griffiths aint no power forard and hasn't crashed packs. lmfao
most of the work he did when he played was sacrificial.
as for miller being peeved if he is dropped
when it happens he will take it on the chin. he understands what his role is and is the consummate club man. we just need a youngster to stand up and demand his spot with performances. until then miller keeps his spot.
nick reiwoldt, kosi never spent this long in the two if at all.
Roughhead & buddy thrown into seniors even when they weren't ready.
All of them have something in common.......all are first round picks.
We have picked up a big bodied forward let's see him play.
yeah, good comparisons;
nicks first 9 games- 63 kicks 41 marks 14 H/B 89 disp 3 goals
kosi - 61 kicks 31 marks 42 H/B 101 disp ) 0 goals (incl 1 game with no touches so probably went off early injured)
roughhead - 35 kicks 23 marks 29 H/B 64 disp 6 goals
buddy - 62 kicks 28 marks 30 H/B 92 disp 8 goals
ben -23 kicks 16 marks 22 H/B 45 disp 4 goals
as you say the four you mention are first round draft picks, but more importantly early first round draft picks, where as Griffiths was a second round draft pick
, one with paper mache shoulders and who was shown very little at any level since being drafted.
but as we already know, you would have played him when injured over miller, such is you hatred of brad. For the life of me I cant see how that would have benefited the team in the long term, but then again you don't seem to put any credence into such things