Author Topic: Get well soon Greg  (Read 4152 times)


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Re: Get well soon Greg
« Reply #30 on: September 02, 2007, 12:16:11 PM »
Enough with the sniping folks - back to the topic

Get well soon Greg

I've met Greg a few times and have always appreciated the fact he always has time for a chat with supporters.

As I said

Get well soon Mr Miller


Greg is a top character
one year on training camp he just walk over away from the other officials to chat & have a drink with the local footy bar he said he really enjoyed the feeling of chatting around the footy bars reminds him of the past but you could see his other reason is to chat to the locals and get word who the local players are to keep a ear out who could possibly make a bigger effort if known they were being watched & possibly to be asked to come down to training for a try out
remembering this guy is not a regular drinker he stood up quite well considering the hospitality from us locals was to keep him there we were enjoying ourselves & he was too
We got him so blind when he went back to the main function room he couldnot find his way out the door when leaving at nights end
l said hey Millsy the door see is there  ;D
he smiled & said see ya at training tomorrow  ;D to which he kept his word he was bright & early
don't underestimate this guy as he is truely switched on when recruiting l think this last few drafts are the future & the odd drafts like Kingley & Graham are just to top up the list which many know l dont like but l'm not the recruiter
l spoken to other talent scouts who would not give you the time of day to say hello cause they think there to high & mighty to come over except a beer from a stranger & chat about cricket & footy & old times but if you ever get the chance to chat to Greg then take up the chance he dont forget where he came from & thats what l like in a person

Hope ya feeling better Millsy next time we make ya crawl out of that building  ;D  :cheers