Author Topic: Australian Politics thread [merged]  (Read 941418 times)

Offline Diocletian

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #6045 on: July 19, 2023, 01:48:18 PM »
You really think we call him a troll solely because of his politics WP?

So why aren't we saying likewise about the likes of MT - who's probably even further to the left than '65?

Would that because he doesn't just spam the board with links without engaging  anyone in a debate or respond to a question/challenge, by deflecting or changing the subject with a glib one liner,  another link or emoticon like '65 does on the very rare occasions he does actually "respond"? (Classic example - he posted a link the other day bagging Dutton for being pro-nuclear - I pointed out that this merely puts Dutton in line with the likes of noted "far-right" figures like Great Thunberg &  most European Green parties who all now endorse nuclear power - still waiting for the response actually not really because I know it ain't coming)

Or the fact that on a Richmond fan forum the vast majority of MT's posts are still actually about the club and football as opposed to the odd rare appearance to keep up appearances that either offers no real insight, displays an obvious lack of knowledge about the game and the club or just corrects someone's spelling?

Or that he doesn't try to bait & entrap posters he disagrees with politically so he can report them and try to get them banned?

When we won the flags was '65 in the Rant section celebrating with the rest of us? Maybe but I don't recall? Has he even commented on an actual game or a result? Has he ever been on here during a game posting about the game? At least the interstate ones?

How many of '65s posts have actually been more than just one glib sentence and/or a link? I can't recall one.

Frankly it's an insult to everyone's intelligence and he would've been banned long ago on most other boards because it's textbook spamming & troll behaviour - he's probably doing the same thing on bomberblitz for we all we know. And yes I dare say you wouldn't tolerate any of that if he was doing it on behalf of the other side of politics. :shh

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Offline mightytiges

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #6046 on: July 19, 2023, 03:37:21 PM »
So why aren't we saying likewise about the likes of MT - who's probably even further to the left than '65?
Now that's offensive :snidegrin.

I do laugh these days at what is classed as this simplistic binary "left" and "right". Too bad real life doesn't exist in binary mode.

I didn't realise being a proud independent Aussie and not wanting a foreigner as our head of state made me a "lefty" :huh3. That's more "right-wing" if anything.

No fan of the Greens either. Oops! :shh

I forgot these days being pro-science is now considered "left-wing" by all the happy clappers because science doesn't need made-up supernatural myths and fairytales to explain how we got here. Sheesh, we wouldn't have our modern Western society without modern science. We wouldn't be on the other side of the covid pandemic without it either (hello vaccine!). Not the scientists' fault that we have so many scientific illiterates in our political and media class that have deliberately held our country back.

Not believing in imaginary beings in the sky is "left" too? Too bad the majority of Aussies are rejecting religion, plus I'm not an atheist because of my politics. I base my views on scientific evidence. A pretty traditional and conservative Western idea and legacy from the Enlightenment period. Show me this "god" exists and I'll shut up? Problem is religious folk can't prove what doesn't exist and never will. That's their problem not mine. No issue with typical old-school moderate religious people and politicians who keep their personal faith views to themselves and independent of policy decisions. Australia has always had that on both sides of the aisle and that's their constitutional right as is mine (section 116). I just don't want the ultra loony fringe minority bringing their American-style baseless conspiracy crap into Parliament and Australia. The Libs need to pee them off and go back to appealing to the mainstream in the "centre". That's how you win elections in Australia.   

And yes I dare say you wouldn't tolerate any of that if he was doing it on behalf of the other side of politics. :shh
And dare I say you wouldn't be complaining [at least not as much] if he was :shh. There's a number of LNP supporters on this forum (hello recent times). Their actual political views don't get removed nor their criticism of the current government (both state and federal). Only posts that bait and/or insult other posters get edited/removed. It's pretty straightforward to understand.

