There all fair points mate but I don't see exactly how it changes the culture club?
Firstly I'd don't abuse you, you just take my posts the wrong way

it would be fair to say I have copped a fair bit more from you than you have I ov the journey but hey, who's counting

- not sure why you have mentioned the saints and north? Both have bottomed out in recent years and bothe have show how long a rebuild from bottoming out takes.
- agree with removing Jackson from the leadership group. Should have been done long before now. Conca, Ellis, Morris would all be suitable upgrades.
- players earning games Is great in theory but unfortunately we haven't had players earning games. If your referring to Vickery you only have to look at what's happend since he's been gone to understand while we were playing him for as long as we did. I know allot of you just don't want to believe it but injurys have exposed our depth or lack there of it

-I'm pretty sure a compleat review of the Wallett was done, there have been a ton of personal changes made since then apart from the 3 guys you mention. Once again these guys arn't the problem, it's our onfield personel.
- I'm pretty sure it's glaringly obvious why the players that have left have gone. You say we have a culture issue yet your complaining that that a few bad eggs have left? Each and everyone of those players were mentally weak and not up to playing AFL football,period. How they ended up at the club in he first place is more of an issue than why they left IMO.
I don't get your poin about every other clubs special cubs and there development? Can you explain that further for me please.
-I can't see how Dimma being mates with the players is a bad thing? I would be very confident the same thing happens at most clubs. These days the coach just isn't the coach, he is a mentor and a father figure o most of these blokes not a nazi dictator.
-Newman will hand over the captaincy soon enough but before this season had done nothing to warrant him loosing it. Yes he is down of form at the moment but he is still our most experienced player and deserves the captaincy for that alone. Yes Cotch is a gun but why throw him to the wolves just yet? Look how Melbourne are fairing with there two young gun captains

- lastly I don't know why Cotchin was on the bench at the end and I'm certainly not going to stick up for Dimma if he made the call but I think you will find that players have a fair say in there rotations. now I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Cotchin could well have taken himself off in the dying minutes to find that he couldn't get himself back on? If this is the case then it was a huge lack of judgment on his behalf, and this is the same guy you want to make captain ASAP....just saying.