One-Eyed Richmond Forum

Football => Richmond Rant => Topic started by: mightytiges on August 21, 2010, 11:10:48 PM

Title: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: mightytiges on August 21, 2010, 11:10:48 PM
"You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league" - Umpire Stuart Wenn to Connors.

Pope mentioned this in the game thread at the time. They just replayed it on the Fifth Quarter. If an umpire wants respect as they do deserve then they should remember it's a two way street. An Ump is there to umpire the game; not to trash talk a footballer!  ::) If it was the other way around and Connors was one who had told Wren he was "outta his league" he'd cop a please explain and quite possibly weeks for it from the AFL.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're so far outta of your league"
Post by: Ramps on August 21, 2010, 11:11:43 PM
the club needs to lodge an official complaint. the umpire needs to be dropped for the rest of the season.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're so far outta your league"
Post by: tiger till i die on August 22, 2010, 12:14:57 AM
"You're outta your league. You're so far outta of your league" - Umpire Wren to Connors.

Pope mentioned this in the game thread at the time. They just replayed it on the Fifth Quarter. If an umpire wants respect as they do deserve then they should remember it's a two way street. An Ump is there to umpire the game; not to trash talk a footballer!  ::) If it was the other way around and Connors was one who had told Wren he was "outta his league" he'd cop a please explain and quite possibly weeks for it from the AFL.

what did he meen by that? connors trying to hit on his sister? lol ;D
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're so far outta your league"
Post by: FNM on August 22, 2010, 01:05:24 AM
Disgraceful what he said and Gieschen should be asked why the umps aren't treating all players equally.
Where do they get off? :banghead
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're so far outta your league"
Post by: cub on August 22, 2010, 01:29:07 AM
Yeah! We know where some of the bullied kids at school ended up. Wankers
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're so far outta your league"
Post by: Tigermonk on August 22, 2010, 01:53:17 AM
Umpire is telliing Conners something  ;D his a selfish one man team above himself  :lol

Umpire, back to Metro footy  ;D
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're so far outta your league"
Post by: Chuck17 on August 22, 2010, 06:48:42 AM
Confirmation that the umpires egotestical nature is out of hand.

They need to concentrate on officiating the game instead of priming their egos. Maybe they could start of incorrect disposal of the ball when tackled.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're so far outta your league"
Post by: eliminator on August 22, 2010, 10:06:31 AM
Agree with Ramps
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're so far outta your league"
Post by: julzqld on August 22, 2010, 10:49:19 AM
Disgraceful what he said and Gieschen should be asked why the umps aren't treating all players equally.
Where do they get off? :banghead
Yeah agree.  Even the commentators said the ump crossed the line.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're so far outta your league"
Post by: TigerLand on August 22, 2010, 12:15:14 PM
I understand the competition is trying to look after the umpires to promote the profession etc. but common sense would be to come out apologies and give the squib a whack across the back of the head and suspend him for a minimum of 1 match. Not doing anything just fuels the external hatred fire for AFL officials.

The idea of microphones give them the power to have any conversation broadcast, don't give me excuses of what is said on the field stays on the field. No umpire should speak to players unless it's about an umpiring decision. He knows to well everything is said by him and around him can be captured, it was pathetic.

"You're so far outta your league"? How about not get in the face of an AFL footballer, in a dark alley I'd be interested to see how close to Connors league the umpire is.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're so far outta your league"
Post by: 2JD on August 22, 2010, 12:58:04 PM
i missed the whole thing,,, why would he even say that???
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're so far outta your league"
Post by: TigerLand on August 22, 2010, 02:46:27 PM
i missed the whole thing,,, why would he even say that???

It was bizaare

Think it was either the start of the 3rd or last qtr.

Before the bounch Connors was pushing with his forearm his opponent over into the centre square.

The umpire came right up into Connors face and put his own forearm in Connors face and gave him a spray. The Mics turned on and all you can here was "You're outta your league here mate, you're so far outta your league.."
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're so far outta your league"
Post by: Rodgerramjet on August 22, 2010, 06:54:08 PM
If Richmond do not lodge an official complaint over this matter then Gales needs his arse kicked. What that umpire did was so wrong on so many levels, I fairdinkum thought the ump was going to physically handle Conners. Very poor protocol from the ump.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're so far outta your league"
Post by: 2JD on August 22, 2010, 06:56:30 PM
very bizarre! Is there any footage?
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're so far outta your league"
Post by: Owl on August 22, 2010, 08:03:07 PM
This guy just invented an awesome way on how to make yourself look like a first class, self pleasuring, biased imbecile.  How can you ever trust his objectivity when he actively attempted to psych out one of the Tigers players?  This bloke needs to be sacked full stop, he has no place in the game.  Sounds like a St.Kilda sychophant, or maybe he just likes to toady up to players from top 8 clubs.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're so far outta your league"
Post by: one-eyed on August 22, 2010, 08:50:50 PM
very bizarre! Is there any footage?
It happened in the 3rd quarter.

