Author Topic: Leadership group to meet with playing squad without Plough  (Read 1119 times)

Offline one-eyed

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Tigers veterans step back
09 May 2007   Herald-Sun
Mark Robinson

THE club's penchant to play youth over the foreseeable future was accepted by the leadership group, skipper Kane Johnson said yesterday.

It means veterans like Matthew Richardson, 32, and Joel Bowden, 28, will likely miss finals action in the next two years, if the Tigers make it that far.

"We all know we are in a rebuilding phase and it might take a year or two to actually get there and they've got to play good enough footy to make sure they're here in that time.

"So do I. I'm in the same boat, we're all in the same boat. We've got to make sure we set the right examples for the younger blokes . . . so it gives them a chance.

Johnson described the form of the senior group this year as average. This week the leadership group will meet with players without Wallace.

"We take full responsibility for the weekend, you can't put all that on Terry, he's been a very good coach since I've been here.",8033,21697108%255E19742,00.html


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Re: Leadership group to meet with playing squad without Plough
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2007, 08:47:15 AM »
Leadership group to meet with players hahahaha well Richo be be on his own with them cause he the only one with his heart on the jumper playing for the club cause you dont see any leadership from Captain Softee Johnson who hardly mutters a word on field


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Re: Leadership group to meet with playing squad without Plough
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2007, 08:55:01 AM »
exactly monk

its about time miller, terry and sugar just shut the hell up, that press conference was a joke.

what they should do is be quiet, bust their pooper vavles and prove to us on teh ground "how united. strong, and how much improved they how"

they should let their footy do the talking and not the spin crap we hear.

how dare sugar say we are not soft, he better pray we dont get thumped this week

to much talking , not enough action


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Re: Leadership group to meet with playing squad without Plough
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2007, 10:18:22 AM »
the only one who was fair dinkum at the press conference was the president ... the rest of it was a joke full of cliches and blokes not prepared to admit theyve stuffed up.

Hellenic Tiger

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Re: Leadership group to meet with playing squad without Plough
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2007, 11:54:27 AM »
I have mentioned it before as have many others that Terry is more interested in his media persona than his coaching. This years positive spin on just about everything has shown a lack of imagination from him in terms of his list and their playing style. He is a coach who knows the type of players he has and is bereft of ideas on how to coach them to victory hence negative possession chip chip style footy with a team that is
deficiently lacking in any skill whatsoever.
As for Sugar he is by far the worst captain in the league  and some of the leadership groups efforts have left alot to be desired this year. Matty Richo is the only one who can hold his head high.

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Re: Leadership group to meet with playing squad without Plough
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2007, 12:01:35 PM »
Leadership group to meet with players hahahaha well Richo be be on his own with them cause he the only one with his heart on the jumper playing for the club cause you dont see any leadership from Captain Softee Johnson who hardly mutters a word on field

This is so true

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Re: Leadership group to meet with playing squad without Plough
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2007, 05:48:42 PM »
Riewoldt is the only one on our list who is a natural extrovert and is confident enough to be vocal despite being a first year player. There may be others but they must be biting their tongue given they are newbies.
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Re: Leadership group to meet with playing squad without Plough
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2007, 09:57:24 PM »
good ... time to have a team talk and set there own rules or what ever !


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Re: Leadership group to meet with playing squad without Plough
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2007, 10:23:28 PM »
l think its time for the RFC to keep everything in house l'm tired of media stuff we doing this, we doing that, fix this, fix that, just clam up & get the results & play football
now l dont care if we win or lose when rebuilding as long as they play football & give 4 quarters thats all l ever want to see a good contest hopefully on the edge of the seat stuff win or lose just good straight forward football

If l see anymore of this rubbish chip chip sideways cant go forward football or not going long to Richo's 1 on 1 contests l just wont bother throwing my hard earned money at the Richmond Football Club anymore because l heard it all before our style is the same as it was when Frawley, Geishien, were coaches & its worn out l'm not listening to anymore talk from the club it put up or lose some memberships

our new problem is we cant even work the ball out of the backline what rubbish dont they have several plans done there wheres the hard runners the hard blocking the hard tackles like the first half of the Collingwood game l never seen them go so hard & so hard at keeping the ball locked in the forward line in our control

this weekend better be hard at it thats all l got to say