Are Ivory Coast bank email scams who can't spell allowed in this thread?
FROM: M. Baudouin MERLET
Société Ivoirienne de Banque (SIB)
Dear Friend,
I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise as we never meet before. I am
the FOREIGN REMITTANCE MANAGER of (SIB) Société Ivoirienne de Banque, I Hoped that
you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that I am about to repose on
you for the mutual benefit of our both families.
I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of ($18.4M) Eighteeen Million
Four Hundred Thousand United States Dollars immediately from my bank to your to your
account. This money is the part of the money that our Government have paid to our
bank to pay the contractors and i have put up a name of a company as one of the
company that we need to pay the sum of ($18.4M) Eighteeen Million Four Hundred
Thousand United States Dollars as if the comapny is one of the contracting
companys. By Friend this is asured and nobody will know about it, all we need is to
get a lawyer here that we go and get paid of the sum of $2000.00 with the name of
this company that i have put at the Minister of Finance and this $2000.00 is for
last year tax and this year as that Govenment told us that ever contractor that is
coming for their payment must come with the up dated tax paper. This is all we need
and the money will be transferred immediately and you will take 50% and 50% for me.
Please I would like you to keep this proposal as a top secret and delete it if
you are not interested. Upon receipt of your reply, I will send you full
detailsThanks and waiting for your urgent response, for more details kindly contact
me with this,
Best Regards
FROM: M. Baudouin MERLET