One-Eyed Richmond Forum

Football => Richmond Rant => Topic started by: Simonator on April 25, 2023, 08:57:32 AM

Title: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Simonator on April 25, 2023, 08:57:32 AM
I'm all for the half rebuild / topping up with the likes of hopper and taranto list strategy we are attempting at the moment, but I think it relies heavily on the young talent we have coming through actually making it at AFL level. I know for some of these players its a small sample size and there's a chance they could turn it around but I have serious doubts about some after what I've seen so far. Due to our injuries we are getting a really good look at a couple.

Ross - Could be a decent role player
Rioli - Could be a decent role player
Ralphsmith - Wont make it IMO
Dow - Wont make it IMO, BUT does deserve a block of games this year.
Brown - Doesnt seem like he's progressing at VFL level
Mansell - Wont make it IMO
Ryan - I think he will stick around due to our complete lack of KPF but again wont make it IMO
Bradtke - havent seen enough
Cumberland - Could be a star
Colina - 0 Chance of making it
Sonesie - Could be a decent role player, could be a star.
Banks - Same as Brown
Clarke - Wont make it IMO
Bauer - Apparently having some success in the backline, havent seen enough
Miller - could be a decent role player
Young - could be a decent role player
Biggie - wont make it imo
Gibcus - Could be a star
 Then green, campbell and smith who I havent seen enough of.

So out of all of our young players we have Sonesie, Gibcus and Cumberland who could be stars. We need better young talent.
If you think of the start of our successful era we had such a good core of drafted players in Jack, Rance, Cotch, Dusty, Astbury, Grimes, Edwards, Vlastuin and im probably forgetting a few.. So we either bottom out and hit the draft for a few years or hope we can attract younger players every off season. Looks like the club is aiming for the latter but im not sold.

Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Tigeritis™©® on April 25, 2023, 10:50:10 AM
Ross - Could be a decent role player - jury’s out for me maybe he just a very good vfl player

Rioli - Could be a decent role player - has the worst kicking skills from an aboriginal player I’ve ever seen but his closing speed and tackling is the best I’ve seen.

Ralphsmith - Wont make it IMO - has some good attributes but undoes his good by turning it over. Needs to learn how to kick on the run or he won’t make it.

Dow - Wont make it IMO, BUT does deserve a block of games this year. too soft like his brother can’t see it

Brown - Doesnt seem like he's progressing at VFL level - apparently this kid has what it takes.

Mansell - Wont make it IMO - love his aggression but he’s not an AFL level player I’m not sure he ever will be.

Ryan - I think he will stick around due to our complete lack of KPF but again wont make it IMO - I hope I’m wrong and this kid makes it.

Bradtke - havent seen enough - project players are a raffle

Cumberland - Could be a star - needs a tank otherwise he’ll be our version of Rohan the 5 minute man of the AFL.

Colina - 0 Chance of making it - think of the most untalented player you’ve ever seen and they are still miles better than this guy - whatever the club can see I cannot see it because this bloke is the physical definition of an unfootballer.

Sonesie - Could be a decent role player, could be a star. - persist think he has the skill

Banks - Same as Brown - haven’t see enough

Clarke - Wont make it IMO - needs to toughen up he looks soft and timid (Fiora vibes)

Bauer - Apparently having some success in the backline, havent seen enough - he looks significantly comfortable in defence and seems to read the play very well.

Miller - could be a decent role player - fringe top up backup player

Young - could be a decent role player  - fringe top up backup player

Biggie - wont make it imo - I would love to see the club develop him into a ruckman

Gibcus - Could be a star - will be a star

Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: MintOnLamb on April 25, 2023, 08:52:24 PM
Where is Steely Green in this list? I thought he was meant to be it and a bit.

We seem to have drafted a lot of players of the same body type or is that a poor observation on my part???

75 kg, 180 cm, no real speed, seems like a trend….

