Game plan is substandard. Need a fresh start.
Not according to WP.
Us having 1 against 4 in our forwardline most weeks can work.
Getting something as simple as a one on one in our forwardline is to difficult to get the players to follow.
Clearly it is because they refuse or not capable of following. Plan isnt to have 1 on 4
Mock me if you like (even in jest) but the game plan was clearly explained yesterday and it isnt hard to understand and the players are clearly not followong it.
So are you saying its a coaching thing? That is the coaches job right!
It's funny, whenever we are expected to win we fail to turn up. Another coaches job I would think.
The guy is a fraud whether you think his game plan is ok or not.
Even when we do win sometimes over the last 3 years, a lot of the time I walk out of the ground feeling like it's been a lose due to the way we have played. And who we have just fallen over the line to beat.
I refuse to believe that this magic game plan can fall apart against really poo teams at times. A lot of times.
Its been pretty well known for a long while that Dimma's plan is to kick to the shallow pocket in our forward and try and create a forwardline stoppage so we can try and manufacture a goal from that stoppage. In doing so not opening ourselves up to the opposition running it out so easily up the middle or out the other side. How many times over the last 5 years have we seen us kick it to Jack in a pocket? We never lead up the centre and we most curtainly never lead to the fat/open side.
I posted this on here years ago after watching it for at least a year after hearing it.
Can you tell us if this was mentioned the other night? Because if it wasn't they are lying. It still clearly happens to this day.