Peggy: Ben, the other team had more touchdowns again and from what I can gather the fans aren't rooting for us any more. What do you think we should do?
Benny: It's bloody aweful Peg, but we've got to stick fat, you know we can't show we've lost faith in the coach, the team, the structure or the plan. It's all about stability Peg, we've spoken about this before remember?
P: Oh yes, What if we talk about the Punt road redevelopment, won't that take their minds of the fact we didn't get the home run? It's certainly worked a treat last time with all those pretty pictures and all.
B: Not necessary Peg, AFL has already nipped it in the bud, but I've already got the ball rolling on the girls team. That should get the media off our backs in the short term at least, no worries there Peg.
P: that'll get their tails a waggin' no doubt! I like cheerleaders I used to be one back home I could show all the girls a thing or two. Give me an R....Give me an I....Give me a C....
B: (interrupting) ...yes yes I'm sure you were great Peg but we need you to talk about women's equality again and how good we are at being a female friendly club and good to the environment and we love muslims and we are good to the aborigines, you know that thing we do...
P: Give me an N.... Give me a D..... What does it spell? RICHMOND! Whoo hoooo! C'mon Tigers y'all! Woo hoo! Yeh!......Great times at Alpha Psi, golly just don't mention spring break to anyone. Woo hoo!
B: That's great Peg. Awesome stuff. Ok so this is going to be a tough week but we've got to be really stoic and let's just deflect as much as we can alright? The tiger supporters can be really brutal and the media love it. They'll be calling for our heads if we're not careful.
P: Like no wonder the boys are so tired out on that big field, I mean why wouldn't they just make the whole thing smaller so we can atleast get more baskets than the other team? Like it's just not fair if you ask me.