Author Topic: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron  (Read 239238 times)

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #525 on: December 12, 2015, 08:16:47 AM »
Another day another half a Hun of bollocks loo paper
Then he grabbed two chopsticks and stuck them in his mouth , pretending to be a walrus

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #526 on: December 12, 2015, 08:19:03 AM »
This whole thing is giving me the runs
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If Damian Barrett had a brain
Then its made of sh#t" Dont Argue - 2/8/2018

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #527 on: December 12, 2015, 08:53:36 AM »
Looks like she is out for his blood
Lots of people name their swords......

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #528 on: December 12, 2015, 08:57:01 AM »
But hird was guilty

And Hird never admitted guilt
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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #529 on: December 12, 2015, 09:00:57 AM »
*Woman is at restaurant and beckons a drunk over to her table to tell him to calm down.

*Drunk unsuspectingly obliges and is met with authoritative belligerence.

*Drunk reacts verbally.No physical contact is made.

*Woman makes official complaint to employer of drunk. (Victim)
(Would you bother if her worked at Coles)

*Woman then launches verbal attack on employer via willing media outlets
Claiming, "The investigation has been seriously flawed." (victim)

*Woman advises AFL by saying  - "The AFL need to overhaul their process so the focus is on a victim’s welfare and not the branding of the league.’’
(she certainly has recognised herself as a Victim)

*Woman accuses AFL and RFC of falsifying legal statements.

*Woman continues to elaborate on the 5 seconds in Question -
“I felt heavily leaned on to water down how threatened and intimidated I felt on the night,’’ she told a friend
Caracella and Balmey.

Offline Penelope

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #530 on: December 12, 2015, 09:07:16 AM »
TBH if my daughters came home and told me they asked a drunk man to be quiet I would have told them that that was a very stupid thing to do. Drunk people do not understand reason. There is no point confronting them as long as you have a choice not to. If a drunk person is disturbing you at your gathering then alert management and let them deal with the issue. If they refuse to do anything, my advice would be to leave. People who are drunk or are on drugs often do not know what they are doing. If my daughters did what that Ch7 producer did, I'd be horrified and upset with their stupidity. Imagine if this person was your usual unknown, you would never be able to do anything about it and you just don't know what they were really capable of. And that's the truth.

Imma call you out on that one, I think that's rubbish. You'd support your daughters to the absolute fullest, regardless of the circumstances, like many are calling for the club to do with dusty.

Just one quick point. Whilst I agree with the people needing street smarts, assessing situations, destressing scenarios and avoiding dangerous ones, isn't it a poor reflection on society that the drunk trouble maker walks away not realising the danger he's put everyone in by getting him/herserf that innibriated, whilst the bystanders are the ones who have to diffuse all the potential dangers. The perpetrator doesn't feel any negative effects other than a filthy hangover and a wry grin whilst the retelling of the previous nights events are exposed; the rest of us have to put up with the status quo simply because its the smarter way to do things.

wow. that is your most ridiculous post ever, which is saying something, from start to finish.

Nah, dusty is not feeling any repercussions at all. :wallywink

perhaps start thinking things through rather than just spouting any garbage that fits in your ideology?
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways my ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
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Yahweh? or the great Clawski?

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #531 on: December 12, 2015, 09:58:30 AM »
This is just such a joke now.

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #532 on: December 12, 2015, 10:10:48 AM »
You forgot the bit where she threatened to exploit her role in the media and expose his behavior on the 600 news
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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #533 on: December 12, 2015, 10:49:47 AM »

WP, appreciate your thoughts but we may have to agree to disagree. If this was your own son would you be supporting a 10 year jail term? If it was murder would you support having your own son suffer capital punishment?

Surely not. Punishment in no way fits the crime, nor does missing any games of AFL and have the club suffer, the fans suffer and the sport. Far too long the media have dictated terms. Never disputing he made a mistake and needs some consequence but I'm not interested in throwing him under a bus like a lot on here. He's one of our own and I don't apologise for supporting him and thinking of his welfare before the welfare of the supposed victim. As I said, the media are against him, there is enough support for the hanging of Dusty it's OK for some RFC supporters to do the opposite. If Dusty commits suicide over this absolute nonsense, who will feel guilty, the media the supporters? Ironic the term 'support'. It's only a matter of time till a sports figure does this, it's not sensationalising anything.

Rose Batty case is an awful one, it was pathetically handled. But you missed my point. On one hand we have serious cases being pushed aside and 'bail' been given to offenders yet the whole country is up in arms about 4 drunken words. What about the little folk who do it 100 times as tough as this 'victim'. Where are the media for these people, the real issues? Why on earth are we supporting Dusty punishment who will end up being an absolute poster lamb to the slaughter against this enormous and disgusting issue of violence against woman. I'm all for doing everything we can to stop this, all for it. But in no way am I supporting Dusty being thrown under a bus to help it's cause over a drunken grumble. Sorry that is not right. If he physically did something, spat, pulled hair or clothing or anything physical well that'd be a different story.

What Dusty has allegedly said, happens all the time, it's not about whether it should be accepted whether it's on Chapel, King or Flinders St or the train lines. Nor do I condone it, I'm just not at all interested in having our best player be thrown under a bus as a scapegoat to make a point that this behaviour is wrong. Dusty is a human being and his well being, as well as the womans, is what is important not the pathetic attempt to make a scapegoat and point. Annoyingly, it seems some supporters have missed the mark IMO.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 11:41:26 AM by Popelord »
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Offline Stalin

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #534 on: December 12, 2015, 10:57:18 AM »
Then he grabbed two chopsticks and stuck them in his mouth , pretending to be a walrus

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #535 on: December 12, 2015, 10:58:15 AM »
Final thoughts WP,

Ask yourself how different the media scourge would be if Dusty actually whacked this woman. At first you think, it would be chaos. People would be asking for season bans, maybe life bans, police would be involved, the woman would be interviewed and be kept anonymous, there would potentially be a picture of Dusty in the back of a divvy van if charged...

