Author Topic: Richmond president Peggy O’Neal says Tigers united behind coach Hardwick (H-Sun)  (Read 20691 times)

Offline 1980

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I don't want Hardwick sacked, a contract is a contract and it must be honoured.....

Of course it must. Of course
It's pretty hard to attract quality coaches to your club if you are renown for breaking contracts. That's why bomber knocked us back. It's also an expensive exercise. And call me old fashioned but I think if you offer a contract, you should honour it.

Great logic. How on earth did Freo get Ross Lyon after they broke Mark Harvey's contract? How did Melbourne attract Paul Roos after they broke Mark Neeld's contract?
My logic is not based on what Fremantle and Sydney have done, its based on what we have done. Fact is, we got Hardwick because no-one else wanted us. We had to offer Wallace 5 years because he needed some security in case he got the green grass. Our reputation for sacking coaches has hurt us, financially and as a career prospect.

Are you serious? We had both Hinkley and Richardson apply for the job and were shortlisted. We picked Hardwick over both of them!!!

Offline Hard Roar Tiger

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often, opinions impart more knowledge about the person that made them rather than the subject they are formed about.

Sometimes. Sometimes a lack of opinion but a lot of talk and background noise paints a pretty accurate picture too.

The psychology is fascinating  :)

You two should "get a room fun boys"  ;D
“I find it nearly impossible to make those judgments, but he is certainly up there with the really important ones, he is certainly up there with the Francis Bourkes and the Royce Harts and the Kevin Bartlett and the Kevin Sheedys, there is no doubt about that,” Balme said.

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My logic is not based on what Fremantle and Sydney have done, its based on what we have done. Fact is, we got Hardwick because no-one else wanted us. We had to offer Wallace 5 years because he needed some security in case he got the green grass. Our reputation for sacking coaches has hurt us, financially and as a career prospect.

Absolutely agree with this.

We (supporters) can argue as much as we like that we haven't sacked a coach for over a decade.

Yes Wallace "resigned", Frawley saw out his contract.

But the fact remains our reputation in the 20-30 years prior defined our Club and it has impacted on our ability to attract people to our Club.

As for fence sitting. Do I think Hardwick will take us to a flag? No I don't but as Yeahright said I cannot see the point of getting rid of him now, mid season. It achieves nothing but the normal carry on about the RFc sacking coaches.

Let's get through the season and see where we are, what we have achieved and then make a decision

It has in the past impacted our ability to attract people to the club. We certainly would not have had Frawley as coach if we didnt have the reputation, but we have had our pick of coaches with Wallace (we beat out his old club Hawthorn for him) and Hardwick as well as assistants etc.

We more than any other club have consecutively given 3 different coaches a chance to build a team over 5 years. I doubt that kind of reputation puts off people coming to the club today.

Online Francois Jackson

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Not sure WP has has enough sleep 1980 is spot on. Who wouldn't knock back a 5 year deal for doing SFA which the last 3 have done. I can only think if bucks declining the job but his pies job was already signed up.

Sack him now and we are in the running for Worsfold. His the man IMO to turn this disaster of a club around

We are avoiding the inevitable which will come anyway so send him on his way
Currently a member of the Roupies, and employed by the great man Roup.

Jackstar is back!!!

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There are 3 Certainties in life
Sun will rise in the morning
Mick will get the flick on Monday
Peggy won't be at Punt Rd in 2016 ;)

The Sun has risen today
Bring on Monday #byemick

Jackstar is back!!!

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There are 3 Certainties in life
Sun will rise in the morning
Mick will get the flick on Monday
Peggy won't be at Punt Rd in 2016 ;)

Monday? I was thinking Tuesday myself

As for 2016, reckon unless she's planning on quitting she ain't going anywhere  ;D

Malcolm Speed

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There are 3 Certainties in life
Sun will rise in the morning
Mick will get the flick on Monday
Peggy won't be at Punt Rd in 2016 ;)

Monday? I was thinking Tuesday myself

As for 2016, reckon unless she's planning on quitting she ain't going anywhere  ;D

Malcolm Speed

Are you implying a challenge from Mr Speed?

Aint going to happen
"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)

Offline Phil Mrakov

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There are 3 Certainties in life
Sun will rise in the morning
Mick will get the flick on Monday
Peggy won't be at Punt Rd in 2016 ;)

Monday? I was thinking Tuesday myself

As for 2016, reckon unless she's planning on quitting she ain't going anywhere  ;D

Malcolm Speed

Are you implying a challenge from Mr Speed?

Aint going to happen
I reckon he doesn't rate Peggy Sue
hhhaaarrgghhh hhhhaaarrggghhh hhhhaaaarrrggghh

No More

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There are 3 Certainties in life
Sun will rise in the morning
Mick will get the flick on Monday
Peggy won't be at Punt Rd in 2016 ;)

Monday? I was thinking Tuesday myself

As for 2016, reckon unless she's planning on quitting she ain't going anywhere  ;D

Malcolm Speed

should have got the job the last time.


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I was hoping Speed would get it the first time round, not concerned with O'Neal either way. I'm happy for someone to run the club like a business, with their head and not their heart, as long as there is a please explain directed at the football side when needed when that department isn't pulling their weight.

Online Francois Jackson

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I was hoping Speed would get it the first time round, not concerned with O'Neal either way. I'm happy for someone to run the club like a business, with their head and not their heart, as long as there is a please explain directed at the football side when needed when that department isn't pulling their weight.

like now you mean? She has already spoken and its far less convincing that one of claw's post match essays. She's gotta go

Currently a member of the Roupies, and employed by the great man Roup.

Offline YellowandBlackBlood

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Well Peggy has done well over the last 4 weeks. With that hamstring injury behind her, she has helped the tiges get over the line against more fancied opponents.

She puts more intense training as the reason for the turn around in form,  "Damian told be just to go out and enjoy myself on the ground.  I've done just that and it has eerily silenced all the critics!"

Benny Gale has been elated with the turn around in the president's fortunes too. "We knew she had it in her. We knew she could turn the ship around!"    :snidegrin :snidegrin :snidegrin
« Last Edit: June 07, 2015, 06:48:25 PM by YellowandBlackBlood »
OER. Calling it as it is since 2004.

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