Author Topic: Should we finish Last on purpose so we can get the first pick in ND & PSD?  (Read 3518 times)


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doesnt change the fact that we seem to recruit talentless squibs who are either afraid of a contest, have some sort of allergy to tackling, running hard or kicking the ball properly. to be honest I have real doubts that our recruiting team would have any better anyway.

Offline WA Tiger

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Not going to plan now, but I am sure we can get back on the loosing track.. :thumbsup

Saints and Lions were the worst wins I have ever seen and I would of loved losses...but...anyway.

Its important now that we refocus and get back on the loosing streak and this should happen next weekend. We currently sit 12th and this is not acceptable, we must get back down that ladder... :gotigers....LOSE!!! ;D
DIMMA - You will be held ACCOUNTABLE...

“We are really excited about what we have brought in. We have got great depth of players that can take us where we need to go. We are just putting some cream on the top at the moment,” he said.

Shaun Hampson is the No.1 man"

the claw

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loose with as many kids as possible while staying competetive, or win with as many kids as possible while obviously staying competetive would be a win win with either scenario.

a no win situation is playing the oldies and winning or losing. there is nothing to be gained in the long term and plenty to lose.