One-Eyed Richmond Forum
Football => Richmond Rant => Topic started by: mightytiges on December 20, 2007, 06:26:10 PM
I got my membership pack today in the mail in time for Chrissy. Thank you RFC :cheers.
Anyone else received there's yet?
The cap as usual is slightly on the small size for my big head lol. It's also mostly a deep yellow/orange around the back and side which is different to the mostly black ones of past years. The membership card although nothing fancy is one of the best looking ones they've made too IMO. All this merchandise must have been made before the Dick Smith announcement as the only club sponsors on the cap and card are AFG and Auslab.
Anyway one very happy boy :thumbsup.
Junior got his. Cap looks good with the centenary logo. Like the sticker too.
Still awaiting my scarf with great anticipation (NOT) :santa
We got ours today too! ;D I like the scarf, but then I never wear caps, so this is something I can use. My 17 yr old son isnt to thrilled about it tho.
I too like the card and the bumper sticker, I hope the color stays arounf a bit longer. I'm thinking of not putting it on the car till footy season when the worst of the sun is over :santa
Got mine a couple of days ago. I agree with you about the sticker - they fade fast.
Like the cap and card.
Looking forward to using them both
Cap looks good with the centenary logo.
Yeah the logo looks really good. A definite keepsake.
Well everyone in the household has got theirs but me :'( ;D Although another parcel card in the mailbox today for me so I can safely assume I'll get my scarf before Xmas :P ;D
The membership card although nothing fancy is one of the best looking ones they've made too IMO.
have to agree here MT - I reckon it looks great, has a very traditional feel to it IMHO
All this merchandise must have been made before the Dick Smith announcement as the only club sponsors on the cap and card are AFG and Auslab.
Yeah that would be right - all this fulfilment stuff is usually ordered around Aug-Sept
Well I picked up the Platinum membeship pack yesterday (only have the Players Club one to go now) that contains the scarf.
And I must say that although I'd prefer a cap because I am cap person - the scarf is very impressive, very good quality.
oh and the sticker is on the car to see how long it lasts before the yellow fades to white :rollin :rollin
How many you buying WP?
How many you buying WP?
Player club - I took the double package = 2 memberships
2 normal 11 game membership with a reserve seats (one of those used to be Ma Powells and is not in my name - we share in the Powell household - I just pay)
So I have 4 reserve seats in all Moi
add on the 2 pet memberships and the 2 junior memberships I buy for the peanuts and I think I contribute quite well ;D
I'm struggling to get my one lol
oh and the sticker is on the car to see how long it lasts before the yellow fades to white :rollin :rollin
Mines on, seems to be same quality as the 06 version which is still going strong. :santa
Yep the scarf is goodish, just don't know wtf to do with it ???
Yep the scarf is goodish, just don't know wtf to do with it ???
I actually don't think I'll use it. If I need a scarf I wear Ma Powell's with pride :gotigers
Could of done with a cap at the cricket the last few days ;D
got mine Friday 28th ... after Christmas ...
23 days after i went into Punt Road to buy the membership ...
i am back to 1st year ... after 2 years without it ... i was on 11 years in a row from 1995-2005 ...
:( ... wish i continued though ...
Got my pack last week. But it was missing half the things. So we rang and they told us yes you will be missing stuff out of it. If they bloody knew that then why the hell didn't they have the common sence to add a small note in it to tell me that the rest will arrive later. Or some crap like that. I really was looking forwards to putting the stickers on my ute window. But now I have to wait for how long is your guess. Not good enough I think.
The club has sent an email to 'Tiger Insider' members.
"We are currently aware of the issue with the stock sent out in our Tiger Insider
memberships. Unfortunately there was as an error in the data when we gave the
details of all of our Tiger Insider members to our mail house, therefore the
Reward and Recognition stock which includes standard member benefits (bumper
sticker, card wallet and lanyard) wasn't included in your membership package
when it was sent out.
We are in the process of rectifying this issue however due to the Christmas
break it may take longer than normally expected. As soon as this error is
fixed these items will be sent out."
Got my pack last week. But it was missing half the things. So we rang and they told us yes you will be missing stuff out of it. If they bloody knew that then why the hell didn't they have the common sence to add a small note in it to tell me that the rest will arrive later. Or some crap like that. I really was looking forwards to putting the stickers on my ute window. But now I have to wait for how long is your guess. Not good enough I think.
retygas: I don't think they can put a note in when it appears they didn't know until after the stuff was sent out that the mail house had stuffed up.
Yes they gave the mail house the wrong info but...
I reckon the mail house can take some blame too - they've doing this for at least 5 years now one would think they'd have a fair idea of what should be in the packs. But most probably they didn't give a stuff
I was un aware of that before I done my post. I just had to have a whinge.
Well I went and check that all my information was correct in the membership part, like email address and it is, and has been correct. But I have not been sent any email so I still can have a whinge.
Thanks can only be given to this site which keeps me more informed that the actual Richmond site.
So I will wait to see just how long it take them to email me this info.
All I can say I'm glad I'm not waiting for it as if it was life or death.