Author Topic: Scientific study finds people are conscious after death  (Read 1405 times)

Offline 🏅Dooks

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Scientific study finds people are conscious after death
« on: October 09, 2014, 08:57:02 AM »
Scientific study finds people are conscious after death

People may still have consciousness after "death".

A large-scale study involving 2060 patients from 15 hospitals in the UK, US and Austria has found that patients experience real events for up to a three-minute period after their heart has stopped beating.
Dr Sam Parnia, director of resuscitation research at the State University of New York, explained that it was previously thought that only hallucinatory events were experienced in these circumstances.
These are normally described as out-of-body experiences (OBEs) or near-death experiences (NDEs).

The Awareness during Resuscitation (Aware) study, sponsored by the University of Southampton in the UK, used objective markers to establish whether the experiences were real or hallucinatory.

The results showed that 39 per cent of patients who survived cardiac arrest described a perception of awareness but did not have explicit recall.

A total of 46 per cent experienced a broad range of mental recollections, nine per cent had experiences compatible with NDEs and two per cent exhibited full awareness compatible with OBEs with explicit recall of "seeing" and "hearing" events.

And one case was validated and timed using auditory stimuli during cardiac arrest.

"This is significant, since it has often been assumed that experiences in relation to death are likely hallucinations or illusions, occurring either before the heart stops or after the heart has been successfully restarted, but not an experience corresponding with 'real' events when the heart isn't beating," Dr Parnia said.

"In this case, consciousness and awareness appeared to occur during a three-minute period when there was no heartbeat.

"This is paradoxical, since the brain typically ceases functioning within 20-30 seconds of the heart stopping and doesn't resume again until the heart has been restarted."

"Sliding doors moment.
If Damian Barrett had a brain
Then its made of sh#t" Dont Argue - 2/8/2018


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Re: Scientific study finds people are conscious after death
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2014, 10:17:17 AM »
I was reading about this yesterday and it reminded me of the science of dreaming. When you're asleep your brain remains active and puts together experiences in weird and whacky ways. We've all seen hospital shows and know what happens inside them. Those with visual recollection could be the brain piecing together lost time upon resuscitation. The number to claimed to have visual recollection were very small, and is it possible their brain constructed the memory after the audible queues. Both sound and visual are wavelengths. The brain is a conductor and it is interesting if it can interpret signals that aren't local to the body. This is where cool stuff like ESP comes in.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed,  only converted. It is interesting to wonder where that energy goes after death. Is it transfered to the body to aid in decomposition, or does it somehow tangle itself in some strange quantum dimensions?

Offline Judge Roughneck

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Re: Scientific study finds people are conscious after death
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2014, 10:19:05 AM »
Guild tine guys would slap peoples face, after they cut it off their body

To see if they'd get peeed off.and some would react

No different from a chicken  8)

Witnesses report an expression of "unequivocal indignation" on her face when her cheek was slapped. This slap was considered unacceptable and Legros was imprisoned for three months because of his outburst.[6

Offline 🏅Dooks

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Re: Scientific study finds people are conscious after death
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2014, 12:20:36 PM »
I was reading about this yesterday and it reminded me of the science of dreaming. When you're asleep your brain remains active and puts together experiences in weird and whacky ways. We've all seen hospital shows and know what happens inside them. Those with visual recollection could be the brain piecing together lost time upon resuscitation. The number to claimed to have visual recollection were very small, and is it possible their brain constructed the memory after the audible queues. Both sound and visual are wavelengths. The brain is a conductor and it is interesting if it can interpret signals that aren't local to the body. This is where cool stuff like ESP comes in.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed,  only converted. It is interesting to wonder where that energy goes after death. Is it transfered to the body to aid in decomposition, or does it somehow tangle itself in some strange quantum dimensions?

70% of the Universe (all things known) is Dark Matter. 25% of this is Dark Energy. Scientists don't know how it works, however there's a general consensus it exists. Perhaps this is where/how our energy goes/interrelates after death of the physical form. Many have drawn parallels. To suggest there is nothing else to our/other realities is to ignore that Dark Matter exists. It is as real as the matter which makes up the ground you are standing on.

For a big eye opener, I recommend people read Dr Eben Alexander's book proof of Heaven - a Neurosurgeons Journey to the Afterlife. It's not a religious book at all. Rather, a brain surgeons own death experience where the parts of his brain which generate memories, emotions, experiences, self awareness etc were completely dead (as measured by advanced medical equipment) and yet he experienced all of these things including in an afterlife/other dimension/somewhere not in the physical reality.
"Sliding doors moment.
If Damian Barrett had a brain
Then its made of sh#t" Dont Argue - 2/8/2018


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Re: Scientific study finds people are conscious after death
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2014, 12:45:45 PM »
I have no intentions of adding to my ever growing backlog of stuff to read at the moment (at least 15-20 sci fi and fantasy books collecting dust :() but will take note of that one dooks to maybe look it up online or something.

Something else that would be nice to know from this study is was there a control group? How many were religous, agnostic* and athiest? Using a larger sample group would the percentages get smaller or larger? It is a hard one because how can the results be duplicated (only a small percentage had positive results anyway) and how can the results remain objective? My old man had a heart attack years ago and had to be bought back from death. Reckons he doesn't recall anything of the sorts between blacking out in emergency and waking up in a ward. Is also agnostic*.


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Re: Scientific study finds people are conscious after death
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2014, 01:00:12 PM »
LOL users on IFLS are smashing this article. I was being respectful with my wording but most of them hit it on the head, "article should have been correctly worded to show that the majority had no such experience. "

Offline Judge Roughneck

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Re: Scientific study finds people are conscious after death
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2014, 01:09:36 PM »
There are no atheists in the trenches