One-Eyed Richmond Forum

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: froars on September 13, 2004, 01:53:08 PM

Title: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: froars on September 13, 2004, 01:53:08 PM
 A daze of their lives

CHANNEL 9 will go ahead with its controversial move to dump about 2000 episodes of its daytime soaps Days Of Our Lives, and The Young And The Restless.

More than four years worth of plots will be condensed into two one-hour specials, Days Of Our Lives - A New Day, screening tomorrow at 1pm, and The Young And The Restless - The Next Chapter on Tuesday at 1pm.
Some cynics would say the shows move so slowly that not much will be missed except thousands of shots of actors staring into the middle distance. Even Nine's director of daytime programming, Lauren Sidler, agreed.

"It's fair to say the shows became a bit dull," she said.

"Days, in particular, was in dire straits. But about a year ago its head writer (James E. Reilly) returned and there has been a real resurgence in the US. Fast-forwarding was the best way to capitalise on that and help revitalise the shows."

But Sidler admitted some good moments have had to be sacrificed. For the record, here is a guide to those "lost" storylines.

Days Of Our Lives:

THE Salem Stalker. His victims include Abe Carver, Maggie Horton, Caroline Brady, Roman Brady, Tony DiMera, Doug Williams and Alice Horton.

WEDDINGS, including those of Bo and Hope, Victor Kiriakis and Nicole (essentially, he marries his stepson's wife), and Kate and Roman.

ALTHOUGH in love with Sami, Brandon marries Angela to get access to a tape that implicates Lucas in the murder of Franco, and help Sami consequently reclaim custody of her son Wil.

The Young And The Restless:

CONTINUING saga between Victor and Nikki Newman.

BRAD and Ashley marry and have a baby.

SHARON kills Cameron, a man she met in a bar, and covers up the murder.

JILL Abbott discovers her arch-enemy Katherine Chancellor is her birth mother.

IT IS revealed Victor Newman is the real father of Ashley's baby - this storyline is revealed a couple of shows before the new episodes begin.

While Sidler said it was easy to be flippant, the decision was not an easy one.

"We know the shows have loyal and emotional following and we have tried to be respectful about the way we have done this," she said.

"We haven't cut any corners. We sent a crew over to the US to do these specials properly.

"Some fans are still upset, of course, but there's been plenty of positive feedback."

After the move, Australia will still be six to nine months behind the US.,5478,10735644%255E2902,00.html
Title: Re: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: froars on September 13, 2004, 01:54:31 PM
I haven't watched these shows for about 15 years but i reckon I'd still be able to understand what's going on lol.
Title: Re: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: JohnF on September 13, 2004, 04:32:46 PM

 :lol thanks for the very important message Froars!

If only they condenced the last 15 years into two one-hour episodes the show might have been worth watching. You'd still probably regret having wasted two hours of your time though.

lmfaoooooo@nine's director of daytime programming coming to the realisation 2 decades after the fact that the shows "became a little dull" 

Now all we need is for the Bold and the Beautiful to get the arss (has it already?)

LMFAOOOOOO@20 years of watching models act badly  :banghead
Title: Re: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: om21 on September 13, 2004, 04:57:55 PM
Well welll well....I aint going to lie...Im coming out of the closest....I got hooked on this crap during my early uni days....i had my mum awtching it, my grandmother so I would always get updates....and then being the smartass I was, I would jump on the net and backtrack 3 years to find out what is happening......

My mum told me this news the other day and I fell over laughing. This is going to be a classic watching the old wogs freak out at how fast things change.....hahahaha love it.
Title: Re: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: Tiger Spirit on September 13, 2004, 05:41:05 PM
Well welll well....I aint going to lie...Im coming out of the closest....I got hooked on this crap during my early uni days....i had my mum awtching it, my grandmother so I would always get updates....

That brings back some memories om21.  I can’t stand these shows, but there was a time when I did watch too. :-[

I’ll never forget one day, I hadn’t seen the show for ages, but my grandmother, who couldn’t speak a word of English, was explaining to me what had been going on. :rollin

I didn’t have the heart to tell her I couldn’t care less, so I sat and listened and I was really intrigued to know how she knew what was going on, when she didn’t understand the language and how she could be so involved in it. I didn’t want to ask her, so I never did find out.

