One-Eyed Richmond Forum

Football => Richmond Rant => Topic started by: mightytiges on March 01, 2006, 03:35:01 AM

Title: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: mightytiges on March 01, 2006, 03:35:01 AM
With Ricky Ponting now the Roos number 1 ticket holder and even doing their membership ads, which high-profile people barrack or at least claim to barrack for the Tiges?

I was scanning the Herald-Sun yesterday on the web and noticed one Andrew Bolt  :P, (far) right-wing columnist, suggest he was a Tigers supporter.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Moi on March 01, 2006, 06:34:42 AM
Before i roll off some well known ones, I've had a fight about this one before with Fish - and if someone can settle the argument would be good, because i'm still wondering about it lol.

Jennifer Byrne, i believe, is a Richmond supporter, and I always thought she was the grand daughter of former Victorian Governor Sir Rohan Delacombe.  Fish says i'm wrong and says she's the grand daughter of Robert Menzies.

Anyone know?


Greg Norman
Tiger Woods
John Newcombe
Livinia Nixon (although she supported Melbourne there for a while)
Mick Malloy
Sir Rohan Delacombe  ;)
Lindsay Thompson
Bernie Finn  :rollin
Russell Crowe
Dawn Fraser I think was a member of Hafey's Ambush
Steve Price
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Mopsy on March 01, 2006, 07:00:53 AM
Jennifer Bryne is the granddaughter of Sir Dallas Brooks and while i am on the subject another well known supporter is Kenneth Watts better known as Mopsy  :cheers :thumbsup :gotigers
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Moi on March 01, 2006, 08:30:28 AM
Jennifer Bryne is the granddaughter of Sir Dallas Brooks and while i am on the subject another well known supporter is Kenneth Watts better known as Mopsy  :cheers :thumbsup :gotigers
Thanks Mopsy, but until i see some hard facts, i'm going with Delacombe lol
When Fish and I were having this argument, i had to go to the emergency part of Monash Medical Centre, and lo and behold the doctor treating my dad at the time was Robert Menzies' grandson.  I was so tempted to ask him, but i restrained myself lol.

Err, who is Kenneth Watts?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: julzqld on March 01, 2006, 08:39:12 AM
Isn't Simon Katich supposed to be a Tigers supporter?

Kath - from Kath & Kim

Kenneth Watts - I know who he is ;)
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Moi on March 01, 2006, 09:10:30 AM
Seriously thinking i might have to eat HALF a humble pie lol
Sir Dallas Brooks is a former No. 1 ticket holder I've just researched, but still can't find a Byrne connection.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: letsgetiton! on March 01, 2006, 09:36:25 AM

Kenneth Watts - I know who he is ;)

really, mmmmmm , now that gets the mind boggling  :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: mightytiges on March 01, 2006, 04:16:09 PM
Here's tiga's clip of the episode where Kath sings "We're from Tigerland" he made a few years ago :thumbsup:

Yep Katich is one Julz.
Archbishop George Pell is another.

Russell Crowe

His first love is the South Sydney Rabbitohs though. He's joined up with Peter Holmes-a-Court to buy the Club.   
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Jackstar on March 01, 2006, 06:41:05 PM
Ian Turpie.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Ox on March 01, 2006, 06:53:08 PM
Russel Morris
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: letsgetiton! on March 01, 2006, 07:46:54 PM
denise "fun bags" drysdale, was no 1 ticket holder once apon a time
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Mopsy on March 01, 2006, 07:48:30 PM
Seriously thinking i might have to eat HALF a humble pie lol
Sir Dallas Brooks is a former No. 1 ticket holder I've just researched, but still can't find a Byrne connection.

Get ready to eat the other half Moi

Oh by the way Kenneth Watts was the 'el admiral' of the Banana Republic Navy at one time! :lol
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Fishfinger on March 01, 2006, 07:58:40 PM
Jennifer Bryne is the granddaughter of Sir Dallas Brooks
Damn you Mopsy Byrne.  ;D

Delacombe, Brooks or Menzies? :-\ I always thought it was Bob. Ah well, she's definitely married to Andrew Denton (an attempt at diversion on the slim chance I'm wrong).

ps. I'm not keen on humble pie. Have you got apple?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Fishfinger on March 01, 2006, 08:04:29 PM
Mick Molloy
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Ox on March 01, 2006, 11:28:49 PM
David Hicks
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Mopsy on March 02, 2006, 10:30:08 AM
Steven Mayne (founder of
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: tiga on March 02, 2006, 01:16:18 PM
David Hicks
ROFLMAOOO  :rollin Where was he and his RPG when Frawley was at the helm.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Ox on March 02, 2006, 02:16:15 PM
Lisa McCune.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: F0551L on March 02, 2006, 02:54:58 PM
Here's tiga's clip of the episode where Kath sings "We're from Tigerland" he made a few years ago :thumbsup:

I hadnt seen this before   just goes to show that Kath is all class :)
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Moi on March 02, 2006, 04:20:51 PM
Here's tiga's clip of the episode where Kath sings "We're from Tigerland" he made a few years ago :thumbsup:

I hadnt seen this before   just goes to show that Kath is all class :)
I think in that episode she's bagging the crap out of Richo and Campbell.
Yep, she's a Tiger supporter lol
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: mightytiges on March 02, 2006, 09:04:12 PM
Here's tiga's clip of the episode where Kath sings "We're from Tigerland" he made a few years ago :thumbsup:

I hadnt seen this before   just goes to show that Kath is all class :)
I think in that episode she's bagging the crap out of Richo and Campbell.
Yep, she's a Tiger supporter lol

She'll be ticked off Kel's team won the flag. At least she can bag Kim about the Pies ;D.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: mightytiges on March 02, 2006, 09:07:11 PM
David Hicks
ROFLMAOOO  :rollin Where was he and his RPG when Frawley was at the helm.

No TV  :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on March 08, 2006, 06:08:25 PM
Wikipedia has a list of celebrity supporters for all clubs which can be edited ;).
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: bluey_21 on March 09, 2006, 09:47:11 PM
David Hicks
ROFLMAOOO  :rollin Where was he and his RPG when Frawley was at the helm.

 :rollin :rollin :rollin
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: mightytiges on March 27, 2006, 12:13:05 PM
Russell Crowe

Crowe on MMM this morning mentioned again he was a Tigers supporter in the AFL.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: mightytiges on July 05, 2006, 09:59:48 PM
Billy Thorpe

The ABC show Spick and Specks showed a clip of the pre-game entertainment from the 1979 GF with Aussie musicians of the day kicking footys around - Molly Meldrum, Shirley Strachan, Wilbur Wilde, Jon English,.. wearing the guernsey of the team they barracked for. They said the bloke in the Richmond jumper was Billy Thorpe.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: mightytiges on May 27, 2007, 02:42:33 AM
Was Evonne Goolagong and Joe Hockey wearing Tiger scarfs at the game last night?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Stephanie on May 27, 2007, 09:05:40 AM
That would be correct MT :yep
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: mightytiges on May 27, 2007, 09:08:02 PM
That would be correct MT :yep
Cheers Steph. An Aussie value is any pollie getting up in from of a footy crowd cops the boooos lol.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Fishfinger on May 27, 2007, 09:17:20 PM
An Aussie value is any pollie getting up in from of a footy crowd cops the boooos lol.
I never boo.
Well, that's past tense now. He's the Federal Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations so I made my debut.  :D
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: mightytiges on May 27, 2007, 09:32:44 PM
An Aussie value is any pollie getting up in from of a footy crowd cops the boooos lol.
I never boo.
Well, that's past tense now. He's the Federal Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations so I made my debut.  :D

One of only 4 blokes booed all night lol.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on December 18, 2007, 01:37:37 PM
Ben Crowe - founding partner of Gemba (the company Hird works for). Sports marketing manager. In the past was director of sports marketing for Nike and the Hong Kong jockey club. On SEN now and mentioned he is a Tiger supporter.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: richmondrules on December 18, 2007, 01:49:45 PM
Here's tiga's clip of the episode where Kath sings "We're from Tigerland" he made a few years ago :thumbsup:

lol rofl lmao!!!!!  Thanks for that MT. Made my afternoon.


An understandable reaction.  :gotigers
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on December 20, 2007, 04:33:38 AM
Here's a list from Wikipedia:

Mick Molloy (comedian)
Cardinal George Pell (Archbishop of Sydney)
Simon Katich (Australian cricketer)
George Kapiniaris (Australian Comedian)
Livinia Nixon (Australian TV personality)
David Graham (Big Brother Contestant)
Carson Kressley (Queer Eye for the Straight Guy)
Denise Drysdale (Australian TV Personality)
Gretel Killeen
Paul Reiffel (former Australian Test Cricket fast bowler)
Jane Turner (Australian comedienne - Kath in "Kath & Kim")
Russell Morris (Australian rock legend)
Caroline Wilson (journalist Age newspaper, Fox Footy TV)
Steve Price (Radio personality 2UE, formerly 3AW)
Stephanie Hoyland (fictional Neighbours character)
Russell Crowe (Oscar winning actor)
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Fishfinger on December 20, 2007, 08:28:12 AM
Desperate times when you start bulking up lists with Big Brother contestants.  ???
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: mightytiges on December 20, 2007, 01:44:21 PM
Tony Scibeci and one of the late night announcers from SEN are Tiger supporters.

Dare I say Herald-Sun columnist Andrew Bolt is one too.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Beren on December 20, 2007, 02:55:14 PM
Travis, runner up on BB this year.
Deryck Guille 774 presenter.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: cub on December 20, 2007, 11:16:01 PM
Who really cares.

I have seen Mick Molloy a few times albeit in the MCC, so I would rate him at least.

Ran into Russel Gilbert at Rich v Dogs (He is a doggy by the way).
He scummed a smoke of me - funny dude ... Sorta like his persona in reallife.

Big Brother GTF outta here plaeeeeez  :santa
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on June 21, 2008, 01:47:00 PM
Basketballer Aaron Bruce who could be drafted into the NBA shortly is a Tigers fan as he's the nephew of Des and Stephen Ryan.,21985,23896821-10914,00.html
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Mopsy on June 21, 2008, 08:59:32 PM
'Mopsy Junior'

Captain Martin Watts,
Ships Master, Spirit of Tasmania.

look for the Officer wearing the Richmond Membership lanyard  :thumbsup
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Hellenic Tiger on June 22, 2008, 12:18:42 AM
Who really cares.

I have seen Mick Molloy a few times albeit in the MCC, so I would rate him at least.

Ran into Russel Gilbert at Rich v Dogs (He is a doggy by the way).
He scummed a smoke of me - funny dude ... Sorta like his persona in reallife.

Big Brother GTF outta here plaeeeeez  :santa

Hahahaha I was in the medallion club that day against the Dogs and he bummed a light of me that day when I was out on the verandah out the back in the Medallion Club at half time. Must have been after he bummed the smoke of you CUB.
Ran into him also on the way to the car going down the stairs. Was trying to crack a few gags but I was devastated on only drawing the game and was in no mood to respond or laugh. Still his leather jacket was almost 2 sizes too big for him. :lol :rollin :lol
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on June 23, 2008, 04:04:39 AM
from the Age
Geoff McClure
June 23, 2008

WAYNE Harmes is hardly your regular former league star given he now admits during his 169-game Carlton career he remained a Richmond supporter, that despite winning three premierships with the Blues "I was an employee of the Carlton Football Club and that's all".

Well, Harmes, has dropped another bombshell, revealing this time that because of the way the game is played these days — "no contests meaning very little excitement" — he hardly goes to AFL matches ...

Despite Harmes' dislike of what is happening to footy at the elite level he will keep a watchful eye on the MCG next Saturday when Carlton takes on Richmond.

Will he be barracking for the Tigers? "Of course," said Harmes. "Richmond is my team. In fact as a kid I despised the Blues. Funny how things turned out isn't it."
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: richmondrules on June 23, 2008, 08:00:10 AM

I didn't know that. Suddenly I really like Wayne Harmes. Once Y&B always Y&B.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on December 14, 2008, 04:45:19 AM
4. Like a Tiger - Robbie Williams

AND speaking of wildlife. Richmond fans may be thrilled to know that English boy-band-singer-made-good Robbie Williams appears such a fan of the Tigers he keeps one down his pants — just in case he's required to strip. Collingwood fans may be less enamoured to know that the reverse of Robbie's jocks were rumoured to feature a Magpie. Actually, the soccer-loving Williams sold his favourite underpants at a Charity Relief auction in 2001 and he's since shown a propensity to put his smalls on the line in all manner of sporting fields.

Say what you like about Robbie's singing, he is prepared to mix his interest in sport with good deeds in charity. Last September he organised SoccerAid at Wembley Stadium, attracting 45,000 to watch celebs in an England versus the Rest of the World battle. The locals won 4-3 with the proceeds going to the United Nations children's charity Unicef.

Williams also stumped up in 2006 to buy a majority stake in his League Two home soccer club Port Vale in Burslem, Stoke on Trent. And to bring that little touch of England to his new home in the US, Williams also established the Los Angeles "Vale" football club, a Super Metro League team in California. Perhaps, the AFL should be thinking smarter and getting Robbie involved in Western Sydney — or "boganville" as the out-in-the-cold Tasmanians have grumbled. Could we soon be seeing a pair of moccasins on Robbie's black underpants?
Title: Mick Molloy a real Tiger for Richmond punishment (Herald-Sun)
Post by: one-eyed on June 02, 2009, 03:53:07 AM
Mick Molloy a real Tiger for Richmond punishment
Colin Vickery | June 02, 2009

FORGET waterboarding and sleep deprivation. Comedian Mick Molloy reckons the ultimate torture is barracking for Richmond. Molloy is one of Richmond's highest-profile supporters.

He has followed the Tigers for 27 of his 42 years and says it has been a non-stop rollercoaster.

So far this year, the Tigers have endured the Ben Cousins saga, injury to spearhead Matthew Richardson and the on-again/off-again Terry Wallace soap opera, which has just ended with him stepping down.

The Tigers scored a much-needed win at the weekend but they're second bottom on the ladder with no chance of making the finals. Another season is down the drain.

"I was watching this documentary on Abu Ghraib the other day and they were trying to work out what constitutes torture and what is cruel and unusual punishment," Molloy says. "I was sitting there with my hand up going: 'I can tell you - it's supporting the Richmond Football Club'.

"I love them to death and I'll never stop supporting them, but they just find new ways to get to you. Once again our season is over."

Molloy, a panellist on Channel 10's football program Before the Game, says 2009 has been especially disappointing for Tigers fans because there were such high expectations this year.

"Some 90,000 people turned out for the Round 1 match against Carlton - a new dawn at Richmond, this is it - and four weeks later, I'm at Richmond v Melbourne and there's about 12,000 people there," he says.

The club's best finish under Wallace was ninth in 2006 and 2008. "We've got a mortgage on ninth," Molloy says.

"God love Richo (Matthew Richardson). If he hadn't been there for the last 12 or 13 years, it would have been very tough going to the footy as a Richmond fan."

Richmond's last premiership was in 1980. Does Molloy think he will see the Tigers win one any time soon?

"I'm a 42-year-old man and there's nothing much coming down the pipe. I don't know what to do about them.",26576,25572434-19742,00.html
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on September 25, 2009, 04:53:46 AM
Driven to online success: - Greg Roebuck
Peter Switzer | September 25, 2009

A BANK predictably playing hardball might have been the kick in the backside Greg Roebuck had to have. It certainly put him on the road to creating a car business that not only attracted some of the country's best-connected equity partners but created the opportunity for his business to reach many entrepreneurs' dream: a public listing.

Roebuck is a paid-up Richmond AFL supporter, which he says has been good for his inner strength. "It has been such a great character-building exercise that I'm considering making it a requirement for employment in the business," he says. "Clearly paid-up supporters are prepared to tough out difficult challenges."

Building a business is easier said than donebut at least Roebuck's time in the centre has resulted in a lot more goals than for his beloved Tigers.

His company is and it successfully listed on the stock exchange on September 10, which is a nice achievement for a guy who had to ditch his old business so he could get a bank loan to buy a house.

Full article at:,28124,26079491-5018019,00.html
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on March 29, 2011, 11:13:23 AM
18.5 Victorian MPs barrack for Richmond. The half comes from a Greens MP who supports both us and Collingwood  ???
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Smokey on March 29, 2011, 11:16:55 AM
......The half comes from a Greens MP who supports both us and Collingwood  ???

