creativity. Once he starts to cement a spot at Richmond he'll be a great get for us.

ps. I won't bring up again some supporters' thoughts of Cogs based on his perceived reaction when drafted .... oops I just did ;) lol.

There are a few that have gone home for various reasons.
Wayne Herneman, now there was an intertesting reason especially when the opposite sex was involved ;)
The Aborginal Kid that the Geish brought over from Perth, his name escapes me at the present but he wore 23 I think ?
Then there are the obvisous like McGrath and Gilmour who couldnt adjust to life in the AFL
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: Moi on January 02, 2006, 08:58:32 AM
Wayne Herneman, now there was an intertesting reason especially when the opposite sex was involved ;)
You make me dizzy, Miss Lizzie lol  ;)
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: Jackstar on January 02, 2006, 09:09:02 AM
Wayne Herneman, now there was an intertesting reason especially when the opposite sex was involved ;)
You make me dizzy, Miss Lizzie lol  ;)
Yes,it was one of the most bizzare reasons for leaving a footy club,even had the cheek to ask for part payment of contract up front and got it. ::)
Then took off with ""partner "" in hand.
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: Moi on January 02, 2006, 09:12:39 AM
I understand partner returned pretty quick - failure at footy and bimbos it seems  :shh
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: letsgetiton! on January 02, 2006, 10:13:03 AM
rumors rumors rumors,

girlfriends girlfriends girlfriends

homesick homesick homesick

bla bla bla

seems every of season this crap comes out as many ppl dont have much to do  or talk about

1/ if meyers gf is in adelaide, problem is easy solved- how easy is it for an afl player to pick up a class 1 bimbo who will eat poo 4 him! if he is missing his gf, its up to the boys to find him a new play buddy to get whipped over! its not like he is married with kids and missing the love of his life, its just the shag

2/ homesick, bs, adelaide is a hole, why would he wanna go back there. we heard this crap about bling, cogs etc... the club and boys have made him feel at home, and now that we have drafted more interstaters as SA's , u will find he will settle and be more at home here.
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: Fishfinger on January 02, 2006, 10:21:46 AM

The Aborginal Kid that the Geish brought over from Perth, his name escapes me at the present but he wore 23 I think ?

Would that be Ashley Blurton? - No.24
A star in the 2's. Just couldn't cut it in the 1's. Was played in the back pocket for some reason ??? when he was a magician around the goals.
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: PuntRdRoar on January 02, 2006, 10:24:38 AM
Welcome back jacko! anyway- I wouldnt trade Meyer back for Meeson at this stage and I wouldnt think Wallace would be having this in the back of his mind anyway. Although I reckon if Schulz doesnt improve somewhat he could be chucked towards Port or Adelaide especially if they have an early pick.
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: Jackstar on January 02, 2006, 11:33:13 AM

The Aborginal Kid that the Geish brought over from Perth, his name escapes me at the present but he wore 23 I think ?

Would that be Ashley Blurton? - No.24
A star in the 2's. Just couldn't cut it in the 1's. Was played in the back pocket for some reason ??? when he was a magician around the goals.

Was very gifted was Ashley Blurton
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: Razorblade on January 02, 2006, 12:46:17 PM
rumors rumors rumors,

girlfriends girlfriends girlfriends

homesick homesick homesick

bla bla bla

seems every of season this crap comes out as many ppl dont have much to do  or talk about

1/ if meyers gf is in adelaide, problem is easy solved- how easy is it for an afl player to pick up a class 1 bimbo who will eat poo 4 him! if he is missing his gf, its up to the boys to find him a new play buddy to get whipped over! its not like he is married with kids and missing the love of his life, its just the shag

2/ homesick, bs, adelaide is a hole, why would he wanna go back there. we heard this crap about bling, cogs etc... the club and boys have made him feel at home, and now that we have drafted more interstaters as SA's , u will find he will settle and be more at home here.
Meyer doesn't come off as the kind of guy who would be into scat though!  :rollin :help

I'm thinking his more of a sub, and likes to get bossed around.

Hopefully his "mistress" can order him to put on some bloody weight!  :rollin
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: PuntRdRoar on January 02, 2006, 10:02:08 PM
Just park the kid at Maccas every lunchtime-


2 Chicken Burgers
1 McOz
1 Large Coke withouth Ice
1 Large Fries
1 Cherry Ripe Sundae and
2 Cheeseburgers for the road

Youd never believe that Id been at a Maccas lol :cheers
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: Razorblade on January 02, 2006, 10:39:05 PM
Just park the kid at Maccas every lunchtime-


2 Chicken Burgers
1 McOz
1 Large Coke withouth Ice
1 Large Fries
1 Cherry Ripe Sundae and
2 Cheeseburgers for the road

Youd never believe that Id been at a Maccas lol :cheers

Spud probably worked this into the menu while he was coach!  :rollin :lol
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: Jackstar on January 02, 2006, 10:59:28 PM
Dont forget the McFlurry ;)
Its popular
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: letsgetiton! on January 03, 2006, 09:27:49 AM
rumors rumors rumors,

girlfriends girlfriends girlfriends

homesick homesick homesick

bla bla bla

seems every of season this crap comes out as many ppl dont have much to do  or talk about

1/ if meyers gf is in adelaide, problem is easy solved- how easy is it for an afl player to pick up a class 1 bimbo who will eat poo 4 him! if he is missing his gf, its up to the boys to find him a new play buddy to get whipped over! its not like he is married with kids and missing the love of his life, its just the shag

2/ homesick, bs, adelaide is a hole, why would he wanna go back there. we heard this crap about bling, cogs etc... the club and boys have made him feel at home, and now that we have drafted more interstaters as SA's , u will find he will settle and be more at home here.
Meyer doesn't come off as the kind of guy who would be into scat though!  :rollin :help

I'm thinking his more of a sub, and likes to get bossed around.

Hopefully his "mistress" can order him to put on some bloody weight!  :rollin

lol    :rollin
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: mightytiges on January 03, 2006, 10:31:59 PM
There are a few that have gone home for various reasons.
Wayne Herneman, now there was an intertesting reason especially when the opposite sex was involved ;)
The Aborginal Kid that the Geish brought over from Perth, his name escapes me at the present but he wore 23 I think ?
Then there are the obvisous like McGrath and Gilmour who couldnt adjust to life in the AFL

We haven't regreted them leaving though  ;). IMO Blurton fitted into the Sampson and Houlihan category  :-\.

Wilson and Torney are the only ones I can think of who did/are doing well  at their new clubs back in their home state. Theissen was another one in terms of winning a premiership medallion but IIRC there was a gap of a year or two between his time with us and the Crows.

Check your PMs smartie - i have you checkmated this time  :lol  :rollin

Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: tiga on January 04, 2006, 10:42:54 PM
Just park the kid at Maccas every lunchtime-


2 Chicken Burgers
1 McOz
1 Large Coke withouth Ice
1 Large Fries
1 Cherry Ripe Sundae and
2 Cheeseburgers for the road

Youd never believe that Id been at a Maccas lol :cheers

There's a rumour that the club is thinking of employing Billy Nichols as team nutritionist. ;)
His first pre-season assignment will be to gather enough shop-a-dockets with Macca's 2 for 1 deals for all the special needs players.
For the rest of the team as Marjorie says, it will be dust....anyone???....dust...anyone???...dust.
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: Captain__Blood on January 04, 2006, 11:30:54 PM
Final 2004 AFL Draft

1 - Richmond - Brett Deledio (Mur) 
2 - Hawthorn - Jarryd Roughead (Gip) 
3 - Western Bulldogs - Ryan Griffen (SA) 
4 - Richmond - Richard Tambling (NT) 
5 - Hawthorn - Lance Franklin (WA) 
6 - Western Bulldogs - Tom Williams (Qld) 
7 - Hawthorn - Jordan Lewis (Gee) 
8 - Adelaide - John Meesen (Gee) 
9 - Carlton - Jordan Russell (SA) 
10 - Collingwood - Chris Egan (Mur) 
11 - Port Adelaide - Adam Thomson (SA)
12 - Richmond - Danny Meyer (SA) 
13 - Melbourne - Matthew Bate (Eas) 
14 - Essendon - Angus Monfries (SA) 
15 - Melbourne - Lynden Dunn (Cal)

John Meesen
Club: Modewarre/Geelong
DOB: 20 June 1986 Hgt: 200cm Wgt: 88kg
Position: Ruck
Natural Foot: Right

Victoria Country 2004
Ruck in TAC Cup Team of the Year 2004
National Draft Camp 2004

TAC Stats:
2003: 19 games, 6 goals, 10.9 PPG
2004: 16 games, 9 goals, 17.1 PPG

Strengths: Meesen is another promising ruckman in the draft pool, and has been one of the best performed at TAC Cup level this season. Once again, his tapwork is good, and John’s second efforts around the ground are excellent, he never stops trying and working hard.

He usually does OK around the ground, takes some very strong grabs, and is improving in this area.

Weaknesses: His kicking can be suspect, especially when he tries to kick off a step. He seems to struggle a little bit when played up forward. Not particularly quick. comment: Meesen is a proven performer and should add to the ruck stocks of any club looking to the future.
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: Captain__Blood on January 04, 2006, 11:33:33 PM
It wouldn't be the end of the world I spose. Messen was taken @ 8 so he must have some promse and would add to our young draft stocks.

You just get the feeling if we were to lose Meyer he will become a champino.

Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: Ox on January 05, 2006, 02:33:12 AM
If he wants to go because of the reasons mentioned,I rekkon hes a softie, in which case will never make the grade,
stuff him,
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: mightytiges on January 05, 2006, 03:39:26 AM
Final 2004 AFL Draft

1 - Richmond - Brett Deledio (Mur) 
2 - Hawthorn - Jarryd Roughead (Gip) 
3 - Western Bulldogs - Ryan Griffen (SA) 
4 - Richmond - Richard Tambling (NT) 
5 - Hawthorn - Lance Franklin (WA) 
6 - Western Bulldogs - Tom Williams (Qld) 
7 - Hawthorn - Jordan Lewis (Gee) 
8 - Adelaide - John Meesen (Gee) 
9 - Carlton - Jordan Russell (SA) 
10 - Collingwood - Chris Egan (Mur) 
11 - Port Adelaide - Adam Thomson (SA)
12 - Richmond - Danny Meyer (SA) 
13 - Melbourne - Matthew Bate (Eas) 
14 - Essendon - Angus Monfries (SA) 
15 - Melbourne - Lynden Dunn (Cal)

Still very early days for most of the 2004 crop but going on early signs if we had to finish last one time we looked to have picked a good year to do so. The top 5 seem strong pick-ups already. If Meyer, Patto and Polo can come on as well we'll be laughing.

Quote from: tiga
There's a rumour that the club is thinking of employing Billy Nichols as team nutritionist.  ;)

I think he's already helping out Lance at Carlton  ;).
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: PuntRdRoar on January 05, 2006, 09:02:12 AM
I have big big question marks over young Pattison. Big Question marks!
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: bluey_21 on January 05, 2006, 01:31:43 PM
If he wants to go because of the reasons mentioned,I rekkon hes a softie, in which case will never make the grade,
stuff him,

Just because he wants to go home doesn't mean his a softie!
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: tiga on January 05, 2006, 05:50:34 PM
I have big big question marks over young Pattison. Big Question marks!
What are they Ramps??
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: PuntRdRoar on January 05, 2006, 09:12:44 PM
2 slow for centre half forward, kicking skills are poor- which means as ruck going around ground his got question marks- i think basically hes a resting ruckman- forward pocket- 3rd tall option...i was hoping for better than that at pick 16
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: Captain__Blood on January 06, 2006, 01:11:45 AM
2 slow for centre half forward, kicking skills are poor- which means as ruck going around ground his got question marks- i think basically hes a resting ruckman- forward pocket- 3rd tall option...i was hoping for better than that at pick 16

Did you see him play TAC Cup?

I doubt he'll be the class of a Kennedy, Roughead or Franklin but Pattison goes alright to win the
Winner of TAC Cup Coaches Award 2004,
Centre Half Forward in TAC Cup Team of the Year 2004
& Northern Best and Fairest 2004

Ruckman take time to come good. Apparently the lad is now pushing 200cm. I wasn't over the moon from what I saw in the couple games he played last season but he's going to need a couple pre-seasons at least.

Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: mightytiges on January 06, 2006, 05:01:55 AM
i think basically hes a resting ruckman- forward pocket- 3rd tall option

IIRC we drafted Patto to play a similar role to Brendon Lade of Port which sort of fits that description.   

Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: Captain__Blood on January 06, 2006, 06:16:42 PM
IMO we drafted Pattison as a ruckman.

Not a tap ruckman but a Darcy type ruckman who can pinch hit in the forward line as a KPP/3rd tall but real vaule is in his mobitly as a ruck and potential to act like another midfielder around the ground.
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: bluey_21 on January 07, 2006, 07:12:15 PM
IMO we drafted Pattison as a ruckman.

Not a tap ruckman but a Darcy type ruckman who can pinch hit in the forward line as a KPP/3rd tall but real vaule is in his mobitly as a ruck and potential to act like another midfielder around the ground.

I've got that vibe too, but i'm hoping to see Patto more as CHF like Ashley Hansen, and hopefully have Graham play that Darcy type role.
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: Captain__Blood on January 07, 2006, 07:21:24 PM
IMO we drafted Pattison as a ruckman.

Not a tap ruckman but a Darcy type ruckman who can pinch hit in the forward line as a KPP/3rd tall but real vaule is in his mobitly as a ruck and potential to act like another midfielder around the ground.

I've got that vibe too, but i'm hoping to see Patto more as CHF like Ashley Hansen, and hopefully have Graham play that Darcy type role.

Cannot see Patto being Hansen like im sorry to say. Where Ashley is like a tall midfeilder - very mobile and your modern type KPP Patto has the turning circle of a tanker.

