From the Herald-Sun liftout compared to last year's stats.
No. Name Height (gain/loss) Weight (gain/loss)
1. Newy 183 84 (-1)
2. Thursty 191 85 (+2)
3. Lids 188 (-1) 89
4. Raines 183 (-1) 82 (+1)
5. Simmo 197 (+1) 99 (-1)
6. Polak 194 94 (+1)
7. Browny 181 (-1) 80
8. Riewoldt 193 (+1) 87 (+1)
9. Cotchin 185 81
10. Edwards 180 76 (+5)
11. Bowden 188 91
12. Richo 197 (+2) 103 (-1)
13. Jordy 186 80
14. Polo 187 83 (+2)
15. Petts 183 84
16. McGuane 191 86
17. Sugar 187 85 (-5)
18. Rance 193 89
19. Putt 203 90
20. Morton 186 80
21. Tuck 189 89 (-1)
22. Meyer 183 78 (+2)
23. Jacko 188 (+1) 90
24. Cogs 187 (+1) 86
25. Schulz 193 95
26. Patto 198 (+1) 98 (-1)
27. Collard 182 86
29. JON 188 82 (+1)
30. Tambo 180 78 (-2)
31. Hyde 182 (-4?) 80
32. Tivs 186 (+1) 84 (-2)
33. Gourdis 194 93
34. Hughes 193 94 (+1)
35. White 179 81 (+1)
36. Silvester 192 90
37. Cass 187 (-1) 83 (+3)
38. Cartledge 201 96
39. Connors 184 82 (+2)
40. Moore 190 (+1) 88 (+2)
41. Foley 178 (+1) 80 (+3)
42. Collins 186 (+2) 78 (+6)
43. Howat 183 (+1) 78 (+1)
44. Graham 201 (+1) 100 (+4)
46. King 178 (+4?) 78 (+4)