Like the Fiora pick over Pavlich

Or the Buddy pick we missed

I just wonder if the same influencer from those days is still at the club in a position of power???
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Jonesracing82 on April 26, 2023, 12:12:48 AM
I'm all for the half rebuild / topping up with the likes of hopper and taranto list strategy we are attempting at the moment, but I think it relies heavily on the young talent we have coming through actually making it at AFL level. I know for some of these players its a small sample size and there's a chance they could turn it around but I have serious doubts about some after what I've seen so far. Due to our injuries we are getting a really good look at a couple.

Ross - Could be a decent role player
Rioli - Could be a decent role player
Ralphsmith - Wont make it IMO
Dow - Wont make it IMO, BUT does deserve a block of games this year.
Brown - Doesnt seem like he's progressing at VFL level
Mansell - Wont make it IMO
Ryan - I think he will stick around due to our complete lack of KPF but again wont make it IMO
Bradtke - havent seen enough
Cumberland - Could be a star
Colina - 0 Chance of making it
Sonesie - Could be a decent role player, could be a star.
Banks - Same as Brown
Clarke - Wont make it IMO
Bauer - Apparently having some success in the backline, havent seen enough
Miller - could be a decent role player
Young - could be a decent role player
Biggie - wont make it imo
Gibcus - Could be a star
 Then green, campbell and smith who I havent seen enough of.

So out of all of our young players we have Sonesie, Gibcus and Cumberland who could be stars. We need better young talent.
If you think of the start of our successful era we had such a good core of drafted players in Jack, Rance, Cotch, Dusty, Astbury, Grimes, Edwards, Vlastuin and im probably forgetting a few.. So we either bottom out and hit the draft for a few years or hope we can attract younger players every off season. Looks like the club is aiming for the latter but im not sold.
Can't judge Brown as he's been injured & hasn't played a game at VFL level all yr thus far.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Francois Jackson on April 26, 2023, 12:17:11 AM
what was brown like last year?

I agree lets see him at senior level but what ive seen is not great.

Banks will be a better player IMO.

Why we have recruited fiora type players like Clarke , Mansell, HRS is beyond me. All 3 are average.

Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: the claw on April 26, 2023, 03:50:12 PM
Lets just say people here are correct and i agree with them what does that say about our recruiting and our decision to trade out of not one but two drafts recently. The clear inference is someone or people have got it wrong but hey the club doesnt make mistakes.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Simonator on April 30, 2023, 07:57:39 PM
Today certainly didn’t help anyone on this list, including sonesie. I know it’s just one game but still.. we have very little talent coming through and that’s the scariest part of all this
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Willy on April 30, 2023, 07:58:45 PM
Yep. Cupboard is bare.

Sonsie has been crap this year.

Looks timid.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: pmac21 on April 30, 2023, 08:18:08 PM
Cumberland will fade into obscurity.  More a mental thing I reckon.
Hugo, Sonsie, Clarke are all soft. 
Gibcus will be good
Need to see Banks & Brown at senior level. 
Mansell - no
Biggy, has talent need to see him more
Ryan - going ok. 
Couldn't be bothered with any others.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: WilliamPowell on April 30, 2023, 08:21:10 PM
I don't think we know

And until they get a run of games we will never know

Time to play then all, give them all a batch of multiple games

Not 2 or 3 give them a block so we can see
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Simonator on April 30, 2023, 08:28:42 PM
I don't think we know

And until they get a run of games we will never know

Time to play then all, give them all a batch of multiple games

Not 2 or 3 give them a block so we can see

Have mansell and ralphsmith not had a fair go ? Fair enough with the others but these 2 in particular have had chances
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: WilliamPowell on April 30, 2023, 08:36:50 PM

Have mansell and ralphsmith not had a fair go ? Fair enough with the others but these 2 in particular have had chances

I'm not Hugo fan, far from it TBH but seeing our season is done. I'd rather give him a block of 5-6 games playing in one position.  To see once and for all if there is anything there.