Whilst Adam is sposed to be pretty mobile/agily for a ruckman he wont be able to pull it off at CHF in the AFL I dont think.

Hope im wrong of course.
Title: Re: Meyer for Meesen
Post by: bluey_21 on January 07, 2006, 07:25:20 PM
IMO we drafted Pattison as a ruckman.

Not a tap ruckman but a Darcy type ruckman who can pinch hit in the forward line as a KPP/3rd tall but real vaule is in his mobitly as a ruck and potential to act like another midfielder around the ground.

I've got that vibe too, but i'm hoping to see Patto more as CHF like Ashley Hansen, and hopefully have Graham play that Darcy type role.

Cannot see Patto being Hansen like im sorry to say. Where Ashley is like a tall midfeilder - very mobile and your modern type KPP Patto has the turning circle of a tanker.

Whilst Adam is sposed to be pretty mobile/agily for a ruckman he wont be able to pull it off at CHF in the AFL I dont think.

Hope im wrong of course.

Me 2!
Title: Danny Meyer
Post by: PuntRdRoar on April 09, 2006, 07:25:26 PM
After reading some reports about his performance again today for coburg...lets just say...i think hes a good kid, but he needs a serious rocket. Meyer can play but he seriously needs to get his head in order. Maybe he needs to be told that neither Adelaide or Port will finish low enough for him to go to for free- and that he should get his act together coz hes going nowhere with whats happening at the moment.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on April 10, 2006, 04:01:23 AM
I asked in the other thread where he played yesterday. In the first quarter of the practice match at Punt Road that I saw he was played on a HFF  ??? against Hartigan. Ended up being a pseudo CHF contesting against larger opponents while Harts stayed down and got heaps of rebounds. I would of thought with his skill you'd plonk him in the backline as a attacking defender even out of a back pocket and let him do his apprectice before moving into the midfield.
Title: Danny Meyer signs till 2007
Post by: PuntRdRoar on June 15, 2006, 02:20:04 PM
Seems like the young man has signed a 1 year extension to his contract. Its good he is staying but I was hoping that he would have signed for say 3 years instead of 1. The 1 year seems to short for mine.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer signs till 2007
Post by: letsgetiton! on June 15, 2006, 03:39:59 PM
its exactly what they did 4 patto, 1 yr extension. oi am happy with that, by this time next yr , he will be resigned again and be a happy permanent player in our team.

really this is like his first yr, so im not too fussed about the short term extension
Title: Meyer just fantastic (RFC site)
Post by: one-eyed on June 15, 2006, 03:41:59 PM
Meyer just fantastic
1:26:52 PM Thu 15 June, 2006
Matt Burgan
Exclusive to

Fans of comic books know the The Fantastic Five. as a superhero team in the Marvel stable. But to fans of AFL football, there's a new Fantastic Five sweeping the town.

It's Richmond's quintet featuring Brett Deledio, Richard Tambling, Danny Meyer, Adam Pattison and Dean Polo - all outstanding young talent and integral to the club's future.

Borne from a playful remark made by Pattison after a recent Tigers victory - The Fantastic Five were 'outed' by Deledio on Channel 10's Before the Game last Saturday night.

But as a slightly embarrassed Meyer explains, it's something he is happy to take on board, purely from the fact that he and his four mates are determined to make an impact at Punt Road.

"Now they're calling us the 'Fab bloody Five' or whatever it was on TV the other day," Meyer told

"(We're) the first five picks in the 2004 draft for Richmond - we were all top 20 picks as well - and he (Pattison) was just joking around in the showers after the game the other week (that we were The Fantastic Five).

"Things look pretty exciting for the club - we've got a lot of young kids in the side at the moment and we're doing pretty well - and I think even with last year's draft with Cleve Hughes, Jarrad Oakley-Nicholls and Trav Casserly - they're all looking very positive … the young kids are starting to step up and the Coburg form is going really well.

"Now we're just happy as a group just getting games because we're all trying to cement a spot, but things do look pretty positive in the long run."

Drafted from Glenelg at No.12 in the 2004 NAB AFL Draft, Meyer played six matches in his first year in 2005, while he has played the past four matches for the Tigers this season and was impressive against Geelong in round nine and the Kangaroos last round.

Meyer said both he and Richmond coach Terry Wallace were pleased with his progress at this point of his 10-match career.

"It's been good to get back in the side for sure, and so far I've been really enjoying it and the form's not too bad and Terry seems to be pretty happy with what I'm doing, so obviously I just hope to step up and cement a spot in the side," Meyer said.

"I think this year I'm a lot better prepared, because I've been doing a lot of extra fitness work with Matt Hornsby our fitness coach, and I've been doing a lot of extra running sessions and it's starting to really pay off.

"My fitness levels are heaps higher than last year and my speed has improved as well, so I'm finding it a bit easier to cover the ground and get more possessions."

"Terry wanted me to go into the VFL and then come into the seniors with some really good form, so basically it would prepare me to cement a spot in the side and hopefully I could come up and not just be in one week and out the next.

"That took me a little while (to break into the senior side), until round eight, but I had a good month in the VFL beforehand, when I came up, so it's been alright."
Title: Re: Danny Meyer signs till 2007
Post by: one-eyed on June 15, 2006, 03:43:28 PM
New deal for Meyer
1:14:40 PM Thu 15 June, 2006
Matt Burgan
Sportal for

Exciting Richmond youngster Danny Meyer will remain a Tiger until the end of 2007, after he recently signed a one-year contract extension to remain at Punt Rd.

Meyer, who has played 10 matches for the Tigers since making his AFL debut in 2005, said he was relishing his time in Melbourne after being drafted from Glenelg.

"I had a contract extension … so I'll be here next year as well, which is a positive and I've really settled in here and I'll probably look to buy an apartment or rent an apartment with a couple of the boys at the end of the year, so I'm enjoying it," Meyer told

"I love it over here, so I've got no questions in going back, for sure."

Meyer said the homesick factor was no longer a problem although he conceded that it had taken some time to adjust to his new life in Victoria.

"No … I wouldn't say I was really homesick, but I just missed catching up with my mates and family," Meyer said.

"But it takes, I reckon, at least one year to get over that and I'm fine now and I don't have any issues now, but I still don't mind getting back every now and then even though it might be only twice a year but I'm not homesick at all anymore,"

"I think at the early stage you've just been drafted and you're still on a high, so it doesn't really settle in until the season really gets going, I suppose and obviously it was just a huge step-up, but I was really enjoying it."

Despite hailing from South Australia, Meyer was always geared up for a move east, even before he was drafted at No.12 in the 2004 NAB AFL Draft.

"I'd spoken to the Crows and Port (Adelaide) and I spoke to every club, bar Carlton and the Crows said they were going for a ruckman at pick number eight, so I knew I wasn't going to be a show there and Port Adelaide was going for a ready-made midfielder," Meyer said.

"I knew I was going from around pick number 10 to 14 … and they were all Victorian-based clubs so I knew I was coming over here so I had been prepared for that for a while."
Title: Re: Danny Meyer signs till 2007
Post by: Bulluss on June 15, 2006, 05:01:09 PM
Sounds great for us!!!!

Really happy that Terry gave him a chance in the seniors as he seems to be really loving it.

He may have been a little disheartened playing at Coburg, but he looks very comfortable playing in our senior line up and hopefully he will remain there for another 10 years.  :thumbsup
Title: Re: Danny Meyer signs till 2007
Post by: letsgetiton! on June 15, 2006, 05:18:10 PM
"I had a contract extension … so I'll be here next year as well, which is a positive and I've really settled in here and I'll probably look to buy an apartment or rent an apartment with a couple of the boys at the end of the year, so I'm enjoying it," Meyer told

"I love it over here, so I've got no questions in going back, for sure."

Meyer said the homesick factor was no longer a problem although he conceded that it had taken some time to adjust to his new life in Victoria.

"No … I wouldn't say I was really homesick, but I just missed catching up with my mates and family," Meyer said.

"But it takes, I reckon, at least one year to get over that and I'm fine now and I don't have any issues now, but I still don't mind getting back every now and then even though it might be only twice a year but I'm not homesick at all anymore,"

fantastic read! well done danny, u have squashed all rumors and we now believe u will be a tiger 4 life, which is what terry always said, we have to breed our own and keep them
Title: Re: Danny Meyer signs till 2007
Post by: mightytiges on June 15, 2006, 05:59:11 PM
Fantastic news. Well done RFC  :clapping. This kid is all class  :bow.

Had a chuckle when I read his comments about home-sickness after all the "rumours" flying around lol.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer signs till 2007
Post by: letsgetiton! on June 15, 2006, 06:53:05 PM
Fantastic news. Well done RFC  :clapping. This kid is all class  :bow.

Had a chuckle when I read his comments about home-sickness after all the "rumours" flying around lol.

lol, he did say he was homesick last year and was really missing his freinds so those rumors may havbe been half right. meyer did say it took him  1 yr to get over his homesickness
Title: Re: Danny Meyer signs till 2007
Post by: mightytiges on June 15, 2006, 07:02:48 PM
Fantastic news. Well done RFC  :clapping. This kid is all class  :bow.

Had a chuckle when I read his comments about home-sickness after all the "rumours" flying around lol.

lol, he did say he was homesick last year and was really missing his freinds so those rumors may havbe been half right. meyer did say it took him  1 yr to get over his homesickness

It is understandable for him to have some homesickness in his first year and apparently he was very quiet and didn't socialize much. But he has started to come out of shell this year as far as I can see and is popular at training yet the rumours persisted that he was still homesick and didn't want to be at Richmond.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer signs till 2007
Post by: letsgetiton! on June 15, 2006, 07:19:14 PM
Fantastic news. Well done RFC  :clapping. This kid is all class  :bow.

Had a chuckle when I read his comments about home-sickness after all the "rumours" flying around lol.

lol, he did say he was homesick last year and was really missing his freinds so those rumors may havbe been half right. meyer did say it took him  1 yr to get over his homesickness

It is understandable for him to have some homesickness in his first year and apparently he was very quiet and didn't socialize much. But he has started to come out of shell this year as far as I can see and is popular at training yet the rumours persisted that he was still homesick and didn't want to be at Richmond.

true, took him time 2 come out of his shell and make friends, but now he has friends and feels at home. well done to patto too, his fab 5 statement is going round the world! now who would want to leave the fab 5!
Title: Re: Danny Meyer signs till 2007
Post by: WilliamPowell on June 15, 2006, 07:42:24 PM
I'm not at all surprised with it only being a 1 year extension.

With the AFLPA & AFL still working on the pay rise to go into the collective bargaining agreement I cannot see many player managers wanting their players to be signing long term deals
Title: Re: Danny Meyer signs till 2007
Post by: Moi on June 16, 2006, 06:00:14 AM
This is great, but can they look at Andrew's contract soon - getting nervous with all this Aker talk  :banghead
Title: Re: Danny Meyer signs till 2007
Post by: letsgetiton! on June 16, 2006, 06:26:56 AM
This is great, but can they look at Andrew's contract soon - getting nervous with all this Aker talk  :banghead

nothing wrong with aker in our team, all we have to do is get rid of duds like tiv, chaff and rodant

meyer would actually benefit from aker being in the team, help his confidence and arogance grow which all guns need
Title: Meyer's year over
Post by: mightytiges on August 04, 2006, 10:20:01 PM
Meyer has a foot/ankle problem and is gone for the year  :'( according to Sauce. Apparently White comes in for him.

Just what we need - more injuries  :scream
Title: Re: Meyer's year over - foot stress fracture
Post by: one-eyed on August 05, 2006, 02:29:21 AM
Sadly Sauce was again right  :-\


05 August 2006   Herald-Sun
Jim Wilson

TIGER Danny Meyer will have to wait until next year to add to his 14 senior games after suffering a foot stress fracture. Meyer, the No. 12 pick in the 2004 national draft, has been replaced in today's side by Matthew White.,8033,20021870%255E19742,00.html
Title: Meyer sets out goals
Post by: one-eyed on November 17, 2006, 07:26:01 PM
Meyer sets out goals
6:48:04 PM Fri 17 November, 2006
Ronny Lerner
Sportal for

"(I) pretty much just laid out goals for myself and just to come back a bit fitter this year and get a big stronger and obviously get in the right direction for round one," he said.

"I have high expectations of myself, but the coaching staff haven't really put any extra pressure just because the number I was taken at," he said.

Meyer's eighth game, against Geelong, when he collected 19 touches was arguably his best, giving him confidence that he can play at the elite level.

"I played off the backline that day for the first time since about year six or seven. (It was) something different to move outside the forward line as well. So it's just some more options where I can play."

"I don't really emulate anyone ..... But just the work ethic of Kane Johnson and Joel Bowden, players like that, (I) just basically get an idea but I know what's required pretty much."

Full article at:
Title: Re: Meyer sets out goals
Post by: Ox on November 17, 2006, 10:42:22 PM
hope he's better than johnson or else he'll be setting out the witches hats
Title: Re: Meyer sets out goals
Post by: mightytiges on November 18, 2006, 04:49:33 AM
Danny will be fine once he adds another 5 kgs over this preseason and is allowed to play behind the ball. His foot skills are wasted if he is played up forward especially in the HFF desert. Meyer should be the one delivering lace out passes to our forwards; not waiting for others to kick it to him.
Title: Re: Meyer sets out goals
Post by: Mr Magic on November 19, 2006, 04:56:31 PM
Not convinced at all by Danny Meyer. The least successful player of the "fab five" from my perspective.

Some silky skills sure but will always be a light weight.

Also seems to lack the intensity required at this level.

