everyone who likes D Trump is considered a right wing fool. racist, bigot and the rest. Dont you know this Damo?
anyway they can clrawl into their little hole because he is making a difference.
Sort of like anyone who doesn't like or support him is leftist and woke moron/fool right?
I agree he and his right arm Elon Musk are certainly making a difference
And any comment around the fact that 38 of his executed orders in his first fortnight are straight out of Project 2025 you know that pesky little report one of his major backers put together and that he supposedly has never read? Coincidence I'm guessing ?
Been a while.
Anyway, Dutton is no Trump.
And Australia is not the USA.
USA has a whole lot more right wing idiots than we do.
Anyway that's my hope.
These are really silly statements. . Dutton's current strong position has nothing to do with Trump
It has to do with 2 things
1/ The fact that many voters have no clue what the current PM stands for. Before the last election it was clear, since the referendum he has turned to jelly and has shown very little leadership. It is only in the last couple of weeks he's decided to actually start looking and sounding like a leader.
2/ Dutton is playing the same game Abbott did which was as Groucho Marx sang back in the 1930's in the movie Horse Feathers "Whatever it is, I'm against it". He like Abbott before him doesn't need to do much else as he's telling people what they want to hear. And that's you're worse off and it's their fault.
When people are pi--ed off with their lot in life they will listen to the people who reinforce how tough things are, even if the same people are partially responsible for how tough things are due to their mismanagement of the economy.