As for Mansell, I honestly don't know. He's played 21 games and for reasons I don't understand they've decided to try convert him into a forward this year. Give him  5 in row and see if it has chance of working

Yes they've been given opportunities unlike others who are no longer here were but this jury is still out on them.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Broadsword on April 30, 2023, 08:43:04 PM
Yeah kinda wish we could chuck RCD into the middle now and see what he's made of.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: the claw on April 30, 2023, 08:53:29 PM
I don't think we know

And until they get a run of games we will never know

Time to play then all, give them all a batch of multiple games

Not 2 or 3 give them a block so we can see
Ah finally. Trouble is i think nothing will change until Hardwick is gone. He is just too invested in the older blokes he has bought thru.
We also need to ensure we play the kids in their best roles when we do give a block of games.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Francois Jackson on April 30, 2023, 08:54:04 PM
Yeah kinda wish we could chuck RCD into the middle now and see what he's made of.

remember when everyone blamed him and George for our troubles, especially the latter.

How wrong they were.

Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: TigerLand on April 30, 2023, 08:57:51 PM
If George retired earlier RCD may still be on our list.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: the claw on April 30, 2023, 09:16:07 PM
If George retired earlier RCD may still be on our list.
I reckon you miss the real issue.

We had three big bodied junior  mids on the list for what 3 or 4 seasons.
Only RCD was a early pick, and was struggling, Ross well they have never ever believed he was a big inside mid you only need look at the roles they have played him in. Then there was Martyn who they had across hb.
Thats it for big  kids supposedly mids in god knows how many seasons. We reap what we sow. Just maybe if we actually targeted some genuine big mids we would not have had to go hard for Taranto and Hopper.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Francois Jackson on April 30, 2023, 10:19:29 PM
bottom line is this. we threw away first round picks and in almost every dynasty those players play a role in a flag. Dusty, Cotch, Jack etc

TT i can accept at his age and for what we gave up. Hopper no way, What was the upside? 15th spot.  :lol :lol

We needed to start again and draft some bigger bodied mids to get us to our next flag. Weak as pee players like Bolton and Fiora clones much liek the duds have now are not going to help us.

Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Simonator on August 13, 2023, 04:21:20 PM
I come back to this again. Another lacklustre season. It’s time for a big clean out IMO and get as many draft picks as possible. Grimes/broad/vlastuin. 2 of them have to go. Start getting games into brown.
Pickett, soldo, Kmac, all can go. We should still be able to be competitive will blooding the next generation. The dead wood is just killing is atm.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Willy on August 13, 2023, 04:37:49 PM
Agree with most of the sentiment in here.

Happy with TT, but Hopper was a mistake for what he cost us.

Big list clean out needed.

Need to get creative and get some good picks in somehow.

Nothing is off the table. Trade Dusty if we can get something good.

I don’t necessarily blame the club for having another dip, but it’s time to rebuild properly and play kids now.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Simonator on March 09, 2024, 09:30:57 PM
I’m bringing this back into rotation not because I’m a negative Nancy but I’m just realistic and I’m actually excited to enter a rebuilding phase, rather than a rejuvenation or whatever you call this.

I firmly believe there may be 2-3 players currently on our list that might be in our next premiership team, if they stay at Richmond. Gibcus is the favourite.

I think if you look at hawthorns last 6-8 years, that’s what we have ahead of us. The longer we delay it the worse it will be. I think it’s just a fact of footy that you must bottom out and hit the draft.

For comparison look out the core of dusty, cotch, edwards, Riewoldt, rance, grimes, astbury.

What young players on our list look like they will get anywhere close to these standards?
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Tiger Khosh on March 09, 2024, 09:35:31 PM
We haven’t seen them enough which is part of the problem.i still have really high hopes for sonsie. Thought he was brilliant in the handful of games he played in his debut season.

Most of the players you named are generational type players, the likes of which aren’t gonna come around again.

Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Simonator on March 09, 2024, 09:40:07 PM
We haven’t seen them enough which is part of the problem.i still have really high hopes for sonsie. Thought he was brilliant in the handful of games he played in his debut season.

Most of the players you named are generational type players, the likes of which aren’t gonna come around again.

I hope sonesie works out and initially I too had high hopes, but he hasn’t exactly set the world on fire. He should’ve been dominating at the vfl level.
There are generation type talents being drafted every year
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: WilliamPowell on March 10, 2024, 12:09:55 AM
I thought Seth Campbell showed a but today. 2nd, 3rd efforts were a real positive IMHO
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Tigeritis™©® on March 24, 2024, 10:52:00 PM
Seth looks the goods :thumbsup.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: FooffooValve on March 24, 2024, 11:11:36 PM
Campbell was great - he actually has some vision in traffic and the ability to back it up by foot. More please.