I'd be happy to be proven wrong but armed with a one year contract, I can see this being his last year at Richmond. ???
Title: Re: Meyer sets out goals
Post by: mightytiges on November 19, 2006, 09:41:51 PM
Finding that confidence in himself will decide Meyer's future. He has the polish and I see him as a Leon Cameron type. Keep the faith :thumbsup.
Title: Re: Meyer sets out goals
Post by: Mr Magic on November 20, 2006, 12:07:29 AM
Finding that confidence in himself will decide Meyer's future. He has the polish and I see him as a Leon Cameron type. Keep the faith :thumbsup.

You seem to think he'll add five kilos, maybe in five years!
He's a stick figure carrying a football. Not his fault, just his metabolism.

Very few players his build make it. Although with more emphasis than ever on low contact football, perhaps he's a chance.  :P
I still question his desire. Even the way he answers the questions in that interview doesn't fill me with confidence.

Happy to be proven wrong!!
Title: Re: Meyer sets out goals
Post by: WilliamPowell on November 20, 2006, 04:33:38 PM
Skill wise I think he is excellent but I do worry about his size. In 2006 he still got pushed off the balll too easily and and didn't land to many tackles (one on one) that really stuck.

Would like to see him put on at least 5-10kgs  ;D
Title: Re: Meyer sets out goals
Post by: Ramps on November 20, 2006, 04:43:31 PM
Plough should give Danny 22 games running of half back with some time on a wing. He'll be a sensational player. The only player out of the supposed fab 5 that I have reservations about at this stage is Pattison.
Title: Re: Meyer sets out goals
Post by: mightytiges on November 20, 2006, 06:28:58 PM
Danny put on 6kgs (70 to 76kg) last preseason so hopefully he can repeat that this summer. I don't see him as another Fiora.
Title: Re: Meyer sets out goals
Post by: blx on November 21, 2006, 05:50:39 PM
yup, cant agree more. He should be the highest tackler and possession getter, shouldnt be getting pushed off the ball easy and should weigh 90plus kg.

This year is make or break for this 19 year old boy or he's a gonna  :outtahere
Title: Re: Meyer sets out goals
Post by: Mr Magic on November 21, 2006, 08:09:05 PM
yup, cant agree more. He should be the highest tackler and possession getter, shouldnt be getting pushed off the ball easy and should weigh 90plus kg.

This year is make or break for this 19 year old boy or he's a gonna  :outtahere

Meyer's 20 actually.
I'm assuming your line of thinking is just because they are kids they should get a walk up start.
Meyer was only given a 1 year extension on his contract, if you don't think he's under pressure this year you are kidding yourself.

The big questions are what role in the team can he make his own?
Does he have the body size to be effective as an AFL player?

As a small player he's under more pressure than some others..

These questions will be answered somewhat this year. I'll watch with interest and obviously I wish him well. 8)
Title: Re: Meyer sets out goals
Post by: blx on November 21, 2006, 08:25:10 PM
yup, cant agree more. He should be the highest tackler and possession getter, shouldnt be getting pushed off the ball easy and should weigh 90plus kg.

This year is make or break for this 19 year old boy or he's a gonna  :outtahere

Meyer's 20 actually.
I'm assuming your line of thinking is just because they are kids they should get a walk up start.
Meyer was only given a 1 year extension on his contract, if you don't think he's under pressure this year you are kidding yourself.

The big questions are what role in the team can he make his own?
Does he have the body size to be effective as an AFL player?

As a small player he's under more pressure than some others..

These questions will be answered somewhat this year. I'll watch with interest and obviously I wish him well. 8)

oh yeah thats right, twenty year old  ::)

anywayz you forgot your lame insurance spiel this time, you know the "hope he proves me wrong" one  :cheers
Title: Re: Meyer sets out goals
Post by: Ramps on November 21, 2006, 09:28:17 PM
Meyer = Gun!
Title: Re: Meyer sets out goals
Post by: bluey_21 on November 21, 2006, 10:06:05 PM
Meyer = Gun!

I'll second that!  :thumbsup

Once he bulks up he will be a game-breaker for us. Tremendous skills to boot
Title: Re: Meyer sets out goals
Post by: Mr Magic on November 22, 2006, 02:00:15 PM
yup, cant agree more. He should be the highest tackler and possession getter, shouldnt be getting pushed off the ball easy and should weigh 90plus kg.

This year is make or break for this 19 year old boy or he's a gonna  :outtahere

Meyer's 20 actually.
I'm assuming your line of thinking is just because they are kids they should get a walk up start.
Meyer was only given a 1 year extension on his contract, if you don't think he's under pressure this year you are kidding yourself.

The big questions are what role in the team can he make his own?
Does he have the body size to be effective as an AFL player?

As a small player he's under more pressure than some others..

These questions will be answered somewhat this year. I'll watch with interest and obviously I wish him well. 8)

oh yeah thats right, twenty year old  ::)

anywayz you forgot your lame insurance spiel this time, you know the "hope he proves me wrong" one  :cheers

Time will tell Hans.
Title: Danny Meyer - Tradebait?
Post by: Mr Magic on June 19, 2007, 05:41:50 PM
Reading the press release of the Tambling contract extension today, it was notable that Danny Meyer's name was absent from the group of youngsters mentioned as in the process of resigning for the club.

The Club also wishes to advise that agreements have been reached with other young players, Cleve Hughes, Adam Pattison, Travis Casserly and Luke McGuane, and they are set to sign new deals.

Whilst still only speculation, given that his contract expires at the end of this season and he is languishing in the reserves it must now be getting very likely that Danny will not be with the Tigers in '08.

As a number 12 draft pick, after three seasons he has been extremely disappointing
particularly for one who seems to have some skill but appears to lack the desire.
What would be a reasonable return for the club for this player assuming any other clubs are interested in him?

Personally I would think about a third round draft pick or a swap for a player that suits our requirements such as Meesen.

What do others think...
Title: Re: Danny Meyer - Tradebait?
Post by: cub on June 19, 2007, 06:30:28 PM
Seriously don't think anyone would trade for him - has shown nothing ...... but potential, but what does that mean  ??? when u don't produce it .... funny one DM

We have persisted with these types over the years 2 no avail, so what does that tell you ....

NB: Sort of knew D rod would do OK elsewhere, it's just the landscape .... and sort of proof if we step up some players will surprise  :thumbsup

Title: Re: Danny Meyer - Tradebait?
Post by: rogerd3 on June 19, 2007, 06:45:26 PM
more news will follow in due course, not only involving danny.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer - Tradebait?
Post by: Mr Magic on June 19, 2007, 07:25:52 PM
more news will follow in due course, not only involving danny.

Care to elaborate a little roger?
Title: Re: Danny Meyer - Tradebait?
Post by: mightytiges on June 19, 2007, 09:24:03 PM
Danny took a one year contract extension last year and hasn't done anything this year to be rewarded with another. I'm surprised we haven't tried him in another possie this year. He just can't consistently get enough of the footy on a HFF even at VFL level. Throw him in the middle, down back or whatever for a couple of games. We might as well try something over the next 11 weeks. 
Title: Re: Danny Meyer - Tradebait?
Post by: {X} on June 20, 2007, 07:44:05 AM
Danny took a one year contract extension last year and hasn't done anything this year to be rewarded with another. I'm surprised we haven't tried him in another possie this year. He just can't consistently get enough of the footy on a HFF even at VFL level. Throw him in the middle, down back or whatever for a couple of games. We might as well try something over the next 11 weeks. 

there is no point, it is quite obvious the lil weed does not want to be here, i say, dont trade him delist him, he may end up at nth melb, or qld would be good, take him further away from his precious SA and teach the selfish prick a lesson
Title: Re: Danny Meyer - Tradebait?
Post by: tigersalive on June 20, 2007, 09:00:23 AM
He'll only be a sweetener in deals.

He doesnt command much. :shh
Title: Re: Danny Meyer - Tradebait?
Post by: Bulluss on June 20, 2007, 09:54:44 AM
May as well try and keep him for another year or two.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer - Tradebait?
Post by: jezza on June 20, 2007, 12:49:40 PM
I don't think we'd get much at all in a trade so we may as well keep hold of him and do what MT suggested and move him around at Coburg a bit more.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer - Tradebait?
Post by: jezza on June 20, 2007, 02:46:51 PM
Funnily enough, reading Craig McRae's report on the Frankston game, he said that Danny played as a tagger and kept his man to 10 touches and said it was worth perservering with him in that role. Good signs.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer - Tradebait?
Post by: bluey_21 on June 20, 2007, 03:53:39 PM
Funnily enough, reading Craig McRae's report on the Frankston game, he said that Danny played as a tagger and kept his man to 10 touches and said it was worth perservering with him in that role. Good signs.

The boy needs a kick up the arse for him to realise his talent and actually apply it.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer - Tradebait?
Post by: mightytiges on June 20, 2007, 04:45:02 PM
Funnily enough, reading Craig McRae's report on the Frankston game, he said that Danny played as a tagger and kept his man to 10 touches and said it was worth perservering with him in that role. Good signs.
I saw that too jezza so we have started to try him in different positions which is good to see. Still even a tagger needs to find the footy while limiting his opponent. Maybe that's the idea. Get him to be dragged along to the footy where he can then use his skill. We're not short of taggers though.  Jacko has been given the main tagging role in the seniors of late. Sugar, Hyde, Polo have had roles in recent times. Our midfield needs more ballwinners not taggers.

Miller said today that there'll be no other new contract annoucements until the end of the season so you'd presume Danny is one of the ones on a knife's edge given all his peers are signed up.
Title: Danny Meyer
Post by: one-eyed on September 04, 2007, 02:04:01 PM
Next up is Danny Meyer. He played 6 games in his debut year followed by 8 in 2006. Signed a one-year extension this time last year. Only managed 3 matches this year - the Geelong annihlation then dropped, then against Adelaide and in the dreamtime game. Averaged just 5 possessions. Danny played most of the year for Coburg before injurying his knee a month ago.

Do we persist with Danny or let him go?
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: TIGER 03 on September 04, 2007, 03:13:15 PM
let him see out his contract, could be a late developer. would hate to see him traded only to see him good footy elsewhere.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: wayne on September 04, 2007, 03:18:49 PM
let him see out his contract, could be a late developer. would hate to see him traded only to see him good footy elsewhere.
Contract is out now.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: jezza on September 04, 2007, 05:27:13 PM
Keep, unless a good trade offer comes up.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Tigermonk on September 04, 2007, 07:18:11 PM
thanks Danny Meyer enjoy your next club & best regards for the future
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: cub on September 04, 2007, 07:36:30 PM
He is not worth Jack, so if we have a spare spot may as well sign him up 1 year minimum wage.
Let him play at Coburg for another year and see if he can show something.

I know in the past we have hung on to these types toooooo long but wtf
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: WilliamPowell on September 04, 2007, 08:01:21 PM
One of the tougher ones :-\

No doubting his ability and talent but seems to just want to coast along

If you cannot trade him for something decent - I'd be keeping him.

Why........ I have absolutely no idea  ;D
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: torch on September 05, 2007, 12:00:31 AM
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: tiga on September 05, 2007, 08:42:41 AM
Hmmm this is a toughie... A player who has flashes of brilliance and at times an excellent finisher but so far has had limited opportunities. He plays very loose so his defensive pressure is pretty poor but he has reasonably good disposal. If the team overall can improve their delivery of the footy to him I think he will be a very damaging player. If he were in a team with excellent foot skills like the Swans or West Coast, he would be a very good player. He needs good delivery because I feel atm he struggles to win his own ball in tight contests but when he's in space he's shown that he can be quite effective.

After all that, I'd say stay for 1 more year.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: DallasCrane on September 05, 2007, 10:23:04 AM
Let him go. He doesn't want it enough.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: torch on September 05, 2007, 12:27:04 PM
1 year contract
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Fluffy Tiger on September 05, 2007, 01:10:39 PM
For a top 20 pick he has been a bust.

This guy is the last one cut if we think the draft is deep enough or have our eye on sombody who we might get very late in draft. So keep him if we dont have a good late draft target.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Darth Tiger on September 05, 2007, 01:35:05 PM
1 year performance based contract for Danny as a last chance.

Will need to be provided with a continuous run of at least 6 games in a HBF position prior to moving him on.

Anything less would be very embarrasing for RFC and the "Fab Five".
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: tigersalive on September 05, 2007, 01:37:37 PM
1 year performance based contract for Danny as a last chance.

Wasnt he already given that last year?
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Rodgerramjet on September 05, 2007, 03:32:25 PM
My view is that Danny Meyer has done nothing to show that he is going to make it at AFL level. I still believe that he is angleing for a trade home to South Australia and if that is the case then we should do what we can to make this happen; go for a second round pick maybe.

Meyer is wasting ours and his own time on our list; all the potential in the world means jackpooh when you never see it and by the time you realise you aint ever gunna see it, its too late. Who cares if he does well elsewhere, the fact is, HE AINT DOING ANY GOOD HERE WITH US AND ISN'T VERY MUCH LIKELY TOO IN THE FUTURE.

Off load ASAP please.

Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: tigersalive on September 05, 2007, 04:00:09 PM
My view is that Danny Meyer has done nothing to show that he is going to make it at AFL level. I still believe that he is angleing for a trade home to South Australia and if that is the case then we should do what we can to make this happen; go for a second round pick maybe.

Meyer is wasting ours and his own time on our list; all the potential in the world means jackpooh when you never see it and by the time you realise you aint ever gunna see it, its too late. Who cares if he does well elsewhere, the fact is, HE AINT DOING ANY GOOD HERE WITH US AND ISN'T VERY MUCH LIKELY TOO IN THE FUTURE.

Off load ASAP please.

We'd be lucky to get a 3rd rounder for him, let alone 4th.  Three games this year for 5 possession average.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: bluey_21 on September 05, 2007, 04:05:10 PM
1 year performance based contract for Danny as a last chance.

