One-Eyed Richmond Forum

Football => Richmond Rant => Topic started by: WilliamPowell on January 05, 2006, 01:00:48 PM

Title: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: WilliamPowell on January 05, 2006, 01:00:48 PM
Tigers forced to polls again

05 January 2006   Herald Sun
Damian Barrett

RICHMOND will be forced to the polls following the decision of a coterie club member to challenge three incumbent directors.

During what is expected to be a heated annual general meeting on January 25, Jim Giannopoulos will run against Greg Miller, Garry Cameron and Don Lord.

The four candidates will be vying for three places.

Giannopoulos, 33, the regional sales manager for multi-national medical technology company Medtronic, met the deadline for nominations to the board when he submitted papers to the club last night.

The Tigers' AGM, to be held at the Grand Hyatt, is likely to be fiery, with several corporate members angered by the elevation of

Gary March to president following Clinton Casey's resignation in November.

March, and a private company he runs, Concept Sports, are among seven respondents to a class action that is seeking $5 million damages.

Many Richmond members have contacted the Herald Sun expressing bewilderment at March's appointment as president while his company is in the courts.

Giannopoulos said he would represent the "general member" if successful in the poll.

"There is disillusionment all round," Giannopoulos said last night.

"I feel I can make a contribution, and will be acting as the voice for the general member."

Miller is expected to easily retain his place on the board , with Giannopoulos likely to challenge Cameron and Lord.,8033,17731637%255E20322,00.html
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Jackstar on January 05, 2006, 01:08:50 PM
I can just imagine all the ferrals now ::)
Here we go again! ::)
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Moi on January 05, 2006, 01:33:46 PM
Giannopoulos said he would represent the "general member" if successful in the poll.

"There is disillusionment all round," Giannopoulos said last night.

Just wondering just who is disillusioned.
Anyway, expect the imcumbents to be returned comfortably as per last year.
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Jackstar on January 05, 2006, 01:38:49 PM
I think Jim has tried before, no doubt someone will correct me if I am wrong.
I cant just imagine other websites inciting another farce as per last year  ::)
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: PuntRdRoar on January 05, 2006, 02:23:34 PM
Jim has tried before- unsuccessfully. I dont think he'll win...but the fact that the board elected Gary March President in the current circumstances is nothing but a farce and a fiasco so he may go alright if he sticks to attacking the board on that issue. To be honest, Id be more interested in Some of our MCC members nominating continually for the board of the MCC.
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Puntroadroar on January 05, 2006, 05:29:58 PM
I can just imagine all the ferrals now ::)
Here we go again! ::)

exactly Jackstar

just what this club needs  :help
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: WilliamPowell on January 05, 2006, 07:51:13 PM
I think Jim has tried before, no doubt someone will correct me if I am wrong.

You are correct Jack - he ran before and lost ;D

Many Richmond members have contacted the Herald Sun expressing bewilderment at March's appointment as president while his company is in the courts.

How many is many? 100, 10, 20, 5  ???


Giannopoulos said he would represent the "general member" if successful in the poll.

"There is disillusionment all round," Giannopoulos said last night.

"I feel I can make a contribution, and will be acting as the voice for the general member."

Miller is expected to easily retain his place on the board , with Giannopoulos likely to challenge Cameron and Lord.

General member as opposed to  ??? Pet members, On the Bench Members.... what/who exactly
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: PuntRdRoar on January 05, 2006, 09:14:48 PM
Id vote for jim because he's gonna make sure Zorba is played before the game....and upon the completion of each victory all tigers will form a circle and dance to the zorba whilst the richmond hordes do likewise across the MCG. Vote 1 Jim.
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Jackstar on January 05, 2006, 09:15:22 PM
I reckon he was the guy at the last AGM who went on and on and on and on
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Razorblade on January 05, 2006, 10:45:00 PM
I think your referring to David "why aren't i president" Clayton Jackstar!  ;)
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Jackstar on January 05, 2006, 11:02:13 PM
How come he isnt putting himself up for election again ?? ::)
Its gets comical  every year at the AGM at question time. :lol
Same old questions every year, why is revenue down etc etc  blah blah blah
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: mightytiges on January 06, 2006, 04:52:13 AM
Many Richmond members have contacted the Herald Sun expressing bewilderment at March's appointment as president while his company is in the courts.

What greater than 15,000?!  ::)

"There is disillusionment all round," Giannopoulos said last night.

"I feel I can make a contribution, and will be acting as the voice for the general member."

Don't you love people who claim to speak on behalf of the majority  ::).

