Author Topic: Personal attacks towards another poster will not be tolerated  (Read 670 times)

Offline evaluator

  • Future Richmond star
  • **
  • Posts: 69
Post and thread deleted - one-eyed

Threads personally denouncing another poster will be removed. It is outside the posting guidelines of the site.

Refer to:

Guideline number 4.

4.   Personal Attacks: We appreciate that people have different opinions and we encourage people to share their views. However, publicly ridiculing or attacking someone’s character because they do not agree with your view and because they post a view that opposes yours cannot and will not be allowed. Posts of this nature will be removed and the poster warned.

In the time that OER has been up running we believe that the Forum has been able to pride itself on our posters ability to share views and debate without the need to attack one another.

Both WP & I do not like having to edit or delete posts but when posts clearly fall outside the rules we are left with no choice.

It's one thing to have an opinion and it's also ok to disagree about something or say you think the other person is wrong provided you say why you disagree based on the issue and you don't lay into another poster personally. We are big enough here to accept people can disagree with us on a topic without taking it personally.

If you do have a problem with a post or poster then you report it to us, the mods, and we will look at it and deal with it if need be. Don't take matters into your own hands.

When we posted our guidelines at the launch of OER we conclued with....

Please understand that we are not trying to be heavy handed. We want this forum to be enjoyable for all members and visitors. Please remember that almost all members of the One-eyed Richmond Tiger forum barrack for and are passionate about the same side - the Mighty Tigers   :)

That's what OER is about


   MT and WP.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2007, 04:03:45 PM by one-eyed »