I was dead against us selling off our home games to Cairns from the outset, and I haven't changed my position on it one little bit.
I was against it too
But we did sell the games and the trade off for us was we only had to play them once a season
So I don't think we can sook or complain about it now
Hang on, I haven't heard this one before. Am I getting this right? Are you saying that part of the "incentive" for us selling off our home game (aside from the 500 grand) was that we only had to play the GC once??? If that is the case, this was all the more reason NOT to sell off our home games. The fact is we only have a short little window of opportunity to inflict some pain, and feast on points and percentage on these ridiculous franchise clubs, before all the cream of the draft the AFL has gifted them develops physically, and they start handing out some payback. So while all the other clubs were drawing them twice and having a feast, we were basically playing them once in some far-flung Turkish bath, and having our asses handed to us on a plate, all for a few lousy dollars. Yeah, nice plan Richmond