Will need to be provided with a continuous run of at least 6 games in a HBF position prior to moving him on.

Anything less would be very embarrasing for RFC and the "Fab Five".

ditto, meyer is a toughie, has the talent but as of so far not the application
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: rogerd3 on September 05, 2007, 05:20:03 PM
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on September 05, 2007, 06:19:08 PM
The Crows have pick 10. If we believe a player that we would want will be around at pick 10 we could attempt Meyer + pick 18 for pick 10 trade. I'd doubt the Crows would go for that but we could test the water. Otherwise keep on a one-year contract. I've got a feeling by what Miller said as far as giving draftees 4-5 years to develop that we'll hold onto Danny unless he specifically wants to head back to SA.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: one-eyed on October 09, 2007, 02:49:51 PM
Brian Royal's RFC player review

Danny Myer

This is Danny’s third year with Richmond and he only played three games, so he’d be disappointed in himself. Probably when he came up to AFL level, he didn’t work hard enough, and I think he needs to have a really good pre-season and get himself in as good a shape as possible, because time is running out for him.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: tigersalive on October 09, 2007, 03:10:49 PM
Brian Royal's RFC player review

Danny Myer

This is Danny’s third year with Richmond and he only played three games, so he’d be disappointed in himself. Probably when he came up to AFL level, he didn’t work hard enough, and I think he needs to have a really good pre-season and get himself in as good a shape as possible, because time is running out for him.

MEYER DAMMIT RFC!   :banghead

Time is "running out"

Damn, I thought it had ran out.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Hellenic Tiger on October 09, 2007, 03:22:28 PM
Brian Royal's RFC player review

Danny Myer

This is Danny’s third year with Richmond and he only played three games, so he’d be disappointed in himself. Probably when he came up to AFL level, he didn’t work hard enough, and I think he needs to have a really good pre-season and get himself in as good a shape as possible, because time is running out for him.

MEYER DAMMIT RFC!   :banghead

Time is "running out"

Damn, I thought it had ran out.

May be merely a diplomatic comment at this point in time due to the fact that delistings have not been made public. Or I hope it is.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Ramps on October 09, 2007, 06:40:33 PM
Danny Meyer to Hawthorn according to Whispers on 3aw
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: {X} on October 09, 2007, 06:43:50 PM
Danny Meyer to Hawthorn according to Whispers on 3aw

str8 swap for boyle, one can wish
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Ramps on October 09, 2007, 07:28:05 PM
any truth in the Meyer to Hawthorn deal? Anyone know?
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: wayne on October 09, 2007, 07:36:13 PM
any truth in the Meyer to Hawthorn deal? Anyone know?

After seeing Danny's Facebook photo, I think he'd fit right in with Buddy and the Dawks  :lol
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on October 09, 2007, 10:29:41 PM
Danny Meyer to Hawthorn according to Whispers on 3aw
Sheesh we're in nearly every trade according to the media  ;D.

If Danny is homesick as some claim then going to Hawthorn won't fix that. I can't see us getting anything in return although on the BF Hawthorn board one poster said he would offer their 2nd round pick (~ pick 29).
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: one-eyed on October 10, 2007, 03:40:52 AM
Hawthorn is showing interest in Meyer. Miller said Richmond would look at trading Meyer for reasonable compensation.,25197,22559810-5012432,00.html
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: {X} on October 10, 2007, 07:16:01 AM
Hawthorn is showing interest in Meyer. Miller said Richmond would look at trading Meyer for reasonable compensation.,25197,22559810-5012432,00.html

straight swap for boyle, will seal the deal
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: one-eyed on October 10, 2007, 10:37:38 AM
Greg Denham on KB's show said Chris Pelchen has said the Hawks are interested and he wouldn't be surprised if a deal to be done for Danny.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Obelix on October 10, 2007, 10:59:54 AM
It depends what reasonable compensation means but I would be happy to give danny another year.  Jacko has had 4 years & Rodan has had 6, and they're markedly different players to what they were after 3 years.  Danny's taken a while but he's shown glimpses of what he can become.  My gut instinct is to persevere, however, if there's an offer too good to refuse....
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Ramps on October 10, 2007, 11:00:59 AM
i dont think the hawks are all that enamoured anymore with Beau Dowler who has struggled at Hawthorn. Both seem shy and both probably dont want to be at there respective clubs.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: {X} on October 10, 2007, 11:09:04 AM
i dont think the hawks are all that enamoured anymore with Beau Dowler who has struggled at Hawthorn. Both seem shy and both probably dont want to be at there respective clubs.

i would take dowler or boyle over meyer anyday anytime anywhere.

meyer as has been suggested has not been given as much time as say jackson etc, but jackson, unlik emeyer has worked his ar se off and has shown he wants to be part of the team. meyer has shown nothing but sooky behaviour and no work ethic
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on October 10, 2007, 12:55:56 PM
My only concern over Dowler is how much the car accident has affected his body.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on October 10, 2007, 08:04:38 PM
From the AFL site.....

Pelchen said the Hawks might be willing to deal with Richmond – which is open to negotiating player trades – regarding the out-of-contract Meyer.

"They've put several names to us that I don't really want to speculate on because we're considering them, and we're still negotiating with them about Danny," he said.

"I wouldn't say that the door is closed, but I wouldn't say it's been flung open either."
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: rogerd3 on October 10, 2007, 08:09:19 PM
mmm what do they have?

Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: bluey_21 on October 10, 2007, 10:11:38 PM
mmm what do they have?


franklin  :thumbsup  ;D
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Ramps on October 10, 2007, 10:20:11 PM
mmm what do they have?


franklin  :thumbsup  ;D

they have pick 29 which is a 2nd round pick. If we are saying theres 30 players tops in this draft and francis or any of the recruiting team have a Daniel Conners type waiting then 29 is probably ok although Im still thinking a Dowler/Meyer swap is on the cards.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: one-eyed on October 11, 2007, 04:47:14 PM
"It's unlikely that we'll complete any trades this year," Pelchen told

The club had shown interest in Richmond midfielder Danny Meyer, but Pelchen said there were “no further developments” on talks with the Tigers.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: bluey_21 on October 11, 2007, 04:49:17 PM
someone on BF reckons meyer for hooper is almost a done deal
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: tigersalive on October 11, 2007, 04:57:14 PM
Where can we sign!!!???  ;D

Would be done deal but no bloody chance for that imho.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: {X} on October 11, 2007, 05:02:37 PM
someone on BF reckons meyer for hooper is almost a done deal

if thats true and happens, thats worth flogging ya log over!

but i can see what will eventuate, miller will say something like "  we were interested and had a look at hooper but dint talk to any one at the lions about it  ....but we will remain active during this draft week"

bla bla bla

Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: richmondrules on October 11, 2007, 05:24:46 PM
Gotta be a bit careful dealing with the Dawks. Their recent trading record has been less than honourable.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: rogerd3 on October 11, 2007, 11:26:11 PM
"It's unlikely that we'll complete any trades this year," Pelchen told

The club had shown interest in Richmond midfielder Danny Meyer, but Pelchen said there were “no further developments” on talks with the Tigers.


from memory i think DM is out of contract.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on October 11, 2007, 11:28:29 PM
Gotta be a bit careful dealing with the Dawks. Their recent trading record has been less than honourable.
True. If the trade isn't in their favour in their mind they won't do it. T

Nothing to back this up but the Hawks may have offered their 4th or 5th rounder for Danny but we probably rejected the offer as we may be not using picks that late in the draft. From memory any pick you gain via a trade you have to use.

It doesn't look good for Danny if a trade isn't done. If we do promote 3 rookies then you'd say he'll be delisted along with Harts and Krak (all willing to be traded by us) to satisfy the first list lodgement of 35 players max.  
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: wayne on October 12, 2007, 09:29:06 AM
As someone else mentioned, Meyer for the Hawks Morton.

Then we'll have the whole set!   :rollin
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: tigersalive on October 12, 2007, 09:36:31 AM
As someone else mentioned, Meyer for the Hawks Morton.

Then we'll have the whole set!   :rollin

Hawks said yesterday they wont be trading this week.

So they either lost interest in Danny or they know they can get him in the PSD anyway.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: {X} on October 12, 2007, 10:05:03 AM
richmondrton lol
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on October 12, 2007, 11:00:11 AM
Greg Denham reckons Danny may be a last minute trade.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Ramps on October 12, 2007, 11:02:05 AM
Greg Denham reckons Danny may be a last minute trade.

Did he say to whom?
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: wayne on October 12, 2007, 11:02:29 AM
Greg Denham reckons Danny may be a last minute trade.

No other details?

Still the Hawks?>
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: julzqld on October 12, 2007, 12:27:40 PM
As someone else mentioned, Meyer for the Hawks Morton.

Then we'll have the whole set!   :rollin
Do we get steak knives with that?
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: {X} on October 12, 2007, 12:30:45 PM
Greg Denham reckons Danny may be a last minute trade.

No other details?

Still the Hawks?>

maybe we will have 3 mortons at tigerland next yr
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on October 12, 2007, 04:02:47 PM
Well no trade for Danny. It's not looking good for him if we intend to promote 3 rookies.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Bateman on October 12, 2007, 04:26:15 PM
Well no trade for Danny. It's not looking good for him if we intend to promote 3 rookies.

Please God no Howat.. Reckon Chris 'monster' Hyde is a goner though.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: one-eyed on October 12, 2007, 04:47:02 PM
Chris Pelchen on SEN said they're after Danny in the PSD as he's uncontracted.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: rogerd3 on October 12, 2007, 05:21:38 PM
Chris Pelchen on SEN said they're after Danny in the PSD as he's uncontracted.

i think you might find this was always the plan.

again disappointed that we used pick 12 (high pick in2004) and will get jack in return.

Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: {X} on October 12, 2007, 06:04:12 PM
Chris Pelchen on SEN said they're after Danny in the PSD as he's uncontracted.

i think you might find this was always the plan.

again disappointed that we used pick 12 (high pick in2004) and will get jack in return.

lets hope another team picks him up b4 the hawks , pricks , the lot of them
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Francois Jackson on October 12, 2007, 07:37:34 PM
Chris Pelchen on SEN said they're after Danny in the PSD as he's uncontracted.

i think you might find this was always the plan.

again disappointed that we used pick 12 (high pick in2004) and will get jack in return.

id rather we offer him a one year contract and if he wants the gig he has to earn it.

out of schulz and meyer we will see who wants to play for richmond.

they have been given a kick up the arse and they know we mean business now

lets hope another team picks him up b4 the hawks , pricks , the lot of them
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: torch on October 12, 2007, 09:41:11 PM
been disappointing since he has arrived ... same as Jay ...

give Danny one more year ... doesn't Jay have one more year ???

Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mjs on October 12, 2007, 10:03:49 PM
Chris Pelchen on SEN said they're after Danny in the PSD as he's uncontracted.

i think you might find this was always the plan.

again disappointed that we used pick 12 (high pick in2004) and will get jack in return.

id rather we offer him a one year contract and if he wants the gig he has to earn it.

out of schulz and meyer we will see who wants to play for richmond.

they have been given a kick up the behind and they know we mean business now

lets hope another team picks him up b4 the hawks , pricks , the lot of them

if you answer after the quote brackets your post will be in normal type
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Mr Magic on October 15, 2007, 01:20:00 AM
Thanks for nothing.

What a waste of a draft pick. :banghead
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Tigermonk on October 16, 2007, 06:05:08 AM
yep l'm with you Mr Magic
l would have delisted him last season
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Mr Magic on October 16, 2007, 10:04:43 PM
yep l'm with you Mr Magic
l would have delisted him last season

If Wallace learns one thing from the Meyer debacle it's to get his nose out of drafting junior footballers.

Meyer was his choice.  :P
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: richmondrules on October 17, 2007, 08:22:34 AM
Meh, so he made a mistake.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: {X} on October 17, 2007, 09:32:21 AM
Meh, so he made a mistake.

not really

he didnt make a mistake. all of us thought that danny had the skills and ablility to be a top player

how was terry meant to know that danny would grow up to be a lazy ungrateful sook with no work ethic or desire to do the best for himself at the club that chose him

its not like terry had a crystal ball and we all saw the potential danny had. now i know potential is a dangerous word, but every kid that is drafted is picked based on their potential , its just a matter if they live up to it

danny = sooky biatch
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Francois Jackson on October 17, 2007, 10:47:52 AM
if this kid turns out to be a star with the hawks ill seriously lose it.

lazy prick. sometimes i think they play this way so they can get drafted out of the club.

like schulz last few games just didnt care
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Mr Magic on October 17, 2007, 01:53:30 PM
Meh, so he made a mistake.

..and he should learn from it.

Bring on the new recruiting manager.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: wayne on October 17, 2007, 02:06:56 PM
Is Danny Meyer homesick...???  ???

How is going to the Hawks going to cure this?

He's obviously not homesick, just a slack bastard.

Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Francois Jackson on October 17, 2007, 03:23:32 PM
Is Danny Meyer homesick...???  ???

How is going to the Hawks going to cure this?

He's obviously not homesick, just a slack bastard.

or maybe just wants out of punt road.

just a thought thats all. u never know with these ungrateful pric-ks.
we throw them a lifeline to play afl footy and look how they repay the club.

Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Francois Jackson on October 26, 2007, 07:38:30 PM
Can someone answer a question i have on meyer.

am i right by saying he is uncontracted and if not assigned a new deal by oct 30 then he will go into the PSD.

am i right we get nothing for him??
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: tigersalive on October 26, 2007, 07:42:27 PM
Can someone answer a question i have on meyer.

am i right by saying he is uncontracted and if not assigned a new deal by oct 30 then he will go into the PSD.

am i right we get nothing for him??

