| $ | $ |
Cash Assets | 916,897 | 815,070 |
Receivables | 792,148 | 1,041,866 |
Prepayments | 104,021 | 284,849 |
Inventories | 97,311 | 132,591 |
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS | 1,910,377 | 2,274,376 |
| | |
Property, Plant and Equipment | 5,655,097 | 5,798,410 |
Investments | 103,242 | 103,242 |
Intangibles | 246,713 | 130,459 |
TOTAL NON CURRENT ASSETS | 6,005,052 | 6,032,111 |
| | |
TOTAL ASSETS | 7,915,429 | 8,306,487 |
| | |
Bank Overdraft | 3,318,729 | 829,351 |
Payables | 3,429,844 | 3,334,166 |
Provisions | 167,544 | 221,925 |
Income Received in Advance | 144,218 | 584,471 |
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES | 7,060,335 | 4,969,913 |
| | |
Interest Bearing Liabilities | 1,375,000 | 1,676,125 |
Other | 225,457 | 210,838 |
TOTAL NON CURRENT LIABILITIES | 1,600,457 | 1,886,963 |
| | |
TOTAL LIABILITIES | 8,660,792 | 6,856,876 |
| | |
NET ASSETS | (745,463) | 1,449,611 |
| | |
EQUITY | | |
Retained Earnings | (745,412) | 1,449,562 |
Outside Equity Interest in Controlled Entities | 49 | 49 |
TOTAL EQUITY | (745,363) | 1,449,611 |
The above Statement of Financial Position should be read in conjunction with
the accompanying notes, discussion and analysis.
| $ | $ |
Revenue from ordinary activities | 22,222,087 | 22,763,650 |
Employee benefits expenses | (11,818,644) | (11,694,874) |
Depreciation and amortisation expenses | (276,939) | (279,876) |
Marketing and promotional expenditure | (2,028,656) | (2,340,836) |
Materials purchases and match day hospitality | (1,584,395) | (1,752,364) |
Administration expenditure | (535,530) | (440,534) |
Borrowing cost expense | (436,032) | (126,592) |
Property maintenance | (815,427) | (698,219) |
Football support expenditure | (2,545,705) | (2,359,162) |
Membership expenditure | (1,931,378) | (1,643,509) |
Property lease expenditure | (1,104,332) | (1,187,797) |
Other expenses from ordinary activities | (1,340,023) | (1,121,987) |
Net Profit / (Loss) | (2,194,974) | (882,100) |
The above Statement of Financial Performance should be read in conjunction
with the accompanying notes, discussion and analysis.
| $ | $ |
| | |
Cash Flows from Operating Activities | | |
| | |
Receipts from Football Operations | 6,216,874 | 5,577,083 |
Receipts from Marketing Operations | 9,897,737 | 10,416,856 |
Receipts from Gaming and Social Operations | 5,815,571 | 6,280,807 |
Receipts from Other Operations | 10,075 | 67,896 |
Payments to Suppliers and Employees | (23,395,876) | (22,339,567) |
Interest Received | 14,775 | 19,866 |
Borrowing Costs | (436,032) | (126,592) |
Jack Dyer Foundation Contributions | 259,414 | 401,142 |
Net Cash Inflow / (Outflow) from Operating Activities | (1,617,462) | 297,491 |
| | |
Cash Flows from Investing Activities | | |
| | |
Payment for Property, Plant and Equipment | (218,964) | (2,109,995) |
Net Cash Inflow / (Outflow) from Investing Activities | (218,964) | (2,109,995) |
| | |
Cash Flows from Financing Activities | | |
| | |
(Repayment) / Draw down of Secured Loan | (301,125) | 1,076,125 |
(Repayment) / Draw down of Unsecured Loan | (250,000) | 250,000 |
Repayment of Borrowings | - | (1,886) |
Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) from Financing Activities | (551,125) | 1,324,239 |
Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash Held | (2,387,551) | (488,265) |
Cash at the Beginning of the Year | (14,281) | 473,984 |
CASH AT THE END OF THE YEAR | (2,401,832) | (14,281) |
The above statement of cash flows should be read in conjunction with the
accompanying notes, discussion and analysis.