Dow - not so much. Poor defensively and too small/light to impact at the contest. Unless he can put on some muscle and work back defensively, he won't last long.

Brown looks worth persevering with.

Banks might be better behind the ball.

Trezise, not sure, need to see more.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Simonator on April 10, 2024, 10:36:46 AM
So a year on from when this thread was made and we've been able to have a bit of a look at this young group of players.
I anticipate that in this years draft we will have 2 top 15 pick and we should be seeking another KPF and High quality mid imo.

Here are my changes

Ross - Could be a decent role player / Same
Rioli - Could be a decent role player / Same
Ralphsmith - Wont make it IMO / Same
Dow - Wont make it IMO, BUT does deserve a block of games this year. / Started off horribly this year but is slowly turning it around. Could be a role player

Brown - Doesnt seem like he's progressing at VFL level / Has shown some great progression. Beautiful skills, gaining confidence. Think we all agree we have one here.

Mansell - Wont make it IMO / Has shown a bit this year. Looking like a more composed version of Castagna, could be a handy role player.
Ryan - I think he will stick around due to our complete lack of KPF but again wont make it IMO/ Same
Bradtke - havent seen enough / Delisted
Cumberland - Could be a star / Fallen out of favour the last 12 months BIG time.
Colina - 0 Chance of making it / Same, why is he even on the list ?
Sonesie - Could be a decent role player, could be a star. / Same, needs more opportunity
Banks - Same as Brown / Has been poor this year. Low possessions, lack of intensity with plenty of opportunity too.
Clarke - Wont make it IMO / Looked good at VFL level so far, deserves a chance.
Bauer - Apparently having some success in the backline, havent seen enough / Seen virtually nothing which is a shame as he could be owning the FWD line right now.

Miller - could be a decent role player / Looks a different player this season. Confident and composed down back, could be the future KPD we need.

Young - could be a decent role player / Probably a depth player. Panics at times, seems to be more confident in his disposal this year, which is a bad thing as he bites off more than he can chew.
Biggie - wont make it imo / GONE
Gibcus - Could be a star / Disaster
 Then green, campbell and smith who I havent seen enough of. / Campbell looks like a really solid player, massive surprise.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Andyy on April 10, 2024, 12:11:17 PM
Without wanting to quote too much text, I agree with Simonator on all of the above except:

Dow - think he's crap
Young - think he will be a backline mainstay

Also want to take a moment to laugh at Collina being on the list still. Sounds like he needs a nursing home.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Assange Tiger 😎 on April 10, 2024, 02:41:21 PM
He's also always on the injury list. How the stuff does one who never plays manage to get such lengthy injuries?

Surely this is his last season but good on him for getting free rehab for however many years he's been around now. Must be at least his 4th season?
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: georgies31 on April 10, 2024, 04:33:18 PM
I think Ross has another level to go up not a star or something,  but B grade player. Ryan is the one for me we need to give a block of games in that forward ruck role let's see we're it ends up. Bauer is the one we're missing his hamstring issues how long now.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: the claw on April 11, 2024, 09:35:40 AM
So a year on from when this thread was made and we've been able to have a bit of a look at this young group of players.
I anticipate that in this years draft we will have 2 top 15 pick and we should be seeking another KPF and High quality mid imo.

Here are my changes

Ross - Could be a decent role player / Same
Rioli - Could be a decent role player / Same
Ralphsmith - Wont make it IMO / Same
Dow - Wont make it IMO, BUT does deserve a block of games this year. / Started off horribly this year but is slowly turning it around. Could be a role player

Brown - Doesnt seem like he's progressing at VFL level / Has shown some great progression. Beautiful skills, gaining confidence. Think we all agree we have one here.