Why am I not surprised. Trying to make things happen that go against the natural order of everything!   ;D ;D
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: WilliamPowell on March 29, 2011, 12:08:03 PM
The new NSW premier is a Victorian by birth and a Tiger supporter  ;D
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on March 29, 2011, 05:21:06 PM
George Kapiniaris of 80s show Acropolis Now is a Tiger supporter

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Hellenic Tiger on March 29, 2011, 10:49:19 PM
George Kapiniaris of 80s show Acropolis Now is a Tiger supporter

The children of migrant Greeks from Prahran, Windsor, South Yarra, Richmond, Burnley, Armadale and Oakleigh have built this club and now spread the word to all corners of this great city. ;D
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: 10 FLAGS on March 30, 2011, 11:00:24 AM
George Kapiniaris of 80s show Acropolis Now is a Tiger supporter

The children of migrant Greeks from Prahran, Windsor, South Yarra, Richmond, Burnley, Armadale and Oakleigh have built this club and now spread the word to all corners of this great city. ;D

Yes these are the undisputable facts as presented by Tuckerbag QC. Without the Greeks and the other Wogs Richmond would have gone out of business years ago. Indeed we have built the greatest sporting institution the world has ever seen. The redisposition of the seed as enacted by Greeks and Italians in a systematic and passionate way throughout the finest and not so finest bedois of this fine city and other parts will guarantee Richmond its future for  generations to come. Everyone should be thankful  :lol
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Smokey on March 30, 2011, 11:46:00 AM
George Kapiniaris of 80s show Acropolis Now is a Tiger supporter

The children of migrant Greeks from Prahran, Windsor, South Yarra, Richmond, Burnley, Armadale and Oakleigh have built this club and now spread the word to all corners of this great city. ;D

Yes these are the undisputable facts as presented by Tuckerbag QC. Without the Greeks and the other Wogs Richmond would have gone out of business years ago. Indeed we have built the greatest sporting institution the world has ever seen. The redisposition of the seed as enacted by Greeks and Italians in a systematic and passionate way throughout the finest and not so finest bedois of this fine city and other parts will guarantee Richmond its future for  generations to come. Everyone should be thankful  :lol


Very funny Ramps!
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: 10 FLAGS on March 30, 2011, 12:44:38 PM
Im not sure the use of the word redisposition was correct but I was laughing as I wrote it so I decided to keep it  ;D Maybe I should have gone with reallocation on top of the redisposition and then I would have completely stuffed up the english, french and greek language all in one go  :lol
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on May 15, 2011, 09:32:53 PM
"First Man" Tim Mathieson was at the footy today wearing a Tigers scarf.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Tigermonk on May 15, 2011, 10:12:08 PM
ME  ;D
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Dubstep Dookie on May 15, 2011, 10:16:23 PM
The thread says 'tiger' supporters.

You stand corrected.  :wallywink
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Tigermonk on May 15, 2011, 10:41:10 PM
The thread says 'tiger' supporters.

You stand corrected.  :wallywink

maybe you can sing that  ;D
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on July 22, 2011, 05:30:01 PM
Australia’s newest Wimbledon junior girls champion, Ashleigh Barty, dropped in to see her beloved Tigers this week.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Dubstep Dookie on July 22, 2011, 06:26:53 PM
Any chance the club would target some of these high profile individuals and ask for a contra to the FTF?

I'm sure 5-10k woudnt make a difference to most of them, if we got 100 celebs to donate something in that order it would be 500k min  :thumbsup

Title: Win an inner sanctum experience taking a pic of a celebrity wearing Y&B (RFC)
Post by: one-eyed on January 09, 2012, 03:02:57 PM
From Richmond FC facebook:

We've got a challenge for you Tiger Army...

We want you to grab a celebrity, any celebrity, and take a photo with them wearing some Richmond merchandise. Could be a beanie, a scarf or even better a jumper. Send us in your best pic of a celebrity (the more famous the better!) wearing the yellow and black, and the winner (which we will choose) and a friend will get an Inner Sanctum Experience Round 1 against the Blues.

Email with your best pic, comp closes January 31. Good luck!
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Eat_em_Alive on January 09, 2012, 05:27:33 PM
Now how do i get Eddie Macguire to don the yellow and black??..
Would win the comp and make him sick too  :o :o

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Dubstep Dookie on January 09, 2012, 09:26:10 PM
What an absolute wank of an idea

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: yellowandback on January 09, 2012, 09:34:57 PM
What an absolute wank of an idea

Yep, pathetic.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: The Big Richo on January 09, 2012, 09:43:11 PM
What an absolute wank of an idea

Bit negative.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Mr Magic on January 09, 2012, 10:07:56 PM
What an absolute wank of an idea

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Ox on January 09, 2012, 10:40:31 PM
Way to make A-holes out of your supporters!!!  :thumbsup

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Ox on January 09, 2012, 10:45:20 PM
"Um.....hi Mr Deniro.I know its a major pain in the butt for u to have to do the whole photo thing all the time and i know you dont support my team but may i inconvenience you even further by asking you to put on this scarf,beanie and jumper..............and can you maybe give the thumbs up too    ??? "
Cheers n' that!!

Who actually came up with this idea?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: mightytiges on January 09, 2012, 11:15:57 PM
"Um.....hi Mr Deniro.I know its a major pain in the butt for u to have to do the whole photo thing all the time and i know you dont support my team but may i inconvenience you even further by asking you to put on this scarf,beanie and jumper..............and can you maybe give the thumbs up too    ??? "
Cheers n' that!!
Change the name to Rob Lowe or whatever visiting celeb to Melbourne and that's what Eddie says to them :yep.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Ox on January 09, 2012, 11:25:12 PM
it's ridiculous.

Is this from the same department that stuffed up all your merch orders for xmas?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Dubstep Dookie on January 09, 2012, 11:35:15 PM
What an absolute wank of an idea


It just completely lame. Patronising. Embarrassing.

The moron sitting in his ivory tower who came up with this one obviously thinks the clubs supporters are a pack of awestruck celeb underlings with nothing better to do with their meaningless, unimportant lives.

And I'm sure some of them are, but no need to play it up and make the rest of us look like bat-smokers.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: dwaino on January 10, 2012, 12:15:57 AM
"Um.....hi Mr Deniro.I know its a major pain in the butt for u to have to do the whole photo thing all the time and i know you dont support my team but may i inconvenience you even further by asking you to put on this scarf,beanie and jumper..............and can you maybe give the thumbs up too    ??? "
Cheers n' that!!
Change the name to Rob Lowe or whatever visiting celeb to Melbourne and that's what Eddie says to them :yep.

That's what Eddie did to Miranda Kerr a few years back. I was good mates with her brother in high school and our dads were V8 buddies, and I know for a fact that as a Gunedah family they didn't have an Aussie Rules bone to speak of.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Ox on January 10, 2012, 12:31:46 AM
Our supporters aint eddie.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: WilliamPowell on January 10, 2012, 08:13:10 AM
Change the name to Rob Lowe or whatever visiting celeb to Melbourne and that's what Eddie says to them :yep.

With the Aust Open starting next week you'll just need to hang around the Hyatt or Crown Towers and annoy some tennis player for a photo
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: RFC_Official on January 10, 2012, 08:30:01 AM
What an absolute wank of an idea

Bit negative.

Bit positive.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Jackstar is back again on January 10, 2012, 10:49:58 AM
this is the worst idea I have ever heard of.
Firstly most ''celebs'' wouldnt be allowed to wear garments as they are ''contractually "' bound to there suppliers etc.
Now RFC Official, my wife works in the "high end "" of this market and has access to many A-Graders, . she shook her heard in disbelief when I asked her could she get ??????? to wear a jumper. ::) ::)
RFC, you are not doubt looking for the C-D grade celebs like Nick Bracks etc,
why waste your time . :banghead

I would be concentrating on getting supporters memeberships out on time and not using the ''indian mailhouses"" that you are contractually bound too.

P.S. I am sure there are a few on here who could get some A-Graders  eg Brackets, but whats the point. :banghead
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: tiga on January 10, 2012, 11:05:55 AM
Stuff Celebs. The supporters are the real celebs that keep this club going.

RFC_Official, You know what would be a really cool photo opportunity. Choose a day and get every Richmond supporter possible out onto the ground of the MCG in their Yellow and Black with the entire Team & Staff roster standing at the front and take a photo from the stands.
I am certain that just about everyone who was there that day would buy a print for 20 bucks. Hell I'd even fly down from NSW just to be a part of it.  :thumbsup

This is the direction that the club should be going. Getting the people involved who have been supporting this great club through thick and thin, not some fly by nighters who have been in a movie or had a one hit wonder. 
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on January 10, 2012, 11:09:11 AM
Some of our supporters are more keen than others.

Some take/wear their Tiger gear all around the world...

While others on twitter (teenage girls) tweet our players a hundred times over just begging for a retweet and a "say hi to me Brett/Dusty/Jack"  :wallywink
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: The Big Richo on January 10, 2012, 11:56:25 AM
What an absolute wank of an idea

Bit negative.

Bit positive.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Dubstep Dookie on January 10, 2012, 01:28:26 PM
this is the worst idea I have ever heard of.

I would be concentrating on getting supporters memeberships out on time and not using the ''indian mailhouses"" that you are contractually bound too.

You can't say it's a bad idea because I'm of that opinion and we always disagree.

Please delete your post.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Jackstar is back again on January 10, 2012, 01:30:01 PM
we agree, get a life sunshine ;)
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Dubstep Dookie on January 10, 2012, 01:43:03 PM
Some of our supporters are more keen than others.

Some take/wear their Tiger gear all around the world...

While others on twitter (teenage girls) tweet our players a hundred times over just begging for a retweet and a "say hi to me Brett/Dusty/Jack"  :wallywink

Nothing so much wrong with wearing the gear OS or some pimply teen tweeting the gun players. Relatively normal behaviour.

But for the club to get on the front foot with the celeb idea is bloody embarrassing. Normal adult behaviour isn't to hunt down or opportunistically ambush celebs.

I would say the majority of mentally balanced adults would find it unusual to even approach celebs and start a conversation in most situations, let alone do what the club is pushing.

Beyond a gday or a mutual chat at the pub, those that would don't have a life.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Dubstep Dookie on January 10, 2012, 01:45:05 PM
get a life sunshine ;)

That's more like it. Now shutup idiot  :police:
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: The Big Richo on January 10, 2012, 02:49:40 PM
Beyond a gday or a mutual chat at the pub, those that would don't have a life.

How about casual sex?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: 10 FLAGS on January 10, 2012, 02:57:04 PM
This is the same administration that got members to agree to give them more power recently. This is a crap marketing idea and its bloody disgraceful if thats the best they can do. Its a crap idea from a second rate administration IMHO.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Jackstar is back again on January 10, 2012, 03:07:36 PM
This is the same administration that got members to agree to give them more power. A crap marketing idea. Bloody disgraceful if that's the best they can do. Crap idea from a second rate administration IMHO.

As I have said on many occasions, please don't take it for granted that people working at footy clubs know what there doing.
Just have a look back at the opening of the social club last year, the word shambles comes to mind pretty quick.

How embarrassing is this latest request though, its laughable.

I know something, that's go down to the club and ask the players to sign some jumpers at random, we would get told something like , 'come back next Tuesday or something, LOL
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: gerkin greg on January 10, 2012, 03:16:46 PM
It's a competition
either enter the comp or STFU
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: The Big Richo on January 10, 2012, 03:30:43 PM
Already got my entry in.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: The Big Richo on January 10, 2012, 03:44:34 PM
I put an RFC bib on Molly Meldrum.

Great pic.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: gerkin greg on January 10, 2012, 03:48:49 PM
what's second place?  :(
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on February 13, 2012, 05:27:13 PM
Saw this posted on BF:


Benny Gale chasing the Danish market  :laugh:
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Willy on February 13, 2012, 08:29:57 PM
holy pooballs. Its called marketing, fellas.
Its an experimental idea that could potentially generate strong exposure for the Richmond brand and our sponsors  for a relatively low cost.  The marketing team are doing a solid job at the moment exploring different avenues and making the most of social media while adhering to a budget. Its a bussiness. You dont have to participate in this particular project if you think it is beneath you, but some people may actually have a bit of fun with this, lord forgive them.
I really cannot wait for the footy to start so you sooks can sook about something sookworthy.
And Jackstarr, how could you possibly tell anyone to 'get a life' when you take obvious pleasure from deriding the club you 'support' at every opportunity. Mate, if you were running the club we would be playing in the ammos and the pinnacle of our marketing innovations would be a bi-annual pie night.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Coach on February 13, 2012, 08:41:13 PM
Willy, you're forgiven.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: bojangles17 on February 13, 2012, 09:27:15 PM
this is the worst idea I have ever heard of.
Firstly most ''celebs'' wouldnt be allowed to wear garments as they are ''contractually "' bound to there suppliers etc.
Now RFC Official, my wife works in the "high end "" of this market and has access to many A-Graders, . she shook her heard in disbelief when I asked her could she get ??????? to wear a jumper. ::) ::)
RFC, you are not doubt looking for the C-D grade celebs like Nick Bracks etc,
why waste your time . :banghead

I would be concentrating on getting supporters memeberships out on time and not using the ''indian mailhouses"" that you are contractually bound too.

P.S. I am sure there are a few on here who could get some A-Graders  eg Brackets, but whats the point. :banghead
knock it off jack you old fogey, contractually bound to wear clothing, my arseeeeeeeeeeee...not sure this campaign was confined to catwalk models you peanut :lol
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Jackstar is back again on February 13, 2012, 09:41:57 PM
holy pooballs. Its called marketing, fellas.
Its an experimental idea that could potentially generate strong exposure for the Richmond brand and our sponsors  for a relatively low cost.  The marketing team are doing a solid job at the moment exploring different avenues and making the most of social media while adhering to a budget. Its a bussiness. You dont have to participate in this particular project if you think it is beneath you, but some people may actually have a bit of fun with this, lord forgive them.
I really cannot wait for the footy to start so you sooks can sook about something sookworthy.
And Jackstarr, how could you possibly tell anyone to 'get a life' when you take obvious pleasure from deriding the club you 'support' at every opportunity. Mate, if you were running the club we would be playing in the ammos and the pinnacle of our marketing innovations would be a bi-annual pie night.

marketing :nope
You might find there is a link between the Gales and her family you knuckle heads
Give you a little hint, they both come from Tasmania
You clowns can work it out from there, cant give you idiots to big a start.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Jackstar is back again on February 13, 2012, 09:44:32 PM
this is the worst idea I have ever heard of.
Firstly most ''celebs'' wouldnt be allowed to wear garments as they are ''contractually "' bound to there suppliers etc.
Now RFC Official, my wife works in the "high end "" of this market and has access to many A-Graders, . she shook her heard in disbelief when I asked her could she get ??????? to wear a jumper. ::) ::)
RFC, you are not doubt looking for the C-D grade celebs like Nick Bracks etc,
why waste your time . :banghead

I would be concentrating on getting supporters memeberships out on time and not using the ''indian mailhouses"" that you are contractually bound too.

P.S. I am sure there are a few on here who could get some A-Graders  eg Brackets, but whats the point. :banghead
knock it off jack you old fogey, contractually bound to wear clothing, my behindeeeeeeeeeee...not sure this campaign was confined to catwalk models you peanut :lol

You wouldnt have an idea.
Tell you they are contractually bound.
Its like the tigers were to lose the motorola deal 6 years ago when one Jay Schulz was caught using a Nokia, FACT !
Same as the A-Grade celebs, I was thinking the likes of Jennifer Hawkins etc.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Jackstar is back again on February 13, 2012, 09:46:04 PM
this is the worst idea I have ever heard of.
Firstly most ''celebs'' wouldnt be allowed to wear garments as they are ''contractually "' bound to there suppliers etc.
Now RFC Official, my wife works in the "high end "" of this market and has access to many A-Graders, . she shook her heard in disbelief when I asked her could she get ??????? to wear a jumper. ::) ::)
RFC, you are not doubt looking for the C-D grade celebs like Nick Bracks etc,
why waste your time . :banghead

I would be concentrating on getting supporters memeberships out on time and not using the ''indian mailhouses"" that you are contractually bound too.

P.S. I am sure there are a few on here who could get some A-Graders  eg Brackets, but whats the point. :banghead
knock it off jack you old fogey, contractually bound to wear clothing, my behindeeeeeeeeeee...not sure this campaign was confined to catwalk models you peanut :lol

Migtht further add, what do you class as an A-Grade Celeb, ? Russell Gilbert, LOL :rollin :rollin :rollin
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Rodgerramjet on February 13, 2012, 09:49:10 PM
Would have been nice knowing this at christmas when i was sitting next to Miranda Kerr and Orlando bloom having lunch. Thems the breaks.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Jackstar is back again on February 13, 2012, 09:59:56 PM
Lets hope there a few supporters are going on Friday Night, I am ,are YOU !!
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: 1965 on February 13, 2012, 10:05:52 PM
Lets hope there a few supporters are going on Friday Night, I am ,are YOU !!

I am, reserved seats on level 2.

Don't know what I am going to do for the middle game?

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Coach on February 13, 2012, 10:44:35 PM
Schulzy using a nokia instead of a motorola :lol wow. how did that massive story avoid the newspapers whoa  :bow :shh :lol
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Owl on February 14, 2012, 08:16:28 AM
Well Mary is from Tassie, would make sense she was a tigers fan.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: WilliamPowell on February 14, 2012, 08:42:52 AM

Actually think it is pretty poor form from whoever posted the pic on BF via "Imageshack", photographing someone's private mail raise a few privacy issues I reckon...
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Mr Magic on February 14, 2012, 09:21:57 AM

Actually think it is pretty poor form from whoever posted the pic on BF via "Imageshack", photographing someone's private mail raise a few privacy issues I reckon...

Agree entirely. However I'm not sure it should be on here either.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Owl on February 14, 2012, 01:19:05 PM
It is just an address, not the personal contents of her intimate letters, I could print that sheet and photograph it and make out I was posting her some of my home brew, a hand gun, bags of lime and some lawn darts.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: WilliamPowell on February 14, 2012, 01:21:34 PM
Agree entirely. However I'm not sure it should be on here either.

Actually agree with you Mr Magic - I am a bit "betwixed & between" on it to be honest

Certainly a grey one that's for sure

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: gerkin greg on February 14, 2012, 02:42:42 PM
It is just an address, not the personal contents of her intimate letters, I could print that sheet and photograph it and make out I was posting her some of my home brew, a hand gun, bags of lime and some lawn darts.

not like you haven't done it before  :lol
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: tiga on February 14, 2012, 03:15:53 PM
Agree entirely. However I'm not sure it should be on here either.

