For anyone looking for a laugh in these times of President Trump I refer you to the (new?) Election By-Laws.
These were mentioned in the third last paragraph of Peggy's recent post on the club website and can be accessed under the "club" tab on the Richmond website.
Under 2.1(c) and 3.1(a) you cannot be "disparaging of the Club or any individual".
So under this you cannot "discredit", "underrate" or "belittle" your opponent.
Makes it a bit tricky for any candidate.
"I'm better than him because I am, even though he's a fantastic person and his efforts have been magnificent."
Under 3.2 you "must not use the Club logo, name....".
So the statement - " I am standing for election to the board of the Richmond Football Club" - is now illegal.
I live 200km from the CBD but I might go to the AGM just so I can protest each and every time a candidate has broken these rules in their election material and particularly where the Returning Officer sends out Permitted Election Material.