Mansell - Wont make it IMO / Has shown a bit this year. Looking like a more composed version of Castagna, could be a handy role player.
Ryan - I think he will stick around due to our complete lack of KPF but again wont make it IMO/ Same
Bradtke - havent seen enough / Delisted
Cumberland - Could be a star / Fallen out of favour the last 12 months BIG time.
Colina - 0 Chance of making it / Same, why is he even on the list ?
Sonesie - Could be a decent role player, could be a star. / Same, needs more opportunity
Banks - Same as Brown / Has been poor this year. Low possessions, lack of intensity with plenty of opportunity too.
Clarke - Wont make it IMO / Looked good at VFL level so far, deserves a chance.
Bauer - Apparently having some success in the backline, havent seen enough / Seen virtually nothing which is a shame as he could be owning the FWD line right now.

Miller - could be a decent role player / Looks a different player this season. Confident and composed down back, could be the future KPD we need.

Young - could be a decent role player / Probably a depth player. Panics at times, seems to be more confident in his disposal this year, which is a bad thing as he bites off more than he can chew.
Biggie - wont make it imo / GONE
Gibcus - Could be a star / Disaster
 Then green, campbell and smith who I havent seen enough of. / Campbell looks like a really solid player, massive surprise.

Lets simplify it how many atm look like being above average do that honestly and you will see the mountain we have to climb

I think Ross has another level to go up not a star or something,  but B grade player. Ryan is the one for me we need to give a block of games in that forward ruck role let's see we're it ends up. Bauer is the one we're missing his hamstring issues how long now.
Funny we see things differently. Imo Ross has little ceiling and what you now see is what you are likely to get.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Andyy on April 11, 2024, 09:39:19 AM
Above average, only Brown and Campbell look like they have a change.

The rest all look like B graders at best.

Gibcus I am concerned will be injury-plagued forever but I'm hoping he does a Grimes and becomes AA and has a good 8-10 years injury-free.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Damo on April 11, 2024, 10:38:47 AM
Above average, only Brown and Campbell look like they have a change.

The rest all look like B graders at best.

Gibcus I am concerned will be injury-plagued forever but I'm hoping he does a Grimes and becomes AA and has a good 8-10 years injury-free.

Sonsie the only other chance
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Andyy on April 11, 2024, 11:04:21 AM
Above average, only Brown and Campbell look like they have a change.

The rest all look like B graders at best.

Gibcus I am concerned will be injury-plagued forever but I'm hoping he does a Grimes and becomes AA and has a good 8-10 years injury-free.

Sonsie the only other chance

Yeah I thought about that but am still unsure. Doesn't quite get enough ball but he looks smart and skilled.

We'll see. I would definitely persist with him.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Tiger Khosh on April 11, 2024, 07:28:11 PM
Above average, only Brown and Campbell look like they have a change.

The rest all look like B graders at best.

Gibcus I am concerned will be injury-plagued forever but I'm hoping he does a Grimes and becomes AA and has a good 8-10 years injury-free.

Sonsie the only other chance

Yeah I thought about that but am still unsure. Doesn't quite get enough ball but he looks smart and skilled.

We'll see. I would definitely persist with him.

Isn’t getting any midfield time
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: MintOnLamb on April 13, 2024, 07:40:20 PM
Above average, only Brown and Campbell look like they have a change.

The rest all look like B graders at best.

Gibcus I am concerned will be injury-plagued forever but I'm hoping he does a Grimes and becomes AA and has a good 8-10 years injury-free.

Sonsie the only other chance

Yeah I thought about that but am still unsure. Doesn't quite get enough ball but he looks smart and skilled.

We'll see. I would definitely persist with him.

Isn’t getting any midfield time
Plus possibly Bauer if we can get him on the track
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Simonator on April 14, 2024, 06:30:02 PM
Put a line through ralphsmith, Dow, Kosi and young.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Diocletian on April 14, 2024, 06:47:31 PM
I'd say Lefau but he's 26.... :huh3
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: camboon on April 14, 2024, 06:56:53 PM
Let see at the end of the season , because they are likely to get lots of opportunities🫣 for the club to make a good assessment or our recruitment decisions
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Chuck17 on April 14, 2024, 07:18:20 PM
I don’t need that long
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: georgies31 on April 14, 2024, 08:07:45 PM
Gez a bit of perspective if you based it on today's game should be looking at our senior core.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: FooffooValve on April 14, 2024, 10:45:13 PM
Gez a bit of perspective if you based it on today's game should be looking at our senior core.

