From twitter tonight. Jacko apparently saw his life flash before him at one stage while surfing down at Torquay with a few of the boys
Ben Griffiths @bgriffo24
"Great day with @dastbury12 @DanJackson23 @nickvlastuin down at torquay! Jacko saw the light at one point @ripcurl should get around us 🏄🏄 "Dan Jackson @DanJackson23
"@bgriffo24 @dastbury12 @nickvlastuin thank god for the breath-holding lessons from @Mark__Visser or I'd have been a goner! #bigwavesurfing "David Astbury @dastbury12
"@bgriffo24 @danjackson23 shown up by @nickvlastuin #canshred #hellgoofy "Ben Griffiths @bgriffo24
"@dastbury12 @danjackson23 @nickvlastuin ken oath! The boy can paddle #hisshouldersdontfatigue "Ben Griffiths @bgriffo24
"@DanJackson23 @dastbury12 @nickvlastuin @mark__visser next time ill bring my jet ski and tow us out #myshouldersdontagreewithpaddling "