One-Eyed Richmond Forum

Football => Richmond Rant => Topic started by: wayne on September 17, 2007, 08:48:16 AM

Title: Miller on SEN
Post by: wayne on September 17, 2007, 08:48:16 AM
Greg Miller on SEN 8:44 this morning.

* Will be surprised if Judd gets through to PSD.

* Has spoken to Connors briefly.

* Depends whether Judd owes Eagles or vice versa, that will determine if he slips to the PSD.

* Money not a factor he thinks, Judd just wants to come back.

* Haven't decided if we want him at the club yet. Have to weigh up a lot of things (trading pick 2).

* Surprised that he is leaving.

* 4 retirees, no decision on delistings, wait till after trade week.
Title: Miller on SEN
Post by: rogerd3 on September 17, 2007, 08:50:39 AM
Greg Miller on SEN 8:44 this morning.

* Will be surprised if Judd gets through to PSD.

* Has spoken to Connors briefly.

* Depends whether Judd owes Eagles or vice versa, that will determine if he slips to the PSD.

* Money not a factor he thinks, Judd just wants to come back.

* Haven't decided if we want him at the club yet. Have to weigh up a lot of things (trading pick 2).

* Surprised that he is leaving.

* 4 retirees, no decision on delistings, wait till after trade week.

who else does this connors manage over there?
Title: Miller on SEN
Post by: mightytiges on September 17, 2007, 03:09:58 PM
who else does this connors manage over there?
Connors manages Fev over here  :whistle
Title: Miller on SEN
Post by: rogerd3 on September 17, 2007, 04:01:15 PM
who else does this connors manage over there?
Connors manages Fev over here  :whistle

mmm perhaps a bit of insider trading going on with the management and the blues.

lets face it blues would do ANYTHING to get what they want as proven by their past indescretions, isnt the money man Pratt been investigated by the ACCC.

where there is smoke there is fire.
Title: Re: Miller on SEN
Post by: mightytiges on September 17, 2007, 06:41:11 PM
Btw thanks for the summary of what Greg said wayne :)

* Depends whether Judd owes Eagles or vice versa, that will determine if he slips to the PSD.
After a premiership and all he's done Judd doesn't owe the Eagles anything (and vice versa) but unless it get nasty between the Eagles and the Vic clubs chasing him during trade then, as Greg says, Judd won't slip through to the PSD. So close yet so far  :P.

I don't want us giving up pick 2. We've got a long-term plan and we need to stick to it.