One-Eyed Richmond Forum

Football => Richmond Rant => Topic started by: mightytiges on March 03, 2006, 01:33:38 PM

Title: Wallace interviewed at Friday training by Ch 10 news
Post by: mightytiges on March 03, 2006, 01:33:38 PM
Wallace was interviewed by Ch 10 for tonight's news. Should be on tv around 5.40pm.

- Asked what he wanted out of tomorrow's match: Said to get gametime into Browny and 6-7 others who missed the NAB Cup (Cogs, Knobel, Tivs, etc).

- Asked about Browny: Wallace is just expecting him to become more involved in more contests over the next few weeks. A journo asked Terry is Browny was ahead of schedule and Tezza said no. Going by what he saw at the Coburg game Browny isn't obviously ready yet. We'll try playing him for 2 1/2 quarters tomorrow. We still to need how he recovers during the half time break. Can he go again after cooling down etc. We'll probably try that tomorrow as well. 

- On Rodan: Pleased to have Rodan back and happy for him. D-Rod was pretty good without being outstanding on Saturday for a guy coming back after 12 months out.

- On our 1st and 2nd year guys: Wallace reiterated he has no high expectations. Mentioned Tambo has only been in the system and Melbourne for 12 months. Told the journos that a couple of the first year guys have had minor setbacks with Oakley-Nicholls on back at full training today. White will start on the ground tomorrow.

- A journo asked Wallace about playing up in Shepparton on a dry ground given the heat. Terry said he trusted "our people" had things under control plus it's going to hot anyway for Essendon and Sydney today and Carlton and Port at Princes Park tomorrow so it's the same for everyone.
Title: Wallace plays down expectations (Sportal)
Post by: one-eyed on March 03, 2006, 03:19:59 PM
Wallace plays down expectations
1:43:22 PM Fri 3 March, 2006
Jason Phelan
Sportal for

Plenty of younger players will get the chance to strut their stuff in Saturday's NAB Challenge match against the Bulldogs, but Terry Wallace is keen to hose down supporters' expectations of his new breed of Tiger cubs.

Eleven players with 10 games or less to their name will take the field in Shepparton, and while Wallace understands the excitement surrounding the club's recent recruits, he has urged fans to be patient as they learn their craft.

"All you're looking for is improvement - I think sometimes we put too much expectation on players, too early," Wallace said from Punt Road on Friday.

"I regularly hear about Richard Tambling and has he lived up to expectation. Well he's 12 months into the system and he's only a young boy trying to find his way in Melbourne, let alone the footy world, and I just think sometimes our expectation on those young boys is too much.

"All I'm looking for is that they just continue the graph and that the graph is still heading in the right direction - I see that most of ours are."

The last player to be added to the current senior list, Calder speedster Matthew White, is the most advanced of the latest draft class and gets another chance to impress this weekend.

"White played last week, he'll play again tomorrow and he'll start tomorrow, so he'll get another opportunity," he said.

"A couple of the other boys have had minor hiccups along the way. Jarrad Oakley-Nicholls is back out on the track today, but has missed a bit of footy."

The Shepparton trip isn't all about the youngsters, however, with several older hands getting their first run of the year.

"We've probably got six or seven players who didn't play in the first round of the NAB Cup who are senior players for the club that are having their first hitout," he said.

Wallace said he was looking forward to evaluating the progress of Nathan Brown, Mark Coughlin, Trent Knobel, Greg Tivendale, Travis Gaspar and Andrew Kellaway.
Title: Re: Wallace interviewed at Friday training by Ch 10 news
Post by: blx on March 03, 2006, 03:47:11 PM
the hawthorn team of the eighties garnished theyre younguns correctly. most of them had been in the system 3-4 years before they even saw senior footy but gee they hit the ground running when they did. Wallace was there then during that time so i gather he'd understand more than most that young kids need time to become seniors. some longer than others but when its time to come up its time to produce.

Schulz is coming along great at this current moment (like terry had eluded to) and if tezza has Patto in line for a CHF position in future you can bet that tezza has layed out all of pattos cards and studied his game enough to know that he DOES have what it takes to make a CHF despite some of his glaring deficiencies at this current point in time.

I know tezza isnt infallible and can get things wrong like any other human but im guessing that his time at the hawks during their golden run has taught him alot about juniors and he'll draw on every bit of that knowledge during his time with us (and i believe he is doing it right so far).

The amount of times he has come out this pre-season and hosed down our expectations on our younger brigade proves that he knows how enthusiastic tiger supporters are but this time around we're gonna do it right and we'll all have to be a little bit more patient if we really want to give our juniors the best chance at harnessing their potential.
Title: Re: Wallace interviewed at Friday training by Ch 10 news
Post by: mightytiges on March 03, 2006, 06:55:26 PM
the hawthorn team of the eighties garnished theyre younguns correctly. most of them had been in the system 3-4 years before they even saw senior footy but gee they hit the ground running when they did.

Like Michael Tuck playing 100 reserve games before playing 400+ in the seniors. How good would it be if Shane did the same   :thumbsup.
Title: Brown, not yet: Wallace (RFC site)
Post by: one-eyed on March 03, 2006, 08:59:02 PM
Brown, not yet: Wallace
1:39:46 PM Fri 3 March, 2006
Jason Phelan
Sportal for

Richmond's NAB Challenge match against the Bulldogs on Saturday will be a significant milestone in Nathan Brown's long recovery from a broken leg, but coach Terry Wallace says there's still a long way to go for the gun forward.

"We hope it's a positive step forward for him. I think he's ready to play at senior level or at least to go through the process of playing at senior level," Wallace said on Friday.

"Expectations are not high, I mean we're still a month away. What I'm expecting is that he starts to hit a few contests and just starts to put his body on the line a little bit."

Wallace is hoping to see slow, gradual improvement from Brown and, despite an encouraging comeback match for Coburg last week, said he won't be rushed into throwing the mercurial forward back into the AFL limelight.

"I've said all along, anyone who expects him to be the Nathan Brown of the first nine rounds of last year is kidding themselves," he said.

"He's certainly not ahead of time, I don't think that's the case, he may be one week advanced in when we expected in relation to playing senior footy, but what I saw last Thursday is still a fair way off senior football mode.

"What he needs to do over the next two or three weeks is see if he can raise the bar a little bit because I don't want to put him in the position where he's not football-ready to play and have him out there in round one.

"He's got enough pride in his own performance that I wouldn't want to put him on display if he couldn't do at least a reasonable job."

Brown is slated to play half of the practice match that kicks off in Shepparton at 2 pm on Saturday.