Let's see Jim -

we won 6 more games than the previous year;
we now have an exciting bunch of talented kids on our list thanks to finally getting our recruting strategy right, one of which won the rising star;
we played a entertaining brand of footy under a coach with a long-term plan;
we made a small profit under new CEO Steve Wright's sensible budgeting after previous financial debacles;
the future is looking bright for once down at Punt Road.

Yeah disillusionment is everywhere - NOT! What an idiot ::).  

Jim I hope you're happy that you've just blown all our small profit on forcing the club to an election without bringing  anything to the table that will make a difference in boosting our club's position either on or off-field. Thanks to you we'll just spend $60,000 on returning the three incumbants  :sleep

:banghead  :scream  :banghead
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: PuntRdRoar on January 06, 2006, 12:31:56 PM
Can Jim organise a free souvlaki with entry to games- Vote 1 Jim!
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Razorblade on January 06, 2006, 12:55:27 PM
Good point MT!

LOL @ This time next year when the same people whinge about where the profit from this year went!
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Ox on January 06, 2006, 02:44:12 PM

Yeah disillusionment is everywhere - NOT! What an idiot ::). 
:banghead  :scream  :banghead

First time Ive ever seen u get angry mate. :lol

keep it up. :thumbsup
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: mightytiges on January 06, 2006, 04:16:50 PM

Yeah disillusionment is everywhere - NOT! What an idiot ::). 
:banghead  :scream  :banghead

First time Ive ever seen u get angry mate. :lol

keep it up. :thumbsup

You've forgotten Ox what I said at the time about the 2004 board dramas lol ;).

IMO, based on being more involved with club as a kid/teenager in the 80s and early 90s, one of main reasons why the RFC has been a basket case all this time was certain people or a certain minority who live on the periphery of the inner sanctum  of the club having an overblown view of their own self-importance and worth to the RFC and pushing their own sort-sighted agenda onto the club (and sadly often succeeding as the board caved into the pressure). I thought after the turmoil of 2004 that maybe we had finally got rid of all this crap and all Richmond people had learnt from the past 25 years of chasing quick fixes.

I have no problem with someone exercising their democratic right to run for the board as long as they are putting the club and its interests first. Unless this guy can bring with him another major sponsor or in some way bring in fresh ideas that bring in $$$ moreso than the incumbants he's challenging then why run for the board again and waste $60k of the club's money  :help  :scream.   
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Razorblade on January 06, 2006, 04:25:38 PM
I hope he gets his ass handed to him at the AGM!

Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Ox on January 06, 2006, 05:24:34 PM
They really are a pack of feral turkeys arent they.?

Excuse us for sitting back and watching the masses make annual fukwits out of themselves.

Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: WilliamPowell on January 06, 2006, 06:26:22 PM
Same old questions every year, why is revenue down etc etc  blah blah blah

 ;D ;D

Same answers too ;D

Maybe I should rush the microphone this year and ask a question or 2, or sing a song for something different  :rollin

I have no problem with someone exercising their democratic right to run for the board as long as they are putting the club and its interests first. Unless this guy can bring with him another major sponsor or in some way bring in fresh ideas that bring in $$$ moreso than the incumbants he's challenging then why run for the board again and waste $60k of the club's money :help :scream.

exactly MT - I have absolutely no problem with anyone putting their hand up because it is thier right but I really have a problem when people come forward with apparently not 1 idea and then use the standard catch cry of I will represent the "member" (or in this case the general member whatever that is :-\) like we are some sort of lost souls who need saving because we are supposedly all so disillusioned >:(
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: one-eyed on January 08, 2006, 04:55:22 AM
While we're waiting for the flyers for the upcoming January 2006 election, here's a copy of Jim Giannopoulos' flyer from the January 2004 election:


“A Change of Blood” for the RFC board

Dear fellow member,

My name is Jim Giannopoulos and I am seeking your support for election to the Richmond Football Club Board (RFC). With a background in finance and management and currently employed with a large multi-national organisation, I believe I could bring some fresh new ideas, passion and corporate sponsorship into the RFC and move the club forward.

So what do I stand for?

Working with the Board, some of my policies include:

1) Bringing into the club corporate opportunities to increase our revenue base, and turn around our financial position.

2) Reviewing the current membership program to identify areas for growth and improvement for our members Target: 35,000 members within 3 years.

3) Boosting junior memberships through targeted programs such as school visits.

4) Identification of our member’s needs through open forums and questionnaires to identify how the RFC can match those needs i.e., membership requirements

5)  Identify areas where we can invest for long term investment growth i.e., non-football commercial investments and corporate sponsorship.

6) Regular opportunities for members and supporters to have contact with board members during the season to solicit your feedback, as well as the encouragement of past player/official links with the club.