Just put '65 on your ignore list. Then you won't have to see/read any of his posts anymore.
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Offline Diocletian

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #6047 on: July 19, 2023, 04:48:45 PM »
Lmao - did you just read two sentences and go off on one? Clearly didn't read my follow up post either. :shh

...and yes you're still a rabid lefty - but as they say the truly insane never they think they are... :santa

Not an LNP fan either,  despise Neo-conservatism , Neo-liberalism, (it's their name ffs ) and think they're mostly a bunch of soft spineless cucks with no real principles....have about as much time for people who are guided by The Wealth of Nations, Atlas Shrugged & Fountainhead as those who are guided by Das Kapital...(in sum: stuff the Austrian School of Economics as much as the Frankfurt School)also a dyed in the wool atheist & lifelong republican -though admittedly when I ever I read or hear the cringeworthy takes on the subjects from the likes of you & Pirate Pete , I'm suddenly overcome with the urge to sing God Save the King & start attending church. : :snidegrin

As for you lot being "pro-science" I'd suggest like most ideologues you're pro the "science" that suits your worldview until it doesn't...(how many genders are their again science guy?), but do find it amusing though that the left are now Big Pharma's most loyal shills... :shh  Dunno what this "American style politics" you go on about is...yeah ScoMo was a bible basher in his personal life but didn't see many LNP policies really reflecting that.... so far I haven't seen any rigged elections and the government weaponsing the legal system against it's political opponents in any serious way, Albo's not senile(just stupid) and we don't have open borders - yet -guns were banned years ago - by  a Liberal pm and it's not considered racist to expect people to prove their identity when they vote. No coke's been found at the lodge afaik ...although Dan Andrews is probably enriching himself through dodgy deals with the CCP  and is probably considering making "misgendering" someone a hate crime so there's that and of course the blinding loyalty to Israel and allowing ourselves to be shaken down by the corrupt performance artist who runs Ukraine is pretty American these days I suppose....but apart from that most of the stuff I've seen described as "far right" lately was regarded as perfectly normal & mainstream opinions even  as recently as 5 years ago.......  :shh

« Last Edit: July 19, 2023, 08:39:16 PM by WilliamPowell »
"Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good...."

- Thomas Sowell

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Offline WilliamPowell

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #6048 on: July 19, 2023, 08:57:02 PM »

Frankly it's an insult to everyone's intelligence and he would've been banned long ago on most other boards because it's textbook spamming & troll behaviour - he's probably doing the same thing on bomberblitz for we all we know. And yes I dare say you wouldn't tolerate any of that if he was doing it on behalf of the other side of politics. :shh

Fair points you made in the majority of your post and appreciate your feedback when it comes in a balanced form so we will take it on board

But I have to say I find the bit I've highlighted laughable. Just looking at the last few months we didn't remove

or from as recently as yesterday

or from your good self Dio

what about

So please don't suggest for a minute it is because he is posting Labor leaning articles. If he was posting LNP leaning they still be here.

I would very much like to see more commentary fromt he other side of politics, just without the snide insults towards other posters but genuine discussion.

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Offline mightytiges

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #6049 on: July 20, 2023, 04:12:01 AM »
Lmao - did you just read two sentences and go off on one? Clearly didn't read my follow up post either. :shh

...and yes you're still a rabid lefty - but as they say the truly insane never they think they are... :santa

Not an LNP fan either,  despise Neo-conservatism , Neo-liberalism, (it's their name ffs ) and think they're mostly a bunch of soft spineless cucks with no real principles....have about as much time for people who are guided by The Wealth of Nations, Atlas Shrugged & Fountainhead as those who are guided by Das Kapital...(in sum: stuff the Austrian School of Economics as much as the Frankfurt School) also a dyed in the wool atheist & lifelong republican -though admittedly when I ever I read or hear the cringeworthy takes on the subjects from the likes of you & Pirate Pete , I'm suddenly overcome with the urge to sing God Save the King & start attending church. : :snidegrin

