Author Topic: Former players premiership panel night Feb 21 - Mornington Pen Supporters Group  (Read 834 times)

Offline one-eyed

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    • One-Eyed Richmond
The Morington Peninsula Richmond Supporters Group has organised a Former players premiership panel night on the 21st of Febuary 2009 at 8pm.

Players attending are Bill Barrot, Mike Perry, Emmett Dunne, Dale Weightman and Neville Crowe who will be MC
on the night.

RFC club historian Bill Meaklim 'Captian Quiz" will be holding his popular quiz.

RFC Tiger den will be there to sell merchandise and Legends and Hereos will be conducting auctions of memorabilia.

I have attached a copy of our flyer with all the info about the night.

Former Richmond Player Premiership Panel Night Flyer

If accomodation is required get in touch with me and i will help out where i can.

Proceeds from the night are going to the Former Players and Richmond Football Club.

I know its close to the event but as soon as the players attending were finalised thats when i could get flyers/info together.

Please advise your club members of this night asap because it should be a great night and more importantly with proceeds going to what we all love most RFC!

Also most importantly this is being forwarded to ALL SUPPORTER GROUPS around Australia to start a better communication between US ALL! It would be great to see you or your members on the night if possible.

Jason Dalli

Former Richmond Player Premiership Panel Night Flyer

ps. Thanks to Mopsy for passing this email onto OER  :cheers