Interesting how Miller talked about Hyde - I think he is a very underatted player in some peoples eyes will be watching closely this year.
I think Hyde showed what he was capable of when he was thrown in the middle in the game against the Hawk in 2004 - the one where we won by a point and I think I aged 10 years in that last quarter
After that he was a solid contributor - nothing spectacular but very solid. One thing he doesn't lack is courage and an attack on the ball
He proved if a bloke is given game time consistently they will either sink or swim. Unfortunately, it is hard to guage who has ability and who hasn't when kids are sitting on the bench. Seriously what does it achieve? Apart form giving the kids an opprtunity to appreciate the construction taking place at the MCG
I have a feeling 2005 is going to be very very different
All I can say is.......
R.I.P. - Pinetime I aint gonna miss ya