Our 'senior core' were watching the game on telly. Who were our best players today - for mine they included Bolton, Rioli, Baker, Vlaustin and Graham. Lefau is 26, but was our best 'tall' forward.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Diocletian on April 14, 2024, 11:44:51 PM
It's all very well to hit the draft hard but we unless we also get rid of the clowns in the fitness & medical departments we're only going to end up breaking all our shiny new toys again.... :shh
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: MintOnLamb on April 15, 2024, 05:23:06 PM
Gez a bit of perspective if you based it on today's game should be looking at our senior core.

Our 'senior core' were watching the game on telly. Who were our best players today - for mine they included Bolton, Rioli, Baker, Vlaustin and Graham. Lefau is 26, but was our best 'tall' forward.
The stupid commentators kept on saying LeFau is a great young find 😂😂
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Willy on April 16, 2024, 11:20:06 AM
Does anyone know when Tas will start compromising the drafts?
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Diocletian on April 16, 2024, 05:18:14 PM
Does anyone know when Tas will start compromising the drafts?

Going off what happened with GC & GWS - 2026 they'll get at least a dozen of the best bottom agers for their reserves side that'll enter the VFL   in 2027 and the next year (2027 draft) they'll get the draft concessions for when they enter the AFL in 2028..... :shh
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Simonator on August 03, 2024, 04:37:44 PM
Well season 2024 is just about done, I doubt there's much more to see in any of the players. Another pre season please.
The concerning thing is it's been 2 seasons since I made this post and tbh there isn't much to get excited about.

Ross - Could be a decent role player / Showed some development but seems injury prone. could be a good role player
Rioli - Could be a decent role player / Likewise to Ross
Ralphsmith - Wont make it IMO / Showed some development but still along way to go IMO, atleast hes trending in the right direction.
Dow - Wont make it IMO, BUT does deserve a block of games this year. / Delist.
Brown - Doesnt seem like he's progressing at VFL level / Showed a bit but need more improvment
Mansell - Wont make it IMO / Showed a bit as well.. atleast he tackles and tries his heart out
Ryan - I think he will stick around due to our complete lack of KPF but again wont make it IMO / Opinion hasnt changed on Ryan. No improvement
Bradtke - havent seen enough / Delisted
Cumberland - Could be a star / Will probably be delisted
Colina - 0 Chance of making it / Delist
Sonesie - Could be a decent role player, could be a star. / Has shown no improvment, if anything regressed. Played out of position or not, you have to be flexible
Banks - Same as Brown / Disappointing, what are his strengths ?
Clarke - Wont make it IMO / ACL
Bauer - Apparently having some success in the backline, havent seen enough / Injury prone
Miller - could be a decent role player / Could be a decent KPD
Young - could be a decent role player / Was really poor before the ACL
Biggie - wont make it imo / delisted
Gibcus - Could be a star / ACL
 Then green, campbell and smith who I havent seen enough of.

Funnily eough Green and Campbell have both shown a lot and I think next year they could have real breakout years.
Point is that we dont have the talent on our list coming through IMO so we must hit the draft hard.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: one-eyed on August 05, 2024, 12:38:15 AM
According to Montagna on Fox Footy's First Crack:

Players drafted from the top 20 under 25 years of age:

North Melb. 11
Gold Coast  10
GWS          10
Fremantle    9
Hawthorn    8
Richmond   2  (Gibcus, Brown)
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: the claw on August 05, 2024, 09:25:41 PM
Well season 2024 is just about done, I doubt there's much more to see in any of the players. Another pre season please.
The concerning thing is it's been 2 seasons since I made this post and tbh there isn't much to get excited about.

