Might have to send hubby down to Melb. Yesterday he played a "social" game with some fellows - some who had hardly ever played (preferring rugby) - a lot 10 years hubby's junior. Come half time hubby's back had gone and he was feeling worse for wear but it didn't stop him. Back somehow rightened itself. I went off to netball with mini-me during the second half. Hubby's team won 130-113. Hubby kicked 8 goals. In the last quarter he had his head over the ball when he could see a guy charging at him. This other guy is no lounge potato and cuts quite a figure (one the ladies would quite appreciate - as does his wife). Hubby sees him coming and braces himself with hip and shoulder. Bodies fly. Hubby gets up and the other guy is still on the ground. Hubby could barely move when he got home and has nice bruising on his left side, including marks on his arm. The other guy broke his shoulder and elbow (elbow was done earlier in the game we think). Hubby has already booked in to see the chiropractor tomorrow.