Author Topic: Tigers investigating prominent media figure calling Houli a 'terrorist' (H-Sun)  (Read 4854 times)

Offline froars

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Yep, he did himself no favours.

Offline WilliamPowell

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Didn't need to make the paper - a convenient distraction from other matters perhaps?

The RFC didnt put the story our there in the public domain. Media got hold of it and the club confirmed.

One media outlets trying to get one up on another media outlet perhaps?
"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)

Offline 1965

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SEN said who the RFC official on Morning Glory this morning. I haven't seen it published anywhere else so I am not prepared to post it. But I know the person involved and they are not young, they're about my age and knowing them for the limited contact I've had with them I don't doubt he has acted with the utmost of good intentions

They said they felt for him and suggested there appear to be double standards by 3AW. Last year they had no hesitation standing down Brian Taylor for his homophobic slur but not this time. Notice the HUN is reporting the Mitchell has gone Whackety, whack, whack this morning.

I think part of the problem is Burns has had the opportunity to come clean. Coming out yesterday with a statement of "I can't recall" and then temper it with clear legal speak (he is lawyer don't forget) has probably caused more angst than appeasing the situation.

Don't think there are any winners here

Old as sin maybe?
Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....

Offline froars

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You've got to have the ability to laugh at horrible situations and black humour is great for that.  However, you have to select your audience and your words carefully.
My daughter is epileptic.  I was shopping with my sister and I asked "Have you seen Mel?"  She said, "Have you checked the floor."
i laughed my head off, my daughter laughed her head off when she heard and just said, "you biatch" lol.

I have no doubt that was all this was.  We can't lose our senses of humour

Offline Diocletian

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SEN said who the RFC official on Morning Glory this morning. I haven't seen it published anywhere else so I am not prepared to post it. But I know the person involved and they are not young, they're about my age and knowing them for the limited contact I've had with them I don't doubt he has acted with the utmost of good intentions

They said they felt for him and suggested there appear to be double standards by 3AW. Last year they had no hesitation standing down Brian Taylor for his homophobic slur but not this time. Notice the HUN is reporting the Mitchell has gone Whackety, whack, whack this morning.

I think part of the problem is Burns has had the opportunity to come clean. Coming out yesterday with a statement of "I can't recall" and then temper it with clear legal speak (he is lawyer don't forget) has probably caused more angst than appeasing the situation.

Don't think there are any winners here

Was Simon Matthews....Mike Sheahan already named him on AFL 360 last night.
"Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good...."

- Thomas Sowell

FJ is the only one that makes sense.

Online Francois Jackson

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was great  listening to elliot and burns on 3aw. I mean i couldnt care less either way, in fact im probably in the camp of mind your stuffin business to that RFC official tool, but IMO burns is guilty as charged.

He was either drunk or he he is suffering from dementia to forget what he said.

Currently a member of the Roupies, and employed by the great man Roup.

Offline 1965

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was great  listening to elliot and burns on 3aw. I mean i couldnt care less either way, in fact im probably in the camp of mind your stuffin business to that RFC official tool, but IMO burns is guilty as charged.

He was either drunk or he he is suffering from dementia to forget what he said.

Or he is a Liberal voter (lying son of a prick)

Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....

Online Francois Jackson

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was great  listening to elliot and burns on 3aw. I mean i couldnt care less either way, in fact im probably in the camp of mind your stuffin business to that RFC official tool, but IMO burns is guilty as charged.

He was either drunk or he he is suffering from dementia to forget what he said.

Or he is a Liberal voter (lying son of a prick)


or that too.

i did laugh when it was mentioned who he was with.

Currently a member of the Roupies, and employed by the great man Roup.