ROFLFMAOOOOO@a family of hicks
lmfaoooooooo@Ox repeatedly bringing this poor sod up.
lmfaoooo@Ox having two pages ready to fire off if some idiot triggers him on this topic. LMFAOOOOO@u Ox, you fukken legend!
I agree, he's done nothing and should be compensated for this ordeal with a free shot with his bazooka at Howard's noggin from within ten feet.
LMAOOO@Me ready to launch a full scale assault on the unknowing
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO@The frailties of the human makeup ,not allowing us to be strong enuff to get thru this life unless we fool ourselves into believing there is a place called heaven where we will be re-united with our loved ones -LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
If a mans wife of 20 years dies and he re-marry's and they in turn both die in a car accident,does that mean he is allowed to root them both in heaven ?????