Almost, yes he is uncontracted, no he has until November 27 to nominate for PSD, and yes if he does we get nothing for him.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Francois Jackson on October 26, 2007, 07:57:22 PM
cheers for that. not that i care but i can just see him turning out to be a handy player with the hawks and we have to watch another player succeed elsewhere
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Mr Magic on October 26, 2007, 09:24:47 PM
Can someone answer a question i have on meyer.

am i right by saying he is uncontracted and if not assigned a new deal by oct 30 then he will go into the PSD.

am i right we get nothing for him??

Almost, yes he is uncontracted, no he has until November 27 to nominate for PSD, and yes if he does we get nothing for him.

He's worth about nothing!

Wasted draft pick.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Tigermonk on October 26, 2007, 09:43:28 PM
he never showed anything with us he wont show nothing with any other club
he just aint got what it takes to be a league footballer
so stop all ya sooking if he leaves goodbye
l heard his probably going to be a late delisting anyway so we will get nothing for him anyway
Goodbye move on we got alot better players on the list than that dud
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on October 27, 2007, 12:41:09 AM
You would've thought Danny being out of contract would have been delisted with the others if he was going. Didn't Miller say Danny was staying?
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: {X} on October 27, 2007, 06:41:26 AM
You would've thought Danny being out of contract would have been delisted with the others if he was going. Didn't Miller say Danny was staying?

stevie wright mentioned on sen that meyer is looking fwd to having his first full inury free preseason and really wants to make an impact next year

i guess that means meyer is staying
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: richmondrules on October 27, 2007, 10:37:21 AM
You would've thought Danny being out of contract would have been delisted with the others if he was going. Didn't Miller say Danny was staying?

stevie wright mentioned on sen that meyer is looking fwd to having his first full inury free preseason and really wants to make an impact next year

i guess that means meyer is staying

Well if he stays I'll give him a break and see what happens. He can't get any less inspiring so the only way is up for Danny. I've read a lot about him having elite, or at least very good skills. Personally haven't seen it but to be honest, haven't seen much of him in three years.

If he stays I hope this will be his last chance. Even if he turns out to be a terrific player at another team, he is not doing much for us. I'm sick of having players on the list just going through the motions. Not good enough, but too good to cut. BS! We need to cut players like this loose and find ones that will respond to our environment, and not worry about what they do at another club. D-Rod is a good example. It is speculation that he would have found form with us. Without the kick up the butt of a delisting he may well have cruzed in 2007 and not shown what he did at Port. Good luck to him, well done David, couldn't happen to a nicer guy, but we have to do what's right for us and not worry about what happens later.

Live in the now!
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on October 27, 2007, 04:44:18 PM
Danny should be told to copy Foley and even Cogs over preseason. As well as knowing it'll be his last chance at Punt Rd, he'll know the Adelaide teams weren't interested in him with only the Hawks showing any mild interest.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Francois Jackson on October 28, 2007, 08:17:07 AM
Danny should be told to copy Foley and even Cogs over preseason. As well as knowing it'll be his last chance at Punt Rd, he'll know the Adelaide teams weren't interested in him with only the Hawks showing any mild interest.

let me ask you this?

would it convince you about player development at punt road if he goes on to be a gun elsewhere, say at the hawks.

That would be enough to convince me make no mistake.

highly doubt it because every game ive seen this guy play i cant help but think his related to schulz.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Tigermonk on October 28, 2007, 11:38:56 AM
seems to me that the players that wanted to leave have been held back by Miller
l'm sure you see Meyer delisted or will walk out very soon
l just kick him out his given the club nothing in return
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Mr Magic on October 28, 2007, 11:45:37 AM
highly doubt it because every game ive seen this guy play i cant help but think his related to schulz.

You can add Cleve Hughes and a couple of others to those two.

Definitely questions need to be asked re junior development, particularly in light of Royal's recent reviews.

As for Meyer? I am not holding my breath.
I hope he decides to go PSD.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Tigermonk on October 28, 2007, 12:03:33 PM
Honestly Paul Hudson is the man for getting the best out of young talent
l watched him coach at Leongatha & Gippsland Power the players really get behind him
his methods are very good his also coached alot of finals football & having a good career himself
note Brisbane had a very good year where Huddo is based under Lethal Matthews
anyway thats just IMO l reckon he could easily coach a AFL side oneday

Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on October 28, 2007, 09:30:32 PM
Honestly Paul Hudson is the man for getting the best out of young talent
l watched him coach at Leongatha & Gippsland Power the players really get behind him
his methods are very good his also coached alot of finals football & having a good career himself
note Brisbane had a very good year where Huddo is based under Lethal Matthews
anyway thats just IMO l reckon he could easily coach a AFL side oneday
Hudson wouldn't be a bad choice although Tiger supporters cringe whenever they hear his name.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on October 28, 2007, 09:32:06 PM
Danny should be told to copy Foley and even Cogs over preseason. As well as knowing it'll be his last chance at Punt Rd, he'll know the Adelaide teams weren't interested in him with only the Hawks showing any mild interest.

let me ask you this?

would it convince you about player development at punt road if he goes on to be a gun elsewhere, say at the hawks.

That would be enough to convince me make no mistake.

highly doubt it because every game ive seen this guy play i cant help but think his related to schulz.

Development is an issue but we could count on one hand Tigers who have gone to other clubs and been reasonable players - Ottens, Maxfield, Torney, Rodan and Fiora. Most ex-Tugers aren't heard of again. Otto is the only one with a premiership medal.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Francois Jackson on October 28, 2007, 10:22:45 PM
Danny should be told to copy Foley and even Cogs over preseason. As well as knowing it'll be his last chance at Punt Rd, he'll know the Adelaide teams weren't interested in him with only the Hawks showing any mild interest.

let me ask you this?

would it convince you about player development at punt road if he goes on to be a gun elsewhere, say at the hawks.

That would be enough to convince me make no mistake.

highly doubt it because every game ive seen this guy play i cant help but think his related to schulz.

Development is an issue but we could count on one hand Tigers who have gone to other clubs and been reasonable players - Ottens, Maxfield, Torney, Rodan and Fiora. Most ex-Tugers aren't heard of again. Otto is the only one with a premiership medal.

true true but development is our biggest concern. i cant believe we still talk about this year after year.

Why do we always look like kids playing againist men. i look at rosa and priddis and a few pies players and they have size, not to mention carlton players. and our players look like they should be wearing nappies.
its pathetic.

put them in the weights room for christs sake
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Tigermonk on October 28, 2007, 10:46:58 PM
Honestly Paul Hudson is the man for getting the best out of young talent
l watched him coach at Leongatha & Gippsland Power the players really get behind him
his methods are very good his also coached alot of finals football & having a good career himself
note Brisbane had a very good year where Huddo is based under Lethal Matthews
anyway thats just IMO l reckon he could easily coach a AFL side oneday
Hudson wouldn't be a bad choice although Tiger supporters cringe whenever they hear his name.

Give me a reason why cause l'm a tiger supporter & l never heard a bad word against him
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on October 28, 2007, 11:01:17 PM
Honestly Paul Hudson is the man for getting the best out of young talent
l watched him coach at Leongatha & Gippsland Power the players really get behind him
his methods are very good his also coached alot of finals football & having a good career himself
note Brisbane had a very good year where Huddo is based under Lethal Matthews
anyway thats just IMO l reckon he could easily coach a AFL side oneday
Hudson wouldn't be a bad choice although Tiger supporters cringe whenever they hear his name.

Give me a reason why cause l'm a tiger supporter & l never heard a bad word against him
Which club traded pick 49 in the 2001 super draft for him when he was clearly finished as a AFL footballer :scream.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Tigermonk on October 28, 2007, 11:18:05 PM
you lost the plot

l'm talking about Huddo as in a coaching role & you turned to something else how the supporters feel about him as a finished player  :rollin who gives a poo that was years ago & not Hudson fault thats stuffwit RFC fault
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Fishfinger on October 29, 2007, 12:24:06 AM

note Brisbane had a very good year where Huddo is based under Lethal Matthews

Didn't they finish 10th? (13th in 2006, if he was there then)

Not arguing your opinion that he'd be a good coach - I don't know either way.
Just wondering what you consider an average or ordinary year if 10th is very good.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Tigermonk on October 29, 2007, 11:00:45 AM

note Brisbane had a very good year where Huddo is based under Lethal Matthews

Didn't they finish 10th? (13th in 2006, if he was there then)

Not arguing your opinion that he'd be a good coach - I don't know either way.
Just wondering what you consider an average or ordinary year if 10th is very good.

was Huddo's first year as assistant coach at Brisbane 2007
what l call a good year fishy is the way the team played & with some senior injuries "cant be botherd naming them cause you know"
they were in the fight for the final 8 right up to the last few games they just dropped away at the end
l was impressed with Brisbane this year & there next line of players are steppin up where our players were going backwards after a fairly good 2006
l reckon Huddo under the wing of one of the best coaches in footy will have its bearings on his future being a good coach at league level somewhere

Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: bluey_21 on October 29, 2007, 11:57:12 AM
you lost the plot

l'm talking about Huddo as in a coaching role & you turned to something else how the supporters feel about him as a finished player  :rollin who gives a pooh that was years ago & not Hudson fault thats effwit RFC fault

i think mt was saying that tongue in cheek  :wallywink
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Tigermonk on October 29, 2007, 12:28:46 PM
l think not
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on October 29, 2007, 09:51:32 PM
you lost the plot

l'm talking about Huddo as in a coaching role & you turned to something else how the supporters feel about him as a finished player  :rollin who gives a pooh that was years ago & not Hudson fault thats effwit RFC fault
That was meant to be tongue in cheek as Tiger fans I know still cringe over Spud trading for Hudson and Houlihan. I wasn't having a go at Hudson himself  :wallywink.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Tigermonk on October 29, 2007, 10:06:55 PM
you lost the plot

l'm talking about Huddo as in a coaching role & you turned to something else how the supporters feel about him as a finished player  :rollin who gives a pooh that was years ago & not Hudson fault thats effwit RFC fault
That was meant to be tongue in cheek as Tiger fans I know still cringe over Spud trading for Hudson and Houlihan. I wasn't having a go at Hudson himself  :wallywink.

fair enough l'm surprised Dannyboy aint fussing over his love child krakouer going to the saints but krak wants back to WA
l dont think spud gave Hudson or Houlihan a real good enough go at senior level anyway there all finished so what do we care but l still like Huddo down here coaching the youth
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Mr Magic on October 30, 2007, 12:47:49 AM
Has this no hoper packed his bags yet?
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Tigermonk on October 30, 2007, 09:12:09 AM
if your talking about Krakouer his locker is empty 
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Francois Jackson on October 30, 2007, 09:17:27 AM
and heading straight to the courts.

what a waste this guy has been.

we have so many players like him, so so many
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Hellenic Tiger on October 30, 2007, 04:32:58 PM
I remember in the 02 pre season cup semi final against Adelaide at the Dome
long kick to the fwd line of the hands of Ottens Krakouer there to run into an open goal. Reminded me so much of KB off the hands of Roach running into goal in the 1980 Grannie and I thought at that time this kid could be anything.
Turned out anything but a consistent and hard working league footballer. Thanks for nothing Krak.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Francois Jackson on October 30, 2007, 04:40:40 PM
you know whats funny about this guy. a few years back i was at a game and i bagged him for doing something and i got cained from this supporter in front of me who went on to bag the hell out of richo.

mate i lost it big time at the pric

ive said this so many times if our players played with his gutz and courage we would be in the 8 EVERY YEAR
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Hellenic Tiger on October 30, 2007, 04:55:55 PM
Its almost as if ppl want to stick up for and protect the ones who will get us nowhere yet those who fight and wear their heart on their sleeve and bleed yellow and black are the ones who always seem to be maligned.
What gets me is Skunk fans are the first to get onto the back of Richo in any footy discussion yet when I remind them of Rocca's laziness uncompetitiveness and uselessness in terms of overall kicks marks and handballs and contests won per game these people are still stuck on the rd 1 2003 match when Richo kicked 1.7.
I'm with you Daniel unfortunantely they still allow stupid, ignorant  people through the tournstiles to watch the footy regardless of their club.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on October 30, 2007, 06:53:26 PM
Krak would've been a good player in his dad and uncle's time. However the game has gone past that type of small forward only player.

There's still time for Danny (one year) but it'll be up to Danny to put the work in over summer and then during the season. Interesting comment by the Hawthorn fitness guy today who said he prefers kids who train too hard and injure something than those who are hesistant and too conservative with their training.   
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Hellenic Tiger on October 30, 2007, 07:04:20 PM
Perhaps that Hawthorn things shows that the players in question are more inclined or compelled to train harder than the acceptable norm and hence be more susceptible to injury and pose this question.
Would you want a conservative 10-12 yr 200 gamer who will just forge a week to week AFL career or are we prepared to have a player whose footy life at this level may be 7-10 yrs but their training strategy may make them more of a top line AFL player even if it reduces their playing life. Its called thinking outside the square. Thinking outside the square will increase your chances of winning a flag than doing nothing.
Did the Hawks fitness coach divulge details on whether this is an initiative of the players or fitness coaching staff?
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: blx on October 30, 2007, 10:39:27 PM
the lad should just steel himself for the summer of a lifetime.

forget about life for now son, its time to get to work  :thumbsup
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on October 31, 2007, 10:48:21 PM
Perhaps that Hawthorn things shows that the players in question are more inclined or compelled to train harder than the acceptable norm and hence be more susceptible to injury and pose this question.
Would you want a conservative 10-12 yr 200 gamer who will just forge a week to week AFL career or are we prepared to have a player whose footy life at this level may be 7-10 yrs but their training strategy may make them more of a top line AFL player even if it reduces their playing life. Its called thinking outside the square. Thinking outside the square will increase your chances of winning a flag than doing nothing.
Did the Hawks fitness coach divulge details on whether this is an initiative of the players or fitness coaching staff?