As for you lot being "pro-science" I'd suggest like most ideologues you're pro the "science" that suits your worldview until it doesn't...(how many genders are their again science guy?), but do find it amusing though that the left are now Big Pharma's most loyal shills... :shh  Dunno what this "American style politics" you go on about is...yeah ScoMo was a bible basher in his personal life but didn't see many LNP policies really reflecting that.... so far I haven't seen any rigged elections and the government weaponsing the legal system against it's political opponents in any serious way, Albo's not senile(just stupid) and we don't have open borders - yet -guns were banned years ago - by  a Liberal pm and it's not considered racist to expect people to prove their identity when they vote. No coke's been found at the lodge afaik ...although Dan Andrews is probably enriching himself through dodgy deals with the CCP  and is probably considering making "misgendering" someone a hate crime so there's that and of course the blinding loyalty to Israel and allowing ourselves to be shaken down by the corrupt performance artist who runs Ukraine is pretty American these days I suppose....but apart from that most of the stuff I've seen described as "far right" lately was regarded as perfectly normal & mainstream opinions even  as recently as 5 years ago.......  :shh
One man's insanity is another man's genius  :snidegrin.

Tempora mutantur nos et mutamur in illis. The world keeps spinning whether we like it or not. Our cemeteries are full of those and their old outdated views.

Science is the laws of physics, chemistry and biology and understanding how they apply to the universe from the smallest to the largest scales. It's not a conspiracy. As our technology advances and we gain greater understanding, our knowledge grows and advances too. Holding onto views be it religious, political or whatever reasons that the latest scientific evidence demonstrates has found to be false or at least incomplete is just dumb and dogmatic.

Gender and se-x are not necessarily the same.  The latter is related to your se-x chromosomes (XY - male, XX - female, other variants - interse-x) and anatomy (internal sex organs and external genitals derived from them). Gender is more complex. It's an amalgamation of chromosomes, anatomy, hormones (relative levels of testosterone and estrogen), psychology (self-defined gender identity), and culture (socially defined gender behaviors). These elements occur at different points and environments in someone's human development starting in the womb. 

In terms of biology, some scientists think it might be traced to the syncopated pacing of fetal development. “Sexual differentiation of the genitals takes place in the first two months of pregnancy,” wrote Dick Swaab, a researcher at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience in Amsterdam, “and sexual differentiation of the brain starts during the second half of pregnancy.” Genitals and brains are thus subjected to different environments of “hormones, nutrients, medication, and other chemical substances,” several weeks apart in the womb, that affect sexual differentiation. This doesn’t mean there’s such a thing as a “male” or “female” brain, exactly. But at least a few brain characteristics, such as density of the gray matter or size of the hypothalamus, do tend to differ between genders.

For the vast majority, these elements line up and the old school binary of seeing yourself as either male or female will apply. But they don't line up in these binary terms for everyone. Some people get a 'mixture', and while further data is required, this may explain why someone is say transgender. I don't see any logic in rejecting or dismissing a person because they were born a certain way they had no control over. I certainly don't see the behaviour of certain pollies who proclaim themselves as being "Christian" as following the bloke from Nazareth's teachings. More like cruel and ignorant social/political/cultural/religious conservative dogma that belongs back in the Middle Ages.   

By the way, I don't subscribe to any of those economic philosophies you mentioned either. Too rigid and inflexible and more a reflection of the contemporary socio-economic time period each one was published in. While the maths behind financial analysis is interesting (eg: Black-Scholes equation === Heat-Diffusion-Convection equation in physics), economics is not a science.

Vaccines aren't some "Big Pharma" conspiracy. They save lives. Only have to look at what happened in Samoa back in 2019 when anti-vaxxers got to the population and caused a reduction in vaccination rates for measles. Next minute, a measles outbreak resulting in 83 dead with most of them being kids under the age of 5. Anti-vaxxers are scum!  :thumbsdown

Surely you're not pro-Putin then?  :help That gangster is on a mission to send Russia back to dark ages and wipe out as many Ukrainians in the process. His 3-day planned invasion of Ukraine is now over 500 days and with 240,000 casualties of his own troops and counting. Not that Putin and his criminal thugs care. The same thug regime that shot down MH17 killing Aussies.

ps. Our website host for some reason (anti-spam?) doesn't like the word se-x lol.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2023, 05:32:07 AM by mightytiges »
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Offline Francois Jackson

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #6050 on: July 20, 2023, 04:05:19 PM »

Frankly it's an insult to everyone's intelligence and he would've been banned long ago on most other boards because it's textbook spamming & troll behaviour - he's probably doing the same thing on bomberblitz for we all we know. And yes I dare say you wouldn't tolerate any of that if he was doing it on behalf of the other side of politics. :shh

Fair points you made in the majority of your post and appreciate your feedback when it comes in a balanced form so we will take it on board

But I have to say I find the bit I've highlighted laughable. Just looking at the last few months we didn't remove

or from as recently as yesterday

or from your good self Dio

what about

So please don't suggest for a minute it is because he is posting Labor leaning articles. If he was posting LNP leaning they still be here.