Actually agree with you Mr Magic - I am a bit "betwixed & between" on it to be honest

Certainly a grey one that's for sure

Since when have things ever been grey here? As far as I was aware, everything here is either black or yellow.  ;)
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: WilliamPowell on February 14, 2012, 03:19:12 PM
Agree entirely. However I'm not sure it should be on here either.

Actually agree with you Mr Magic - I am a bit "betwixed & between" on it to be honest

Certainly a grey one that's for sure

Since when have things ever been grey here? As far as I was aware, everything here is either black or yellow.  ;)

How about a touch charcoal due to the sun then  ;)
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: The Big Richo on February 15, 2012, 11:11:41 PM
Wasn't it Richo on the footy show who pulled out his phone when he'd forgotten to turn it off and had the wrong brand?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on February 28, 2012, 07:02:29 PM
As mentioned in the Jack Riewoldt thread, Brigitte Duclos from Gold 104.3 FM is on the Tiger bandwagon....


Full article at:

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Phil Mrakov on February 28, 2012, 07:49:31 PM
As mentioned in the Jack Riewoldt thread, Brigitte Duclos from Gold 104.3 FM is on the Tiger bandwagon....


Full article at:

Was she a Tiger fan before today? I remember she used to be on live and kicking or 4 quarters..
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: bojangles17 on February 28, 2012, 08:31:35 PM
hmm wasnt aware she was and I dont usually miss a thing, she was once was married to Mick Thompson, ex Bomber, TIGER..if that means anything ::)
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on April 07, 2012, 07:24:41 PM
The Club has Yousef Islam (Cat Stevens) on board the Tiggy train complete with Y&B scarf and talking to Bachar and Jack in the rooms before the game :thumbsup

Eddie must be jealous  ;D
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Loui Tufga on April 07, 2012, 07:27:29 PM
The Club has Yousef Islam (Cat Stevens) on board the Tiggy train complete with Y&B scarf and talking to Bachar and Jack in the rooms before the game :thumbsup

Eddie must be jealous  ;D


Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven
Like the first dewfall, on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness where his feet pass........morning has broken.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Penelope on April 07, 2012, 07:38:26 PM
This bloke said he would kill salman rushdie if he had the opportunity  :-\
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on June 25, 2012, 03:31:04 PM
According to RFC twitter, Marc Leishman, who won on the USA PGA Tour this morning, is a Tigers man. 
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: WilliamPowell on June 25, 2012, 04:30:11 PM
According to RFC twitter, Marc Leishman, who won on the USA PGA Tour this morning, is a Tigers man.

Who  :rollin
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Phil Mrakov on June 25, 2012, 05:55:56 PM
Some golf douche
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: dwaino on June 25, 2012, 06:01:10 PM
According to RFC twitter, Marc Leishman, who won on the USA PGA Tour this morning, is a Tigers man.

Maybe he meant Tiger Woods?  ;D
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: bojangles17 on June 25, 2012, 06:08:55 PM
According to RFC twitter, Marc Leishman, who won on the USA PGA Tour this morning, is a Tigers man.
Yep lad from warrnambool, fanatical tiger and talented  golfer, not too many win a US pga tour event :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on June 26, 2012, 06:31:02 PM
From Richo's twitter:

"Looks happy with her new Tiges jumper does Carrie Underwood."

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Phil Mrakov on June 26, 2012, 06:39:15 PM
From Richo's twitter:

"Looks happy with her new Tiges jumper does Carrie Underwood."

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on June 26, 2012, 06:44:23 PM
From Richo's twitter:

"Looks happy with her new Tiges jumper does Carrie Underwood."

Carrie Underwood (born March 10, 1983) is an American country singer, songwriter and actress who rose to fame as the winner of the fourth season of American Idol, in 2005.

Underwood has since become a multi-platinum selling recording artist, a winner of several Grammy Awards, Billboard Music Awards and American Music Awards, a Golden Globe Award nominee, a three-time Academy of Country Music and Country Music Association Female Vocalist winner, and a two-time ACM Entertainer of the Year.

She is the first-ever female artist to win back-to-back Academy of Country Music (ACM) Awards for Entertainer of the Year (2009/10). Underwood was inducted into and became a member of the Grand Ole Opry in 2008. She was also inducted into the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame in 2009. Billboard named Underwood Country Music's reigning Queen in 2012.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Phil Mrakov on June 26, 2012, 06:55:14 PM
From Richo's twitter:

"Looks happy with her new Tiges jumper does Carrie Underwood."

Carrie Underwood (born March 10, 1983) is an American country singer, songwriter and actress who rose to fame as the winner of the fourth season of American Idol, in 2005.

Underwood has since become a multi-platinum selling recording artist, a winner of several Grammy Awards, Billboard Music Awards and American Music Awards, a Golden Globe Award nominee, a three-time Academy of Country Music and Country Music Association Female Vocalist winner, and a two-time ACM Entertainer of the Year.

She is the first-ever female artist to win back-to-back Academy of Country Music (ACM) Awards for Entertainer of the Year (2009/10). Underwood was inducted into and became a member of the Grand Ole Opry in 2008. She was also inducted into the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame in 2009. Billboard named Underwood Country Music's reigning Queen in 2012.

I'd tap that
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Dubstep Dookie on June 26, 2012, 09:08:28 PM
From Richo's twitter:

"Looks happy with her new Tiges jumper does Carrie Underwood."

Carrie Underwood (born March 10, 1983) is an American country singer, songwriter and actress who rose to fame as the winner of the fourth season of American Idol, in 2005.

Underwood has since become a multi-platinum selling recording artist, a winner of several Grammy Awards, Billboard Music Awards and American Music Awards, a Golden Globe Award nominee, a three-time Academy of Country Music and Country Music Association Female Vocalist winner, and a two-time ACM Entertainer of the Year.

She is the first-ever female artist to win back-to-back Academy of Country Music (ACM) Awards for Entertainer of the Year (2009/10). Underwood was inducted into and became a member of the Grand Ole Opry in 2008. She was also inducted into the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame in 2009. Billboard named Underwood Country Music's reigning Queen in 2012.

I'd tap that

I wish I was that chair  :clapping
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Smokey on June 26, 2012, 09:47:09 PM

I wish I was that chair  :clapping

The one on the left?   :whistle
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Dubstep Dookie on June 26, 2012, 09:51:01 PM

I wish I was that chair  :clapping

The one on the left?   :whistle

.....wait a second what's going on here?  >:(
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Phil Mrakov on June 26, 2012, 10:01:19 PM
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Phil Mrakov on August 26, 2012, 11:43:17 PM
Does Russell Crowe actually support the Tiges or is that rubbish?

Why would a muppet from Sydney who owns an NRL side have any interest in AFL and Richmond?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: WilliamPowell on August 27, 2012, 07:37:36 AM
Does Russell Crowe actually support the Tiges or is that rubbish?

Why would a muppet from Sydney who owns an NRL side have any interest in AFL and Richmond?

Because when he lived in Melb 20 odd years ago while filming "Romper Stomper" he followed the Tigers

So the story goes
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: RFC_Official on August 27, 2012, 09:35:44 AM
Does Russell Crowe actually support the Tiges or is that rubbish?

Why would a muppet from Sydney who owns an NRL side have any interest in AFL and Richmond?

The Chief has a classic story of Russell rocking up a few days before the 2001 Finals series and getting a corporate box at the G to support the boys.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Phil Mrakov on August 27, 2012, 09:43:20 AM
Does Russell Crowe actually support the Tiges or is that rubbish?

Why would a muppet from Sydney who owns an NRL side have any interest in AFL and Richmond?

The Chief has a classic story of Russell rocking up a few days before the 2001 Finals series and getting a corporate box at the G to support the boys.

Really? I thought it was all bull crap. Is he currently a member? He doesn't even follow us on Twitter.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on September 17, 2012, 03:14:10 AM
[Federal opposition shadow Environment minister] Mr Greg Hunt blamed the error on his preoccupation as a Richmond Tigers supporter.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Go Richo 12 on September 17, 2012, 06:53:09 AM
[Federal opposition shadow Environment minister] Mr Greg Hunt blamed the error on his preoccupation as a Richmond Tigers supporter.
Greg Hunt :facepalm
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: 1965 on September 17, 2012, 07:03:28 AM
[Federal opposition shadow Environment minister] Mr Greg Hunt blamed the error on his preoccupation as a Richmond Tigers supporter.
Greg Hunt :facepalm

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: bojangles17 on September 17, 2012, 07:57:21 AM
Lucky it wasnt his brother mike :lol
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: 1965 on September 17, 2012, 10:23:55 AM

Still don't know how they got away with that in the Movie.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on November 09, 2012, 10:58:46 AM
Rob Quiney is a Tigers man  :thumbsup

Richmond_FC twitter:
"Good luck to great Tiger man @BobbyQuiney on his test debut today "
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: smasha on November 09, 2012, 01:52:06 PM
No mentions of Marcus Ambrose.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Willy on November 09, 2012, 09:52:43 PM
No mentions of Marcus Ambrose.
Curtly's brother?

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Phil Mrakov on November 09, 2012, 10:11:46 PM
No mentions of Marcus Ambrose.
Curtly's brother?


Yep. Curly Armbros
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: gerkin greg on November 11, 2012, 06:28:31 PM
Magdalena Roze

Nice tattoo  :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on March 05, 2013, 05:24:26 PM
Spin bowler Fawad Ahmed, whom authorities are trying to fast track into an Aussie baggy green, is our newest Tiger supporter.


A bit more about him here:
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Rampstar on March 05, 2013, 07:34:37 PM
If John Howard was PM he would already be playing for Australia. Hopefully he is available for the Ashes. Our cricket team atm is complete rabble.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: yellowandback on March 05, 2013, 08:28:21 PM
If John Howard was PM he would already be playing for Australia. Hopefully he is available for the Ashes. Our cricket team atm is complete rabble.

Pretty sure he demanded a free membership  :facepalm
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Judge Roughneck on March 06, 2013, 02:52:35 AM
If John Howard was PM he would already be playing for Australia. Hopefully he is available for the Ashes. Our cricket team atm is complete rabble.

Joke Lyon gets a game ahead of this guy
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: tigs2011 on March 06, 2013, 11:13:41 AM
If John Howard was PM he would already be playing for Australia. Hopefully he is available for the Ashes. Our cricket team atm is complete rabble.

Joke Lyon gets a game ahead of this guy

Lyon didn't get a game.  :whistle
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on March 14, 2013, 11:02:07 AM
Alistair Presnell ‏- Australian pro golfer. 2013 PGA Tour Rookie. Winner on Australasian PGA Tour &  Tour.

Matt Le Nevez - Actor in Offspring & Howzat (played Dennis Lillee)
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Phil Mrakov on March 14, 2013, 11:10:12 AM
Alistair Presnell ‏- Australian pro golfer. 2013 PGA Tour Rookie. Winner on Australasian PGA Tour &  Tour.

Matt Le Nevez - Actor in Offspring & Howzat (played Dennis Lillee)

Means nothing if they aren't members
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: gerkin greg on March 14, 2013, 11:19:58 AM
Alistair Presnell ‏- Australian pro golfer. 2013 PGA Tour Rookie. Winner on Australasian PGA Tour &  Tour.

Matt Le Nevez - Actor in Offspring & Howzat (played Dennis Lillee)

Means nothing if they aren't members

means nothing if they are not well known and famous

never heard of them, dud, delist.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Rampstar on March 14, 2013, 11:20:16 AM
George Pell should get the new Pope to be a Richmond supporter.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: gerkin greg on March 14, 2013, 11:24:01 AM
George Pell should sign up all his boys to Cotchy's Cubs
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Phil Mrakov on March 14, 2013, 11:25:22 AM
Does Pregninia Nixon still barrack for the Tigers?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on April 03, 2013, 05:37:28 PM
Richmond has appointed Ken Grenda at its new No. 1 male ticket-holder.

Ken Grenda, founder of Grenda Corporation, is a passionate, life-long Tiger supporter.

The accolade has been given to Grenda following the passing of Richmond’s long-time No. 1 male ticket-holder, David Mandie, in 2011.

Mandie’s legacy lives on at Tigerland with his daughter, Evelyn Danos, the Club’s No. 1 female ticket-holder, since 2012.

Full article here:

More about Ken here in an article in the Australian early last year:

The man with the golden handshake

    Kate Legge
    The Australian
    March 10, 2012

SILVER-haired Ken Grenda is being crushed by a love-in of burly bus drivers and mechanics, Aussie blokes with tattoos and buzz cuts and svelte Asian men, some of them misty-eyed, their phones held high over the throng to photograph this legend of a boss who teeters on the verge of crying himself.

They've feasted on a farewell dinner of roast turkey and beef in the cavernous Dandenong bus depot, and now they swamp the 79-year-old head of the Grenda Corporation with bear hugs and the fruits of their hidden talents. One employee with a hefty beer

gut has painted a fine portrait that captures his boss's twinkling eyes and gentle face creased into a smile. Another has baked a cake that's perfectly iced in wedding white and decorated with the company's red logo. There's even a handwritten poetic tribute to this rock star of a leader who won headlines worldwide when he sold his family business and splashed $15 million of the proceeds into the pockets of around 1750 employees.

He hadn't dreamed of creating a fuss. There was no announcement or press release - it would never have occurred to Grenda to milk such a gesture for personal glory. A worker blew the whistle after discovering that the mysterious bounce in his account was not a bank error but a thank-you from the boss. Paid on a sliding scale according to years of service, some staff were staggered to receive as much as $30,000 plus a superannuation bonus.

News of his largesse was deemed so unusual in the thick of company closures, redundancies and economic belt-tightening that it was picked up by the BBC, CNN, and newspapers in 61 nations. Grenda received emails of praise from people in Sweden, Tanzania, Belgium, Singapore, Mexico, Indonesia, Switzerland, Greece, Austria, the UK, the Czech Republic, Peru, Holland and Germany.

Grenda mechanic Neven Jelaca was contacted by his brothers in Croatia, who told him: "Six hundred people lost their lives this winter in Europe's freeze but the big news was Ken Grenda's bonus."

Indian-born driver Vernon Franklin got his mug on TV footage that ran overseas. "I got phone calls from Portugal, Canada, India, Malaysia and London telling me that I was a celebrity and I replied, 'Yes I am a celebrity bus driver working for the great Ken Grenda.'?"

Long before the news went viral, staff had lionised this man for the smaller, quieter courtesies he'd bestowed on them: for the handshakes, the "good mornings" as he came to work through the drivers' entrance instead of the corporate foyer, for his interest in their welfare, their personal stories. Grenda has always held his employees in high regard as "decent people trying to make a bob and look after their families".

The idea you are only as good as the people who toil by your side attracts lip service in many fancy corporate mission statements, but financial rewards rarely trickle down below the executive floor. There have been rare exceptions: billionaire mining boss Clive Palmer handed out $10 million worth of gifts to 800 staff at his Townsville nickel refinery in 2010; Melbourne businessman Roger Riordan dispensed half of the $US30 million raised from the 1999 sale of his anti-viral software business to 90 staff, and most of what was left bankrolls a foundation that has sponsored 200 students. But city lawyers and bankers who handled the Grenda company sale swear they've never encountered anyone quite like Ken Grenda inside Australia's boardrooms.

Read more:
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on May 16, 2013, 05:16:37 AM
Al Paton from the Herald-Sun is a Tigers supporter ...
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: gerkin greg on May 16, 2013, 07:58:01 AM
Yes him and Mick Warner often tweeting each other about the Tiges
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Phil Mrakov on June 02, 2013, 06:58:56 PM
Rachael Griffiths

In today's age it said she "feels proud when seeing her young son play Aussie rules in a Richmond jumper"
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Gigantor on June 02, 2013, 07:00:00 PM
griffs..... sis,mum,aunt,wife,?   lol
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Phil Mrakov on June 02, 2013, 07:02:44 PM
griffs..... sis,mum,aunt,wife,?   lol

It's his older sister
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: bojangles17 on June 02, 2013, 07:08:34 PM
Really, Hubba Hubba  :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Phil Mrakov on June 02, 2013, 07:11:21 PM
She also said that when she left Melbourne we had Stephen Jurica on our list and now we have Daniel Jackson
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Gigantor on June 02, 2013, 07:13:58 PM she a member?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Phil Mrakov on June 02, 2013, 07:17:32 PM she a member?

Don't know

She's fond of one though
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Gigantor on June 02, 2013, 07:18:48 PM
you cheeky devil Mrakov...its that old east European charm of yours I bet
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on June 17, 2013, 07:30:42 PM
Richmond_FC twitter:

"Great to have Seth Rogen here with the boys. @S_Edwards10 @dastbury12 @stevemorris38 @tomderickx39 @bgriffo24"

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: 1965 on June 17, 2013, 07:37:28 PM


Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on June 17, 2013, 07:43:18 PM


Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Ruanaidh on June 17, 2013, 07:47:44 PM


It rhymes with that ;).....something he has in common with just about every Hollywood, so-called - 'Actor':
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on August 19, 2013, 03:45:49 PM
Before The Game @beforethegame twitter:

"That's right @Richmond_FC... Matt Damon is with you!"
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Eat_em_Alive on August 19, 2013, 05:42:57 PM
Before The Game @beforethegame twitter:

"That's right @Richmond_FC... Matt Damon is with you!"

stuff yessss!!!, not the biggest Damon fan but that was good  :clapping
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Chuck17 on August 19, 2013, 09:24:41 PM



Showing your age 1965
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Phil Mrakov on August 19, 2013, 09:36:29 PM
Dennis Armfields
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Rat on August 19, 2013, 09:46:18 PM
These guys dont support the rfc.
Their publicist's do.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: bojangles17 on August 19, 2013, 10:11:32 PM
These guys dont support the rfc.
Their publicist's do.
Rubbish :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: julzqld on August 19, 2013, 10:12:17 PM
Before The Game @beforethegame twitter:

"That's right @Richmond_FC... Matt Damon is with you!"