Looking forward to catching up with you throughout the season.

Jim Giannopoulos


The last time Jim Giannopoulos ran, Rhett Bartlett also asked him (and David Clayton who was also a candidate back then) a set of questions on Rhett's site Rhettrospective (about half way down the page):
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: mightytiges on January 08, 2006, 06:55:37 AM
Firstly, saying in a general sense what needs to be done is easy. However explaining specifically how you would do it is the key. If Jim or anyone wants their challenge to be taken seriously they have to explain the "hows" otherwise it's just same hand-wavey waffle we've been promised before yet never delivered over the past 25 years.

Secondly, most of the things he outlined two years ago are already in place and planned for over the long-term. So it would be odd if he is running again based on those same "policies" when the latest flyers are sent out. The only one not is point 5 but where does the money come from for us to invest in our current financial state. If we had extra monies it would be used to pay off our debt (overdraft) first as the interest payments significantly hit our bottom line. From our overall club operations we made around a $400k profit last year but paying off the interest knocked that the profit down to just $41k.

IMHO no way anyone at the RFC will be able to attract 35,000 members (40,000 in response to Rhett's questions) until we play finals regularly. A number of supporters have been burnt by too many false dawns. Give them a winning, entertaining and successful team to support and then they will come/return and in those numbers. Until then thinking we can reach 35,000-40,000 members within a 3 year timeframe is wishful thinking. 
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Jackstar on January 08, 2006, 09:21:03 AM
Referring to Jims policy no 1.
With the oustanding work done by Greg Miller, the Tiger executive was born with 50 corporate supporters paying $5000. to join this exclusive club.

Referring to Poilcy 4.
Club has a supporters forum in place.
Also club has information nights usually 2 twice a year.
Also website is regularly holding questionaires.

Referring to Policy 6.
Most board members are seen at the aftermatchs either in the social club or Victory room at Telstra. Whats amazing about the aftermatches at telstra if we lose, there are"" 2 men and  a dog "" there. ::)

Hate to spoil Jims moment of Glory but a regional sales manager is hardly a a position which would attract movers and shakers ::)
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: PuntRdRoar on January 08, 2006, 10:06:14 AM
Look I have to admit that im not happy with 2 or 3 on the current board, however I would of hoped that the RFC would start to put in place Richmond people who are MCC members and get them to nominate for the MCC board. Thats where we need Richmond people. We need people on the MCC Board not our own just at the moment!
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: mightytiges on January 09, 2006, 06:49:26 PM
Thats where we need Richmond people. We need people on the MCC Board not our own just at the moment!

Could not agree more RT. The MCC has taken us for granted for years. 40 years of large crowds and in return we've got the worse deal as tenant especially when compared to the newbies  :scream. We need influence on the inside to get a favourable deal quickly.
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Jackstar on January 10, 2006, 12:10:03 PM
Common sense has prevailed. Jim has stood down from the election.
Saved the club $60-$80,000 
He wouldnt have got elected anyway. ::)
You can just imagine the"" ferrals "" carrying on about Jim pulling out.
The keyboards will be smoking! :yep
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Ox on January 10, 2006, 12:31:36 PM
Common sense has prevailed. Jim has stood down from the election.
Saved the club $60-$80,000 
He wouldnt have got elected anyway. ::)
You can just imagine the"" ferrals "" carrying on about Jim pulling out.
The keyboards will be smoking! :yep

I rhiught he drowned in the bay yeasterday retrieving the Ortho Crtoss :wallywink
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Razorblade on January 10, 2006, 12:56:42 PM
If this is true, then i must give credit to Jim, his decision to stand for the board was just plain stupid and nothing good could have come out of it, but he has put his ego aside and done what is best for the club!  :clapping

Still, i'd like to see a few more "proper" businessmen on the board!
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Moi on January 10, 2006, 01:26:39 PM
Damn shame that  :jump

Seriously, glad sanity prevailed!  :gotigers
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: PuntRdRoar on January 10, 2006, 02:26:55 PM
Jacko- why dont you organise to get 3 or 4 RFC MCC members to nominate for the next MCC election- that would be of more use champ.
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: tiga on January 10, 2006, 03:01:47 PM
Can Jim organise a free souvlaki with entry to games- Vote 1 Jim!
As long as they aren't made from the meat of his 'General Member'  ;)
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Razorblade on January 10, 2006, 03:37:33 PM
Dear god, reading some of the pooh on PRE about this is making me sick!

