Welcome everyone to One-Eyed Richmond's Tiger Forum Cheers from mightytiges and WilliamPowell.
Nick V 37Dustin M 23
Quote from: Bene Boy on February 25, 2014, 11:01:10 AMNick V 37Dustin M 23Funny thing IP adresses
Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....
NV 36Dustbin 24 I reckon if Dusty hits 30-30 we call it a draw. I feel bad for running this anti-Flossy campaign.
Quote from: tigs2011 on February 25, 2014, 10:51:45 AMNV 36Dustbin 24 I reckon if Dusty hits 30-30 we call it a draw. I feel bad for running this anti-Flossy campaign. Don't feel bad brother, let Coach Davey take the heat. The score was 57-3 then boom! Coach votes for Dusty and we've got a contest on our hands. I am a leader of men.