Ross 24yo - Could be a decent role player / Showed some development but seems injury prone. could be a good role player
Rioli 23yo- Could be a decent role player / Likewise to Ross
Ralphsmith 23yo - Wont make it IMO / Showed some development but still along way to go IMO, atleast hes trending in the right direction.
Dow 23yo- Wont make it IMO, BUT does deserve a block of games this year. / Delist.
Brown 21yo - Doesnt seem like he's progressing at VFL level / Showed a bit but need more improvment
Mansell 24yo - Wont make it IMO / Showed a bit as well.. atleast he tackles and tries his heart out
Ryan 24yo - I think he will stick around due to our complete lack of KPF but again wont make it IMO / Opinion hasnt changed on Ryan. No improvement
Bradtke - havent seen enough / Delisted
Cumberland 24yo - Could be a star / Will probably be delisted
Colina  25yo- 0 Chance of making it / Delist
Sonesie 22yo - Could be a decent role player, could be a star. / Has shown no improvment, if anything regressed. Played out of position or not, you have to be flexible
Banks 22yo - Same as Brown / Disappointing, what are his strengths ?
Clarke 21 yo - Wont make it IMO / ACL
Bauer 22yo  - Apparently having some success in the backline, havent seen enough / Injury prone
Miller 25yo  - could be a decent role player / Could be a decent KPD
Young 26 yo- could be a decent role player / Was really poor before the ACL
Biggie - wont make it imo / delisted
Gibcus 22yo - Could be a star / ACL
 Then green 21yo, campbell 20yo  and smith 20yo who I havent seen enough of.

Funnily eough Green and Campbell have both shown a lot and I think next year they could have real breakout years.
Point is that we dont have the talent on our list coming through IMO so we must hit the draft hard.

So many of them are no longer kids and the clock is ticking.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: TigerLand on August 05, 2024, 09:34:04 PM
Essendon have 19 first rounders on their list. They are garbage.

It's imperative that we have the right development program and also access to the top end talent. Picks in the teens can be useless without top end supporting them. Would Jack have been as good Ina team with Cotch and Dusty? Rance. Possibly not.

It's so important we nail this draft period and do whatever we can to climb up that first round to get access to 2 elite mids.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: the claw on August 05, 2024, 10:01:34 PM
Essendon have 19 first rounders on their list. They are garbage.

It's imperative that we have the right development program and also access to the top end talent. Picks in the teens can be useless without top end supporting them. Would Jack have been as good Ina team with Cotch and Dusty? Rance. Possibly not.

It's so important we nail this draft period and do whatever we can to climb up that first round to get access to 2 elite mids.

I tend to agree.

Iwas just mucking around throwing a things up in the air in an attempt to get as many good picks as we can. I ended up with something like this and i do not think it unrreasonable. I think i surprised myself.

Okay to start with i thought lets split #1 not sure how, thats the problem but lets say we end up with pick 4 and 9 from the split.
Either that or we just keep pick 1 and get Smillie lol.

Baker and 33  to freo for 12 and 25. Not unrealistic imo.

D Rioli to the gcs after all they have been sniffing around.Our return on that 6 and 20. think thats fair.

Graham to wce is the talk compo would be pick 40 or thereabouts.
we have an abundance of picks that we can bundle up to a club needing picks for f/s and acadamy players. top 20 pick lets say 19.absolutely on the cards.

Just with that we would end up with
1, 6, 12, 19, 20, 21, ,25, 40,41
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Andyy on August 05, 2024, 10:15:54 PM
How many 1st round picks do the contenders have this year?

Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Diocletian on August 05, 2024, 10:42:53 PM
Great White Elephant really should be undefeated with a percentage of 250+ and going for a fivepeat with their list..... :shh
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Simonator on February 18, 2025, 11:46:50 AM
Thought I'd re-visit this thread from 2 years. My concerns we real then and they are even more prevalent now.
This list is all of our players under the age of 25. Games played and their age.

Our group from 21-25 has been pretty disappointing imo. most have had 3+ years in the system and showed very little improvement.
I do think if this group had come on a bit stronger then maybe we wouldnt have dived so hard into a rebuild, but thats what happens with average draft picks I suppose.
Even the likes of Mansell and Jack Ross are simply just foot soldiers imo and dont do much for the team.
Ive separated them into 3 categories - Doubtful Possible and Likely to be part of our next winning side.