Go to page 2 and click on the St K vs Rich Q3 video.

It's right at the start of the video. Tim Lane even thought it was disrespectful.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: TigerLand on August 22, 2010, 11:29:28 PM
Just a disgrace.

If I've ever seen a bigger contradiction in my life it'll be too soon.

- Don't back chat to Umpires (Free Kick)
- Don't handle or touch an Umpire (Auto suspension)
- Don't accidently run into an umpire (Auto suspension)
- Don't publically talk down to umpires

Connors is meant to stand there and have an umpire get up into his face and cop "You're batting so far outta your league"

Connors should have whacked him, would have finally got the AFL's attention. Get out of the players personal space, stop acting for the cameras and microphones you're are not policemen, you're sporting officials.

Take there names out of the record, take their stupid numbers off there backs, get rid of umpire mics, get the umpire colour match attire correct and take the whole hysteria of officiating away out of the game.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're so far outta your league"
Post by: RollsRoyce on August 23, 2010, 08:37:18 AM
  Sounds like a St.Kilda sychophant, or maybe he just likes to toady up to players from top 8 clubs.

And that sums up the umpiring fraternity in a nutshell. Marry this up with Daniel 161's run-in with Geisch where he was told that if we won a few games we wouldn't have a problem, and you begin to understand why the odds of actually winning are so stacked against us.
Aside from the fact that we essentially have to play the Saints at their home ground every time we meet them, when the game was on a knife-edge, once again the result was put beyond doubt by a couple of shocking decisions.
Title: Umpire's sorry to Connors for on-field exchange (afl)
Post by: one-eyed on August 23, 2010, 05:30:41 PM
Umpire's sorry to Connors for on-field exchange
By Adam McNicol
5:13 PM Mon 23 August, 2010

UMPIRE Stuart Wenn has apologised to Richmond midfielder Daniel Connors for sledging him during the Tigers’ loss to St Kilda at Etihad Stadium on Saturday.

Early in the third quarter, as Connors manned up on Andrew McQualter, Wenn said to him: “You’re batting out of your league, pal. You’re batting so far out of your league.”

The vision and audio of the incident were broadcast live on Network Ten's coverage of the game.

The AFL’s umpiring department raised the exchange as part of its weekly review of Wenn’s performance.

Wenn subsequently acknowledged that the manner in which he spoke to Connors, including the words he used and his body language, were inappropriate.
“My comments to Daniel and my body language were not in line with how I normally communicate with players,” Wenn said.

“I pride myself on remaining calm and composed, even when involved in the most heated on-field situations.
“I have spoken to Daniel and I acknowledged that I should have handled the situation more appropriately.
“On-field relationships between players and umpires have improved dramatically in recent seasons, and I regret what occurred on Saturday.”
AFL umpires manager Jeff Gieschen said it was the League’s view that umpires should always speak respectfully to players.

“This is totally out of character for Stuart, who is one of our very best communicators and player managers on the field,” Gieschen said.

“I am pleased with the pro-active manner in which he addressed this with Daniel.”
Gieschen also contacted the Tigers to apologise on behalf of the AFL Umpiring Department.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league . You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: one-eyed on August 23, 2010, 05:38:52 PM
The AFL site has added the video of Wenn's outburst (
Title: Re: Umpire's sorry to Connors for on-field exchange (afl)
Post by: Ekto on August 23, 2010, 05:40:20 PM
Umpire's sorry to Connors for on-field exchange
By Adam McNicol
5:13 PM Mon 23 August, 2010

“This is totally out of character for Stuart, who is one of our very best communicators and player managers on the field,” Gieschen said.

Since when are umpires "player managers" Jeff?

Tell them to just make the decisions as they see them and to stay out of the limelight.

Maybe Jeff should remind all umpires that they have never been, and will never be, in the same league as any AFL player.

Maybe Andrew should remind Jeff to manage his 'boys' appropriately.

I wouldn't even put any of today's maggots in my tackle would be disrespectful to the fish.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: Chuck17 on August 23, 2010, 05:40:22 PM
Not good enough, if it was a player to an ump the player would be suspended for games.

Suspend this turkey.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: Infamy on August 23, 2010, 05:41:31 PM
Pfft, make him drive up to Mildura or Ouyen and umpire a match there on the weekend
The nice 10-12 hours of driving will give him some time to think about what he did
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: WilliamPowell on August 23, 2010, 06:05:57 PM
Now as we all know I am not a Connors fan but even I think the umpire's comments were disgraceful.

IMHO He should be suspended not only for this week but the first week of the finals
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: Go Richo 12 on August 23, 2010, 07:13:16 PM
Now as we all know I am not a Connors fan but even I think the umpire's comments were disgraceful.