I seriously think the club should look at the possibility of shutting down the site, or at least distancing themselves from it, Rosy has outrightly accused the enitre board of harassing Jim into quitting, EVEN THOUGH JIM SAYS ON THE SAME THREAD THAT HE DOESN'T FEEL HE WAS HARASSED!  :lol

Phantom (Pahoff) has continued to personally insult board members and make unproven accusations against a certain board member, i would hope that this board member file a charge of defamation against him, or atleast make Rosy delete the comments, as they have been on the site for days UNEDITED.

Dave C has gotten on his high horse, and is spinning his usual rubbish "The board are dictators, why aren't i president, we should dismiss the entire board, why aren't i president, Gary March is a criminal, why aren't i president" on and on he goes.

Seriously these guys need a massive ego check, they think they are above and club and won't be satisfied until they are all on the board, which i hope to god never happens.

I urge Greg Miller and Steve Wright to distance themselves from any involvement with PRE, as they are doing nothing but bad mouthing the club and the current board, usually without any supporting evidence.

Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: WilliamPowell on January 10, 2006, 04:56:22 PM
Dear god, reading some of the pooh on PRE about this is making me sick!

Who cares :banghead :banghead

It's got nothing to do with OER :thumbsup

A bit of free advice - if it's making you sick don't read it  ;D


Yeah  :gotigers :gotigers :gotigers
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Jackstar on January 10, 2006, 06:30:24 PM
Dear god, reading some of the pooh on PRE about this is making me sick!

I seriously think the club should look at the possibility of shutting down the site, or at least distancing themselves from it, Rosy has outrightly accused the enitre board of harassing Jim into quitting, EVEN THOUGH JIM SAYS ON THE SAME THREAD THAT HE DOESN'T FEEL HE WAS HARASSED!  :lol

Phantom (Pahoff) has continued to personally insult board members and make unproven accusations against a certain board member, i would hope that this board member file a charge of defamation against him, or atleast make Rosy delete the comments, as they have been on the site for days UNEDITED.

Dave C has gotten on his high horse, and is spinning his usual rubbish "The board are dictators, why aren't i president, we should dismiss the entire board, why aren't i president, Gary March is a criminal, why aren't i president" on and on he goes.

Seriously these guys need a massive ego check, they think they are above and club and won't be satisfied until they are all on the board, which i hope to god never happens.

I urge Greg Miller and Steve Wright to distance themselves from any involvement with PRE, as they are doing nothing but bad mouthing the club and the current board, usually without any supporting evidence.


You are better off reading the comics than the dribble over at PRE. Word of advice, dont waste your time. :chuck
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: mightytiges on January 10, 2006, 06:54:26 PM
Who cares :banghead :banghead

It's got nothing to do with OER :thumbsup

A bit of free advice - if it's making you sick don't read it  ;D

Yeah  :gotigers :gotigers :gotigers

Well said WP :clapping.

Anyway back onto the topic ....  Thank goodness commonsense has prevailed and Jim has done the right thing by pulling out of the race given he had zilch chance. I'd rather the $60,000 be spent towards strengthening our playing list than thrown away needlessly as it would have been in this instance if the election had gone ahead.

Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Puntroadroar on January 11, 2006, 04:12:46 PM
I find it rather amusing that Jim has said he didnt want to be responsible for it costing the club 80k hence why he has pulled out, yet when a figure of 15k was thrown about when he first decided to run he didnt think that was wasting the clubs money.

IMO he wouldnt have won anyway as most of us dont know squat about him, sure the March appointment seems a bit dodgy last year but lets see it for what its worth, last year the board said they now had in place the means to turn their previous wrong doings around, from the recent financials ofcourse things arent great but it does appear they are trying to turn it all around.

I look at this current board for what they have done with the club since I elected them not what has happened over the past 10 years. It's the same when I vote for government. Jim offered nothing except wasting more RFC money whether that was going to be 80k or 15k. Sure as members its our right to vote but seriously what a waste of time it would have been to do it again after 12 months.
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: mightytiges on January 11, 2006, 04:49:42 PM
Well said PRR.

On the yahoo tiger talk email list site, it's claimed that:
in the full 2005 financial report, there is an entry for "Other Services" for monies that our auditors received (remembering that they must conduct our board elections).
 In our 2004 accounts we spent $15,750.
 In our 2005 accounts we spent $84,000.

It seems some including Barrett from the Hun are assuming that these figures correspond to the total election costs in each respective year.

Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Moi on January 11, 2006, 05:23:47 PM
The thing is, if Jimbob hadn't have stood in the first place, do you reckon anyone would have cared if the three incumbents were just elected unopposed?  Doubt there'd be much uproar.  I think everyone is pretty much happy with how last year went despite what Jimbob says.
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Razorblade on January 11, 2006, 06:26:40 PM
Wouldn't the 2004 election costs be put on the 2005 financial report?
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: WilliamPowell on January 11, 2006, 06:43:04 PM
Wouldn't the 2004 election costs be put on the 2005 financial report?

