True or False ?
Richmond Club director Rod Dalton, is a senior partner at Ernst & Young.
True. But Dalton is one of a number of Board members. PricewaterhouseCoopers are the club's auditors so its not unusual for consulting work to be awarded to one of the other large professional services firms. I looked earlier, this job is only one of two that EY has done for RFC since 2014. Not that significant.
Can you really see EY saying "hey Rob you and your board buddies completely stuffed up". Claytons review from which Rob will get his commission.
You do understand how big EY is? And that it is broken up in the many different business units? And that although he is a Partner his area of discipline isn't the area that would be doing the consulting / review?
Last time I checked EY dont have a football business unit. As I said a Claytons review.
As I mentioned in my last post, EY has an engagement with RFC but, based on what I can see in the system, it does not appear to be football related.
Also, as WP mentioned, the partner running the active engagement is not Dalton. In fact, the service line doing the work is not even Dalton's service line. EY Partners are remunerated on a service line (not geographical) basis so Dalton has nothing to gain personally from EY doing this work (whatever it might relate to).