Love it  :gotigers
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on September 03, 2013, 01:37:22 PM
Richmond FC  twitter:

"Hey @russellcrowe let us know if you need tickets to the finals again, be great to have you back! #gotiges"
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Phil Mrakov on September 03, 2013, 01:40:59 PM
Richmond FC  twitter:

"Hey @russellcrowe let us know if you need tickets to the finals again, be great to have you back! #gotiges"

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: RFC_Official on September 03, 2013, 04:24:46 PM
Richmond FC  twitter:

"Hey @russellcrowe let us know if you need tickets to the finals again, be great to have you back! #gotiges"

That was for a laugh, trying to get a response, but he definitely was at the last Carlton Richmond final. Doubt anything will come of it.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on September 23, 2013, 08:58:30 PM
Vincent Formosa, whose company crafts the Brownlow Medal, is a Tigers man. In the clip showing how the medal is made, he is wearing a polo with a Richmond logo on it.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: gerkin greg on September 23, 2013, 09:28:59 PM
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Yeahright on September 23, 2013, 09:32:54 PM
Don't you read?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: gerkin greg on September 23, 2013, 09:36:21 PM
Not your posts
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Yeahright on September 23, 2013, 09:42:44 PM
Obviously not just mine
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: gerkin greg on September 23, 2013, 09:43:44 PM
Aye there's a lot of crap
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: 🏅Dooks on September 23, 2013, 10:09:06 PM
Vincent Formosa, whose company crafts the Brownlow Medal, is a Tigers man. In the clip showing how the medal is made, he is wearing a polo with a Richmond logo on it.

Pretty sure thats Sofie Formica you mean  :clapping
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on September 24, 2013, 01:37:59 AM
Vincent Formosa, whose company crafts the Brownlow Medal, is a Tigers man. In the clip showing how the medal is made, he is wearing a polo with a Richmond logo on it.

Pretty sure thats Sofie Formica you mean  :clapping

... special Brownlow editions of the award winning #Discovered series: on the man who makes the Brownlow medal, Vincent Formosa;
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: tiga on September 24, 2013, 08:59:53 AM
Vincent Formosa, whose company crafts the Brownlow Medal, is a Tigers man. In the clip showing how the medal is made, he is wearing a polo with a Richmond logo on it.

Also one of the stamps he showed to the camera had the 1980's Tiger on it  :thumbsup
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Hard Roar Tiger on September 26, 2013, 07:53:49 PM
From the Racing Victoria website
"Robert Heathcote might be Queensland’s premier trainer, but he knows all about how important the final Saturday in September is to southern-staters.

Heathcote is a native of Tasmania and grew up supporting Geelong and later developed a connection with Richmond through a friendship with Michael Roach."
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: bojangles17 on September 26, 2013, 07:58:00 PM
Gee whadya know, Robbie heathcote  :cheers
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on November 15, 2013, 07:36:35 PM
It’s been five years since Australian golfer Marc Leishman saw an AFL game live, but the lifelong Richmond fan experienced the next best thing yesterday.

Fresh from his opening round at the Australian Masters tournament in Melbourne, Leishman met Tigers’ spearhead Jack Riewoldt for a tour of the ME Bank Centre, and a friendly chipping contest on Punt Road Oval.

The 30-year-old third-ranked golfer in the country, behind Adam Scott and Jason Day, is based in the United States for the majority of the year, including the entire AFL season.

Read more at:
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Phil Mrakov on November 15, 2013, 07:46:25 PM
5 years ? Bandwagoner.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: bojangles17 on November 15, 2013, 08:12:57 PM
Marc leishman , whoa, Can play a bit just quietly  :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Damo on November 16, 2013, 05:30:10 PM
5 years ? Bandwagoner.

Bad call.

He was mad tiger proud when we were rubbish.

Plays on the USPGA tour during the footy season so cant get to games OBVIOUSLY. The guy even has a Richmond cover for his driver despite sponsorship etc ...

Always been a tiger
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: 🏅Dooks on November 16, 2013, 09:23:51 PM
What is this, Caro's barrow
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on February 18, 2014, 02:27:24 PM
GWS article confirming Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey is a "confessed Richmond supporter".
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: RFC_Official on February 18, 2014, 02:37:53 PM
GWS article confirming Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey is a "confessed Richmond supporter".

Joe was one of the people at the Federal Government who approved the building of the ME Bank Centre and has been a Tiger ever since. He has visited multiple times and has even spoken to the leadership group.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: WilliamPowell on February 18, 2014, 02:46:56 PM
GWS article confirming Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey is a "confessed Richmond supporter".

Joe was one of the people at the Federal Government who approved the building of the ME Bank Centre and has been a Tiger ever since. He has visited multiple times and has even spoken to the leadership group.

How  :huh3 Pretty sure Joe was in opposition at the time funding for the ME Bank centre was approved  ;D
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: gerkin greg on February 18, 2014, 03:04:35 PM
Joe Hockey and Barry O'Farrell

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on March 05, 2014, 03:44:10 PM
American actor and comedian Kevin Hart.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: WilliamPowell on March 05, 2014, 03:47:22 PM
American actor and comedian Kevin Hart.

Who?  :huh :-\ :huh3  :P :help
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: 1965 on March 05, 2014, 03:49:00 PM
American actor and comedian Kevin Hart.

Who?  :huh :-\ :huh3  :P :help

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on March 05, 2014, 04:11:32 PM
Barry O'Farrell


I'm sure he'd publicly demonstrate that support to the people of Sydney if we met the Swans in a Grand Final.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: (•))(©™ on March 05, 2014, 04:49:40 PM
These people don't follow the club, ffs!

They're just promoting themselves.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Rampstar on March 05, 2014, 07:19:02 PM
We actually do have some fanatical supporters amongst the Federal Parliamentary Labor and Liberal Partys and I have to say that Joe Hockey is a very decent bloke who looks like he is one of us. Very down to earth bloke who does support the Tiges. I will vote for him if he becomes Prime Minister.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: (•))(©™ on March 05, 2014, 07:52:28 PM
Kevin Hart? Lmao.

I don't subscribe to success by association.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: yellowandback on March 05, 2014, 08:24:57 PM
Matt Damon was very passionate and we all know he can't act so it must've been real.  :thumbsup
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: (•))(©™ on March 05, 2014, 08:51:52 PM
Matt Damon was very passionate and we all know he can't act so it must've been real.  :thumbsup

But he's a natural rubbish artist.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on March 06, 2014, 01:05:14 AM
NBC reporter/newsreader/foreign correspondent Sara James who now lives and works in Melbourne is a Tigers supporter.

@mightytiges - Hi Sara, is it true you're a @Richmond_FC fan?

@SaraJamesAus - I sure am! I'm originally from Richmond...Richmond, my fate was sealed.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: gerkin greg on March 06, 2014, 10:22:10 AM
Barry O'Farrell


I'm sure he'd publicly demonstrate that support to the people of Sydney if we met the Swans in a Grand Final.

yeah i think he has already bandwagon'd to the bag of oranges up the road, good riddance syd
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Owl on March 06, 2014, 03:48:19 PM
Joe Hockey and Barry O'Farrell

stuff me sideways, next we will have Mr Stinky, Ivan Milat and Julian Knights all jumping on board too...
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: (•))(©™ on March 06, 2014, 03:55:02 PM
They're already ON the board.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Penelope on March 06, 2014, 04:52:08 PM
Joe Hockey and Barry O'Farrell

stuff me sideways, next we will have Mr Stinky, Ivan Milat and Julian Knights all jumping on board too...
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Owl on March 07, 2014, 08:26:19 AM
GWS article confirming Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey is a "confessed Richmond supporter".

Joe was one of the people at the Federal Government who approved the building of the ME Bank Centre and has been a Tiger ever since. He has visited multiple times and has even spoken to the leadership group.
Err, the election was only in september last year, wasn't this all being built before then when Labour were in or am living in some sort of twilight zone?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: WilliamPowell on March 07, 2014, 08:34:43 AM
GWS article confirming Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey is a "confessed Richmond supporter".

Joe was one of the people at the Federal Government who approved the building of the ME Bank Centre and has been a Tiger ever since. He has visited multiple times and has even spoken to the leadership group.
Err, the election was only in september last year, wasn't this all being built before then when Labour were in or am living in some sort of twilight zone?

Thought the same thing Owl, so I did some research  ;D

Libs were in power when the first lot of Federal funding was approved but the bigger chunk for the Indigenious Learning Centre was given by ALP

Originally club got around $9mil in funding from Fed (Libs) & State (ALP) govts of the day, Melb City Council (pre Dobby Boyle)& AFL

Club then lobbied and got further funding that increased it to close to $20mil with the bulk of the increase coming from the Fed Govt of the day (ALP).
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Dice on March 18, 2014, 02:52:28 PM
Peter Minack - aka Ron Hitler-Barrassi ( frontman for TISM )
In interviews about his book, Minack revealed he was a teacher, his father fought in WWII for the Germans and that he is fanatical about the Richmond Football Club, explaining his stage moniker

Source - wikipedia
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on April 11, 2014, 04:33:43 PM
People can be quick to give teenagers a bad name but not in young tennis star Ashleigh Barty's case where her only faults are the football teams she supports. How she became a fan of the Wests Tigers, Richmond and Manchester United I'll never know.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on April 23, 2014, 10:47:59 PM
A famous old photo from the 70s ...

Australian cricket greats Rod Marsh and Dennis Lillee dressed in Richmond jumpers in 1977. Source: Herald Sun


I’m looking at Rod Marsh in this 1977 photo and thinking he might be whispering to Dennis Lillee: “How much did Bondy say he’d pay us to wear these silly lace-up jumpers?’’ A newspaper report from the time reveals that the pair actually had a bit of kick to kick at Punt Rd Oval on the rest day of the Centenary Test, with Marsh due to resume the next day on 95 not out. When one journalist suggested the key pair were risking injury, Marsh growled back: “You could get hit by a car crossing the street.’’
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on June 12, 2014, 07:03:31 PM
@Richmond_FC twitter:

"Great to have @emmaWWE down at the club today, keep an eye out for her and Ivan on @7Sport on Saturday"


She's an Australian-born professional wrestler (real name: Tenille Dashwood) -
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: tiga on July 31, 2014, 09:49:32 AM
Did not know this but Paul "Hoges" Hogan is a Tigers Fan. He said in a radio interview earlier this week that when he came down to Melbourne from Sydney in the 70's to start his career with GTV9, Sheeds roped him in and he has been a Tigers supporter ever since.  :thumbsup

"That's not a Tax bill.... This is a Tax bill"  ;D
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: taztiger4 on July 31, 2014, 10:45:49 AM
Did not know this but Paul "Hoges" Hogan is a Tigers Fan. He said in a radio interview earlier this week that when he came down to Melbourne from Sydney in the 70's to start his career with GTV9, Sheeds roped him in and he has been a Tigers supporter ever since.  :thumbsup

"That's not a Tax bill.... This is a Tax bill"  ;D
Didnt Hoges wear a tigers jumper on his show pretty regularly ?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Phil Mrakov on July 31, 2014, 10:49:39 AM
Did not know this but Paul "Hoges" Hogan is a Tigers Fan. He said in a radio interview earlier this week that when he came down to Melbourne from Sydney in the 70's to start his career with GTV9, Sheeds roped him in and he has been a Tigers supporter ever since.  :thumbsup

"That's not a Tax bill.... This is a Tax bill"  ;D
is he a member? Has he attended a game since 1970? Think the answer is no.

Stuff off hoges
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: The Big Richo on July 31, 2014, 11:18:19 AM
Is Hoges still alive?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on August 03, 2014, 06:08:36 PM
Sydney film maker, Michael McIntyre.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Eat_em_Alive on August 03, 2014, 09:00:57 PM
Did not know this but Paul "Hoges" Hogan is a Tigers Fan. He said in a radio interview earlier this week that when he came down to Melbourne from Sydney in the 70's to start his career with GTV9, Sheeds roped him in and he has been a Tigers supporter ever since.  :thumbsup

"That's not a Tax bill.... This is a Tax bill"  ;D
is he a member? Has he attended a game since 1970? Think the answer is no.

Stuff off hoges

 :lol this guy
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on September 26, 2014, 08:20:40 PM
He tells me about Matt Laurie’s horse called Tigerland ...

... Brad Rawiller is as mad as they come about Richmond.

There’s a lot of Richmond in racing. Tiger fans include: all the Rawillers (they inherited Richmond from their mum), S. King, P. Mertens, Froggy Newitt, C. Williams and R. Maloney.

G. Miles is a Tiger.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on November 21, 2014, 11:22:20 PM
Bars and Melody from 'Britain's Got Talent'.

"Matt Dea + @dastbury12 took our newest fans @barsandmelody for a kick before performing at Starry Starry Night 2moro"

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Phil Mrakov on November 22, 2014, 12:02:25 PM
Who the stuff are they?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Go Richo 12 on November 22, 2014, 12:58:00 PM
Who the stuff are they?
Was going to ask the same but didn't want to look like an out of touch old prick....which I am.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: The Big Richo on November 22, 2014, 01:47:09 PM
Matt Dea should be immediately delisted for his choice of shoes and to a lesser extent pants.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: bojangles17 on November 22, 2014, 04:24:49 PM
I got a pair of shoes and pants just like them  :lol
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on November 22, 2014, 04:26:42 PM
Matt Dea should be immediately delisted for his choice of shoes and to a lesser extent pants.

Just be thankful he at least isn't dressed like a wannabe gangster rapper or grown a Ned Kelly hipster beard.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: The Big Richo on November 22, 2014, 04:34:28 PM
I got a pair of shoes and pants just like them  :lol

Exactly, and when I picture you Bojo I think of being a Ronnie Barker in Open All Hours type.

Which is lovely but not the right image for our players.  :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Smokey on November 22, 2014, 05:52:34 PM
Who the stuff are they?
Was going to ask the same but didn't want to look like an out of touch old prick....which I am.

x 2   ;D
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on December 07, 2014, 03:25:33 AM
Saw this on ‏@TraralgonTiger twitter:

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: tiga on December 07, 2014, 09:45:34 AM
Bars and Melody from 'Britain's Got Talent'.

"Matt Dea + @dastbury12 took our newest fans @barsandmelody for a kick before performing at Starry Starry Night 2moro"


These kids are a singing duo from BGT currently being promoted around the country by Leo Sayer. They are only at the "Morning show" level of fame in this country so nothing to get too excited about. Probably wearing Man U tops under their tiger jumpers.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on December 08, 2014, 01:20:49 PM
 George Megalogenis @GMegalogenis twitter:

Live from Tigerland, the #Insiders party at Bazza's. Pic by @mpbowers #gotiges

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: bojangles17 on December 08, 2014, 10:31:52 PM
Who's he  ::)
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Owl on December 09, 2014, 10:21:19 AM
well one of em is the Waleed Ali who was a lawyer, is an excellent writer and academic and broadcaster.  He is very balanced and reasoned, like him a lot.  George Megalogenis is a Journo from the Australian and appears on the ABC as well on the insiders program.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on February 15, 2015, 11:00:56 PM
Saw this on ‏@TraralgonTiger twitter:

Another pic of Lillee and Marsh at Richmond training:

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Phil Mrakov on February 15, 2015, 11:22:39 PM
They are not Richmond supporters though
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on April 09, 2015, 02:28:34 AM
Luke Shambrook is a Tiger supporter.

On Ch 7 news last night, Benny Gale had a best wishes message for him and the Club will organise to get Luke down to meet his favourite players at Punt Rd once he's right and out of hospital.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: bojangles17 on April 09, 2015, 01:36:58 PM
yea grt stuff :clapping
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: cub on April 09, 2015, 01:58:13 PM
Sorry who's Luke shambrook?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Smokey on April 09, 2015, 02:27:20 PM
Sorry who's Luke shambrook?

Young bloke (11) who went missing from his family campsite in Vic over Easter.  Was missing for a few days and suffers from autism so was pretty stressful for his parents I imagine.  Great effort by the rescue teams who kept looking the whole time.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: cub on April 09, 2015, 02:38:26 PM
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: (•))(©™ on April 09, 2015, 04:15:49 PM
Sorry who's Luke shambrook?

Young bloke (11) who went missing from his family campsite in Vic over Easter.  Was missing for a few days and suffers from autism so was pretty stressful for his parents I imagine.  Great effort by the rescue teams who kept looking the whole time.

That explains it.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on April 09, 2015, 04:41:40 PM
RT/EAD from Big Footy's son?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: yellowandback on April 09, 2015, 09:48:14 PM
RT/EAD from Big Footy's son?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Yeahright on April 10, 2015, 12:21:36 AM
RT/EAD from Big Footy's son?