From my prediction its looking pretty bleak. Many only have a possible because they are still young and could turn it around, but have still showed very little to get excited about. There is no guarantee about our recent draftees either, but they are more promising as they are high picks rather than all these guys we've taken at pick no. 20+

So with this being the case, I think we still have 3-4 drafts of acquiring talent and hopefully some handy free agents/trades along the way to fill out this list. 2030-2033 is a reasonable time frame to be back to finals.

47   Hayes-Brown,      0      24yr 9mth         
31   Mansell, Rhyan      53      24yr 8mth         
20   Koschitzke, Jacob.      62      24yr 7mth         
5   Ross, Jack              70      24yr 5mth         
32   Ryan, Samson      23      24yr 2mth         
27   Dow, Thomson      34      23yr 4mth         
13   Ralphsmith, Hugo   50      23yr 3mth         
51   Blight, Jacob R      3      23yr 2mth         
43   Bauer, Jacob R      7      22yr 8mth         
36   Trezise, James R   8      22yr 8mth         
10   Rioli, Maurice      36      22yr 5mth         
40   Sonsie, Tyler      24      22yr         
41   Banks, Sam      21      21yr 10mth         
18   Gibcus, Josh      20      21yr 10mth         
30   Brown, Tom      19      21yr 6mth         
52   Gray, Campbell R   0      21yr 6mth         
23   Clarke, Judson      17      21yr 4mth         
48   Green, Steely      6      21yr 1mth         
49   Smith, Kaleb      4      20yr 2mth         
44   Campbell, Seth R   21      20yr 1mth         
28   McAuliffe, Kane      9      19yr 11mth         
37   Fawcett, Liam      0      19yr 9mth         
26   Faull, Jonty      0      19yr         
31   Trainor, Luke      0      18yr 10mth         
38   Sims, Thomas      0      18yr 9mth         
16   Smillie, Josh      0      18yr 9mth         
34   Armstrong, Harry   0      18yr 8mth         
24   Hotton, Taj      0      18yr 8mth         
22   Lalor, Sam              0      18yr 5mth         
29   Alger, Jasper      0      18yr 2mth         
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: skiddymcghee on February 18, 2025, 05:23:31 PM
What a ridiculous post. How can you possible "rate young players" who haven't played at least 50 games....

Geez, suck it up. The next 3-4 years are going to be very hard to watch from a W/L ratio. But watching the development of players will be very exciting.

No, not all will make it, but with the right support, a lot will and take us back to the pinnacle.

Take a look at Hawthorn and North won't be far behind them. The Club is doing exactly the right thing...
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: TigerLand on February 18, 2025, 09:37:37 PM
Think what highlights more than anything is the lack of games in these players under 24. There is almost of them and so many of them under 36 games. Only 3 of them are more than 36. Rioli, Hugo and Ross.

That is crazy low on experience. 23 players under 36 and majority are single digits. Wild. Gonna be some tough times.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Hard Roar Tiger on February 19, 2025, 03:54:07 PM
What a ridiculous post. How can you possible "rate young players" who haven't played at least 50 games....

Geez, suck it up. The next 3-4 years are going to be very hard to watch from a W/L ratio. But watching the development of players will be very exciting.

No, not all will make it, but with the right support, a lot will and take us back to the pinnacle.

Take a look at Hawthorn and North won't be far behind them. The Club is doing exactly the right thing...

This is the only post that matters. They have drafted to win a flag. None of it is safe but the upside is enormous.

I applaud the club’s courage to have a real crack.
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: Andyy on February 19, 2025, 05:03:44 PM
Some of these kids haven't even played yet so I don't know how we can be making any deductions on their playing futures lol
Title: Re: Who of our young players are good enough ?
Post by: camboon on February 19, 2025, 06:40:58 PM
Add the first and second picks for next year .
Then with a few of the players on big dollars moving on and if we can recruit a free agent (in the right age bracket )or two we start to complete the puzzle.
There is always risk when recruiting but the higher the pick the greater chance  you mitigate the risk of a list clogger .
It’s the best plan imo , a lot of pain for the next few years but better than being ninth for the next 30 plus years