Author Topic: A reason to appreciate life and kids  (Read 5346 times)


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A reason to appreciate life and kids
« on: April 06, 2005, 09:23:55 PM »
I have had probably close to the worst 24 hours of my entire life, and i thought i would share it with my fellow OER members and in some cases friends.

I was at work yesterday afternoon when i recieved a call from my best friend, i answered the phone and said to him "G'day, hows it going?" to which he replied "Not too good mate"

He was at my Mum's place and there had been a tragic event taken place. My Mum was minding a friend of the family's 5 month old baby girl. The mother of the baby had just started back on her first day at work, and had dropped her little baby off to Mum to mind. After a couple of hours the baby crew tied and my Mum placed her down for a nap, over the next hour or so my Mum and stuck her head to check on the little girl, after a little while longer my Mum thought that she had been asleep for a while and went in to find that the baby had stopped breathing and appeared dead.

She immediately called the ambulance who assisted her to try and give CPR to the baby, there was no response and the ambulance crews soon arrived. Unfortunately there was also nothing the ambulance crews could do and the baby was officially pronounced to be dead. As soon as my mate had called me i was straight into my car and off to see my Mum, it was only a 10 minute drive but seemed to take forever.

I pulled into my parents street to see 2 ambo's, a fire truck and a couple of police cars. My mum was sitting in the kitchen with a close neighbour and was pretty much beisde herself. Having 2 young children myself, i felt physically sick and as empty as i have ever felt. I contacted my Dad who was also soon on his way home to see my Mum, by that time people from all different police and corroners dept had come to scene. They done there investigative work and declared no suspicious circumstances, the most likely scenario was SIDS. It seemed to take a few hours but finally the time had come where the police had contacted the parents.

They arrived in the police car and immediately jumped out of the car to enter the house. One of the paramedics directed them towards the room and where their little baby girl was still laying. It was something i will never forget to the day i die, seeing the parents having their lives torn apart within such a short space of time. To see the father of the baby walk out of my parents house carrying his little girl into the ambulance.

Luckily enough for my Mum's point of view, the parents responded to her very well by letting her know that they didnt hold her responsible and that they felt sorry and a little guilty that this had happened to her. My Mum and Dad joined the parents as they travelled to the Childrens Hospital to recieve their initial counciling. The procedure they follow is to get the parents to bring the child in with them and they sit in a room with a councillor and have the baby with them for that time, i suppose that this is meant to help with the grieving process.

My Mum spoke with one of the councillors later and was told that she was still in shock. I spoke to Mum today and she was telling me so many things that happened throught the night and it is just absolutrly tragic and so unfair. I know that is not a one off and that many other people have had to face this. When it happens so close to you, it really does effect you and really puts things into context. Here we are most days talking crap about footy and calling this player soft or should we have picked this player etc etc

I dont know if this is making much sense but i am just typing whatever comes to my mind at the minute and hopefully this will help me cope and start to move forward from this terrible event.

I just hope that people may be able to take something from this. I know that this will probably change the way i look at life for the rest of my life, and it makes me feel good when i wake up every morning and see the smiling faces of my 2 beautiful little children.

Anyway, i thats enough from me for now.

Take care all.


Offline julzqld

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Re: A reason to appreciate life and kids
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2005, 03:59:53 PM »
Bull, how awful.  For your mum and the little girl's parents.  When my kids were very small, I used to check on them before going to bed myself (in fact, still do) and would often put my cheek near their mouth to see if they were still breathing because they were so quiet and still.  As much as they can drive you to distraction at times, I know other instances where I've been terrified of losing them (especially when master 5 wanders off at the shops).

Offline om21

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Re: A reason to appreciate life and kids
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2005, 12:30:07 PM »
That is just tragic......I dont know what to say but that just pulled my heart.

Condolences to all. Absolutely terrible.
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Re: A reason to appreciate life and kids
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2005, 12:33:53 PM »
Yep, an unbelievable nightmare.
Hope everyone concerned recovers from this  :'(

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Re: A reason to appreciate life and kids
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2005, 01:19:08 PM »
I can imagine how tough things must be right now Bull.  As you say, things like this really help you stop and think and put things into perspective.  And although she was only 5 months old, this tiny soul can teach us all so much about life.

Her spirit will live on and serve as a reminder to those who knew her, or knew of her, just how precious life really is and to make the most of every moment.  That’s an awesome gift for any soul to give to the world.

No one should feel responsible for what has happened.  She was just here for a short time, to remind us of what is really important.
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Re: A reason to appreciate life and kids
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2005, 01:35:48 PM »
My sympathies to all concerned - a terrible tragedy.

I had a friends who's granddaughter lost her second child to SIDS. It knocked everyone about, in particular the older grandchild who at 6 just couldn't understand it at all. As for my friends they were inconsolable for months as they always told me they were just numb.

I know other instances where I've been terrified of losing them (especially when master 5 wanders off at the shops).

I don't have kids of my own but I know what you mean Julz. On Wednesday I was at the Club for the Cubs Picnic. Bought the Cubs (10 & 7) down for the day. The youngest one went wondering off (actually it was a case running not wondering) and my heart just sank. Found her in a couple of minutes but gee it scares you, told her off  :help, she got all upset  :'(  then I gave her hug.   :)
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Offline JohnF

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Re: A reason to appreciate life and kids
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2005, 04:33:57 PM »
My condolences mate. That's a horrific turn of events.  :'(

Thems are life's ways.... Bad luck doesn't always follow those that deserve it.

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Re: A reason to appreciate life and kids
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2005, 04:48:56 PM »
Bull, our hearts and condolences go out you, your Mum and the parents. Words just wouldn't describe what they must be going through  :'(.

As John said life's not fair at times :'(
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Re: A reason to appreciate life and kids
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2005, 05:04:30 PM »
Truly awful news Bull  :'( It really makes you think about whats important in life. My condolences to everybody involved

Offline Harry

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Re: A reason to appreciate life and kids
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2005, 04:14:19 PM »
Sorry to hear that mate.  Send my condolences to the parents and to your mum.  Nothing worse than a parent seeing their child die, especially so young. 
Does anyone have half an idea on anything?


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Re: A reason to appreciate life and kids
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2005, 07:45:44 PM »
Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and condolences.

Today has been a very long and emotional day, the funeral took place.

Another tragic site that will live with me forever was to see the father carry his little baby into the ceremony in her tiny little coffin. If people werent already crying i think that this site bought a tear to everyone there.

As was said today, little Kiara was here to teach us all a leason in life and that you shouldnt take things or people for granted coz you just never ever know when they can be taken from you. It can and does happen at the click of your fingers.

Make sure that you cherish your kids, family and life in general.

Take care all