IMHO He should be suspended not only for this week but the first week of the finals
If he said it to Post? :lol
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: Owl on August 23, 2010, 07:34:09 PM
Umpire's sorry to Connors for on-field exchange
By Adam McNicol
5:13 PM Mon 23 August, 2010

“This is totally out of character for Stuart, who is one of our very best communicators and player managers on the field,” Gieschen said.

Since when are umpires "player managers" Jeff?

Tell them to just make the decisions as they see them and to stay out of the limelight.

Maybe Jeff should remind all umpires that they have never been, and will never be, in the same league as any AFL player.

Maybe Andrew should remind Jeff to manage his 'boys' appropriately.

I wouldn't even put any of today's maggots in my tackle would be disrespectful to the fish.
hehe gold Ekto, well played.
Personally, I would like to apply my old favorite and throw hot grease on the bastard but I know some people get upset about this.  Maybe just a cupful in his lap heh?
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: Ox on August 23, 2010, 07:52:26 PM
bash and sodomise the idiot into an intensive care unit.
Weak dog.
Title: Re: Umpire's sorry to Connors for on-field exchange (afl)
Post by: DCrane on August 23, 2010, 07:56:44 PM
Maybe Jeff should remind all umpires that they have never been, and will never be, in the same league as any AFL player.

Spot on.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: cub on August 23, 2010, 08:01:16 PM
Wenn is locked into the memory banks, man ur gunna cop it when I get close enough. Hopefully my memory for faces isn't so good for ur sake u tinylittle girl of a ?
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: Owl on August 23, 2010, 08:15:09 PM
Maybe Jeff should remind all umpires that they have never been, and will never be, in the same league as any AFL player.

Spot on.
I do agree but I suspect Jeff probably enjoys any discomfit his pet maggots cause the Tigers and harbors some bitterness that his purely imaginary coaching genius was never given its chance to truly flourish.
Title: Re: Umpire's sorry to Connors for on-field exchange (afl)
Post by: mightytiges on August 23, 2010, 09:14:57 PM
“This is totally out of character for Stuart, who is one of our very best communicators and player managers on the field,” Gieschen said.
Since when are umpires "player managers" Jeff?

Tell them to just make the decisions as they see them and to stay out of the limelight.
Exactly. The umps job is to umpire the game not player manage. That's what the whistle is for.

The other bizarre thing about Wenn's comments is since when was having McQualter as an opponent out of any AFL footballer's league  ???. He's a fringe player at St Kilda who is probably in their bottom 6 of their best 22. It wasn't as though Dan was playing on a Goddard or Nick Riewoldt.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: WilliamPowell on August 23, 2010, 09:22:34 PM
Now as we all know I am not a Connors fan but even I think the umpire's comments were disgraceful.

IMHO He should be suspended not only for this week but the first week of the finals
If he said it to Post? :lol

 :clapping :clapping  :rollin

Would feel the same even if I agreed with the sentiment  ;)
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: 3rogerd on August 23, 2010, 09:23:22 PM
Now as we all know I am not a Connors fan but even I think the umpire's comments were disgraceful.

IMHO He should be suspended not only for this week but the first week of the finals

have to agree but i sense sometimes Dan does exactly what was described to him. :rollin
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: mightytiges on August 23, 2010, 09:30:53 PM
Umpire boss Jeff Geischen said "Wenn wasn't referring to the game at all. He just caught a glimpse of Connors' girlfriend in the crowd. Daniel's hardly Brat Pitt is he!"

Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: Fishfinger on August 23, 2010, 09:31:42 PM
I think the umpire's comment to Connors was in regard to arguing about the rules. Not sure if it was but that was what I thought at the time. Still do. :-\

Still not right the way he spoke and gestured.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: TigerLand on August 23, 2010, 09:47:56 PM
Wenn can apologise all he likes.

It has to be a 2 way street, if you get suspended for accidental contact with one of these clowns, this outburst deserves to be made an example of.

AFL for once in a decade stand up and run the game, stamp this sort of garbage out and protect the image of umpires and show that it's unacceptable.

Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: TigerLand on August 23, 2010, 09:52:29 PM
I've just seen the vision again.

What you don't see in most clips is Wenn coming up and gesture to elbow Connors in the sternum and get into his face, only after that he walks backwards and the mics are turned on and you here him say you're batting so far outta league etc.

This is a disgrace absolute disgrace.

The guy should never umpire again, I'm as sympathetic as it comes but this is one of the most pathetic acts by an official Ive ever seen. This shows the umpires think they are bigger than the game. If a soccer referee did this in Europe he'd be dead by now.

Wenn you're a worm.

I wont even start on the joke of "player managers" Jeff thinks they are.

