Hi Guys & Gals,
With the NAB cup due to start in 2 weeks and the real stuff not that far either we thought we’d get in early and announce the OER Footy Tipping Competitions for 2006.
Like 2005 we’ve decided to run 3 comps this year each with separate end of season prizes for the winners. The competitions should look familiar …. they are the same ones as last season
1/ OER tipping compPrize: $100 Tiger Den Gift Voucher
Each week pick the winner and margin for the Tigers game plus another match of your own choosing.
For each match each week:
* if you tip the winner and are within or at 10 points either side of the margin you get 2 points.
* Get one or the other get 1 point.
* -1 if you get both wrong.
* Your overall total can never fall below 0.
* Bonus 5 pts if you predict the correct margin and winner.
2/ Boogie's Footy Pick 4Prize: $100 Tiger Den Gift Voucher
Tip the winners from any 4 matches of the round. If select all 4 correct you get 1 point.
3/ Footytips.com.auPrize: $50 Tiger Den Gift Voucher
Standard one run from footytips.com.au: Try to tip the 8 winners each week
- 1 point for each correct tip.
You will need to create a username if you don't already have one for footytips. Once you've logged on go to OER's tipping comp to join in.
If you were part of the footytips.com.au comp last year just go back there and “re-activate” your account and you are set to go
Comp Name: OER Tipping Comp
Password: Tiges4Flag
The OER and Boogie comps will be run on the Competitions board like last year.
Cheers and good luck,
MT and WP.