Author Topic: Prince Phillip made an Australian knight.  (Read 5948 times)

Offline WilliamPowell

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Re: Prince Phillip made an Australian knight.
« Reply #30 on: January 28, 2015, 04:00:25 PM »
WP i hope they do get rid of the monarchy because i think it a lot of australians were fooled last time and really who wants them or needs them.


I am probably contradicting myself a bit here but i dont care about abbott knighting the bloke either because i simply dont care for the award and for 30 years no one really has. Im tipping no one really cared in the 80's when charles was knighted so i put it down to christmas holidays and murdoch trying to sell papers which he clearly has.

Think you need to read MT's comment Angus

the only reason 'no-one' cared for 30 years is because for 30 year we didn't hand out knighthoods. they were (rightly) given the flick

But thanks to good old Tony self confessed monarchist & egotistical moron they were bought back in 2014. Why? who knows but he did. And now thanks to Tony and his blantant stupidity we as a nation are yet again embarassed and are a laughing stock internationally.

Agree there are bigger issues that need to be dealt with. Pity Tony finds handing out undeserving Knighthoods more important than dealing with them
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Re: Prince Phillip made an Australian knight.
« Reply #31 on: January 28, 2015, 06:00:09 PM »
You guys are simply unhappy at this most warranted of awards because you cant stand the fact that a greek has rooted your head of state for decades

Never mind that he doesn't actually have one drop of Greek blood.

that's just a technicality  ;D

Offline Francois Jackson

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Re: Prince Phillip made an Australian knight.
« Reply #32 on: January 28, 2015, 06:19:30 PM »
i read what i wrote and what i meant to say no one cared back then and no one cares now and yes he looks like an idiot but its done now move on. Its not like he wasted billions of dollars now is it. :shh  Agreed he looks like a fool though.

the only thing that makes sense is that we move on from the monarchy and stop paying that governer bludger  person for doing sfa
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