I'm really dirty on this.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: Owl on August 23, 2010, 09:53:41 PM
I reckon they should let me whip the bastard with big stuff off huge length of cabana and then go to town on him with an egg beater.  Sick prick would probably be right into it though.  Back to the blow torch and pliers I spose.  Or you could put him hog tied in a room with RROFFO , a bottle of olive oil and just see what happens.  stuff that would scare the living poo out of me, or back in, as the case may be....
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: gerkin greg on August 23, 2010, 11:00:01 PM
Wenn's not young enough for some people's tastes Owl. No surprises he's never officiated a Grand Final, he's a self fister from way back.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: Penelope on August 23, 2010, 11:07:53 PM
 :lol Owl, I think you may have watched too many Quentin Tarantino films 
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: Judge Roughneck on August 23, 2010, 11:14:35 PM
We have been Shay on many times thus year with these um
ump cocksmokers but this is utter bollocks. This little twit should keep his trap shut
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: Infamy on August 23, 2010, 11:48:49 PM
I've just seen the vision again.

What you don't see in most clips is Wenn coming up and gesture to elbow Connors in the sternum and get into his face, only after that he walks backwards and the mics are turned on and you here him say you're batting so far outta league etc.

This is a disgrace absolute disgrace.
I have a feeling this action may have been what Connors did and Wenn did it to illustrate what he was talking about
No excuse, but the most plausable explanation I can come up with
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: Ekto on August 24, 2010, 06:51:57 AM
Let's not forget that it is the AFL that causes the disrespect towards umpires.

If they allowed the players and officials to treat them like HUMANS and not as UNTOUCHABLES then we would be able to praise their good efforts and criticise the BLATANT errors fairly.

If they created a set of rules that are unambiguous and sensible then the umpires would have more respect from players, officials and supporters. To see two umpires adjudicate the same situation in different ways during the same passage of play is not helping the image of the game.

Only a couple of the umpires are maggots, the likes of Wenn, McLaren and Razor Ray are the worst decision makers and most theatrical. These are the ones that most supporter's wrath is aimed at and the ones who confuse the players with their WRONG decision making.

The rest of the umpire fraternity is doing a difficult job well and they stay out of the limelight to the extent that we don't even know their names.

Wenn has to be stood down for the rest of the season .......for bringing disgrace upon the umpiring group and the AFL in general.

Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: Chuck17 on August 24, 2010, 07:30:53 AM
LOL Owl ur on fire.

U shouldn't dish Y&B its a great site if u can live within the small box of opinions you are allowed.

You can also give out rep points just as if they were flowers to ur boyfriends
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: Owl on August 24, 2010, 09:41:17 AM
I know it was like a big mutual masturbation session sometimes, I had to try and avert my eyes.  It gets better Chucky, the boss read peoples private messages and then shows the rest of his sycophants, blokes like RROFFO spy and justifies it as checking for illegal activity, total horsepoo, the bloke he did it too had been a member for donkeys years.  I don't know about you, but that fairdinkum makes me sick.  I still felt I had to speak up, got myself into liquorice all sorts doing so.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: gerkin greg on August 24, 2010, 10:36:14 AM
Yellow & Beige is a great site, you two should lay off it. They have a poodle appreciation society and swap the craziest stories from when they were cutting their teeth on the junior umpiring scene. It's wild. Max Mosley is a member, you should cruise over and ask him about his sex tape.

I'm so over umpires.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: one-eyed on August 24, 2010, 12:10:21 PM
Folks this is OER and as admins that's all we care and worry about. If you have any issues with another site please leave your grievances off this forum. Ta.

Now back to the thread topic please!
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: one-eyed on August 24, 2010, 12:17:14 PM
Hartford on SEN just now mentioned Wenn won't umpire this week?
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: Smokey on August 24, 2010, 12:20:19 PM
Hartford on SEN just now mentioned Wenn won't umpire this week?

Doesn't deserve to.  Terrible example of what the AFL has allowed the umpires to become - above the game itself.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: one-eyed on August 24, 2010, 12:22:16 PM
Hartford just repeated it again. The AFL has suspended umpire Stuart Wenn for a week for what he said to Dan Connors.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: gerkin greg on August 24, 2010, 02:35:25 PM
great news thanks one-eyed :clapping
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: Coach on August 24, 2010, 03:41:03 PM
LOL Owl ur on fire.

U shouldn't dish Y&B its a great site if u can live within the small box of opinions you are allowed.

You can also give out rep points just as if they were flowers to ur boyfriends

 :lol :cheers

Glad this Wenn bloke has been punished.
Title: Re: "You're outta your league. You're batting so far outta your league"
Post by: Judge Roughneck on August 24, 2010, 04:05:49 PM
Hartford just repeated it again. The AFL has suspended umpire Stuart Wenn for a week for what he said to Dan Connors.

one week...

he should have been forced to drink 10 shots of whisky with Connors, put in a boxing ring, and see who bats better