I would very much like to see more commentary fromt he other side of politics, just without the snide insults towards other posters but genuine discussion.

lovely of you to point out the ones that were kept (by accident is my guess) please show us the ones that were deleted like the recent ones :shh :shh

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Offline WilliamPowell

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #6051 on: July 20, 2023, 08:26:15 PM »

Frankly it's an insult to everyone's intelligence and he would've been banned long ago on most other boards because it's textbook spamming & troll behaviour - he's probably doing the same thing on bomberblitz for we all we know. And yes I dare say you wouldn't tolerate any of that if he was doing it on behalf of the other side of politics. :shh

lovely of you to point out the ones that were kept (by accident is my guess) please show us the ones that were deleted like the recent ones :shh :shh

I really wish you'd read things thoroughly before you go ahead with your potting of me

Let me go through it for you, if you don't mind

If you look at Dio's final comment to me (included in the above quote) he said "I dare say you wouldn't tolerate any of that if he was doing it on behalf of the other side of politics"

My reply was that I thought that comment was laughable because as the examples I posted clearly show when people post about the "other side of politics" and they don't get removed

The examples have absolutely nothing to do with the posts that have been removed because they were clearly baiting of another poster

So your pot shot at me comparing what has been removed to the examples I posted isn't valid. 2 totally different types of posts
"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

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Offline 1965

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #6052 on: July 25, 2023, 11:30:56 AM »
Poor old Mr Potato Head is in trouble again.

The Home Affairs Department handed a multimillion-dollar offshore detention contract to an Australian businessman just one month after federal police told then minister Peter Dutton that the man was under investigation for bribery.
Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....

Offline Chuck17

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #6053 on: July 25, 2023, 01:12:23 PM »
Hows the voice campaign going, thrown many dollars in?

Offline 1965

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #6054 on: July 25, 2023, 08:22:27 PM »
Hows the voice campaign going, thrown many dollars in?
Not campaigning. Both campaigns are well funded.
Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....

Offline 1965

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #6055 on: July 29, 2023, 02:23:10 PM »

Is this a good step from Dictator Dan?

Victoria will ban gas connections in new homes from next year, the state government has announced.

The government said from January 1, 2024, planning permits for new homes and residential subdivisions, including public and social housing, will only connect to all-electric networks.

All new public buildings, such as schools, hospitals, police stations and government-owned buildings, that are yet to reach a design stage must also be all-electric, effective immediately.
Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #6056 on: July 29, 2023, 05:08:55 PM »
He's done so well, we should all probably write him a letter congratulating him on this. I stand with Dan
I work in Africa and they were taking the pee out of me for saving Africa.......
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Offline 1965

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #6057 on: August 03, 2023, 09:33:02 AM »

Just how corrupt was the Morrison government?

An Australian consulting firm has secretly claimed having unfettered access to high-ranking defence and national security agencies gave it privileged insights about information such as the forward plans of federal government departments that could be used to win more work.

The claim was made in a confidential document prepared by consulting company Noetic – a firm that has won Defence and Home Affairs contracts worth tens of millions of dollars – as it sought to attract the interest of a purchaser in 2018.

Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....

Offline Chuck17

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #6058 on: August 03, 2023, 12:18:06 PM »
I think most people are living in the here and now.

For example;

* What political influence did the labour party have on the DPP in the alleged Higgins incident
* Why has Albo pushed a racially divisive referendum on the Australian public to fulfil his boyhood activist dream

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #6059 on: August 04, 2023, 12:51:35 AM »

Just how corrupt was the Morrison government?

If comparing to the Andrew’s government , about 1 out of 10