Author Topic: ISIL Financed by 40 Countries, Including G20 Member States - Putin  (Read 1728 times)

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ISIL Financed by 40 Countries, Including G20 Member States - Putin

Putin said at the G20 summit that Russia has presented examples of terrorism financing by individual businessmen from 40 countries, including from member states of the G20.

"I provided examples related to our data on the financing of Islamic State units by natural persons in various countries. The financing comes from 40 countries, as we established, including some G20 members," Putin told reporters following the summit.

The fight against terrorism was a key topic at the summit, according to the Russian leader.

"This topic (the war on the terror) was crucial. Especially after the Paris tragedy, we all understand that the means of financing terrorism should be severed," the Russian president said.

Russia has also presented satellite images and aerial photos showing the true scale of the Islamic State oil trade.

"I've demonstrated the pictures from space to our colleagues, which clearly show the true size of the illegal trade of oil and petroleum products market. Car convoys stretching for dozens of kilometers, going beyond the horizon when seen from a height of four-five thousand meters," Putin told reporters after the G20 summit.

The Russian president also said that Syrian opposition is ready to launch an anti-ISIL operation if Russia provides air support.

"A part of the Syrian opposition considers it possible to begin military actions against ISIL with the assistance of the Russian air forces, and we are ready to provide that assistance," the Russian president said.

If this happens, the army of Syrian President Bashar Assad, on the one hand, and the opposition, on the other hand, will fight a common enemy, he outlined.

Cooperation With the US

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday that the United States has shown a certain willingness to resume cooperation with Russia in several areas.

"It seemed to me that, at least at an expert level, at the level of discussing problems, there was, indeed, a clear interest in resuming work in many areas, including the economy, politics, and the security sphere," Putin told reporters.

Vladimir Putin said that Russia needs support from the US, Saudi Arabia and Iran in the fight against terrorism.

"It's not the time to debate who is more effective in the fight against ISIL, what we need to do is consolidate our efforts," president Putin added.

The Russian president hopes that the work with the G20 colleagues in the fight against terrorism will continue.

"I think that cooperation in fighting terrorism is very important," Vladimir Putin told reporters.

Russia's President Vladimir Putin (L) speaks with Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron (R).
Putin, Cameron Stress Cooperation in Fight Against Islamic State Only Option
The work to create the list of terrorist organizations in Syria is being carried out on the level of foreign ministers, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday.
"With regard to Syria, here we should, first of all, decide, and now the foreign ministers are working on this, what groups we consider to be terrorist organizations, and which can be attributed to the armed, but still ‘healthy’ part of the Syrian opposition," Putin told reporters following the G20 Summit in Antalya, Turkey.

A321 Crash in Sinai

Airbus A321 crash site in Egypt
Paris, A321 Crash 'Bear Hallmark of Islamic State' - CIA Director
Answering the question about A321 crash in Sinai, the Russian plane crash in Egypt are still being considered, and it is too early to draw a final conclusion, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday.
"With regard to the crash of our airplane: this is hugely painful for all of us, for the entire Russian people, whatever the cause may be," Putin told reporters.

"All versions are being considered. Final conclusions can be made after examinations have been carried out and completed. What examinations? If there was an explosion, traces of explosives must remain on the airliner, on passengers' belongings," the president added.

Russia Proposes Better Debt Restructuring Option for Ukraine Than IMF

Russia has proposed Ukraine a better option for its $3 billion debt than just moving the pay date, as suggested by the IMF, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday.

"In order not to put Ukraine in a difficult situation, we made, I believe, an unexpected offer to our partners. We not only agreed to the restructuring of Ukraine's debt, but we offered better conditions than the International Monetary Fund asked for. We were asked to move the payment to next year, I said that we were ready for a deeper restructuring," Putin told reporters.

"We are ready not to receive any money this year, but get a billion next year, in 2016, another billion in 2017, and another billion in 2018," the president added.
Then he grabbed two chopsticks and stuck them in his mouth , pretending to be a walrus

Offline Chuck17

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Re: ISIL Financed by 40 Countries, Including G20 Member States - Putin
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2015, 12:24:01 PM »
Chaplin Grigg

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Re: ISIL Financed by 40 Countries, Including G20 Member States - Putin
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2015, 07:39:50 PM »
Then he grabbed two chopsticks and stuck them in his mouth , pretending to be a walrus

