you can turn your phone off
if you used the term "exploit workers" in the 50s you'd be labelled a commie and gang bashed by Ruanaidh types
the world saw just as many conflicts when the yanks and ruskies were sabre rattling
The 50s was the start of the over processing of food, not to mention the start of the greatest scientific scam in history that misled the world into eating foods that caused the exact problems they were meant to avoid ( the seven countries study was the catalyst)
paedophilia was a subject never mentioned and it flourished amongst Christian organisations and covered up or ignored by authorities, so perpetrators never even faced the legal system.
after visiting an out house you needed all the fresh air you could get, but if you lived anywhere near industrial areas it wasn't that fresh due to lack of controls on what could be pumped into the environment.
Aboriginal people were still regarded as fauna, not people.
Our government thought it was Ok to expose it's people to nuclear radiation to see what happened.