I'll play Devils Advocate initially, where in 2009 when we lost to the Dees in rd 4 to go 0-4 Gary March came out and made some comment regarding Wallace possible future and we all lost it arguing that's why we are a basket case on and off the field and we can't keep the clubs inner thoughts in house blurting to the media whether planned or through a leak. Silence at 2-2 is golden at this stage. She doesn't need to say anything right now given that Benny was on Farce Classified last night and whilst 2-2 is not perfect given our early season draw and where we want to be right now in terms of wins despite our justified anger we are not at the 2004/07/09 stage as yet.

What I do agree with most posters here is that we are a big club with 68k members and we need to act like it on and off field. What we lack is prescence on and off field. We are too conservative off field. Whether its the Pres or the CEO we need someone with real gonads that when they talk they are heard, someone who can talk the talk and walk walk the walk. Like Jeff Kennett for instance. Sadly this person does not exist on the board or in the corporate offices there or if they do they are towing the company line atm and are silent. No industry influence reflects on the club both on and off field and regardless of how many members we have or how full the coffers are we will fall short in the greater scheme of things which ultimately is winning a Premiership.
I don't care whether a man, a woman, a cat, a dog or a monkey smoking a Cuban is Pres or will hold that role I have discussed earlier but being tokenistic is sadly too often a occurrence at RFC both on field and lamentably off it, abiding by current trends doesn't help get results either. As with the on and off field fortunes if I or something I am associated with is destined to fail I would rather fail trying something than failing by doing the same thing over again expecting a different result, or doing nothing and fearing the worst like a deer in the headlights or worse still being reactionary to an external influence and not knowing how to proactively seek an answer or the direction you need to take. Lamentably this applies to the RFC regardless of who the Pres or the CEO is and has for more than 30 years.

To succeed you have to also understand that you may fail. Sadly we don't want to fail or are afraid of failure and as a result we can't find the formula or blueprint for success.