Yeah I believe so
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on May 06, 2015, 01:06:50 PM
Newly elected Greens' leader Richard Di Natale is a Tiger supporter.

"The son of Italian migrants, Richard grew up in Melbourne. He played VFA football for six years and is a long-suffering Richmond Tigers fan."

Source: The Guardian
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on May 21, 2015, 03:13:16 PM
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Tigeritis™©® on May 21, 2015, 04:26:35 PM
Make her president.  :clapping
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: bojangles17 on May 21, 2015, 07:41:06 PM
RT/EAD from Big Footy's son?

Yeah I believe so
No it's not his son, I know his surname , incorrect
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Owl on May 22, 2015, 10:56:13 AM
My son uses his mothers surname coz she stuffed off with him to Queensland when I was posted on a submarine , means stuff all these days Bojo
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on May 22, 2015, 09:06:57 PM
Actor Ryan Corr (Water Diviner, Packed to the Rafters) is apparently a Tiger supporter.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: cub on May 22, 2015, 09:07:17 PM
Worst by far the worst thread ever
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on May 22, 2015, 09:34:58 PM
Worst by far the worst thread ever
Only been in existence for 9 years!  :snidegrin
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Go Richo 12 on May 23, 2015, 06:37:19 AM
Actor Ryan Corr (Water Diviner, Packed to the Rafters) is apparently a Tiger supporter.
Sack him too.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Bateman on May 23, 2015, 07:56:57 AM
Ace Melbourne racecaller Greg Miles is a Tigers man  :thumbsup
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: bojangles17 on May 23, 2015, 10:05:39 AM
Was just reading my kids 2014 high school year book the other day , RFC was nominated more than any other team by year 12s as their source of inspiration  :clapping
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Chuck17 on May 23, 2015, 10:34:03 AM
Worst by far the worst thread ever

That's a big call
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: 🏅Dooks on May 23, 2015, 01:43:43 PM
Worst by far the worst thread ever


Bow down to your Celebrity Overlords people. Their life is way more important than ours and they are making the world a better place.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Willy on May 23, 2015, 01:49:45 PM
I like the thread, but then again, I am a mediocrity-accepting apologist sheep.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: No More on May 23, 2015, 03:04:55 PM
I like the thread, but then again, I am a mediocrity-accepting apologist sheep.

don't be too hard on yourself Will we all have problems to deal with  ;D
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: The Big Richo on May 23, 2015, 08:10:12 PM
I like the thread but then again, I'm more well-known and famous than anyone mentioned in it.  ;) :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on June 06, 2015, 03:03:26 AM
Victorian deputy Liberal leader David Hodgett is a Tiger supporter.

Richmond is the 4th most popular team in the Victorian parliament behind Essendon, Collingwood & Geelong.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Gigantor on June 06, 2015, 11:01:08 AM
nobody beats the passion of Bernie Finn though..this bloke walked into parliament in a  Richmond
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: 🏅Dooks on June 06, 2015, 11:02:16 AM
nobody beats the passion of Bernie Finn though..this bloke walked into parliament in a  Richmond

Madness  :clapping

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on December 07, 2015, 12:23:38 PM
Well done to huge Tigers man Marc Leishman who saluted by six strokes at Sun City #NGC2015 over night.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on December 17, 2015, 03:03:48 AM
Basketballer Mark Worthington with Jack up in Cairns ...

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on February 05, 2016, 11:36:20 AM
His old man Glynn was a Tiger in 73-74, so @lleytonhewitt was a more than welcome guest at Richmond training today.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: (•))(©™ on February 05, 2016, 11:59:05 AM
Basketballer Mark Worthington with Jack up in Cairns ...


Wtf is he?
Never heard of him
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Willy on February 05, 2016, 01:58:38 PM
Basketballer Mark Worthington with Jack up in Cairns ...


Wtf is he?
Never heard of him

Played b'ball for Aus for a while.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Tigeritis™©® on February 05, 2016, 01:59:54 PM
Basketballer Mark Worthington with Jack up in Cairns ...


Wtf is he?
Never heard of him

Played b'ball for Aus for a while.
Can he play ruck? Upgrade on Hamspud.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on February 05, 2016, 03:50:04 PM
His old man Glynn was a Tiger in 73-74, so @lleytonhewitt was a more than welcome guest at Richmond training today.


Lleyton Hewitt joined the Richmond Tigers at training

by Sarah Olle

LIKE football supporters, tigers can’t change their stripes.

Change allegiances and you’ll be deemed a traitor, a fool or a bandwagon jumper.

But the Richmond Tigers have proved to be very persuasive, with fanatical Adelaide supporter Lleyton Hewitt a special guest at the club’s training on Friday.

But fear not Crows fans, the Australian tennis great still bleeds red, yellow and blue.

Hewitt was merely invited to oversee the Tigers’ training program by his good friend — and former Port Adelaide coach — Mark Williams.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on June 17, 2016, 03:10:29 PM
A few 🐯 boys got to meet @WWESheamus at Punt Road today. More next Saturday night on @7AFL @WWEAustralia

( (
( (

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Chuck17 on June 17, 2016, 04:53:45 PM
Basketballer Mark Worthington with Jack up in Cairns ...


Wtf is he?
Never heard of him

Played b'ball for Aus for a while.
Can he play ruck? Upgrade on Hamspud.

Wouldn't matter if he couldn't would still be an upgrade
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: 🏅Dooks on June 17, 2016, 06:35:35 PM
Basketballer Mark Worthington with Jack up in Cairns ...


Wtf is he?
Never heard of him

Played b'ball for Aus for a while.
Can he play ruck? Upgrade on Hamspud.

Wouldn't matter if he couldn't would still be an upgrade

In a canter. Sign him up
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on March 05, 2017, 04:10:04 AM
 Khushbu has signed up to promote the Australian Footy League in India.

Both Khushbu and Usain Bolt are footy fans and have been granted honorary membership of the Richmond Tigers Footy Club which is part of the Australian Footy League (AFL)!


Footy for the uninitiated is a mix of football and rugby and has its own rules of the game.

Speaking to The News Minute, Khushbu said, "Yes, the news is true. I will be promoting AFL in India. We will be spreading the message of how important sport is. Here, people are now interested in all kinds of sport. It's no longer only about cricket. Badminton, kabbadi, basketball, volleyball...all kinds of sport are attracting attention."

Khushbu notes that footy may not be entirely alien to India.

"If you watch the footy matches, you'll realise that it's a lot like the games people play in villages in India. It's got a lot of physical activity and competition," she says. "It's going to catch on in India and I'm happy to take it forward."

The AFL will involve Indian players, too.

Khushbu says, "That's the main reason why I want to be a part of this. We have a lot of talent that is not brought out. When we talk of sport, it's only been cricket for so long...we need to get people from the villages and other parts of the country to participate. There are many players in the country who have the capability to do well and we will be promoting them."

Khusbhu adds that the AFL will also invest in training players.

"I'm a sports freak. So when I went to Australia last October, there was a footy match going on - which was like the rugby we see in Europe. Everything in the place was closed - the schools, colleges, public offices - because it was a final," says Khushbu, recalling the passion that the local people had for the sport.

As a sports fan, she believed that this is a game that would catch the imagination of the Indian public, too.

Asked when the AFL will be introduced in India, Khushbu says, "I will be going to Australia in May and we'll have a discussion then."

Khushbu is the only Indian celebrity, as of now, who will be promoting the AFL in India.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on August 18, 2017, 05:29:29 PM
There was even a mention of Bob Murphy’s heroes in the Richmond Tigers team of 1995, giving the then 13-year-old boy hope to play the gritty game of AFL.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Slipper on August 18, 2017, 08:42:51 PM
There was even a mention of Bob Murphy’s heroes in the Richmond Tigers team of 1995, giving the then 13-year-old boy hope to play the gritty game of AFL.

I went to a talk about 6-7 years ago by Murphy, and he said that Wayne Campbell was his hero growing up as a kid.
Title: Fanatical footy fans show their colours in race for finals[ (Herald-Sun)
Post by: one-eyed on August 20, 2017, 03:59:43 AM
Fanatical footy fans show their colours in race for finals

Ashley Argoon,
Sunday Herald Sun
20 August 2017

THEY are the faithful followers hoping for finals fulfilment. Some are already daring to dream of a premiership while others are just hoping to their side can clinch the last remaining spots in the top eight.


RICHARD Alford is so Tigers obsessed he’s got the name to prove it.

“Richo,” he corrects when called Richard.

The super fan has the name, the tattoo, and $20,000 worth of Tigers merchandise in his Mt Evelyn home.

“Some is in the lounge room, some is in the hallway, some in the bedroom, some in the kitchen ... it’s strewn across the house,” the 47-year-old said.

It’s an obsession that began as a young fella, when he would run off while his parents went sailing.

“I would sneak into South Melbourne Football Club ... it just happened the Tiges were playing and it all happened from there,” he recalled.

“It was when Kevin Bartlett was playing and I fell in love with the club.

“I got mum to go to Kmart and buy me all the gear.”

A painter by trade, his wife has never allowed him to paint anything at their home yellow and black.

But all that might change if the Tiges took out the flag this year for the first time since 1980.

“(If they won) I’d probably disappear for a few weeks I reckon, just sit on Punt Rd oval, sit there absorbing the glory,” he said.

“I think it’s about time.”

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: YellowandBlackBlood on August 20, 2017, 09:29:03 AM
Go Richo 12?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Go Richo 12 on August 20, 2017, 09:45:16 AM
Go Richo 12?
:lol I am not that tragic.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on August 20, 2017, 11:36:08 AM
I reckon it's "smasha"....

Wonder if he has a "We Hate" scarf for every side?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on October 09, 2017, 02:55:40 AM
ASIC chairman, Greg Medcraft.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on October 18, 2017, 09:23:47 PM
JUSTIN Sedgmen hopes to carry some inspiration from Richmond’s historic AFL grand final win into the Speedway Grand Prix round at Etihad Stadium in Melbourne this month.

The avid Tigers fan, who was elevated from first reserve this week to the SGP starting line-up, has had the suit ready for more than a month to grace the Etihad track.

“The manufacturer in the UK did me up a suit because he knew I was a pretty mad Richmond supporter,” Sedgmen said.

Justin Sedgmen proudly shows off his Richmond-themed race suit, complete with nod to Tigers hero Dustin Martin. Picture: Louise Donges
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on December 03, 2017, 03:17:14 AM
A Victorian Greens politician enjoyed a free ticket to the AFL grand final just weeks after her party called for politicians to hand back freebies for the sake of ordinary fans who couldn't get a ticket.

Ellen Sandell, state MP for Melbourne, was given three tickets to two games in the AFL's 2017 finals series by Melbourne City Council, just days after one of her parliamentary colleagues said other MPs should not accept free tickets to the big game.

In the latest MPs' official declaration of interests, published by the Parliament on Thursday, Ms Sandell declared as gifts two tickets to the Tigers' qualifying final against Geelong and one ticket to the grand final, all supplied by Melbourne City Council.

Ms Sandell is a self-declared die-hard Richmond fan.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: cub on December 03, 2017, 09:43:59 AM
If she was a "Diehard" fan she wouldn't of needed a freebie.
This GF ticket allocation is a crock of poo
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Slipper on December 03, 2017, 07:40:21 PM
If she was a "Diehard" fan she wouldn't of needed a freebie.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Owl on December 04, 2017, 10:21:07 AM
Half her bloody luck, she is a member who happened to be on the council who get the handouts.  At least she was one who barracked for our club not like the rest of the parasites who don't
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on January 19, 2018, 03:31:41 PM
Spotted a Richmond stubby cooler in a video with Eddie vedder 👍

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on January 19, 2018, 06:23:21 PM
Is Trent Cotchin Ash Barty's lucky charm?

January 19, 2018
Sporting News

Ash Barty is through to the third round of the Australian Open, where she will play Japan's Naomi Osaka on Saturday.

On the back of some stellar recent form, the top ranked Australian woman came from a set down to beat Camilla Giorgi on Thursday night.

She also dropped the first set to Aryna Sabalenka in the first round on Tuesday, before bouncing back for a 6-7 6-4 6-4 win.

And for every match, Richmond Tigers captain Trent Cotchin and his wife Brooke have been in Barty's players' box.

Barty is a massive Tigers fan, and was active on social media throughout Richmond's drought-breaking Premiership run last year.

Asked earlier in the week about Cotchin's presence, Barty said it was a tradition at the Australian Open dating back at least four years.

After her win over Giorgi on Thursday, Barty said she didn't want Cotchin to go back to pre-season training.

"I don't know if I can let him go on camp," she said.

"He might have to stay here for next week as well.

"It's amazing to have the support from so many people including Cotch and Brooke.

"My whole team, everyone here in Australia it's amazing."
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on January 20, 2018, 07:05:34 PM
Barty lost her third round match.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Hard Roar Tiger on January 20, 2018, 07:11:35 PM
Dud. Delist
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Chuck17 on January 20, 2018, 07:33:08 PM
Glass half full type
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Owl on January 22, 2018, 09:31:23 PM
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: yellowandback on January 22, 2018, 10:02:48 PM
Leo must feel a little disappointed in Ash
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on February 02, 2018, 03:23:39 PM
ACTU president Ged Kearney.

* Ms Kearney describes herself as a "tragic" fan of the Richmond Tigers.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Dougeytherichmondfan on February 02, 2018, 03:29:25 PM
Heart Ged Kearney  :wub
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on February 27, 2018, 10:59:09 AM
Macquarie Group's global head of commodity markets, Nicholas O'Kane.

O'Kane is talking to the Financial Review in his office at Macquarie's commodity trading floor in Texas' biggest city.

Surrounding him is a large map of the North American natural gas pipeline system, live video streams of Macquarie's offices in the northern state of Minnesota and Canada's Calgary, plus a home comfort – a yellow and black AFL football symbolising the premiership-winning Richmond Tigers.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on April 19, 2018, 06:45:48 PM
Max Gawn.... :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: YellowandBlackBlood on April 19, 2018, 08:49:40 PM
Max Gawn.... :shh
:shh :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Knighter on April 19, 2018, 11:35:53 PM
Max Gawn.... :shh
:shh :shh

He’s a massive turncoat flog. Forget about him he hates us now
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on April 26, 2018, 02:39:08 PM
American actress Lindsey Morgan with Dusty in the rooms after the Anzac Eve win.

Tiger Joe! The Richmond and @KorinGamadji delegation paid a visit to Australian Ambassador to the United States @JoeHockey while in Washington.

Source: RichmondFC twitter.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: wayne on April 26, 2018, 04:11:41 PM
I'd have a grin from ear to ear posing with her!
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Slipper on April 27, 2018, 09:01:00 AM
Joe Hockey :rollin

Well I guess it takes all types to make a footy club.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on April 27, 2018, 02:20:17 PM
Max Gawn.... :shh
:shh :shh

He’s a massive turncoat flog. Forget about him he hates us now

Surely you do realise how professional football and related things like the draft actually work don't you? :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on May 06, 2018, 11:37:22 PM
Louise Ransome  :clapping
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on May 09, 2018, 04:24:38 PM
Including horses  ;D

"Get around him Tiger fans....Pat the Weapon, Balaklava Race 1 #1...."

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on June 15, 2018, 12:35:57 AM
Young Richmond fan to live out AFL dream

By Angus Dearlove
Sunraysia Daily
15 Jun 2018

IMAGINE running out to thousands of screaming Richmond fans alongside Trent Cotchin and Dustin Martin.

Lifelong Tigers fan Cruz Reck will live that dream on Sunday when he runs out as the mascot for the Tigers in their clash against Geelong.

“I’m going to Melbourne to run out with Trent Cotchin through the banner,” an excited Cruz said this week.


For more of this story, purchase your copy of Friday's Sunraysia Daily 15/06/2018.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Slipper on June 15, 2018, 06:23:26 PM
Louise Ransome  :clapping

That is a good get, how do you know?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: mightytiges on June 15, 2018, 06:36:07 PM
Lifelong Tigers fan Cruz Reck ...
Got to love some parents :badidea lol.

What's the other kids' names? Train, Car and Ship?  :laugh:

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Knighter on June 15, 2018, 06:52:46 PM
Louise Ransome  :clapping

That is a good get, how do you know?

She mentioned when she saw the premiership jumper on the wall in my bedroom
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on June 15, 2018, 07:18:12 PM
Louise Ransome  :clapping

That is a good get, how do you know?

She's mentioned it on FSN a few times... :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: MintOnLamb on June 16, 2018, 10:08:43 PM
Lifelong Tigers fan Cruz Reck ...
Got to love some parents :badidea lol.

What's the other kids' names? Train, Car and Ship?  :laugh:
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: mightytiges on June 16, 2018, 10:29:32 PM
Lifelong Tigers fan Cruz Reck ...
Got to love some parents :badidea lol.

What's the other kids' names? Train, Car and Ship?  :laugh:
;D That kid barracks for Carlton :yep.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on September 03, 2018, 07:40:42 PM
Geologist and business executive, Dr David Klingner:

Despite his Queensland roots, David abandoned rugby league and embraced the AFL's Richmond Tigers with passion; it may have been the gold in the jersey that enthused him.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Damo on September 03, 2018, 07:52:34 PM
Gold in the jersey

Yellow in the jumper

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Slipper on September 03, 2018, 08:03:03 PM
Geologist and business executive, Dr David Klingner:

Despite his Queensland roots, David abandoned rugby league and embraced the AFL's Richmond Tigers with passion; it may have been the gold in the jersey that enthused him.

