Author Topic: ProductofBrazil.Com is For Sale  (Read 4535 times)


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ProductofBrazil.Com is For Sale
« on: January 23, 2008, 11:42:06 AM »
Anyone who is interested in starting there own little personal merchandise marketing type business can now purchase a first level domain name - ProductofBrazil.Com

With this domain name you can start a little small business, sourcing and then selling products like Key Rings and T-Shirts to coffee mugs and stubby holders to bathers and bikinis, dvds to cds you can start your business with this domain name- the list is endless - and what you do and sell is up to you and how well you source your products. The images you can invoke are also endless, from copacabanna beach to the statue of Geez to the world famous carnivale. The website you develop market the products your selling and even sell advertising via google ads.

This domain name has over 4 years to run before renewal. Anyone interested in this domain name can contact me via PM in here.

Please Note- that what is for sale is the domain name only. How you use it in starting and running a small business is up to you. I would also consider a 50% half ownership arrangement for serious people who wanna run a small business on the side.

I have already had some offers but am looking to see if anyone is interested in here.

Offline tiga

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Re: ProductofBrazil.Com is For Sale
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2008, 01:19:03 PM »
Ramps, I could be wrong but I suspect that your audience would be pretty narrow for this domain, at least here in Australia. Firstly the business would have to have to be somehow related to Brazilian products be it importing or retail. Secondly productsofbrazil is available in every other domain suffix besides .com
I think the best you can expect is to recoup your domain costs but I wish you every success with it.


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Re: ProductofBrazil.Com is For Sale
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2008, 01:24:29 PM »
Brazilian images of beaches, carnivale, sun and surf, sport ... plenty of images can be portrayed on stuff like t-shirts and the other products i mentioned. I reckon plenty of people wouldnt have a problem wearing a nice t-shirt image of Geez (that famous statue the brazilians have) for example plenty of catholics would go for it. The audience isnt as small as you think  ;) and last the .com domain for this type of small business is worth alot more than other domain name suffixes and whilst im not asking for the world, im 100% sure its worth more than what i paid. Thanx anyway.

Again anyone who is interested- PM me.


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Re: ProductofBrazil.Com is For Sale
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2008, 02:30:22 PM »