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Re: ISIL Financed by 40 Countries, Including G20 Member States - Putin
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2015, 10:47:06 PM »
“Ironically the enormity of the ISIS/ al-Qaeda alternative to Asad had lately sparked some western hesitation in pursuing his overthrow, but now,  through its massacres in Paris, ISIS may now have dealt Asad the death blow.”[30] # # # # Christoph Germann- BFP Contributing Author & Analyst Christoph Germann is an independent analyst and researcher based in Germany, where he is currently studying political science. His work focuses on the New Great Game in Central Asia and the Caucasus region. You can visit his website here [1] Seymour M. Hersh, “The Redirection,” The New Yorker, 5 March 2007: [2] Jay Solomon, “To Check Syria, U.S. Explores Bond With Muslim Brothers,” The Wall Street Journal, 25 July 2007: [3] Sibel Edmonds, “What & When We Exposed, and the MSM- Quasi Alternative Culprits Who Fought Our Exposés,” Boiling Frogs Post, 29 August 2013: [4] Brad Hoff, “2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of Islamic State ‘in order to isolate the Syrian regime,’” Levant Report, 19 May 2015: [5] Brad Hoff, “Former DIA Chief Michael Flynn Says Rise of Islamic State was “a willful decision” and Defends Accuracy of 2012 Memo,” Levant Report, 6 August 2015: [6] Eric Schmitt and Somini Sengupta, “Thousands Enter Syria to Join ISIS Despite Global Efforts,” The New York Times, 26 September 2015: [7] “Lethal exports - Germany admits to urging some Islamists to leave in past,” Deutsche Welle, 2 October 2014: [8] “’IS’ supply channels through Turkey,” Deutsche Welle, 26 November 2014: [9] Kadri Gursel, “Has Turkey Become the ‘Pakistan of the Middle East?,’” Al-Monitor, 24 September 2013: [10] Kareem Shaheen, “Islamic State claims suicide bombing at Saudi Arabian mosque,” The Guardian, 6 August 2015: [11] David Blair, “Syria car bomb kills 10 in Bashar al-Assad’s stronghold,” The Telegraph, 2 September 2015: [12] Ben Norton, “Media Turn Civilian ISIS Victims in Beirut Into Hezbollah Human Shields,” FAIR, 13 November 2015: [13] Simon Tisdall, “Sinai plane crash may show price of Putin’s military adventurism in Syria,” The Guardian, 5 November 2015: [14] Somini Sengupta, “Invitation List Looms as Test for Syria Talks,” The New York Times, 9 November 2015: [15] Tom Heneghan, “Hollande says Paris attacks ‘an act of war’ by Islamic State,” Reuters, 14 November 2015: [16] Natalia Drozdiak and Julian E. Barnes, “Brussels District of Molenbeek Is Home to Some Suspects in Paris Attacks,” The Wall Street Journal, 16 November 2015: [17] Jethro Mullen and Margot Haddad, “’France is at war,’ President Francois Hollande says after ISIS attack,” CNN, 17 November 2015: [18] Benoit Faucon, Matthew Dalton, Stacy Meichtry and David Gauthier-Villars, “Paris Attacks Suspect Was Monitored by Western Allies Seeking to Kill Him,” The Wall Street Journal, 17 November 2015: [19] Bill Roggio and Thomas Joscelyn, “Key suspect in Paris attacks has been featured in Islamic State propaganda,” The Long War Journal, 16 November 2015: [20] Ibid., Faucon et al. [21] David Chazan and Rory Mulholland, “French suicide attacker ‘trained in Syria,’” The Telegraph, 15 November 2015: [22] Orhan Coskun and Humeyra Pamuk, “Paris attacks: Turkey says it notified France twice about attacker, says senior official,” The Independent, 16 November 2015: [23] Jamey Keaten, “200 detonators, explosives stolen from French military site,” The Associated Press, 7 July 2015: [24] Jack Murphy, “Breaking: French and German Police Knew Paris Attack Was Coming a Month Prior,” SOFREP, 13 November 2015: [25] Chuck Penfold, “Bomb threat forces Germany out of Paris hotel,” Deutsche Welle, 13 November 2015: [26] Phil Stewart, “Exclusive: U.S. delivers ammunition to Syrian Arab fighters battling Islamic State,” Reuters, 15 November 2015: [27] Graham E. Fuller, “ISIS- The Hour Has Struck,”, 14 November 2015: [28] Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, “Our terrorists,” New Internationalist, 1 October 2009: [29] Sibel Edmonds, “Turkish Intel Chief Exposes CIA Operations via Islamic Group in Central Asia,” Boiling Frogs Post, 6 January 2011: [30] Graham E. Fuller, “Embracing Assad Is a Better Strategy for the U.S. Than Supporting the Least Bad Jihadis,” The Huffington Post, 29 September 2014: [31] Ezgi Basaran, “Former CIA officer says US policies helped create IS,” Al-Monitor, 2 September 2014: [32] Ibid., Fuller, 14 November 2015. - See more at:
Then he grabbed two chopsticks and stuck them in his mouth , pretending to be a walrus

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Then he grabbed two chopsticks and stuck them in his mouth , pretending to be a walrus

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Re: ISIL Financed by 40 Countries, Including G20 Member States - Putin
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2015, 10:02:19 PM »
Yo ho ho ho hey!

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