I have a question for Willy P - you constantly crap on about how people opposing the board know the issues but have no solutions - how the hell is that crap any different?
Without being pedantic what I "crap on about" as you put it is all these people who stand (which you conveniently forgot to mention that I've said i have no problem woth) is that they constantly tell us whats wrong but nver present a plan on how they intend to improve things. Never tell us how they can improve sponsorship, what football expertise they have, what their views on governance and how they handle that etc
With the cureent mob despite all their mistakes (of which there are many with that contract extension the biggest blunder) they have a score on the board in a number of areas they are a responsible for driving eg record sponsorship, improved governance, record membership, strategic planning etc.
While i know it pains people to want to give them credit for anything mainly due to the previously mentioned contract blunder this board have actually done a number of things that boards are supposed to do and have done them well.
Does that excuse the recent mistakes? No it doesn't. Does the board need some freash faces? Most probably yes but until someone puts forward a real alternative and that means putting forward something other a list moans and stating what blind Freddie can see then they actually offer us nothing new. Put simply any person who wants a place on that board needs to offer alot more than the stock standard sook fest