That's a good question. Given the pace of the game now with high rotations through the midfield, the 7-10 year type player may become the norm not by design but just by the way modern footy is played.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on October 31, 2007, 10:50:49 PM
the lad should just steel himself for the summer of a lifetime.

forget about life for now son, its time to get to work  :thumbsup
That should go for most Tigers as well as Danny. No excuse for lack of fitness next year after the year we've just had.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Hellenic Tiger on November 01, 2007, 12:03:55 AM
My view is that Danny Meyer has done nothing to show that he is going to make it at AFL level. I still believe that he is angleing for a trade home to South Australia and if that is the case then we should do what we can to make this happen; go for a second round pick maybe.

Meyer is wasting ours and his own time on our list; all the potential in the world means jackpooh when you never see it and by the time you realise you aint ever gunna see it, its too late. Who cares if he does well elsewhere, the fact is, HE AINT DOING ANY GOOD HERE WITH US AND ISN'T VERY MUCH LIKELY TOO IN THE FUTURE.

Off load ASAP please.

Agree RR perhaps we should have offloaded him to Adelaide for Rutten or Port with Schulz for a 2nd round player maybe even a first rounder. There were even rumours that Hawthorn were an interested party during the recent trade week. If the kid is interested in being elsewhere it will do us more harm than good prolonging his management on our list when the stake of our time and effort will far outweigh the end result which thus far has been precious little. The way I see Meyer is like the daughter that's always a bridesmaid but never a bride at this point in time. Give him to the first sucker that comes along so long as the as what we get gives us some sort of security and let him be X Clubs problem later. After all he is taking up a spot on the list from some kid that might turn out to be a superstar.
Anyway he's here for another season lets hope he does all the required training and puts in all the adequate hard work that will help him and our club rise the ladder in 2008.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Mr Magic on November 01, 2007, 03:34:02 PM
stevie wright mentioned on sen that meyer is looking fwd to having his first full inury free preseason and really wants to make an impact next year

i guess that means meyer is staying

I recognise this but it could mean nothing.

Has a new contract for Meyer been announced or is he still a real chance to go PSD?

Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on November 01, 2007, 11:47:59 PM
stevie wright mentioned on sen that meyer is looking fwd to having his first full inury free preseason and really wants to make an impact next year

i guess that means meyer is staying

I recognise this but it could mean nothing.

Has a new contract for Meyer been announced or is he still a real chance to go PSD?
Nothing publicly has been mentioned but I presume Danny has got a new one-year deal based on what Wright said.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: rogerd3 on November 02, 2007, 10:48:11 AM
believe he will be gone.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: wayne on November 02, 2007, 10:53:22 AM
believe he will be gone.

I have heard this rumour as well.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Mr Magic on November 02, 2007, 02:12:05 PM
I can only hope. :pray

If Meyer is punted I will genuinely believe in March's 'no more mediocrity' statement.

The list amendments (delistings) so far this year have been excellent and this would be the icing on the cake.

Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on November 03, 2007, 05:33:39 AM
believe he will be gone.

I have heard this rumour as well.
The only thing that makes me unsure about this rumour is it'd mean we'd need to use pick 67 or a 2nd PSD pick. Maybe we have a Coburg player in mind.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: one-eyed on November 05, 2007, 08:27:16 PM
What's this rumour on BF about Danny get a 2 year deal  ???.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: {X} on November 06, 2007, 06:33:31 AM
What's this rumour on BF about Danny get a 2 year deal  ???.

as i said in another post, during an interview on sen, steve wright  spoke about meyer saying he is a a player that will be around. he said that danny hasnt had a full pre season yet and this yr his aim was to have one.
he intimated that danny will be around and required

imo, if danny stays , i have a feeling next season he will finally come to the party and perform (unless he is delisted that is)
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: blx on November 06, 2007, 02:20:15 PM
Im happy with a two year contract if it is given. Danny to me will come good in time. He has too many quality skills not to especially his ability to dispose the ball correctly.

I remember in a praccy match earlier in the year where every disposal he gave was to another players advantage. Thats something we really dont have enough of in this group, class!

Every player is different and in Danny's case we must give him time to develop.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Mr Magic on November 06, 2007, 03:06:12 PM
Im happy with a two year contract if it is given. Danny to me will come good in time. He has too many quality skills not to especially his ability to dispose the ball correctly.

I remember in a praccy match earlier in the year where every disposal he gave was to another players advantage. Thats something we really dont have enough of in this group, class!

Every player is different and in Danny's case we must give him time to develop.

That would be totally insane.

On what basis has Meyer earned a two year contract?

A praccie match?!? :banghead

The guy was given a one year contract in '07 and to say he had a poor season would be a compliment.

Unbelievable if true.

How anyone could be happy with his output at this point defies belief.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: {X} on November 06, 2007, 04:02:51 PM
how about we give danny a chance to properly develop and fulfill his potential

we have given tivendale way too many yrs of contracts , and we gave krak a good chance.

what about hyde and jackson and moore and mguane

these players such as mguane, jackson ,moore , meyer etc just may be the difference in a yr or 2
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on November 06, 2007, 04:27:30 PM
Perhaps it's a 1+1 year performance based contract. PLay some senior footy in 2008 and he stays for 2009.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: {X} on November 06, 2007, 06:14:08 PM
Perhaps it's a 1+1 year performance based contract. PLay some senior footy in 2008 and he stays for 2009.

true mt

if its true that danny has signed a 2 yr deal, we really have no idea what all the clauses in the contract are
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on November 07, 2007, 03:14:35 PM
Perhaps it's a 1+1 year performance based contract. PLay some senior footy in 2008 and he stays for 2009.

true mt

if its true that danny has signed a 2 yr deal, we really have no idea what all the clauses in the contract are
Yep. With a allegedly strong draft next year we should be keeping our options open as far as fringe players go.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Mr Magic on November 07, 2007, 03:36:00 PM
I doubt that this is true I really do.

Someone's just made it up.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: one-eyed on November 11, 2007, 04:49:45 AM
Perhaps Sheeds' article today could also apply to Danny amongst others?

It can be dangerous to clear players who have talent but are also a little awkward early in their careers.

When you interrupt a player's career by cutting him off the list at 21, there is a fair chance it might backfire.

... when clubs decide to axe talented kids who are yet to blossom, they run the risk of ending up with egg on their faces.,8033,22736208%255E19742,00.html
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on November 11, 2007, 07:34:53 PM
Perhaps Sheeds' article today could also apply to Danny amongst others?

It can be dangerous to clear players who have talent but are also a little awkward early in their careers.

When you interrupt a player's career by cutting him off the list at 21, there is a fair chance it might backfire.

... when clubs decide to axe talented kids who are yet to blossom, they run the risk of ending up with egg on their faces.,8033,22736208%255E19742,00.html
Danny is at the point where it's make or break next year but yep our young talls should be treated more patiently by supporters especially ruckmen. Benny Gale was like a fish out of water too when he was a young Tiger.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Mr Magic on November 13, 2007, 01:24:50 PM
Still any word on Meyer's status?
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on November 13, 2007, 11:39:58 PM
Still any word on Meyer's status?
The next list lodgement is on Friday for any more delistings.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Mr Magic on November 13, 2007, 11:45:22 PM
Still any word on Meyer's status?
The next list lodgement is on Friday for any more delistings.

Thanks MT. :)
I honestly won't be at all surprised if Danny walks into the PSD.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on November 14, 2007, 02:39:40 PM
Still any word on Meyer's status?
The next list lodgement is on Friday for any more delistings.

Thanks MT. :)
I honestly won't be at all surprised if Danny walks into the PSD.
He could but I hope Danny stays and puts his head down.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Mr Magic on November 15, 2007, 04:27:47 PM
Quote from: mightytiges link=topic=5889.msg80081#msg80081
He could but I hope Danny stays and puts his head down.

No point having him run around at the Burgers for another year.
Try a new kid who's hungry.

Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on November 16, 2007, 05:03:53 PM
I guess no news is good news as far as Danny goes. The cutoff was 2pm with only Port making a further delisting.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Francois Jackson on November 16, 2007, 06:33:18 PM
I guess no news is good news as far as Danny goes. The cutoff was 2pm with only Port making a further delisting.

so what does that mean exactly.

he has to sign another contract with us or go through to the pre-season
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on November 16, 2007, 07:00:03 PM
I guess no news is good news as far as Danny goes. The cutoff was 2pm with only Port making a further delisting.

so what does that mean exactly.

he has to sign another contract with us or go through to the pre-season
Pretty much. We'll find out November 27 and 30.

Uncontracted Listed Player Nominations Close
2pm Tuesday November 27

List Lodgement Three
2pm Friday November 30
Includes TPP Estimates
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: cub on November 16, 2007, 07:27:30 PM
I guess no news is good news as far as Danny goes. The cutoff was 2pm with only Port making a further delisting.

so what does that mean exactly.

he has to sign another contract with us or go through to the pre-season
Pretty much. We'll find out November 27 and 30.

Uncontracted Listed Player Nominations Close
2pm Tuesday November 27

List Lodgement Three
2pm Friday November 30
Includes TPP Estimates

u r unreal MT - That's why I like this site. apart from the occasional turd
get all the info u need.
Should go for a job to run the Richmond site, couldn't do a worse job that's for sure. :clapping
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Francois Jackson on November 16, 2007, 07:36:59 PM
dido. ur a machine mt.

like do u work for the club now or in the past. how does one individual know so much, seriously!!
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on November 16, 2007, 10:29:52 PM
Cheers guys for the kind words but I just copied that info from the following thread  :wallywink;quote=73001;topic=5875.0;num_replies=20;sesc=410b50798e5cd5a7216b6feb4f8ca6c2

Nah I've never had an official job with the Club. I did do the scoreboard at Punt Rd for a few years as a kid on and off for the U19's but that was paid in cash  :shh.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: one-eyed on November 16, 2007, 10:48:28 PM
Meyer is still offically on our list. No further changes to our list today.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on November 17, 2007, 02:43:30 PM
Danny must be staying. The next cut-off date is after the National draft next Saturday and we would want to know before then if Danny was leaving as another delisting would give us another pick. 
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on November 18, 2007, 05:15:07 PM
Good to hear we're going to play Danny behind the ball next year. Only 3 years late :nope. I hope they put him onball too.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Mr Magic on November 18, 2007, 05:17:28 PM
If he's staying then this has to be the year he takes off.
I have my doubts he can do it but good luck to him.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Ramps on November 18, 2007, 07:12:53 PM
We protected Deledio on a half back flank for almost 2 years, Danny never had the same chance, let the kid have 12 months in the back pocket or as a half back, preferably at half back. Will come good if given a chance.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: richmondrules on November 18, 2007, 07:17:10 PM
We protected Deledio on a half back flank for almost 2 years, Danny never had the same chance, let the kid have 12 months in the back pocket or as a half back, preferably at half back. Will come good if given a chance.

I think Lids is a bit more classy and shows a huge amount of enthusiasm and desire which Meyer never has, at least not to the same extent, but I take your point. Fingers crossed.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Ramps on November 18, 2007, 07:19:06 PM
We cant afford to have our 2004 draft end up in the crapier ... that means we have to give Meyer every chance.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on November 18, 2007, 09:40:27 PM
At least playing behind the ball there'll be no excuse for Danny not finding the footy.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: bluey_21 on November 18, 2007, 10:33:32 PM
i have time for meyer, but he is running out of it  :P
Title: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: mightytiges on March 12, 2008, 03:32:46 PM
Danny has today undergone surgery on his hip again. Doesn't sound too good for him does it  :(. 
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: wayne on March 12, 2008, 03:43:21 PM
Hopefully they have pin-pointed the exact problem and this will fix him up good and proper.

Then we can see if the guy can play or not.
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: tigersalive on March 12, 2008, 05:08:29 PM
Damn.  I really hoped after all the crap he's been through he'd finally get past it and be able to get fit and then see how he goes.

But after hip surgery surely it'll be a few weeks before he can even start training again?  ???

Unless its very minor?
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Ox on March 12, 2008, 05:13:08 PM
he's just a sook
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: mightytiges on March 12, 2008, 05:14:00 PM
Damn.  I really hoped after all the crap he's been through he'd finally get past it and be able to get fit and then see how he goes.

But after hip surgery surely it'll be a few weeks before he can even start training again?  ???

Unless its very minor?
Apparently it needed to be done but they didn't say if it was minor or major. Not a good sign that it has flared up again though as Danny was named to play for Coburg only a few weeks ago  :-\. As wayne said you hope the doctors have have finally pinpointed what's actually wrong with his hip and can fix it.
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Moi on March 12, 2008, 05:20:56 PM
Good time to get rid of him, put him on the long term injury list and get someone who actually wants to play for the club.
If I thought he was enthusiastic about playing for us, I'd feel sorry for him, but he's just been a waste of space.
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Francois Jackson on March 12, 2008, 05:25:59 PM
this guy has been a disgrace since he arrived at punt road.
he doesnt want to play for the rfc, that is obvious so god knows why he wasn't shown the door
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: mightytiges on March 12, 2008, 06:46:38 PM
Good time to get rid of him, put him on the long term injury list and get someone who actually wants to play for the club.
Which would mean Cam Howat if Danny is put on the long-term injury list :-\.
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Little Jackie on March 12, 2008, 07:15:41 PM
Good time to get rid of him, put him on the long term injury list and get someone who actually wants to play for the club.
If I thought he was enthusiastic about playing for us, I'd feel sorry for him, but he's just been a waste of space.

Here is a first, we actually MOI agree :birthday :birthday :birthday :cheers :cheers :cheers :birthday :birthday :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :thatsgold :thatsgold :thatsgold :woohoo :congrats :congrats :congrats :jump
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Moi on March 12, 2008, 07:19:02 PM
Good time to get rid of him, put him on the long term injury list and get someone who actually wants to play for the club.
Which would mean Cam Howat if Danny is put on the long-term injury list :-\.
Is that it?
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Mr Magic on March 12, 2008, 08:58:11 PM
Why did we resign him?

