Author Topic: Tigers, Dons to make stance against domestic violence (ABC)  (Read 1028 times)

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Tigers, Dons to make stance against domestic violence
May 16, 2008 17:46:00

 Two of the AFL's oldest teams have agreed to take a public stance against violence towards women at the Melbourne Cricket Ground in a week's time.

Players from Richmond and Essendon will link arms before their match as a symbol of men standing up to protect women and children.

ABC Sports and child protection advocate Charlie King says the gesture first began in regional games played in remote communities of the Northern Territory.

"They needed a symbol, they needed to show that men were committed in doing something to protect their families and their children.

"It is a national shame what happens to our families. Our children and our women don't feel safe in our society anymore and there is a responsibility here on men to stand up and do something about that."

Offline one-eyed

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Re: Tigers, Dons to make stance against domestic violence (ABC)
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2008, 09:19:12 PM »
AFL joins stance against domestic violence
May 26, 2008

AFL football can be a violent game. But on Saturday night at the game's most sacred sporting field in Melbourne, players from two of the league's oldest clubs stood in silence to make a statement against violence towards women and children in Australia.

As Essendon and Richmond lined up before their annual Dreamtime at the 'G match, which pays tribute to Indigenous players' contribution to the game, players stood still and locked arms in a statement of unity against violence to women and children in Australia.

ABC Northern Territory Grandstand presenter and inaugural chairman of the Territory's Families and Communities Council, Charlie King, is spearheading the "No More" campaign.

"Whenever we talk about issues of domestic violence, family violence, child abuse, the audience is always women and I've had great concerns about that over the years and I want men to be part of that discussion as well," King said.

"So at very least what we want out of this is for men to stop for a moment to think, 'I have a responsibility here.'"

AFL players have made news headlines in the past for bad behaviour towards women.

Wayne Carey is arguably one of the game's greatest players.

But Carey has been in several high-profile incidents, including grabbing a woman's breast on a Melbourne street after a 12-hour drinking binge and recently being arrested for allegedly smashing a glass across his girlfriend's face.

Postmodern feminist and writer Professor Catherine Lumby was appointed by the National Rugby League as a specialist adviser in the area of gender politics.

"I think it is very important that we are sending this message to young men that violence towards women is wrong, so I think it is a terrific initiative, as long as it's backed up, not just talking the talk but walking the walk," Professor Lumby said.

Richmond's football director, Greg Miller, first saw players lock arms on the dusty fields of Alice Springs over Easter, and says the symbol has substance.

"The message has got to be driven by men to stop other men committing any sort of violence against women or any child abuse at all," Miller said.

He says the AFL as well as the clubs are very supportive of player education even though it is not an official AFL initiative.

"The AFL Players' Association, the AFL and our club, all of us run induction programs," Miller said.

"We talk about drugs, we talk about violence against women, we talk about behaviour around women, we talk about all social issues and their responsibly as role models in the community to deliver the right message and behave in the right fashion.

"So the education process starts the minute the player arrives at the footy club."

But King says he wants more than just an annual commitment by the AFL to support the stance.

"I would like to see a campaign where we call on 1 million or 2 million men to stand together on a particular day for their family," he said.

"For too long men have been left out of the picture here. We as adults in Australia should be judged on our ability to care and protect our family."

For the record, the Tigers defeated the Bombers by 38 points on the night, but the real success will hopefully be a united stance against violence on women and children.