Income Tax Income Tax has not been provided for in the accounts as the
Company is an exempt sporting organisation in accordance
with Section 50-45 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
Richmond Cricket Club LimitedThe Richmond Football Club Limited owns 51% of the
Richmond Cricket Club Limited and includes any surplus or
deficit of the cricket operations in its results. The operations
of the Cricket Club are to hold the lease of the Punt Road
Oval from the Melbourne City Council, and to be an
accredited member of the Victorian Cricket Association.
DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTSThe Club has recorded a net loss for the year of $2.19million.
Discussion of the result and the impact on the Club's
financial statements is set out in the accompanying
Treasurer's Report. The cash position is consistent with the
discussion of the operating results of the Club set out in the
Treasurer's Report as there has not been significant capital
expenditure during the year.
NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 OCTOBER 2004The concise financial report relates to the consolidated entity
consisting of Richmond Football Club Limited and the entity it
controlled at the end of, and during, the year ended 31
October 2004. The concise financial report cannot be
expected to provide as full an understanding of the financial
performance, financial position and financing and investing
activities of the Richmond Football Club Limited and its
controlled entity as the full financial report. The accounting
policies adopted are consistent with those of the previous
1. Basis of preparation of financial statements(a) Economic DependencyThe Richmond Football Club Limited is economically
dependent on the ongoing financial assistance of the
Australian Football League ("AFL"). This ongoing assistance
provided by the AFL is in the form of a Redirection Order of
up to $4.27 million to the ANZ Bank as security for the
current borrowing facilities. The Redirection Order provided
is not an advance of funds, however is an acknowledgement
to our financiers that the annual distributions will be
received in the ordinary course of operations. The amount of
the Redirection Order equates to 12 months of AFL
distributions. A guarantee has also been provided by the AFL
to the ANZ Bank of up to $1.1 million for future distributions
from the AFL in relation to the sale of Waverley Park. Again,
this guarantee is not an advance of funds but an
acknowledgement of distributions that will be received over
the next four years.
The AFL has also agreed that it could provide access to the
Competitive Balance Fund upon receiving an application
from the Club. The Club could access up to $1.5million per
annum, however, access to the Competitive Balance Fund is
subject to the specific conditions imposed by the AFL. These
additional conditions would be agreed between the AFL and
the Club if this additional funding was requested. The
Directors are confident that there will be no necessity to
access the Competitive Balance Fund based on the actions
and plans outlined in the President and Treasurer's Reports.
(b) Going ConcernThe financial report has been prepared on the basis of the
Company continuing as a going concern. The Company
currently has a deficiency in net assets and current assets in
comparison to it current liabilities. Despite this, the
Company's directors consider the going concern assumption
to be an appropriate basis for the preparation of the financial
report as the AFL has committed to the economic support
disclosed above in note 1(a) and has stated a commitment to
support the Richmond Football Club and its ongoing support
for a 16 team competition. The AFL support does not
however represent a guarantee or indemnity over the
operations of the Club beyond the guarantees already
provided. The AFL will impose conditions on any additional
economic support, such as access to the Competitive
Balance Fund, that the Club will be required to meet. Based
on these circumstances, the financial report does not include
any of the adjustments that may be necessary should the
Company be unable to continue as a going concern.
2. Segment InformationThe Company operates in the sporting and leisure industry in
Australia and its predominant activity is to field a football
team in the Australian Football League.
3. DividendsThe Articles of Association specifically prohibits the payment
of any dividends to any members.
4. Revenue | 2004 | 2003 |
| $ | $ |
| | |
Revenue from the Operating Activities: | | |
| | |
Football | 6,214,833 | 5,577,083 |
Sponsorship & Marketing | 9,835,088 | 10,416,856 |
Gaming and Social | 5,808,985 | 6,280,807 |
| 21,858,906 | 22,274,746 |
| | |
Revenue from Outside the Operating Activities: | | |
| | |
Interest | 14,775 | 19,866 |
Jack Dyer Foundation | 338,331 | 401,142 |
Other | 10,075 | 67,896 |
| | |
| 363,181 | 488,904 |
| | |
TOTAL REVENUE | 22,222,087 | 22,763,650 |
5. Full Financial ReportFurther financial information can be obtained from the full
financial report, which is available, free of charge, on request
from the company. A copy may be requested by calling
Michael Stahl on (03) 9429 5333 or emailing