Danny Meyer is finished unfortunately.
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Infamy on March 12, 2008, 09:02:17 PM
Good time to get rid of him, put him on the long term injury list and get someone who actually wants to play for the club.
If I thought he was enthusiastic about playing for us, I'd feel sorry for him, but he's just been a waste of space.
I think that's a pretty disgraceful attitude to take towards one of our players. The guy obviously has a serious injury if he needs to have hip surgery.
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: mightytiges on March 12, 2008, 10:58:38 PM
Good time to get rid of him, put him on the long term injury list and get someone who actually wants to play for the club.
Which would mean Cam Howat if Danny is put on the long-term injury list :-\.
Is that it?
Collard, Silvester and Cartledge are the other rookies. At this stage Cam is ahead of all 3.
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: blx on March 12, 2008, 11:19:53 PM
Good time to get rid of him, put him on the long term injury list and get someone who actually wants to play for the club.
If I thought he was enthusiastic about playing for us, I'd feel sorry for him, but he's just been a waste of space.
I think that's a pretty disgraceful attitude to take towards one of our players. The guy obviously has a serious injury if he needs to have hip surgery.

i agree. this whole thread is turning to poo.

the poor kid can't take a trick at the moment and instead of offering support hes getting kicked in the guts.

so typical of richmond supporters against their juniors.

i still hope he is at least given a chance as i think he's gonna be a great player once he gets a run of matches.

but go ahead, lay the boot in while hes out.
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Mr Magic on March 12, 2008, 11:24:48 PM
the poor kid can't take a trick at the moment and instead of offering support hes getting kicked in the guts.

so typical of richmond supporters against their juniors.

i still hope he is at least given a chance as i think he's gonna be a great player once he gets a run of matches.

but go ahead, lay the boot in while hes out.

Has played well in one or two games when he was supposedly fit but certainly never looked like he had it and couldn't even make the bests at the lower levels.
Nothing personal but he was a terrible selection at dp 12.
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Z-28 on March 13, 2008, 01:46:06 AM
Why did we resign him?

Danny Meyer is finished unfortunately.

they tried to trade him but no one wanted him

miller wasnt going to delist a 1st round pick from 04 and make himself look like an ever bigger goose (is that possible?)

its dissapointing collard hasnt shown more because he would of been the perfect replacement, now they will go with howat :banghead
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: one-eyed on March 13, 2008, 04:23:52 AM
Danny Jacobs retired yesterday due to enduring hip problems. Had 8 operations in the past 3 years yet they didn't do any good.
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Moi on March 13, 2008, 04:42:22 AM
Good time to get rid of him, put him on the long term injury list and get someone who actually wants to play for the club.
If I thought he was enthusiastic about playing for us, I'd feel sorry for him, but he's just been a waste of space.
I think that's a pretty disgraceful attitude to take towards one of our players. The guy obviously has a serious injury if he needs to have hip surgery.

i agree. this whole thread is turning to poo.

the poor kid can't take a trick at the moment and instead of offering support hes getting kicked in the guts.

so typical of richmond supporters against their juniors.

i still hope he is at least given a chance as i think he's gonna be a great player once he gets a run of matches.

but go ahead, lay the boot in while hes out.
Listen Mother Theresa, I give support where it's due.  Don't give it to prima donnas who put themselves in the draft and then when they get drafted don't want to play for the club they're drafted to.  For his first year he just moped about being here, and since then has been happy to get games in the seconds and that's about it.  He has great skills, no desire.  Give it to a kid who has.
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Moi on March 13, 2008, 05:07:56 AM
Good time to get rid of him, put him on the long term injury list and get someone who actually wants to play for the club.
If I thought he was enthusiastic about playing for us, I'd feel sorry for him, but he's just been a waste of space.
I think that's a pretty disgraceful attitude to take towards one of our players. The guy obviously has a serious injury if he needs to have hip surgery.
What are you saying I'm glad he got a hip injury
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: richmondrules on March 13, 2008, 07:09:27 AM
Bad luck for the kid, a real shame. Gee I hope for his sake this time fixes the problem for good. Even if he never gets fit enough to play, having such problems with your body  at such a young age can't be good. He has a lot of life ahead of him and it would be terrible to have to cope with injury for the whole of it.
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Fishfinger on March 13, 2008, 07:21:00 AM

they tried to trade him but no one wanted him

I don't think they did try to trade him.   :-\
Hawthorn apparently showed interest in him but nothing came of it. GM said (to someone I know) before trade week that Danny wouldn't be going anywhere.
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: blaisee on March 13, 2008, 09:06:08 AM
unfortunately for danny meyer, his job of impersonating an afl footballer is over.

Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Infamy on March 13, 2008, 12:00:15 PM
Listen Mother Theresa, I give support where it's due.  Don't give it to prima donnas who put themselves in the draft and then when they get drafted don't want to play for the club they're drafted to.  For his first year he just moped about being here, and since then has been happy to get games in the seconds and that's about it.  He has great skills, no desire.  Give it to a kid who has.
How exactly do you know that he never wanted to play for the club, has he told you this or are you just speculating on hearsay and rumours? Fact is you don't know pooh about Danny and what he's gone through so your critisism of him is unfounded and unneccesary.

What are you saying I'm glad he got a hip injury
Not entirely where I said you were glad he got injured, you're just making things up now
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Tigermonk on March 13, 2008, 12:11:30 PM
oh his a good player he wont breakdown again  :rollin :rollin remember them posts  :rollin :rollin
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Moi on March 13, 2008, 01:07:10 PM
Not entirely where I said you were glad he got injured, you're just making things up now
You called my comments disgraceful, sunshine.
The "fact" I know he was very unhappy when he arrived here is not a disgraceful comment.
And how I know is none of you're effing business and care the least whether you believe or not!
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Infamy on March 13, 2008, 01:19:55 PM
How the hell do your comments being disgraceful translate into you wishing that he had an injury?
The kid could have been homesick for Geez sake, the fact is that he has made no attempt to go home to Adelaide
You're sticking the boot in to a player who has a potentially career ending injury, that's pretty poor form
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Infamy on March 13, 2008, 01:23:33 PM
Plus a report from the Tiger Lillies function says that Terry informed them that Meyer had only just had an arthroscope
recently, not a new surgery. It was just to see if his last surgery was successful.
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Moi on March 13, 2008, 01:26:32 PM
Plus a report from the Tiger Lillies function says that Terry informed them that Meyer had only just had an arthroscope
recently, not a new surgery. It was just to see if his last surgery was successful.
That is wonderful  ::)
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: mightytiges on March 13, 2008, 07:35:03 PM
Plus a report from the Tiger Lillies function says that Terry informed them that Meyer had only just had an arthroscope
recently, not a new surgery. It was just to see if his last surgery was successful.
Hopefully that is it but it wasn't what I was told yesterday. I was told the "surgery" needed to be done. Danny's gone from being named to play for Coburg two weeks ago to being back in rehab.
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: cub on March 13, 2008, 07:51:26 PM
He's, whatcha callit - "copulated" sorry to say - why waste any more time
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: blx on March 14, 2008, 01:25:12 AM
Listen Mother Theresa, I give support where it's due.  Don't give it to prima donnas who put themselves in the draft and then when they get drafted don't want to play for the club they're drafted to.  For his first year he just moped about being here, and since then has been happy to get games in the seconds and that's about it.  He has great skills, no desire.  Give it to a kid who has.

class and intelligence personified  :bow
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Moi on March 14, 2008, 04:32:01 AM
Listen Mother Theresa, I give support where it's due.  Don't give it to prima donnas who put themselves in the draft and then when they get drafted don't want to play for the club they're drafted to.  For his first year he just moped about being here, and since then has been happy to get games in the seconds and that's about it.  He has great skills, no desire.  Give it to a kid who has.

class and intelligence personified  :bow
No worries  ::)
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Moi on March 17, 2008, 04:04:00 PM
I think Danny went on the long term list today
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Tigermonk on March 17, 2008, 04:28:37 PM
his never done anything while been at the club,  so we aint gunna miss him
another injured dud Richmond kept & is going to pay for in the future
When are Richmond gunna learn from past mistakes  :lol
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Francois Jackson on March 17, 2008, 04:28:57 PM
danny who??
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: mightytiges on March 17, 2008, 07:07:54 PM
I think Danny went on the long term list today
Ta Moi. It means Danny is out for at least 8 weeks. Interesting to see if anyone is now promoted off the rookie list.
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Moi on March 17, 2008, 07:11:44 PM
Haven't heard anything more on it, but they mentioned on SEN today.
Title: femoroacetabular impingement = chronic hip injury (The Age)
Post by: one-eyed on March 23, 2008, 04:23:16 AM
Makes you wonder if Danny's hip problem is related to this FAI...

It may be the new OP, but it ain't so hip
Emma Quayle | March 23, 2008

ALMOST 10 years ago, Matthew Knights spent an entire pre-season doing … not much, really.

The Richmond captain was one of the early victims of osteitis pubis, the mysterious groin complaint that limited his running, hurt when he kicked and soon became one of football's buzz terms. 'OP' was the new footballers' scourge, and it still strikes them down.

Now, there is a new threat. Its name is femoroacetabular impingement — FAI — and it is a hip condition that affects young and active people, and that may be the leading cause of many cases of OP, not to mention chronic hip injuries, adductor problems and even back pain.

one of Australia's leading hip experts, John O'Donnell, believes it will be the next big thing on the AFL injury scene. "FAI," he said, "is the new OP."

FAI is caused by a small, bony bump on the 'ball' part of the 'ball and socket' hip joint — the head of the femur. Orthopedic experts are still not sure whether the bumps — known as Ganz lesions or femoral neck bumps — exist from birth, but O'Donnell suspects they develop in early teenage years, as people become more active.

A lesion can sit there for years, possibly forever if a person isn't particularly active, and not do anything at all. But if it starts to grind into the cartilage lining either the 'ball' or the 'socket', it will cause irreversible damage, and inevitable arthritis — be it one month down the track, two years or 10 years. For a footballer, that is time lost off a career.

O'Donnell believes there would be four or five players on each AFL list with the condition; the demands of the sport — to run, twist and most particularly, kick the ball across the body — promote that sort of movement and friction in the hip.

Once detected, the lesions can be removed with a simple arthroscopy, which might mean eight to 12 weeks on the sidelines. O'Donnell deals with about 10 FAI cases a week, and has seen some people up and running in six weeks.

"Since we've been taking the bumps off, which is about six years, with very few exceptions they don't come back. At least so far. At the very least it gets them from two years to six years, and hopefully a whole lot longer. That's what we'll find out."

That, then, poses another question. If a player has a lesion, but is not symptomatic, what do you do? Carlton faced that question last November when it drafted Matthew Kreuzer knowing he has a lesion on his right hip but also knowing it had not begun to grind into his cartilage. He wasn't injured, but he had something that could cause injury.

Through the AFL's draft camp medical screening, the teenager consulted a specialist who recommended he continue to train and play but predicted he would need surgery in the first two years of his career. Knowing he has the condition at least means the Blues can monitor it — a better alternative than having their No. 1 draft pick break down and lose years off his career.

Full article at:
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: blx on March 23, 2008, 12:05:05 PM
reading that article makes alot of sense to the meyer case.

if he's gone in to have the "bump" removed then we can be hopeful that danny has seen the end of this injury for good.

i'd love the club to now come out and clarify what his "arthoscope" was for.
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: richmondrules on March 23, 2008, 12:41:56 PM
Justin Charles anyone?
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: mightytiges on March 23, 2008, 04:48:31 PM
Yep which is what he got caught taking steroids for  :-\

reading that article makes alot of sense to the meyer case.

if he's gone in to have the "bump" removed then we can be hopeful that danny has seen the end of this injury for good.

i'd love the club to now come out and clarify what his "arthoscope" was for.
Didn't Danny have surgery at the end of last season too? 
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Ox on March 23, 2008, 04:51:57 PM
gotta disagree with ya blxxxxxxx

i remember going to a pre season training session with u a couple of years back
and you really had the vibe on him then.
I rekkon he's got a soft mind.
Talent is probably there but the head is an unattainable hurdle.
Title: Re: Meyer again has undergone surgery
Post by: Mr Magic on March 24, 2008, 02:53:21 AM
I think Danny went on the long term list today
Been away and missed this news.
Would seem to be the end for Danny with so many now ahead of him in the queue.
The 'fab five' just became the 'fantastic four'.
Title: Danny Meyer
Post by: one-eyed on July 10, 2008, 01:31:52 PM
Rawlings latest comment on Danny Meyer in EOTT:

Played in a variety of positions, including on-ball and forward and performed admirably. Has shown terrific improvement in his three games at senior VFL level, with his competitive spirit a real feature. His tackling is equal to anyone’s in the team.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: wayne on July 10, 2008, 01:56:48 PM
I hope he makes it. I always thought that he 'looked' a player.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Stripes on July 10, 2008, 02:30:03 PM
I agree whole-heartedly with you wayne. I would love to see Danny come back injury free and show the footy world exactly why we rated him so highly when he was drafted.

Has the height, pace and skills to be a great player but just needs some games.

Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Mr Magic on July 11, 2008, 02:20:25 PM
Hard to see him making it IMO.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: TFL on July 11, 2008, 05:18:10 PM
I think Danny is good enough to make it.

He needs some luck on the injury front though.

He seems to be moving well at th moment and doesnt appear to have any injury concerns.

