The Rolls of Royce and that mark

The relatively small clebrations after a goal compared to today's wild scenes.
Guinnane is monster! 100plus kilos of pure muscle!
how in the world one umpire managed to cover the whole game, phew.
lightning fast Stawell Gift runner Pomanelly streaming down a wing
The old boy in that no12 jumper

all those names Barry Richardson, Bourke, Barrot (awesome baulk on the wing), Clay, Peter Dean, Tony Jewell, Goggin, Wade, Polly Farmer
Bartlett saving the day, with hair!!!
How good was Northey, very underrated player.
I love those drop kicks. Cant someone with a gimme goal set shot do one this week? please browny, richo?
LOL at the kick it long game of those days
Fred Swifts bow legs definately outdo Jamie Tapes