Well he was Richmond supporter.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on September 06, 2018, 03:10:36 AM
Some Croat celebrity.....

...and Steve "Metal Warrior" Ravic who just thinks he's a celebrity.... :shh

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on September 10, 2018, 11:20:17 AM

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on September 18, 2018, 01:20:18 PM
Fresh from being named in the Australian World Cup team, and ahead of this weekend's Tour Championship, @golfaust star Marc Leishman hasn't forgotten the other big event this Friday night at the @MCG 🐯🏌️‍♂️ #gotiges
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Dougeytherichmondfan on September 18, 2018, 02:30:01 PM
Love it  :bow
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on September 27, 2018, 03:54:24 AM
Never heard of him but anyway...

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Eat_em_Alive on September 27, 2018, 06:39:15 AM
Never heard of him but anyway...


New ruckman?
If Collingwood can source netball players  :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: mightytiges on October 13, 2018, 03:36:31 PM
The hand of God  ;).

Is this Maradona dancing in an @Richmond_FC top? Truly bizarre, whatever it is! #gotiges

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: dwaino on October 13, 2018, 03:48:34 PM
Or Dortmund.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: mightytiges on October 13, 2018, 06:27:11 PM
Probably the current club he is coaching in Mexico, Dorados. Although, in this pic they don't look like they have a Puma kit?

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Dougeytherichmondfan on October 13, 2018, 06:53:59 PM
One of the reasons we changed Yellows to the canary last year was Puma actually own the TM to that specific Yellow - which as mentioned is use by Dortmund. So its probably another team sponsored by Puma that wears Yellow and Black  ;)
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: dwaino on October 13, 2018, 07:11:16 PM
Speaking of the Puma yellow and black, Dortmund currently sitting pretty on top too in both Bundesliga and champions league group. Alcácer and Reus are running riot  :cheers. Colours of winners it seems.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Dougeytherichmondfan on October 13, 2018, 07:50:00 PM
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: dwaino on October 13, 2018, 09:21:17 PM

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on November 05, 2018, 08:20:07 PM
WTA Elite Trophy winner, Ash Barty.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Slipper on November 05, 2018, 08:29:25 PM
WTA Elite Trophy winner, Ash Barty.

I think I heard on the radio that she picked up a cool $800,000 for that effort.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on November 14, 2018, 09:03:32 PM
For three years, Barton Fink has been quietly building a loyal following around Thornbury, with a combination of cocktails, craft beers and live music served up in a relaxed and casual environment.

“We all have that Barton Fink feeling,” declares a bright blue neon inscription dominating the wall behind the bar. But what is the Barton Fink feeling, exactly?

“People are always asking us,” says manager Matt Hill. “It’s a talking point. You can interpret it however you want to interpret it.”

Among Hill’s best evenings at the bar was the night of the 2017 AFL Grand Final, when the Richmond Tigers defeated the Adelaide Crows.

“We’re not a sports bar, but it was an iconic sort of moment for everyone,” recalls Hill. “Our DJ was in the middle of a song, and he mixed in the Richmond Tigers theme song. The place just erupted. It was absolutely mental. Behind the bar, we’re flat out making drinks, and we had to take a step back and think, ‘Wow, this place is going off’.”
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on December 13, 2018, 08:54:17 AM
Carrie Bickmore's family including their new baby girl:

Proud Dad Chris shared another gorgeous photo of their bub, surrounded by the Richmond Tigers.

In the caption he wrote: "Little Adelaide is a Tiger", referring to the families love of the AFL team.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on December 13, 2018, 12:30:15 PM
Is the name some kind of twisted tribute the 2017 GF? :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: YellowandBlackBlood on December 13, 2018, 03:29:38 PM
Is the name some kind of twisted tribute the 2017 GF? :shh
She'll always know the club song then!
Title: Cotchin reveals secret to Barty success (Herald-Sun)
Post by: one-eyed on January 20, 2019, 12:18:49 AM
Cotchin reveals secret to Barty success

Herald Sun
20 Jan 2019

CRICKET and coffee, a spot of golf when the hectic schedule permits, and everything stops for her beloved Richmond Tigers.

Ashleigh Barty is everything that is good about the next generation of Australian sports stars — any code.

The laidback Queenslander will meet former world No.1 Maria Sharapova on Sunday at Melbourne Park, having perfected the balance between private and public life over the past 18 months, and in doing so rocketed up the rankings.

Barty’s demeanour in game mode couldn’t be further from her character off the court.

After making light work of emerging Greek player Maria Sakkari in the third round, Barty powered through post-game commitments in order to get back to the hotel in time to watch Australia’s one-day international against India at the MCG on Friday night.

Sharapova’s duel with defending champion Caroline Wozniacki mattered not for the proud indigenous star, who rose through the ranks in Queensland and landed on the circuit a cherub-faced 15 year-old.

“Just stick with the cricket,” Barty, 22, quipped after being asked if she planned to keep tabs on Sharapova’s progress.

Balance for Barty, whose love and passion for tennis waned before a one-year cameo playing women’s Big Bash with Brisbane Heat reignited the flame, has powered the 15th seed’s rankings climb.

Her relationship with golfer Garry Kissick led to lessons and regular rounds at Brisbane’s pristine Brookwater Golf & Country Club, while coffee — in the afternoon preferably — is life.

With regular coach Craig Tyzzer struck down by illness, Barty’s entourage at Melbourne Park this campaign has included stand-in coach and Fed Cup captain Alicia Molik and her childhood mentor Jim Joyce.

“Jim has been a massive part of my tennis throughout my whole career,” Barty said.

“He can read me like a book out on the court. He can predict what’s going to happen more times than not. He knows exactly what’s going on.”

The Richmond tragic, known to stream games live at odd hours from overseas, connected first with ex-Tigers high performance manager Matt Hornsby - to bolster her on-court fitness - before winning the 2011 Junior Wimbledon title.

It led to several Tigers including premiership captain Trent Cotchin taking an interest in tennis and her matches.

“She’s a very mature 22-year-old, super humble, and her family is a great group of people,” Cotchin, a semi-regular guest in Barty players’ box, said today.

“The thing that’s been noticeable from my point of view is that she’s just very focused on what she can control, and when you’re in a place like that it gives you a good opportunity to play well in games.

“I love it (Barty watching cricket over tennis), I think that’s the beauty of where Ash is at, she knows what works for her, she’s comfortable with knowing exactly that, coffee as well, we all love coffee.”

Brisbane Heat all-rounder Jessica Jonassen hailed Barty’s drive and commitment.

“She was always saying, when she was playing cricket, that she would want to play tennis again,” Jonassen said.

“She said that as soon as she would go back that she was confident that she could be in the top 20 by the end of two years and she’s proved that.

“That’s by no means arrogance, just simple hard work, drive and dedication.”
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on January 20, 2019, 02:37:26 PM
Juno Roxas from Roxus.....


...and he actually posts here....or at least he did until recently..... :shh

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: YellowandBlackBlood on January 20, 2019, 04:30:33 PM
Ah the Ox! Always had his own way of saying things.....
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Hard Roar Tiger on January 20, 2019, 07:25:36 PM
Not sure how well he is known beyond his occasional rants on this forum. Mind you, on the odd occasion when he nailed a post, it was always top shelf.....
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on January 21, 2019, 03:31:52 AM
Was Australia's answer to Jon Bon Jovi..... :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on January 21, 2019, 03:46:42 AM
Catherine Durkin (Fox Sports)

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: mightytiges on January 21, 2019, 04:42:05 AM
Tiger Ash Barty  :thumbsup has saved everyone from needing anymore ear plugs at the Oz Open.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on January 21, 2019, 05:08:29 AM
UFC champion Khabib Nurmagomedov has landed in Melbourne for the next leg of his holiday-cum-promotional tour - just days after he shot down suggestions of a rematch against Conor McGregor.

Nurmagomedov was seen arriving at the city's airport before hugging and chatting with Richmond Tigers AFL player Bachar Houli on Sunday.

Flanked by private security throughout his tour of Australia, Nurmagomedov is one of the world's biggest names in sport.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on February 14, 2019, 05:04:34 PM
Ricciardo hoped his change from a Red Bull red uniform to a combination that will excite Richmond fans would be supported by a home crowd.

“I would be happy to see some yellow and black in the stands — get around it, get me some yellow,’’ he said.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on February 14, 2019, 05:41:40 PM
Yellow & Blue is more his style.... :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: WilliamPowell on February 14, 2019, 08:03:20 PM
Ricciardo hoped his change from a Red Bull red uniform to a combination that will excite Richmond fans would be supported by a home crowd.

“I would be happy to see some yellow and black in the stands — get around it, get me some yellow,’’ he said

Pity he isn't a Tiger fan

For memory he is the Eagles number 1 ticket holder
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on March 02, 2019, 11:23:41 AM
Growing up as a Richmond fan, Max Gawn idolised lesser-lights Clinton King and Ray Hall.

Title: How China nearly ruined Barty’s Tiger dream (Herald-Sun)
Post by: one-eyed on March 03, 2019, 12:14:31 PM
How China nearly ruined Barty’s Tiger dream

Jon Anderson,
Herald Sun
March 3, 2019

You know how AFL clubs love to dress up bemused celebrities in their club colours? Well, take it as written that Ash Barty isn’t one of them.

From ABBA and John McEnroe (Carlton), Mr Bean (Collingwood), Sofia Vergara (Sydney) and Condoleezza Rice (Adelaide), it’s long been a favourite pastime at clubland even if the people in question couldn’t be less interested.

And then there is passionate Richmond fan Barty, 22, who bleeds yellow and black for her beloved Tigers as she explained to Jon Anderson this week.

Jon Anderson: How does a Queenslander end up barracking for the Tigers?

Ash Barty: It started with Dad who supports West Tigers in the NRL, so it was natural to follow Richmond. The Tigers keep me sane when I’m overseas. I will be playing in the US when the AFL season begins but my coach is a Carlton supporter so we will have our customary bottle of red on the outcome.
Ash Barty and her new Richmond jumper are ready for the 2019 season.

JA: You should have an overflowing cellar by now.

AB: Exactly. I watch Richmond regardless of where I am in the world.

JA: Including the 2017 Grand Final?

AB: I was in the middle of China and because of internet security I couldn’t watch it live so I FaceTimed my mum and watched it that way. Mum kept trying to talk and I kept telling her to talk after the game. It was bloody good.

JA: And now you’ve got your own jumper?

AB: I have an array of Richmond guernseys at home. I have Cotch’s (Trent Cotchin) 2015 jumper hanging up and all the Dreamtime jumpers.

JA: Now Ash, can you do one thing for us and crack the top 10 in the rankings this year?

AB: Don’t worry, I’m absolutely desperate to do that.


Australian tennis star and raging Richmond fan Ash Barty has signed on as the Tigers’ first ever women’s football member ahead of the team’s inclusion in the AFLW next season.

The Tigers, who have already passed 85,000 members for this season, have launched the new Women’s Football Foundation Membership for those wanting to back the team’s new women’s side.

Those who join up will also get access to three AFL games at the MCG this year, and every dollar of profit made from the sale of Richmond AFLW memberships will be poured back in the women’s football program at the club.

“Our members and supporters have given our men’s football program great passion and loyalty over our long history, so it’s exciting that we can offer new opportunities for them, as well as engage new fans to support our women’s football program,” Tigers CEO Brendon Gale said.

Richmond will enter the AFLW next season along with Gold Coast, West Coast and St Kilda.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on March 17, 2019, 12:40:05 PM
FB: You are a huge supporter of the Richmond Football Club. Are yoursons following in your footsteps?

Mick Molloy: They are little Richmond fans, they go every week with me.

The first questions they are ask every weekend is did the Tigers win and did the Pies lose. I am so proud. They are little Tigers and I love it.

FB: I am surprised one of them was not called Dusty (after Dustin Martin).

MM: I would have if I could have. I suggested it (but) it was knocked back at the time, quite quickly and without negotiation.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on March 17, 2019, 02:01:10 PM
Funniest part of that is his kids don't even bother to ask if Carlton lost....... :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: cub on March 17, 2019, 02:03:13 PM
Plenty of Yellow and Black around sth melbourne - Looks great  ;D
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on June 07, 2019, 03:05:31 PM
Barty is two wins away from ending Australia’s 46-year French Open drought after storming into the Roland Garros semi-finals.

Go Ash!
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Slipper on June 07, 2019, 09:15:47 PM
Ash into the final now.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on June 09, 2019, 04:09:20 AM
Ash Barty is the French Open champion  :highclap

She won the final easily: 6-3 6-1.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Dougeytherichmondfan on June 09, 2019, 11:22:34 AM
What a legend.

The lads could learn a thing or two from her.

Go Ash!
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: lamington on June 09, 2019, 11:44:09 AM
Absolute champion. I always regard the French as the hardest and most prestigious one to win for the completely biased reason that my horrible tennis skills are even worse on clay. Give her the order of Australia ASAP because she has done something truly incredible. I hope that trophy makes a tour to tiger land to inspire the lads
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Francois Jackson on June 09, 2019, 11:58:11 AM
so good. Many more to come

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Slipper on June 19, 2019, 08:09:27 AM
West Perth champ Bill Dempsey has been a Tigers supporter all his life.

A legend of WA and Territory football.

Heard a great interview with him on local ABC radio earlier this week. Amazing story. He says he respects all players and doesn't have favourites, but rates Riewoldt as the most exciting player to watch.

Apparently there is a book coming out about his life. Based on the interview, if you get the chance to read it, do so.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on June 24, 2019, 04:04:45 PM
Congrats to Ash Barty on becoming World No.1.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on July 09, 2019, 02:40:09 AM
Ash Barty

Dud, delist.... :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on July 23, 2019, 11:44:06 AM
Moment Waleed was filled with hatred

Andrew McMurtry
23 July 2019

Love him or hate him, The Project host Waleed Aly is without doubt one of the biggest and most high profile AFL fans out there.

The Richmond diehard has been a passionate Tigers supporter from the years of desperation to the glory of the 2017 flag. Aly’s support has been unwavering as a fan and even a mascot.

In an interview on FOX FOOTY’S Bob, set to air at 8.30pm on Tuesday night, Aly spoke about his fandom and the freak coincidence that linked himself and the show’s host, former Western Bulldogs skipper Robert Murphy.

Aly has been a faithful Richmond follower ever since his older brother introduced him to the club as a boy, and Murphy also admitted he was “a mad Richmond fan” as a child, even doing work experience with the club.

As the pair discussed their love of footy, the 317-game Western Bulldogs legend remembered his fourth game in the AFL back in 2001.

“(Dogs legend) Tony Liberatore smashes Matthew Knights’ nose all over his face so there’s this massive brawl,” Murphy said as Aly’s interest piques. “And this intense rivalry begins between the Tigers and the Bulldogs.”

In a stunning coincidence, Aly revealed: “I was the Richmond mascot on that day.”

Murphy couldn’t hide his shock, saying: “No, no you weren’t.”

Aly, who was the back-up mascot at the time, was called up to the big leagues for the memorable match.

“I saw Woofer (the Western Bulldogs mascot) beckoning me, just through the mouth of the head,” Aly said. “That was the scariest Woofer I’ve ever seen. So I ended up wrestling him at the MCG in front of 40,000 people.

“I reach to flip him or something and the crowd roars, I don’t know why. I stand up and put my head back on straight and I look through the mouth and I’ve ripped his head off. I’ve just ruined these kids.”

In the return match, the crowd was heated again. It led to a surprising and out-of-character admission from Aly.

“I remember what it was like in the stands and I remember it’s the only time I’ve ever felt something approximating hatred for the supporters on the other team,” he said.

“It was something about the way they went at Knights. Going at Liba, I get that, but what did Knights do? It’s the only time I’ve ever cheered really loudly at someone because I’m not that kind of supporter at all but I obviously just got provoked to that point. I didn’t swear or anything.”

Murphy couldn’t help but tease Aly for his tepid show of aggression.

After countless scandals about poor crowd behaviour which have rocked the AFL in recent times, as well as overbearing tactics from stadium officials which have drawn the ire of fans, Aly said life in the stands has changed a lot since he was a boy.

“Yelling out was a performance, not an expulsion,” Aly said.

Murphy added: “It was like amateur theatre.”

“And there were some really good amateur thespians,” Aly joked.

“But I don’t know. Is it just that we’re older and we can actually hear the darkness that we weren’t keyed into before? Is it that the stuff that was yelled out was never really that funny but because we were kids we thought it was? Or is it genuinely a function of our ticketing arrangements?

“Can you ever sit amongst the reserve seat members of any club and walk out of a stadium not thinking you were screwed by the umpires? I doubt it.

“When we were kids and we went to the footy, around you would be some of those people who are now in those reserve seats, and some of the people who were just tourists for the day, and some of those people for whom footy was exciting but only while it was happening and then they’d move on beyond that.

“So there were people who were able to have fun with it right next to the people who were adding the intensity. I reckon out of that mix came humour, whereas now I think that’s harder because you’re either sitting with people who don’t care that much or those who care way too much.”

Waleed Aly will be the guest on FOX FOOTY’s Bob on Foxtel channel 504 at 8.30pm on Tuesday July 23.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Dougeytherichmondfan on July 23, 2019, 12:13:10 PM
Amazing anecdote regarding the mascots.

