dont worry about the score board, we dominated.
and they had a their best team in bar buckley and tamponhurst, if he is considered in there best 22 lol
we held back that last quarter, practised our possession game
all players played a role, tiv was our worst
Didak and holland missing too?
both overrated show ponies.
we hard far more importabnt players out than they did
they were 99% full strength, they were in peak high altitude arizona fitness
they hard umpires that loved them
they had tivendale playing against them/ for them
we dominated the game, dont let the score board fool you.
the only times they actually came back at us , and i hate to admit this , is when SUGAR was rested. I dont rate his skills, but i finally realise we desparately need his leadership and instruction out there. MT , i owe u an apology, u are right about sugar