1. Winner and margin? Tigers by 47 Jack goes berzerk
2. Best 3 Tigers? cotch, dustin, jack (lids, tuck, concs, grimey maric ....
3. What surprising thing will happen during the game? Bombers fans won't have smug looks on their faces.
4. After the match, the media will say ....? If it wasn't a football match, Richmond would be facing a war crimes tribunal for the with which they put 'General McArthy' and his army to the sword.
5. Crowd prediction? ~90k
6. If we win, I will .....? Sing "see the Tigers fly up UP to win the PREEEM Yer ship flaaaag" in my bomber mates face, clap a few arseholes out make a prick of myself, throw stuff, vomit, same as I do if we lose, get stuffed.