Thats funny Chuck and Yeahright. Laughing at us not getting Cloke while we kept Vickery all those years. Lets not even mention Griffiths and the other duds we also kept.
2015 Marks 112
2014 Marks 137
2013 Marks 190
2015 Marks 73
2014 Marks 46
2013 Marks 116
Not sure how not wanting Cloke equates to us wanting Vickery? Keep drawing that bow.
If you want to talk stats, guess who is averaging more goals, marks inside 50, contested marks and even stuffing tackles this year
. In fact Vickery averaged more goals per game than Cloke last year and essentially the same the year before (1.9 v 2.0 in 2014 when Vickery played half the amount of games due to injury). But good for you, using totals when you know they'd be skewed because Cloke played more games than Vickery every year (especially 2014).
But stats mean nothing, ey WAT? FFS everyone can see the moneyball poo didn't work yet for some reason you guys still want to go down that path