I hope it stays this way.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: yellowandback on July 11, 2008, 09:41:58 PM
He has talent, no question. It'll end up being luck more than anything - we need the footy gods to shine down on that young fella's body.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: blx on July 12, 2008, 12:01:51 AM
he laid a tackle in front of us on sunday and boy did the box hill player know about it  :thumbsup

made me think how agressive he has become and how comfortable he is with his body now.

Hes definately taken his game up a few notches thats for sure.

could be a bolter/late starter would work out great if he was although he's got a ways to go and theres a few lining up in the que now.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Ramps on July 12, 2008, 03:32:54 PM
Meyer has ability, we need to see him over the rest of 2008 and 2009 before deciding if hes gonna make it.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Judge Roughneck on July 12, 2008, 04:23:05 PM
Would be nice if he turned out better than Jordan Lewis  :cheers
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: jackstar on July 12, 2008, 06:08:34 PM
Would be nice if he turned out better than Jordan Lewis  :cheers

no chance
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: peggles on July 12, 2008, 07:11:38 PM
sounds like he played as a small defender with coburg and had done pretty well....could he maybe be groomed into this role perhaps?'s apparently the type we're still struggling with...think he's got the athleticism and agility to go with them...we'll see..
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on July 12, 2008, 07:39:56 PM
I think they'll give Danny one more year now that he is showing signs he may be over that hip problem and he's at least getting in the Coburg bests the past few weeks. Give him a full preseason injury-free and then it's up to him. At least we're now playing him behind the ball where he can play to his strengths. I also thought way back in his first year that he had the ability to push into the midfield as a chop out for the other mids.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: jackstar on July 12, 2008, 07:52:08 PM
would give him 6 weeks at coburg and wave him goodbye.
Is an intravert who doesnt seem to fit into a team enviroment
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: TFL on July 12, 2008, 08:02:56 PM
I think Danny wont be far away from getting a game at Richmond.

Won the best player award today from Jade Rawlings and appears to be over his injuries. Touch wood.

Hopefully things go his way for a while. He has been getting better everyweek and has been a good solid contributor in the last 3 weeks.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: jackstar on July 12, 2008, 08:13:28 PM
I think Danny wont be far away from getting a game at Richmond.

Won the best player award today from Jade Rawlings and appears to be over his injuries. Touch wood.

Hopefully things go his way for a while. He has been getting better everyweek and has been a good solid contributor in the last 3 weeks.

Hear what you say although we need some "" bigger bodied players"" We have way too many of the Danny Meyer build.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Ramps on July 12, 2008, 09:24:31 PM
but he can kick the footy so Im for giving him another year. Its up to him. Personally Id like to see him slot in on a hbf. If he cant fire on a hbf over the next 12 months then seeya later.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: one-eyed on July 17, 2008, 05:58:38 PM
Rawlings on Meyer on EOTT:

"Showed some really good signs.  His ball use was particularly impressive and he adapted well to the role of a small defender in the second half."
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: one-eyed on July 24, 2008, 02:15:36 AM
Dmactiger on Y&B spoke to Meyer at the cocktail party:

"Danny says his hip still gives him pain and the 8 week break will fix it up."
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: one-eyed on July 25, 2008, 01:18:00 PM
Rawlings in EOTT says Meyer is close to AFL selection:

"Started at half-back and was very solid there, before moving to a wing.  His kicking skills stood out and he was a big factor in us winning the game.  Getting close to AFL selection."
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: one-eyed on September 04, 2008, 03:43:45 PM
Rawlings on Danny Meyer from EOTT:

Was terrific in his role off half-back, gathering plenty of possessions (seven inside-50 entries). Read the ball in the air better than most and his disposal, predominantly, was efficient. Has full faith in his body now and that’s helping him play some really good football.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: mightytiges on September 06, 2008, 06:09:04 PM
Danny does look freer in his movements but he's no FB  :-\.
Title: Danny Meyer to debut for Power
Post by: TigerLand on June 11, 2009, 05:23:42 PM
Reluctant to say good luck to Danny, was pretty unlucky with injuries but just didn't come on, but in hindsight he would have happily been a tiger player if things clicked but didn't so good luck.

At the end of the day will be interesting to see if he does well and the recruiting at Richmond could look a little bit better and place some blame on the development side of things.

All in all look forward to seeing him play. Hope the power smash the Mish.

edit: fixed title
Title: Re: Danny Meyer to debut for Power
Post by: RollsRoyce on June 11, 2009, 06:09:16 PM
I think it's an absolute disgrace that Richmond didn't receive a draft pick for Danny Meyer. Even a low-level one. We basically just threw him away, and now he's set to play senior footy again.
He was after all a no. 12 draft pick (albeit, a very poor choice - Matthew Bate was taken the pick after him :banghead), and along with Pattison  :-\ was part of the compensation for losing Ottens.
I reckon it's a safe bet that he and David Rodan probably hang out together at Port, and swap tales of woe about their time at Tigerland, and how glad they are to be shot of the place.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer to debut for Power
Post by: WilliamPowell on June 11, 2009, 08:30:16 PM
I think it's an absolute disgrace that Richmond didn't receive a draft pick for Danny Meyer. Even a low-level one. We basically just threw him away, and now he's set to play senior footy again.

Sadly RR, to trade someone another party has to want to part with something. Blokes get put up for trade and no shows any interest. Was probably the case here  :thumbsup The fact that Danny only ended up being rookied by Port shows they weren't interested in giving up anything for him
Title: Re: Danny Meyer to debut for Power
Post by: WA Tiger on June 11, 2009, 08:34:47 PM
 :sleep :sleep :sleep :sleep
Title: Re: Danny Meyer to debut for Power
Post by: Stripes on June 11, 2009, 08:42:52 PM
I was always an advocate for retaining Meyer over someone like Pettifier. I think Meyer never truly showed his worth to us because of injuries. Now that he is injury free he will get a clear run at it.

I think he will embarrass us.  :-[

Title: Re: Danny Meyer to debut for Power
Post by: WA Tiger on June 11, 2009, 08:44:42 PM
I was always an advocate for retaining Meyer over someone like Pettifier. I think Meyer never truly showed his worth to us because of injuries. Now that he is injury free he will get a clear run at it.

I think he will embarrass us.  :-[


I think we will be safe Stripes, he played all NAB Cup and pre-season and did nothing, I cant see that changing.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer to debut for Power
Post by: mightytiges on June 11, 2009, 10:23:33 PM
Danny's been doing alright for Glenelg who are equal top of the ladder but nothing mind blowing. He's had 22, 12, 26, 17, 19 disposals in his past 5 SANFL games. We'll see how Danny goes with his last chance. Rodan was great in his first year with Port but has slipped back to a fringe player since. Will Danny be the same?
Title: Re: Danny Meyer to debut for Power
Post by: RollsRoyce on June 12, 2009, 08:34:19 AM
Sadly RR, to trade someone another party has to want to part with something. Blokes get put up for trade and no shows any interest. Was probably the case here  :thumbsup

Hawthorn were prepared to trade a low-level pick for him for a couple of season's. He came to their attention after a very good game he played for Coburg against Box Hill, where he was really amongst the goals.At the time we obviously thought that he'd get over his hip injury and was worth retaining. I personally think we should have jumped at the chance. But as with Jay Schulz (who Port offered something like pick 29 for to my memory) we hung on for nothing, and missed the boat.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer to debut for Power
Post by: Tigermonk on June 12, 2009, 10:19:40 AM
Danny's been doing alright for Glenelg who are equal top of the ladder but nothing mind blowing. He's had 22, 12, 26, 17, 19 disposals in his past 5 SANFL games. We'll see how Danny goes with his last chance. Rodan was great in his first year with Port but has slipped back to a fringe player since. Will Danny be the same?

possies mean little MT you should know that, he coulld be playing a tagging role
l think he earned the respect of the Port club the day he closed Wanganeen down which was a terrific effort
l be watching this game & Meyer closely & see how far he has developed which seeing his got the recall to AFL will make us look very stupid & prove our under development at the club
will also signal another player we kepted in cotton wool for other clubs to get reward. Look at Rodan he hardly does circle work now  ;D  :thumbsup
Title: Re: Danny Meyer to debut for Power
Post by: Jackstar is back on June 13, 2009, 12:16:58 PM
Danny's been doing alright for Glenelg who are equal top of the ladder but nothing mind blowing. He's had 22, 12, 26, 17, 19 disposals in his past 5 SANFL games. We'll see how Danny goes with his last chance. Rodan was great in his first year with Port but has slipped back to a fringe player since. Will Danny be the same?

Rodan didnt look to fringe last week ;)
Title: Re: Danny Meyer to debut for Power
Post by: Francois Jackson on June 13, 2009, 01:01:35 PM
Sadly RR, to trade someone another party has to want to part with something. Blokes get put up for trade and no shows any interest. Was probably the case here  :thumbsup

Hawthorn were prepared to trade a low-level pick for him for a couple of season's. He came to their attention after a very good game he played for Coburg against Box Hill, where he was really amongst the goals.At the time we obviously thought that he'd get over his hip injury and was worth retaining. I personally think we should have jumped at the chance. But as with Jay Schulz (who Port offered something like pick 29 for to my memory) we hung on for nothing, and missed the boat.

This has been the problem with the RFC from day 1.

Too reluctant to get rid of players till its too late and then we get donuts.

Pick 29 for Schulz. Ooh how i remember that day thinking why the stuff did we not make that..
Title: Re: Danny Meyer to debut for Power
Post by: bollox on June 13, 2009, 11:05:43 PM
poo & good riddance  :clapping.. Apparently richmond did get something for him it was a packet of rolo's
Title: Re: Danny Meyer to debut for Power
Post by: mightytiges on June 14, 2009, 05:32:37 AM
93 point flogging and just 9 scoring shots!  :o

Poor Danny tagged Cooney didn't he who ended up with 35 possies. He's probably wishing he had stayed at Glenelg for another week lol.

Rodan didnt look to fringe last week ;)
lol it was against Freo.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer to debut for Power
Post by: Jackstar is back on June 14, 2009, 10:15:37 AM
93 point flogging and just 9 scoring shots!  :o

Poor Danny tagged Cooney didn't he who ended up with 35 possies. He's probably wishing he had stayed at Glenelg for another week lol.

Rodan didnt look to fringe last week ;)
lol it was against Freo.

Rather have Danny Meyer than Jordon McMahon. ::)
Title: Re: Danny Meyer to debut for Power
Post by: Mr Magic on June 14, 2009, 10:21:12 AM
Maybe he should have stayed ahead of Pettifer. Big deal!

It amazes me why posters think we should have kept this player.

Absolutely the right decision to move him on.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer to debut for Power
Post by: wayne on June 14, 2009, 10:27:36 AM
93 point flogging and just 9 scoring shots!  :o

Mark Williams might start feeling the heat soon, if he already isn't.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer to debut for Power
Post by: Jackstar is back on June 14, 2009, 11:01:41 AM
Maybe he should have stayed ahead of Pettifer. Big deal!

It amazes me why posters think we should have kept this player.

Absolutely the right decision to move him on.

You miss the point.
We keep retards like Schulz, JON, Pettifer  and McMahon, These four wouldnt get a game anywhere , there lies the issue
Title: Re: Danny Meyer to debut for Power
Post by: Mr Magic on June 14, 2009, 07:52:12 PM
You miss the point.
We keep fools like Schulz, JON, Pettifer  and McMahon, These four wouldnt get a game anywhere , there lies the issue

Schulz showed something last season at HB.

JoN was a third year player and deserved another season.

Pettifer had a knee injury which is the only reason why he was kept.

McMahon? Well he should never have been recruited in the first place. :banghead :banghead :banghead

Meyer was a 4 season dud. Right decision to go.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer to debut for Power
Post by: Chuck17 on June 15, 2009, 10:15:47 AM
Rather have Danny Meyer than Jordon McMahon. ::)

Neither Thanks, they can both go to Port
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: one-eyed on September 22, 2011, 01:35:34 PM
Danny Meyer has today retired from AFL football.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Coach on September 22, 2011, 03:29:46 PM
Eff he's 25. Good luck post footy mate, hope the hip aint too bad.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: TigerLand on September 22, 2011, 05:01:14 PM
Well its official we got absolutely nothing for Brad Ottens.

What a shame.

Who would have thought, an injury 24 year old (Ottens) will go on to double the amount of games played in comparison to a combined total of two first round draft picks (Meyer and Pattison)

Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Judge Roughneck on September 22, 2011, 05:27:32 PM
F we had drafted two guns with these picks we might have not had cotchin or Martin down the track.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: tony_montana on September 22, 2011, 06:02:15 PM
F we had drafted two guns with these picks we might have not had cotchin or Martin down the track.

With all due respect to Cotch and Martin who are 2 genuine guns, it means stuff all that we have them until we have some success with them.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Dice on September 22, 2011, 06:13:06 PM
Eff he's 25. Good luck post footy mate, hope the hip aint too bad.
You are soft Davey  :'(
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Mr Magic on September 22, 2011, 08:27:25 PM
12 & 16 for Ottens. They had no idea but you'd think they might have fluked something decent.
What a nightmare!!!
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Owl on September 22, 2011, 09:01:01 PM
shocker, don't want to think about it.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Dubstep Dookie on September 22, 2011, 09:06:58 PM
Ugh. Good god.
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Coach on September 22, 2011, 09:18:03 PM
Eff he's 25. Good luck post footy mate, hope the hip aint too bad.
You are soft Davey  :'(

 ... Or maybe start up your love for Jacko again like you did in absolute dud.

We gave away Ottens for nothing in the end :(
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Owl on September 23, 2011, 08:23:12 AM
He left and we muffed the compo, nuff said, I have allready roasted my acketts over this enough lol
Title: Re: Danny Meyer
Post by: Dice on September 23, 2011, 06:04:01 PM
... Or maybe start up your love for Jacko again like you did in absolute dud.

Nah I'll leave the Jacko love for that wanker Ronnie B