I can't stand it when.
We mark or get rewarded with a free kick and we within seconds just handball it to someone who is 1m away.
It comes down to decision making. You have the ball you have a free 15 seconds to do whatever you want with it.
*Maybe its lack of confidence to kick a 30m pass to a player up field*
It creates pressure on ourselves to dispose of it before getting run down, with the modern game being huge on defensive pressure.
ASSESS the situation before you hand pass to someone who is licking the back of your neck.
Lost count of times we had the ball and put someone under pressure with a 50cm hand pass and then having no ready available option and a a turnover resulted from a possession under pressure.
Just tears my hair out.
I'll buy 100 memberships if the nexxt coach promises to whipe this off our game plan.. Its disgusting.
*If it to promote our run and carry the guy who has the ball from a mark can run it himself after a quick assess upfield. Simple as that. Its Junior Footy stuff.