Then there was my Aunty, who understood some English, and loved wrestling, but I don't know if she liked Days of Drearies and that sort of stuff... :rollin
Title: Re: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: froars on September 13, 2004, 06:52:24 PM
If we're all coming out of the closet, so am I lol
I used to tape Days and Young and the Restless every day for about 10 years and watch when i got home.
But i have been exorcised for at least the last ten - but it has been on in the kitchen at work a few times, and I see most of the characters are still there.
Is a bit like footy - another escape from day to day reality!
Title: Re: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: mightytiges on September 13, 2004, 07:38:18 PM
Is a bit like footy

except you don't hear your neighbours yell out that Storm is a hack and should be traded ;D
Title: Re: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: om21 on September 14, 2004, 10:36:46 AM
Hey TS did you have to occasional throw in some translations? HAHHAHAHAA Thats when it got the worst.....

Oxi re 3anahr8e na skwtosw ton John Black yiati eroteuthke me tin yiatrina, pws thn lene; Etsi Marleena....

HAHAHAHAHA The price you pay for a good cooked meal...
Title: Re: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: WilliamPowell on September 14, 2004, 01:07:07 PM
I used to watch Days when I was at High School - best comedy you could find.

It lost me though, when Roman became John because the original Roman came back after being missing for 6 years.

All credibility was gone  :'( :'( :rollin
Title: Re: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: froars on September 14, 2004, 01:19:21 PM
What you found credibility with Eugene and Calliope lol
Title: Re: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: WilliamPowell on September 14, 2004, 02:20:25 PM
What you found credibility with Eugene and Calliope lol

No - when Patch lost his patch and had that glass eye fitted - now that was credibility :thumbsup :lol

And when Bo sang at his first wedding to Hope - now those Aussie Idol kids could learn alot from that :help
Title: Re: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: froars on September 14, 2004, 02:22:17 PM
Patch didn't have to be credible - he was cute, so who cared lol
Title: Re: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: om21 on September 14, 2004, 03:59:24 PM
Patch was a gun....him and kimberly (?) I remember those cheesy songs that used to have on back in the late 80s like a video clip for a couple......

Used to have to watch 10 minutes of those songs to get to the replay of the Carlton-Richmond 89 Fosters Cup.....
Title: Re: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: Jackstar on September 14, 2004, 09:22:47 PM
How sad is this thread :'(
Title: Re: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: Fwoy3 on September 14, 2004, 11:31:00 PM
How sad is this thread :'(

Agreed Jack  :cheers
Title: Re: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: froars on September 14, 2004, 11:32:44 PM
I love ppl who are in denial that they watch these shows and try and act ignorant!
Admit it guys lol
Title: Re: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: Fwoy3 on September 14, 2004, 11:39:53 PM
I love ppl who are in denial that they watch these shows and try and act ignorant!
Admit it guys lol

I admit that if I have the day off, I usually don't get up before 2pm  :thumbsup
Title: Re: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: froars on September 14, 2004, 11:43:08 PM
Title: Re: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: 2JD on September 15, 2004, 09:13:29 AM
It is a Very Important Message Froars, look at the interest it generated ;D
Title: Re: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: Tiger Spirit on September 15, 2004, 12:36:41 PM
Hey TS did you have to occasional throw in some translations? HAHHAHAHAA Thats when it got the worst.....

Oxi re 3anahr8e na skwtosw ton John Black yiati eroteuthke me tin yiatrina, pws thn lene; Etsi Marleena....

HAHAHAHAHA The price you pay for a good cooked meal...

:lol No OM, I only allowed myself to get caught that one time.  That was enough.  My attempts at trying to translate stuff weren’t always that successful and anyway, even though I don’t speak or understand Greek, any translation might as well have been in Greek for all the sense I would have made. :help

And I don’t know if my grandmother could have coped with the “reality” of what was really going on.  I can just see and hear her reaction now. :rollin
Title: Re: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: froars on September 24, 2004, 09:24:16 AM
In true soapie style, will Hank Bulger return from the dead after Dr Pink killed him off last night?
I reckon this one's been done to death, but still get a laugh out of Billy Brownless
Will Terry give Dr Pink more licence than his predecessor did to appear on thiings like this - I wonder.  I don't see any harm in it if it's not affecting their footy!
Title: Re: Very Important Message ;)
Post by: WilliamPowell on September 24, 2004, 09:35:14 AM
Will Terry give Dr Pink more licence than his predecessor did to appear on thiings like this - I wonder. 

The answer is NO - thank goodness

and ya cannot blame Danny for the original demise of Doctor Pink - it was Greg Miller IIRC :thumbsup

You know this Ottens saga is a bit like a soap opera isn't ...

Brad Ottens in "General Soreness", "Passions-less", "The Young & The Over Paid", "Another Day in the Life of the RFC"... the list is endless :rollin