A very good question.

In the "Concise" Financial report that was sent out to members - the answer is NO. And before anyone starts saying they are hiding info - what they sent out to members just before or just after Xmas - is all they are required to supply to people under the Corporation Law - GPFR's (General Purpose Financial reports)

In the Full Financial Report which is available to all members on request - which gives a more in depth breakdown of the diffent lines of revenues and exps - yes.
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: mightytiges on January 12, 2006, 04:36:22 AM
Wouldn't the 2004 election costs be put on the 2005 financial report?

I assume given the club runs to a timetable where the footy calendar finishes on October 31 that the January 2004 election (Matthies replacing Jewell) would be in the 2004 report whereas as the December 2004 full board election would be in the current 2005 report. I could be wrong though.

Still $15,000 seems "low". I would have thought the mailout to 27,000 members alone would eat alot of that up. Then there's I assume paying an PWC auditor to oversee the ballot returns, the counting etc...   
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: WilliamPowell on January 12, 2006, 01:05:17 PM
I assume given the club runs to a timetable where the footy calendar finishes on October 31 that the January 2004 election (Matthies replacing Jewell) would be in the 2004 report whereas as the December 2004 full board election would be in the current 2005 report. I could be wrong though.

Go to the top of OER's Accounting 101 class  :clapping :clapping :thumbsup

Without boring people with details - the cost of the Dec 04 election is in this years report.

I have a copy of the full financials and there is amount of $84,000 for other services undertaken by our auditors - that would be for last years election costs

So how people can up with $15k who knows but they are way off the mark

Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: mightytiges on January 13, 2006, 03:12:18 AM
So how people can up with $15k who knows but they are way off the mark

Seems they are claiming the figure from the 2004 full financials instead. I don't have a copy to check.
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Razorblade on January 13, 2006, 12:54:07 PM
Probably a good thing we don't have a wog on the board anyway, they are all cheap idiots!  ;)
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: PuntRdRoar on January 13, 2006, 01:01:08 PM
Im a wog! Would any of you clowns vote for me if i ran for the board. Souvlaki BBQ before the games at Punt Rd, Zorba dancing lessons in the grandstands every time we kick a goal etc etc. Itll be fun lol.
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Razorblade on January 13, 2006, 01:30:32 PM
Despite my obsession with a heavily techno Zorba song when i was 8 i wouldn't vote for you, caus i only vote for who Greg Miller tells me to!  :lol
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: PuntRdRoar on January 13, 2006, 05:02:50 PM
Does Miller wanta provide Souvlaki BBQs before each match?  ;D
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Razorblade on January 13, 2006, 07:38:17 PM
No, him along with Sam Kekevich will be providing traditional aussie food before each and every game!  ;D
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: PuntRdRoar on January 13, 2006, 09:32:26 PM
With all the greeks the club has as members I reckon I could get up. Chuck in Souvlaki...its  gonna be a landslide :D
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Razorblade on January 13, 2006, 10:17:12 PM
I'll get Miller to threaten to leave the club again if your elected! :jump

Thats strange though because i keep hearing that Richmond have sooooooooo many wog supporters, yet 99.9% of the people that i know that go for Richmond are not a wog, and i never really see any at games!  :-\
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: PuntRdRoar on January 14, 2006, 12:12:40 AM
i reckon about 20% of the clubs membership is actually Greek. I remember about 3 years ago...we had something like 26,000 members and 8000 were Greek lol. PS- I will also promise on my pamphlet that the RFC will campaign to have Constantinople returned to Greece. Here comes my landslide :clapping
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: Razorblade on January 14, 2006, 01:19:10 AM
Never! I'd pull a Muzzolini on your ass, but im not up for commanding a crappy army who's tanks only have reverse gears for retreating, and one forward gear incase they get attacked from behind!  :rollin :lol
Title: Re: Tigers forced to polls again
Post by: PuntRdRoar on January 14, 2006, 11:26:08 AM
Now I know Ill get a landslide. Muzzolini's army got his arse kicked in Greece- the italians retreated like cowards in the war lol, and had to get Hitler to come to Greece and help out the Italians...what a joke. My campaign will now be called -"Souvlaki Slam at Tigerland" Official Announcement:

The RFC officially advises that one of its most hated members "Ramps" has been officially elected to the Board of the RFC. We do not welcome Ramps- but what can we do, he did us over with the Souvlaki Campaign and now board meetings will include eating dips and watching lap dancers at the meetings"