I don't sit with any squad, but I 200% agree. There are literally thousands of other places to sit. Tossers.
Hold on a tick
What about innocent people that have to walk to the exit points only to have idiots going off there head F this and F that.
Got no issue with singing songs , but when you get drunken imbeciles who cant stand up getting involved, something has to give
Yeah fair call, but I'm talking in reply to Flags' mention of sitting near them. There are always going to be isolated incidents and has nothing to do with any particular groups other than some people are just eff wits.
This reminds me of about 6 or 7 years ago with a couple live music venues that had separate drinking rooms/floors. There was a period where a string of complaints were coming through saying that a bunch of bands were too offensive (we're from the extreme heavy metal scene) and the punters were typically non-sociable types. The request was for our sorts of bands not allowed to be played there at certain times. Despite complaining in the local street beat newspapers and such, the club owners ended up telling these mobs to eff off and drink somewhere else.
The moral of the story was if you go to a particular kind of place then expect the chance of running into a particular kind of behavior. In this case, it's tens of thousands of individuals with different backgrounds and values spectating professional sport in the evening where alcohol is served. Personally, I've never had an issue. It's unfortunate for WP that he had to be the victim of an isolated case. It's where the security and supervision needs to be stepped up. If it were me I'd of just punched the prick. But that's also why I don't drink at the footy.