I vaguely recall the incident of the mascots fighting as well, although I was just a kid.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Hard Roar Tiger on July 23, 2019, 12:44:46 PM
Apart from losing to them by 110+ in r1 2006, it was the angriest I’ve been at a Bulldogs game. Dumbarse Dogs fan completely missed the unprovoked cheap shot of Libba on Knights and the aftermath was why they were booing Knighter.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on August 07, 2019, 03:18:54 PM
Ben Simmons barracks for Essendon but he was down at Punt Rd yesterday.

Here's Ben Simmons Roosting A Drop Punt Straight Through The Hi-Diddle From 50

By Cam Tyeson
7 August 2019

You tend to forget that, having grown up in Melbourne, Ben Simmons was actually a pretty handy footballer in his younger days and actually had to choose between seriously pursuing footy or basketball. Despite (quite smartly) choosing the path to the NBA, the footy skills apparently haven’t left Simmons, who put them on display yesterday during a casual muck around at the Richmond Football Club.

Simmons swung by the iconic Punt Rd training ground of the Tigers to hang out with Richmond AFLW gun recruit Sabrina Frederick yesterday (despite being a devout, lifelong Essendon fan thank you very much), where he not only added another photo to the ever-growing wall of “international sports star interacts with insane local game,” but he showed off an entirely decent right leg by drilling a textbook drop punt straight through the big sticks from just outside 50.

    You’re always welcome at Tigerland, @BenSimmons25 ????

Watch here:

    — Richmond FC ???? (@Richmond_FC) August 6, 2019

That ball hold is anything but textbook, but you can’t fault the form otherwise. Good ball drop. Solid follow-through. Hung it out on the breeze top of the right goal post and rode it all the way home. There’s key forwards with 150 games under their belts who don’t strike the ball that cleanly.

And if all that weren’t enough, Simmons calmly slotted another one from the 50 arc, only this time hard up against the boundary line.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on August 08, 2019, 10:15:30 AM
Richmond Tigers life member and former Fiat Chrysler Australia regional boss John Kett is back. He’s been appointed chief operating officer at Hyundai Australia, in a role he started this week.


Sarah Maree Cameron (pictured) is joining join Triple M Melbourne as the station’s new mornings announcer.

Sarah Maree, born and raised in Melbourne, returns to her hometown to join Triple M. Currently she co-hosts the breakfast show on K-Rock Geelong, and prior to that was on-air at Fox and Nova.

Sarah Maree said: “To be joining the legendary Triple M, the station I grew up listening to, feels surreal. I can’t wait to be closer to family and friends and my beloved Richmond Tigers.”

Sarah Maree will commence with Triple M in early September.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Rampsation on August 08, 2019, 12:59:45 PM
Richmond Tigers life member and former Fiat Chrysler Australia regional boss John Kett is back. He’s been appointed chief operating officer at Hyundai Australia, in a role he started this week.


Sarah Maree Cameron (pictured) is joining join Triple M Melbourne as the station’s new mornings announcer.

Sarah Maree, born and raised in Melbourne, returns to her hometown to join Triple M. Currently she co-hosts the breakfast show on K-Rock Geelong, and prior to that was on-air at Fox and Nova.

Sarah Maree said: “To be joining the legendary Triple M, the station I grew up listening to, feels surreal. I can’t wait to be closer to family and friends and my beloved Richmond Tigers.”

Sarah Maree will commence with Triple M in early September.


Looks like we'll be getting hyundai as a sponsor down the track.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: WilliamPowell on August 08, 2019, 01:15:53 PM

Looks like we'll be getting hyundai as a sponsor down the track.

Highly unlikely in short to medium term

Outside of the sponsorship of the A-league

They have long term deal with Carlton that was extended last year for a further 5 yesrs IIRC
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: cub on August 08, 2019, 01:45:33 PM
Richmond Tigers life member and former Fiat Chrysler Australia regional boss John Kett is back. He’s been appointed chief operating officer at Hyundai Australia, in a role he started this week.


Sarah Maree Cameron (pictured) is joining join Triple M Melbourne as the station’s new mornings announcer.

Sarah Maree, born and raised in Melbourne, returns to her hometown to join Triple M. Currently she co-hosts the breakfast show on K-Rock Geelong, and prior to that was on-air at Fox and Nova.

Sarah Maree said: “To be joining the legendary Triple M, the station I grew up listening to, feels surreal. I can’t wait to be closer to family and friends and my beloved Richmond Tigers.”

Sarah Maree will commence with Triple M in early September.

scrapping the barrel ....Who ??????
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on August 08, 2019, 01:50:20 PM
Wasn't she the fat chick from Big Brother? :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: lamington on August 08, 2019, 02:09:02 PM
My only guess is because Chrissy and Ryan Fitzgerald  from big brother Are fairly popular hosts triple m will dig from the big brother bucket also?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Slipper on August 08, 2019, 07:47:17 PM
Wasn't she the fat chick from Big Brother? :shh

The 'Bum' dance wasn't it?
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on October 08, 2019, 01:37:32 AM
Coca-Cola Amatil ... chief executive and mad Richmond Tigers fan Alison Watkins ...
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on October 11, 2019, 02:05:51 AM
Ash Barty won The Don Award last night at the Sport Australia Hall of Fame 35th Induction and Awards Gala Dinner.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on October 11, 2019, 05:23:45 PM
Michael Felgate @m_felgate

Great to celebrate another Tiger flag at the ⁦@TommyHafeyClub lunch and share the stage with legends KB and Sheeds! ⁦Tiger tragic ⁦⁦Brad Rawiller ready for another Gp1 tomo on (Yellow and) Black Heart Bart! #TigerPride 🐯

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on October 11, 2019, 06:12:03 PM

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Darth Tiger on October 12, 2019, 05:33:41 PM
Where is Sheedy's orange skarf ?  Must of invoiced AFL HQ for the appearance fee on GF day.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on November 10, 2019, 09:06:12 PM
Ash Barty won The Don Award last night at the Sport Australia Hall of Fame 35th Induction and Awards Gala Dinner.

dud, delist  :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on December 03, 2019, 01:25:31 AM
Ash Barty won the Newcombe medal for 2019  :clapping.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on December 12, 2019, 01:37:47 PM
Source: Jack's instagram.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on January 08, 2020, 07:16:12 PM
In a decorated 32-year policing career he holds the resurgence of Newcastle City close to his heart.

Held in high regard by his peers and the community, Mr John Gralton was recently awarded the Australian Police Medal in the Queen’s Birthday honours.

... my dad used to take us to Mass pretty religiously as young kids — 7am Mass at Holy Cross Glendale with Father Lavery. ... Father Lavery was a good man and probably the reason why I have followed the mighty Richmond Tigers since I was about seven years old.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on January 19, 2020, 08:18:17 PM

Dustin Martin lookalike spotted among crowd at Norlane fire

Geelong Advertiser
January 19, 2020 8:04pm

Spectators of a suburban house fire on Saturday were double taking when a surprise Dustin Martin doppelganger appeared.

The man emerged complete with neck tattoos, a Richmond Tigers guernsey, and a haircut similar to the dual Norm Smith medallist’s distinctive ‘do.

He was among the crowd congregated watching on from Rose Ave, Norlane as a home on the street smouldered.

And while he may not be part of the reigning Premiership team, the lookalike appears to be well-known in Aussie rap circles.

The man is believed a rapper who goes by the name of ‘Merks’ and is believed to be part of underground rap crew ‘Trap Runnerz’.

Merks’ professional Facebook page has garnered more than 17,700 likes.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on January 21, 2020, 05:54:35 PM
Cotch was in the box supporting Barty last night. She's got an invite for Dusty too.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on January 22, 2020, 04:09:49 PM
Barty is through to the 3rd round  :thumbsup.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on January 24, 2020, 01:17:03 PM
Another straight sets win for Ash  :thumbsup. Through to the 4th round.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on January 28, 2020, 04:05:11 PM
Barty into the semis :thumbsup
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on January 30, 2020, 04:08:49 PM
Barty out. Lost 6-7 5-7.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on January 30, 2020, 04:19:17 PM
Dud, delist... :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on February 03, 2020, 03:17:59 AM
ABC presenter Gavin McGrath, who is also a passionate Richmond AFL supporter and former sports reporter for The Courier, has been following the Chiefs for about 25 years. This was sparked by what he said was a "cultural exchange" with a American he met in a social media platform talking military history. Talk with Mooster Yates quickly turned to football.

Moose lives in Independence, Missouri, north of Kansas City. He proudly wears a Richmond jumper, hat and holds a Tigers' coffee mug. He sent Mr McGrath "Chiefs merch" including a jersey emblazoned with Mr McGrath's initial social media handle, Tiger Tank 17.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on April 14, 2020, 02:22:40 PM
Broadcaster Steve Price.

“I've got four memberships at Richmond (Tigers). I see that as a donation to the football club every year.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on April 23, 2020, 06:44:00 PM
One of the police officiers killed last night was a Tigers supporter  :(.

Senior Constable King, a father of three boys and avid Richmond Football Club fan, worked at the Nunawading Highway Patrol unit.


Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on April 25, 2020, 07:03:26 PM
World No.1 Ash Barty contacts Richmond captain Trent Cotchin seeking advice.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on July 01, 2020, 03:15:04 AM
The Editor of the Cobram Courier, Jessica Ball.

Growing up on the land in south west Victoria, Ms Ball started her career as sports reporter at the Benalla Ensign before moving to the Shepparton News as features writer and was promoted to features and special publications editorial co-ordinator in 2018.

With a passion for story telling, Richmond Tigers and food, Ms Ball is always up for a chat.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on July 01, 2020, 11:20:21 AM
Think "Well known and famous" might be a bit of a stretch there.... :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Hard Roar Tiger on July 01, 2020, 11:23:16 AM
Think "Well known and famous" might be a bit of a stretch there.... :shh

More “unknown and irrelevant “
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on October 03, 2020, 03:44:47 PM

Barty was spotted in the Gabba stands as her beloved Tigers took on the Brisbane Lions in a qualifying final.

First found by the cameras looking glum after the Lions took a strangehold on the match, it didn’t take long for Barty to brighten up after a Tigers goal.

Footy fans soaked up the the Queenslander’s love of the game, complete with fist pump and beer in hand.


And it wasn’t missed by reporters covering the French Open, either.

Footage of Barty at the footy went viral.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: WilliamPowell on October 03, 2020, 05:42:08 PM
Highlight of the night  ;D

Onya Ash
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Tigeritis™©® on October 03, 2020, 07:55:49 PM
I’ve been to the footy in Brisbane many times over the years and not just Richmond games.

What I’ve noticed more than anything is the amount of people not actually watching the game.

For example, The last time I was up there, there was two woman and a bloke talking about life the whole game  and every now and then you’d hear them ask each other, “did we kick that or was it the other mob?” and then back to the convo.

I’m not sure why they were there to be honest. But that was normal according to my ex victorian mate I was at the game with.

By the look of the picture above it looks as though Ash is the only one interested in the actual game.   
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on October 06, 2020, 03:19:02 PM
Brilliant truth behind Ash Barty's beer-drinking footy visit

Sam Goodwin
Sports Editor
Yahoo Sport Australia
6 October 2020

While her opponents were slogging it out at the cold and miserable French Open on Saturday, Ash Barty was enjoying a beer (or two) at the footy on a warm Brisbane night.

If that doesn’t sum up 2020 for you, what does?

Barty opted not to travel to Roland Garros or the preceding US Open this year, despite being the defending champion in Paris.

The Australian champion hasn’t played a competitive match since February, yet none of her nearest rivals have managed to take the World No.1 ranking from her.

With Simona Halep’s shock loss in the fourth round at the French Open on Sunday, Barty is guaranteed to finish the year as World No.1.

The loss ended Halep's career-best winning streak of 17 consecutive matches, guaranteeing that Barty - who chose to skip the US and French Opens due to concerns about coronavirus and her preparation - will finish the year atop the world rankings.

And in doing so, Barty has made some incredible Australian tennis history.

The 24-year-old will become the first Australian woman to finish as World No.1 in back-to-back years, and the first Aussie since Lleyton Hewitt in 2002.

Not bad for someone who hasn’t played in eight months.

Barty sent fans into a frenzy on Saturday night when she was spotted at the Gabba cheering on her beloved Richmond Tigers against Brisbane.

With beer in hand, Barty could be seen revving up the Tigers as they fought to come back against the Lions.

“Imagine if you’d been told in January that Ash Barty would watch an AFL final in person while the French Open - of which she is defending champion - was going on simultaneously,” Fox Sports’ Daniel Cherny tweeted.

Others described Barty as “our true queen” and an “Australian icon”.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: julzqld on October 07, 2020, 06:25:10 PM
The Tiger King has been seen at games at Metricon
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on October 10, 2020, 05:33:33 AM
Crew 🙌


Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on December 21, 2020, 07:09:49 PM

By Andrew Slevison
21 December 2020

Richmond’s Dustin Martin has yet another new fan, Simon Katich has explained.

While coaching Royal Challengers Bangalore in the Indian Premier League in Dubai between September and November, Katich was able to watch his beloved Tigers in the AFL Grand Final in late October.

Katich explained how South African star AB De Villiers took an immediate liking to Martin while watching him in action as the Tigers defeated Geelong to claim their third premiership in four years.

“Dusty’s got a new fan,” he said on SEN Test Cricket.

“AB De Villiers wanted to be named Dusty De Villiers after seeing him play for the first time.

“His first ever game of AFL he watched and he was very, very impressed.”

The former Aussie batsman was also pleased to witness the reaction of Aaron Finch, who is a staunch Cats fan.

“What a great day that was,” Katich added.

“The best part of it was watching it in Dubai in our team room and seeing Aaron Finch, who is a mad Geelong supporter, throwing bottles of water at the TV in the third term when Richmond were coming home strong.

“He wasn’t happy, Finchy. So I got a bit of humour out of that.”

Katich also suggested to Anthony Hudson, another Cats supporter, that perhaps we could see some more Richmond premierships in the coming years.

Asked if he fit the stereotype of an arrogant Tigers supporter, Katich said: “Not at all mate!"

“Three out of the last four years, and more to come while Dusty is playing the way he is.

“We got time to keep going on that, being a Geelong man Huddo?

“Dusty’s 29, still got his best days in front of him. A couple of the other boys are starting to climb up the ranks as well.

“Shai Bolton, Tom Lynch, the list goes on and on...”

De Villiers was lucky enough to witness Martin kick four goals and collect 21 disposals in the Grand Final as he claimed his third Norm Smith Medal.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on February 14, 2021, 02:24:37 AM

“I thought it was our deal, we’re going to AFLW. It’s ABCD, we come as a package and I know we will be going to the Tiges that is for sure,” Barty joked.

“Will we be?” Dellacqua replied.

“Yeah. You can’t go to Carlton. You have to come to the Tiges with me,” Barty said.

Dellacqua said: “I need to get out there and start practising some kicking but you are good. I would love to do that one day.”
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on February 16, 2021, 02:23:51 AM
Go Ash!  :clapping  :gotigers

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on February 17, 2021, 02:12:40 PM
Choked again #oneslamwonder :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Knighter on February 17, 2021, 02:26:05 PM
Choked again #oneslamwonder :shh

Wants to play against the scum this week?  Timely exit
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: WilliamPowell on February 17, 2021, 04:03:16 PM
Choked again #oneslamwonder :shh

Sorry but that is a disgraceful post

Granted it's your opinion and you are entitled to it but it's a cheap shot from the cheap seats

But whatever

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on February 17, 2021, 09:22:37 PM
Where was the lie? :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: WilliamPowell on February 17, 2021, 09:25:34 PM
Where was the lie? :shh

Who mentioned anything about a lie but you?

It was a cheap shot. Solidifying the "tall poppy syndrome" and the need to criticise a champion

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on February 17, 2021, 09:27:11 PM
Woild you even give a stuff if she wasn't a Richmond supporter? #StosurMKII :shh :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: WilliamPowell on February 17, 2021, 09:32:04 PM
Woild you even give a stuff if she wasn't a Richmond supporter? #StosurMKII :shh :shh

Yeah, actually I would been following her career since juniors  >:(
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on February 17, 2021, 09:48:01 PM
Then you should also know she's pretty much done stuff all in Grand Slams apart from that one win... :shh :shh :shh

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Tiger Khosh on February 17, 2021, 10:22:58 PM
She’s also only 24 and world no.1, settle down.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on February 17, 2021, 10:56:14 PM
Osaka's 23, has two slams and was #1 at 21 - what's your point?
You think 24 is young to be #1 and winning slams in women's tennis? LMAO - where have you been the last 35 years?  :shh

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Tiger Khosh on February 18, 2021, 12:35:14 AM
Osaka’s won 3 mr tennis expert. And I didn’t bring up her age to validate it being an achievement that she’s won a slam at 24 I was saying that she has plenty of time to win more.

Where have you been the last 10 years? Other than Serena Williams the most slams won during that period is 3 by Osaka and kerber and then you’ve got a handful of ladies who have won 2. The woman’s game is not the same as it was in the late 90s and early 2000s. Again other than Serena there arnt any dominant players and each year throws up 2 or 3 new winners.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Rampsation on February 18, 2021, 07:23:41 PM
I fear Ash wont win another slam. Seems to throw away chances at big moments.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on July 26, 2021, 11:28:26 PM
Gold medallist Ariarne Titmus and her mum at last year's Grand Final.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Damo on July 26, 2021, 11:47:53 PM
I fear Ash wont win another slam. Seems to throw away chances at big moments.