Then think, how different is that to what is happening now?

The media would have looooved Dusty to have laid a hand on the 'victim' it would have been the story for the entire off season. Yet they are still treating it as such. I refuse to be a Richmond supporter who feeds this. Thats my point. You may say you aren't either and others as well but it reads like you are. I've read we want Dusty to 'learn his lessons' and 4-6 weeks missing football is adaquete punishment etc.

We must be accountable for our behaviour but we also need to factor in consequences and purpose. How will taking football away from Dusty help the situation at all? You can ban him from going out and drinking but it won't fix the problem. He'll drink by himself. Missing games of footy is pointless and irrelevant punishment.
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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #536 on: December 12, 2015, 11:06:55 AM »

I posted the other day and the silence was deafening to be honest but I asked the following

"How would people feel if it was their partner, parents, kids who came home and told you that this had happened to them. Don't think there is too many of us who would say you should have minded your own business, laughed it off or said you deserved it "bitch"."

I get that I am in the minority here but I still think his actions on the night were stupid

In all honesty,

If it were I, a daughter, wife, sister anyone I would be thinking 'Thankfully I'm still here to complain about how poorly some people treat others'

I'd also be highlighting that you steer clear of intoxicated people and let authorities handle their behaviour. We are told at the MCG that any abusive language is to be texted to authorities. Properly handled. Never approach a drunken Collingwood supporter when 10 goals down.

If I'm at a restaurant and someone is being offensive, loud or whatever it isn't rocket science to go to the security guards and say 'Hey this guy has had to much to drink and needs to be removed otherwise we are leaving'.

Common sense.
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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #537 on: December 12, 2015, 11:13:21 AM »
When was the last time you were on a train in a lower socio economic area?

I take it your are referring to my comment about Werribee station?

I live out that way so I am well aware of the problems, what goes on.

Actually had a family member involved in an incident a couple of weeks ago but I wont go into the details as I am sure people will just say as she & her son weren't physically harmed it's nothing and they probably deserved it. She reported it to the cops by the way

My "Stupid comment" was in relation the bit I've got highlighted in bold

"Take a trip on the Werribee train line, this happens every... single...  day and is recorded.. nothing is done about it."

Your moral crusade is quite touching but let's keep in mind , as far as I know dusty not smashed anyone with a cricket bat. You are flying off an a non relevant tangent. He's a bloke that didn touch a lady. As much as you'd like it to be symbolic of societies long standing issues.

My moral crusade? Please.... I don't think believing that treating people with respect and not advocating violence is a moral crusade. I didn't bring up Rosie Battie - others have. I was responding to that. Why did Pope bring her into his post? Using your logic Pope was "flying off on a non relevant tangent". Unless of course "non relevant tangents" don't apply if one is defending and praising Dusty's behaviour
For mine the footy club can worry about footy and the police can worry about police things. They are people not superheros. As flawed and you or has been pontes out there are dozens or worst acts, by fellow afl people that seemingly go very lightly punished

And I said(if you bothered to actually read what I wrote) that I believe that the actions taken against other players (you know ox's long list) highlights how badly and poorly the AFL & their Clubs handled those situations. They got off lightly

'Nothing is done about it'

It's not a stupid comment WP when you compare it to what is being done about it in the media to Dusty's situation.

Can't deny plenty is being done about the Dusty case. Yet to the numerous occasions that happen on public transport from sexiest, to intimidation to racism nothing is done/mentioned what so ever.
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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #538 on: December 12, 2015, 11:18:40 AM »
Only really one question for Rita and it's a question I asked on day 1

And that is ...

If the "victim" was so distraught, anger, scared, terrified then why didn't she go to the cops herself. Why did she wait until work on Monday?

But as Penelope has already pointed out, we may have to thank Rita of this ends up in court as a criminal case, she's done a fantastic job of prejudicing this case  :shh

What makes me sick is the 'Violence against Women' brand has been labelled on Dusty. This will stay with him forever. Even if it comes out the woman has lied. You google AFL - Violence against woman and Dusty images will pop up.

I find this awful, based on the fact that the abuse was verbal and drunkenly baseless.

In no way do I condone what Dusty did, no way to I accept violence or abuse - physical or verbal but Dusty is being treated so unfairly and can never be undone.

Stephen Milne case and point, regardless of whether he was guilty or not will always be seen as the 'AFL rapist case'. I'm saddened to think this will be Dusty's label for the rest of his career and it's a heavy label for something I personally has been blown out of the water.
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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #539 on: December 12, 2015, 11:20:48 AM »
I'll play devils advocate here and say this. Why is her approaching Martin instead of the cops/management a bad thing? Maybe she had genuinely good intentions of giving him a heads up to pull his head in so someone else didn't end up going to the cops/managment and smearing his name. It was stupid no doubt seeing as Martin was drunk, but surely Martin has to be man enough to think "damn, maybe I am being a bit over the top" and just tone him self down. If he did that chances are no one would of heard a bleep out of this.

Stupid behaviour. Even if it was Mother Teresa bringing up a bottle of water, would anyone in their right mind after 3 shots go. 'Thank you'?

How can you expect a 24 year old, littered with tattoos, to take it well?
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