This aged well
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on July 30, 2021, 06:23:26 AM
Matt Temple is another Aussie Olympic swimmer (100m butterfly) who is a Tigers supporter.


Although there are exciting times ahead for Temple, one thing that won’t change is his love for his Richmond Tigers, assuring himself that he will get as many updates as possible when he’s swimming away from home.

“During the champs, it was pretty hard to watch any footy, all I could do was really check the score here and there,” Temple said.

“But I’ll make sure I’ve got a good connection to watch the Tigers from back home whenever I’m away during footy season.”

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on July 30, 2021, 08:17:11 PM
CSL's new CFO Joy Linton (makers of Astra Zeneca).

“I’d tell my younger self to make time for me. I’m better at that now,” says Linton, who enjoys running three days a week and admits to being a tragic Richmond Tigers AFL supporter.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Rampsation on July 31, 2021, 01:23:05 PM
She'll be on our board within 2 years.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on July 31, 2021, 01:48:06 PM
..or in prison.... :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on August 23, 2021, 07:10:07 AM
Australian world number one Ash Barty has won her fifth WTA Tour title of the year with a 6-3, 6-1 victory over Switzerland's Jil Teichmann in Cincinnati.


Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on September 08, 2021, 12:29:11 PM
First female animator worked on Beatles’ Yellow Submarine


Anne Jolliffe, who was the first Australian woman to become a professional animator in the days when the animation industry was male-dominated, died in Leura, NSW, on August 27. She was 87.

Anne was a pioneer in the Australian animation industry, who helped to win an Academy Award for animation.

When Anne was three, during the Great Depression, the family moved to Victoria. They settled in Elwood, where Anne’s parents took on a milk bar in the beach suburb. At the age of nine, her father – who had been the treasurer for the Longford Tigers – took her to her first Aussie Rules game. She was devoted to the Richmond Tigers for ever.

Full story:
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on November 27, 2021, 05:15:33 AM
Audrey Hepburn  ;D.


Found this street art in Moorabbin, Melbourne, Victoria.

Audrey Hepburn - Enjoy Life

By: creativeart

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on January 07, 2022, 02:20:04 PM
Scott Boland with 6/7 in Melbourne now on 2/0 in Sydney, could be his Jacob Townsend moment taking full advantage of his opportunity here. And he’s a Tiger fan too!
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on January 26, 2022, 08:47:40 PM
Meet India Robinson, new to the World Surf League Tour for 2022.

She’s one of us, get around her Tiger Army

@Richmond_FC #GoTiges

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Damo on January 30, 2022, 09:34:09 AM
Great work Ash
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: MintOnLamb on January 30, 2022, 08:17:34 PM
Great work Ash
Bloody Brilliant, is Ash our No 1 ticket holder??
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: WilliamPowell on January 30, 2022, 08:20:21 PM
Great work Ash
Bloody Brilliant, is Ash our No 1 ticket holder??

For our AFLW side yes.

But not for the mens
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: MintOnLamb on January 30, 2022, 08:35:41 PM
Great work Ash
Bloody Brilliant, is Ash our No 1 ticket holder??

For our AFLW side yes.

But not for the mens
Thanks wp
Who is our mens no 1 ticket holder?
Just googled it, Mick Molloy
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: WilliamPowell on January 30, 2022, 08:41:23 PM
Great work Ash
Bloody Brilliant, is Ash our No 1 ticket holder??

For our AFLW side yes.

But not for the mens
Thanks wp
Who is our mens no 1 ticket holder?
Just googled it, Mick Molloy

Nick Molloy isn't our number 1 ticket holder he may think he is but he isn't

Ken Grenda who used to own Ventura Buslines is our number 1 male ticket holder for our men's side

Evelyn Danos (the late David Mandie's daughter) is our number 1 female ticket holder
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: lamington on January 30, 2022, 09:47:56 PM
God I’m so stoked she was in Richmond colours on GF night in 2020. Ash you absolute champion
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Andyy on January 31, 2022, 08:19:56 PM
Great work Ash
Bloody Brilliant, is Ash our No 1 ticket holder??

For our AFLW side yes.

But not for the mens
Thanks wp
Who is our mens no 1 ticket holder?
Just googled it, Mick Molloy

Nick Molloy isn't our number 1 ticket holder he may think he is but he isn't

Ken Grenda who used to own Ventura Buslines is our number 1 male ticket holder for our men's side

Evelyn Danos (the late David Mandie's daughter) is our number 1 female ticket holder

Family business that one and it was a sensationally well run business. Pretty sure when they called it a day they gave all their employees a fat bonus as part of the sale too.

Very few mobs look after their people like they did.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on February 05, 2022, 11:46:58 PM
Good luck to our Tess Coady all of our Tigers wishes are with you.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on February 06, 2022, 04:09:17 PM
Good luck to our Tess Coady all of our Tigers wishes are with you.

Snowboarder Tess Coady has won Australia’s first Beijing Winter Olympic medal, taking bronze in the slope style event on Sunday morning.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on February 07, 2022, 06:43:07 PM
"Richmond football club runs in my blood - my great grandfather was a captain - and my family are all pretty avid supporters," Coady said.

"My mum loves the footy, my gran ... it's super sick they just get around it so much.

"They (Richmond) actually sent me a nice message which was really cool although I think my mum was more hyped about that."
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on February 20, 2022, 04:45:31 AM
"You've quickly become one of the coach's favourites too."

@Richmond_FC's Kane Lambert has a special surprise for Olympic bronze medallist, @tess_coady ( (


Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on April 06, 2022, 08:11:55 PM
Welcome to Tigerland, @ValtteriBottas! 🏁

#AusGP #F1

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on April 07, 2022, 02:33:33 PM
( The @ausgrandprix returns to #Melbourne today, and we were delighted to host big cricket and @Richmond_FC fan, @OscarPiastri from @AlpineF1Team at the 'G this week ( (

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on April 19, 2022, 10:27:28 PM
Probably been mentioned before but Co-Captain of the Melbourne Vixens, Kate Moloney mentioned tonight she is a Tiger supporter.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on June 17, 2022, 10:04:27 PM
L.A. Rams Nick Scott with Dion at Punt Rd.


More pics here:
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on June 25, 2022, 11:58:34 AM
Congratulations to Richmond fan @DysonDaniels who is heading to the  @PelicansNBA with the eighth pick in the #NBADraft (

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on June 26, 2022, 03:03:41 PM
Cath Durkin from Foxsports:

"I’m gonna take a moment. I feel like I haven’t done this kid justice. When I was the kid in this photo, even then, I wanted to be a sports journalist. The last month, I’ve done three live crosses from the MCG. Tell this girl in the photo - “we did it”. She wouldn’t believe it."

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: julzqld on December 30, 2022, 09:57:23 AM
In today’s HUN there’s an article on Paul Hogan and his new book in which he says he follows Richmond and there’s a pic of him wearing the Strong & Bold scarf with Richo holding an RFC guernsey with Hoges and the number 12
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on March 11, 2023, 04:41:02 PM
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on March 22, 2023, 02:33:26 PM
Not famous but one very lucky Tiger supporter.

Tigers fan’s quadruple bypass horror after AFL clash

A mad Richmond fan is lucky to be alive after he suffered a heart attack at the MCG when the Tigers took on the Blues in the AFL season opener.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on April 02, 2023, 06:16:44 PM
Not famous but vision of a Tiger supporter in full away Richmond playing kit and draped in a Richmond flag at Wrestlemania in Los Angeles.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on April 13, 2023, 03:23:40 PM
Tigers legend Neil Balme has paid a special visit to one of Richmond's oldest fans - 98-year-old sister Joan Toole.

She has seen 11 of our flags  :thumbsup.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Gigantor on April 13, 2023, 04:25:40 PM
Love hearing stories like this . Glad Balmy recognises this .
Just out of interest has anyone else sensed there’s less elderly from all clubs attending games these past few years , probably since the pandemic started
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: camboon on April 13, 2023, 06:28:52 PM
At a guess, I would suggest they would be more likely to prefer the walk up start and not the pressure to book a seat , and may not know it’s reverted back
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on April 19, 2023, 05:57:21 PM
Cheer squad truths: Tiger fan who wears 22 jumpers on gameday

If you thought you were a die-hard supporter of your club, read this and think again. This Richmond superfan takes it to a new level. See the stories behind your clubs most passionate fans.

Bruce Korun is keeping an eye out to see when Maurice Rioli enters the game.

Rioli is the Tigers’ substitute and Korun has his No. 10 guernsey in his bag.

The jumpers of 21 members of Richmond’s starting 22 are on Korun himself.

“I left (Ben) Miller home – I forgot him,” Korun says.

“I’m a bit upset about that.”

Korun started donning four guernseys at games in 2007, taking one off each quarter.

Since 2017, he has been wearing the jumper of every selected player, removing one every time the Tigers kick a goal.

“He’d come looking like the Michelin man,” cheer squad treasurer Mandy Woodward says.

“When we kick a goal in Melbourne, people will say ‘Bruce, take it off, take it off’.”

The guernseys are not worn in any particular order.

“People up in the grandstand all have bets who’s going to come off next,” says Korun, who estimates he owns 100 jumpers.

Richmond is trailing by 21 points at half-time and Korun has removed three guernseys.

He remains very optimistic.

Seeing a swag of premierships will do that.

Korun has been barracking for the Tigers since the age of 11, having fallen in love with the colours and emblem.

The 1982 flag was the first he saw live but 2017 the most special.

Korun thinks Richmond will claim this year’s premiership, despite its poor form.

After some goals, he gets up and turns to the crowd to yell “To September again”.

“Bruce, no more September, we’re not going to get there this year,” Woodward says.

When Marlion Pickett kicks truly on the run, Korun stands again and off comes Hugo Ralphsmith’s guernsey, revealing Jacob Hopper’s underneath.

Korun hardly sits in his seat, but soon is scrambling under it.

Rioli has replaced premiership captain Trent Cotchin, so Korun reaches opens his bag and grabs the second generation Tiger’s guernsey to put it on.

Later in the term, a Liam Baker major brings the Tigers to within two goals – and prompts an excited Korun to remove two jumpers at once.

Doing so appears to be bad luck.

Tom Papley answers for Sydney 90 seconds later.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on May 12, 2023, 05:11:47 PM
AFL website reporter Sarah Black is a Tiger supporter.


Briefly touched on it, but it was the wrong piece to do a deep dive, but I’m completely fascinated by the supporter-base rivalry between the two.

I barrack for Richmond. The other half of my family are Geelong. I have a huge soft spot for them, and just don’t get the animosity!
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Knighter on May 12, 2023, 05:56:49 PM
AFL website reporter Sarah Black is a Tiger supporter.


Briefly touched on it, but it was the wrong piece to do a deep dive, but I’m completely fascinated by the supporter-base rivalry between the two.

I barrack for Richmond. The other half of my family are Geelong. I have a huge soft spot for them, and just don’t get the animosity!

For me the extreme dislike of Geesook comes from:

1. Duckwood and Dangerflop being flogs
2. Porkins pushing Balta and doing Soldo's knee
3. Wankley and Jabba the Hutch leading the anti-richmond push in the media
4. Chris Scot's salty criticism of us every time we beat them; and
5. The massive advantage they get playing at their shitebox stadium 12 times a year

But the biggest reason is that Steve Hocking changed the rules to bring us down knowing full well he was going back to Methlong to take over as CEO.  Cheating prick that he is!
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on June 27, 2023, 10:26:53 PM
Michael Aish, who was inducted into the AFL Hall of Fame tonight, said he loved the Tigers. Rolled off virtually our whole 1980 premiership team. He actually signed with us at one stage but in the end he didn't leave Norwood to come over to play in Victoria.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on June 28, 2023, 11:15:20 AM
Michael Aish, who was inducted into the AFL Hall of Fame tonight, said he loved the Tigers. Rolled off virtually our whole 1980 premiership team. He actually signed with us at one stage but in the end he didn't leave Norwood to come over to play in Victoria.
From Rhett Bartlett:

Michael Aish signed a Form Four with @Richmond_FC as early as 1979, and the club kept trying to get him across for a good six years.

I think we're still trying.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on July 27, 2023, 02:46:26 PM
Spotted a Richmond stubby cooler in a video with Eddie vedder 👍


He would've got it from his mate Ross Knight of the Cosmic Psychos who's a mad Richmond supporter. :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on July 27, 2023, 03:23:38 PM
So glad former "first man" Tim Mathieson tried to get that awful mysogynist Tony Abbott barred from entering the Richmond rooms -  after all they should really only be for fine upstanding men of impeccable character and respecters of women such as himself... :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on July 30, 2023, 02:40:35 PM
We've got a special guest in the rooms today.

Ian Wright, who played mainly for Crystal Palace and Arsenal back in the 80s & 90s.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on September 23, 2023, 03:54:23 PM
Kevin Fiala of the L.A. Kings.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on September 25, 2023, 02:56:16 AM
Congrats, @OscarPiastri!

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on October 08, 2023, 03:08:15 PM
Oscar Piastri:
F1 race winner has a nice ring to it.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on October 09, 2023, 02:38:49 PM
lmao - wasn't even the real race :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on December 23, 2023, 02:33:37 PM
Didn't realise there was a water polo team in Melbourne called the Richmond Tigers.


Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on January 29, 2024, 11:12:06 PM
V8 Supercar driver Mark Winterbottom.

( (
( (
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: WilliamPowell on January 30, 2024, 07:21:58 AM
V8 Supercar driver Mark Winterbottom.

Have met Frosty a number of times and he is a terrific bloke. We always have a chat about footy

He is actually Giants fan. But if he's converted I'll take credit  :rollin
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on April 03, 2024, 10:47:53 PM
Oscar Piastri Makes His Love for AFL Team Richmond Tigers Public – “Was 6 Years Old”

Naman Gopal Srivastava
Apr 03, 2024

A lot of F1 drivers choose to follow other sports, away from the world of racing. Many engage in golf while some settle for soccer. But for Oscar Piastri, it is Australian Rules Football. The McLaren driver recently revealed he has been a lifelong fan of the Richmond Tigers and continues to follow them despite his hectic F1 schedule.

The Richmond Tigers compete in the Australian Football League (AFL). Paying homage to his favorite team, Piastri even showed up to Albert Park wearing the Tigers’ jersey two weeks ago, ahead of the Australian GP. In an interview with 10 News First, the Melbourne-born driver said,

“I can’t remember how old I was when I chose Richmond as my team. I think like, 5 or 6, but lifelong Richmond fan.”

The tigers were founded all the way back in 1885 and won two titles in the older version of the championship that lasted till 1907. Since 1908, in the AFL, they have won the premiership 13 times. Their most recent title win came in 2020, after victory against the Geelong Football Club.

Piastri added that his favorite team is currently undergoing a rebuilding phase, which is why they are underperforming in the league. They are currently in 13th out of 18 teams in the championship. Still, Piastri hasn’t stopped following them and continues to pray for their resurgence.

Despite the demanding schedule of F1, Piastri finds a way to keep up to date with the happenings of other sports. When overseas, the difference in the time zones often makes it difficult for Piastri to watch the Tigers’ matches. However, that doesn’t mean the 22-year-old isn’t aware of what’s going on. He keeps an eye on the scores and sometimes even catches highlights of games in his spare time.

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on June 22, 2024, 06:31:53 PM
"If my basketball career doesn’t work out... I want to come back and play some footy”  :o

Rising NBA star Dyson Daniels made the difficult choice between footy and basketball at 16, and the 201cm Bendigo boy is desperate to play for his Tigers one day!


“I got to the stage when I was 15, 16 and I had to choose basketball of footy and I didn’t want to give footy up, I loved footy so much.

“I’m a Richmond man, big Tigers man… I would love to come back and play some footy if something happens with basketball.”
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on September 09, 2024, 07:26:13 PM
No doubt this will  delight some & trigger others but Peta Credlin was just sticking the boots into Albo over the Hawthorn fakery and said she was a life long Richmond supporter and never changed even when her brother(Nigel Credlin) played  for Fitzroy & Hawthorn. :shh

Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on September 09, 2024, 07:43:21 PM
Gold medallist Ariarne Titmus and her mum at last year's Grand Final.


Her mum's the Tiger supporter, she's a Hawk..... :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Hard Roar Tiger on September 09, 2024, 08:02:59 PM
No doubt this will  delight some & trigger others but Peta Credlin was just sticking the boots into Albo over the Hawthorn fakery and said she was a life long Richmond supporter and never changed even when her brother(Nigel Credlin) played  for Fitzroy & Hawthorn. :shh

All Tiger fans are welcome
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Francois Jackson on September 09, 2024, 08:41:31 PM
No doubt this will  delight some & trigger others but Peta Credlin was just sticking the boots into Albo over the Hawthorn fakery and said she was a life long Richmond supporter and never changed even when her brother(Nigel Credlin) played  for Fitzroy & Hawthorn. :shh

browny summed it up perfectly
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: one-eyed on September 16, 2024, 12:49:01 AM
Oscar Piastri has won the Azerbaijan Grand Prix.
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Hard Roar Tiger on September 16, 2024, 07:30:10 AM
The time honoured Azerbaijan Grand Prix….
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Diocletian on September 16, 2024, 02:03:25 PM
The time honoured Azerbaijan Grand Prix….

Fictitious country - like Pottsylvania, Biddleonia & Estonia.... :shh
Title: Re: Well known and famous Tiger supporters
Post by: Hard Roar Tiger on September 16, 2024, 08:27:41 PM
Did Borat help spray champagne over the crowd